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Honest answer, what were you thinking on 4th-and-1?

Eric from BBI : Admin : 1/15/2023 9:38 pm
with 3:28 left in the game and at our own 45 yard line?
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He’s got this.  
bluefin : 1/15/2023 9:56 pm : link
Go for it  
nygiants16 : 1/15/2023 9:56 pm : link
you are up 7, yes you are giving them field position if you dont get it but they still habe to put it in the endzone..

If they were up 3 or less or tied, punt the ball
With the rules that allow for pushing the QB on a sneak  
BlackLight : 1/15/2023 9:57 pm : link
it's somewhat difficult to justify punting.
A season and team-defining moment and the right call  
Y.A. : 1/15/2023 9:58 pm : link
We go for it and make it and win the way we got here. If we don’t make it (and they score) it has been a great year.
Loved it! Played to win!  
GiantBlue : 1/15/2023 9:58 pm : link
Balls of steel! Love this team!
I really was back and forth  
Matt M. : 1/15/2023 9:59 pm : link
But, felt like we really had to take that shot.
Go for it  
Scuzzlebutt : 1/15/2023 10:00 pm : link
Didn’t want them getting the ball again - regardless of where on the field.
Honest answer: I was thinking  
pjcas18 : 1/15/2023 10:00 pm : link
a lot of coaches punt that ball.

I was thinking I would not and I'm glad the Giants have a coach who did not because that's a call that gets second guessed if you lose and so many coaches would have managed that to the "safe" play.
I was hoping they’d go for it  
speedywheels : 1/15/2023 10:01 pm : link
He aggressive and win the game
My wife said “what are they gonna do?”  
cjac : 1/15/2023 10:01 pm : link
I said they’re gonna go for it just like they went for 2 in Tennessee
At that time, I was thinking punt...  
DefenseWins : 1/15/2023 10:01 pm : link
but I thought we needed a yard and a half.
I had zero doubt  
dlauster : 1/15/2023 10:01 pm : link
DJ would make that.
Logic says punt  
islander1 : 1/15/2023 10:02 pm : link
But I knew we wouldn't. It's not in this team's DNA.

We're going to die swinging this year. I'm at peace with it.
Ride or die.  
thefan : 1/15/2023 10:04 pm : link
I knew  
Mark from Jersey : 1/15/2023 10:04 pm : link
Dez Balls was going for it.
I said, out loud, and I quote...  
an_idol_mind : 1/15/2023 10:09 pm : link
I thought …  
Beezer : 1/15/2023 10:10 pm : link
Well, he went for the win against Tennessee, so while I think it’s a risk, I have to support it.
Going for it is essentially the correct move in almost every situation  
BH28 : 1/15/2023 10:10 pm : link
Check out this graphic from ESPN:

Coaches should essentially go for 4th and 1 pretty much all the time. However, in a game like today, being aggressive and going for it is just understanding the game flow.

If the score was like 6-3 and neither offense can move the ball, maybe you think about a punt, IMO.
Link - ( New Window )
Go for it  
Dave in PA : 1/15/2023 10:10 pm : link
Was the immediate thought and I usually second guess that immediately but there was only one option and that was to win the damn game right there and then
Said it then, go for it  
UConn4523 : 1/15/2023 10:12 pm : link
it’s what got us here. It’s what all the good coaches get right.
What I Texted A Friend  
Trainmaster : 1/15/2023 10:12 pm : link
Try to draw them off first. If it doesn’t work, I would punt.

That’s why Daboll’s a Head Coach and I’m a guy in his easy chair.

Go for it  
rasbutant : 1/15/2023 10:15 pm : link
With over 3mins Vikings had plenty of time to go 80+/- yards and probably use it all. If the giants didn’t make it Vikings have ball at mid field. If they score it would be quicker leaving time on the clock for the Giants to respond and kick winning field goal.

Giants are probably playing a bend but don’t break type of defense anyway so the middle yards are just chewing some time off the clock.

I felt they were going to go for it.  
MadPlaid : 1/15/2023 10:16 pm : link
Because it was the right move to make. Plus it helped that I was very confident they could make that yard. The Giants have a very good offense in spite of everything. Regardless, it was the right move to make because making plays like that is what winners do. Daboll is a winner.
I liked the call because of the time left on the clock  
aimrocky : 1/15/2023 10:16 pm : link
Vikings were going for a TD no matter what. If they had to go the length of the field, they likely run out the remaining 3+ minutes.
I wanted them to go for it, 100%  
j_rud : 1/15/2023 10:20 pm : link
The offense earned the right to go for it. They were phenomenal all day. Go for it and end the game.
No hesitation… go for it  
Rick in Dallas : 1/15/2023 10:25 pm : link
QB sneak was the play
RE: RE: If we punt, they are going to score  
djm : 1/15/2023 10:35 pm : link
In comment 15995872 Anakim said:
In comment 15995870 Tim in Eternal Blue said:



Same. Go for it.

