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New York Giants at Minnesota Vikings Post-Game Discussion

Eric from BBI : Admin : 1/15/2023 7:50 pm
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RE: At will get to write at least 2 playoff reviews  
jpkmets : 1/16/2023 11:26 am : link
In comment 15995843 Rudy5757 said:
This season after never writing one for the Giants. I think he may need more than 3 studs in this writeup and leave off the duds. There were some guys that made mistakes but also came up big.

My Studs 6 studs would be


Can I nominate Flott as a 7th stud. That pass defended was so key!
RE: The Vikes’ fans are accustomed  
jpkmets : 1/16/2023 11:27 am : link
In comment 15995921 bluefin said:
to 11 of 11 victories in close games - the Slayton drop probably felt to them as if everything was going according to cosmic design. Possibly one of the most epic letdowns in Minny history.

Especially with the phantom roughing call after the drop. It really felt like the momentum totally flipped. I think Flott’s break-up was a huge shock to them (and me after watching Graham’s two-minute defense for years - so glad he walked).
RE: RE: Man, I’m still beaming a little  
jpkmets : 1/16/2023 11:31 am : link
In comment 15996396 SirLoinOfBeef said:
In comment 15996121 jpkmets said:


Tough week, lost-my brother-in-law really unexpectedly Tuesday night. Been with my sister and mom just helping sis through the shock. Finally have things ok enough to watch the game and had two close pals over. Just great to escape into a GIANTS PLAYOFF GAME was so helpful.

I loved the offensive game calling tonight. More downfield passing than at any point in the season. More Saquon as receiver and more designed runs.

Great pickup of Hodgins by Schoen in-season. Just everything coming together at the best possible time. Would love to end the Birds in that shithole on Saturday.

My condolences to you and your family. Find solace where you can.

Thanks, Loin. Giants really did me a solid yesterday. Heading back to my sister’s now with a lot more energy to support her in any way possible. I think it’s important for the support cast (I loved the guy but I can process that later) to do things like the gym or see friends that allow them to kinda refuel and have more to give. I have great friends who showed up with pizza and all that jazz and I couldn’t have been more grateful. Thanks to everyone commenting. This site is really a gem in so many ways beyond football.
Also shout out to O’Connell  
jpkmets : 1/16/2023 11:37 am : link
for that insane trick play attempt of passing back to Cousins on third down when the Vikings offense was humming pretty well. If anyone ever needs a textbook example of “getting too cute”, that’s it.

I’m gonna rewatch this game later tonight. Life is just way different when the Giants are in a playoff run. January seems like a cold eternity in NYC most years, but when we are in the hunt - and make no mistake, beating Philly is a very real possibility - the wind feels a little softer and the sun shines a little brighter.

Thanks Schoen/Dabs for giving us back the Giants!
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