Same same same
I was thinking  
ghost718 : 1/15/2023 10:48 pm : link
Daboll just handed in his resignation

But I didn't mind because I was going to quit watching football after that call on Dexter Lawrence.
RE: Reminded Me of the Tennessee Game  
PEEJ : 1/15/2023 10:56 pm : link
In comment 15995925 Samiam said:
Going for 2 to win the game.

4th & 1  
hopthered : 1/15/2023 11:03 pm : link
Loved the call to go for it. Even if they don't get it and subsequently give up the game tying TD, they'd likely still have time to win the game with the ball in their hands.
I was thinking this better work......  
Simms11 : 1/15/2023 11:04 pm : link
also that Dabs had a lot of confidence in the team to make it. Giants were the more physical team and they’ll need to be all that again next weekend too!
go for it.  
xtian : 1/15/2023 11:16 pm : link
too much time left on the clock and we were making plays.
RE: I missed the entire 4th qrtr.  
Lurts : 1/15/2023 11:17 pm : link
In comment 15995960 bradshaw44 said:
My 4 year old wanted me to play with him so I walked away and played with him. Figured the football gods would appreciate me doing the right thing and not turning my back on my son. In my 30s I probably don’t do that. But this is my little man. I was happy to do it and was rewarded handsomely with this win.

Good move. You cant dvr your kid.

Funny that you relate your choice dilemma/not dilemma on a thread that is roughly analagous.

Follow your gut usually is the winning play.
You go for it  
Gmanfandan : 1/15/2023 11:22 pm : link
You don't make it WORSE case is they get to TRY and tie the game and you go to over time - best case - game over.

Go for it….  
5BowlsSoon : 1/15/2023 11:26 pm : link
We don’t want to give them the ball back…remember, they are 11-0 in close games with all those comebacks.
Every one of my 4 buddies  
giantstock : 1/15/2023 11:58 pm : link
Agreed - ALL of us- before the play- GO FOR IT!

Giants were struggling to stop them. Game wasn't "over" if we didn't make it.

And just as Giants did in Week 1 -- PLAY TO WIN!!!

That's what Daboll is. It's why we love him.
Go for it  
illmatic : 1/16/2023 12:00 am : link
Since they had the 7 point lead. Worst case scenario if they don’t make it, Minny gets it back and ties the game. Maybe the Giants still have some time left after that. Seemed worth the risk to me.
Hindsight is 20/20.  
Rick5 : 1/16/2023 12:02 am : link
At the time, I thought it was a mistake and wanted them to punt.
First thought was Jacobs on 4th down  
BigBlue in Keys : 1/16/2023 12:06 am : link
Triple reverse  
Daniel in MI : 1/16/2023 12:23 am : link
Halfback option Statue of Liberty swinging gate fumblerooski flea flicker hook and lateral was the ONLY correct call there.

We almost blew it. Fire everyone.

It was a risk, but they had to go for it....  
George from PA : 1/16/2023 6:08 am : link
A vital play in the game...
had to go for it. it seemed like the last team with the ball would win  
Victor in CT : 1/16/2023 6:43 am : link
at that point.
I texted my brother and we agreed  
igotyourbackman : 1/16/2023 7:42 am : link
Go for it. Close it out. Playing with house money because this team wasn’t supposed to even be there. And remembering the 2 point conversion call from week 1 I knew Daboll would go for it too.
I had no problem with it as long as they didn’t do something dumb  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 1/16/2023 7:46 am : link
like another jet sweep. Bill Belichick and Tom Brady did this all the time, especially in their first decade at NE.

But it was definitely ballsy. I thought throwing on 3rd and 15 was insane, but it would’ve worked if Slay holds onto it.
I thought  
fkap : 1/16/2023 9:05 am : link
they were about to lose the game, with a TFL/no gain.
I had a bad feeling they weren't going to get it.  
Giantfan in skinland : 1/16/2023 9:14 am : link
But still was ok with the call because I felt like I'd rather the Vikes have a shorter field to drive in the hopes that we might get one last chance with the ball if/when they scored. All week, I really felt like this game was going to again come down to who had the ball last.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/16/2023 9:15 am : link
I was 100% going for it.
RE: I was thinking  
Carson53 : 1/16/2023 10:11 am : link
In comment 15996205 ghost718 said:
Daboll just handed in his resignation

But I didn't mind because I was going to quit watching football after that call on Dexter Lawrence.

That was a terrible call on Dexter, they should give the QB's
skirts out there, the way the game is called nowadays!
Fortunately they hung on there at the end.
I wanted them to go for it.  
NYG07 : 1/16/2023 10:43 am : link
DJ is a big dude. It is really hard to stop QB sneaks for less than a yard.
Going for it was the correct decision  
giantBCP : 1/16/2023 10:47 am : link
There wasn’t any doubt in my mind.
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