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Daniel in Kentucky : 1/18/2023 8:41 pm : link
The worst!
Agreed, hijacked EVERY DJ thread for years.
That guy can go f&*k off.
Now he wants to be friends and drink hot coco and share s’mores.
It’s one thing to post an opinion - but multiple times on nearly every thread for years is over the top.
Can you imagine sitting next to this guy at a giants game and he tells you 450,000 times how much Jones sucks for years. This guy is clueless.
RE: Producer  
Producer : 1/18/2023 8:56 pm : link
In comment 16001413 Daniel in Kentucky said:
The worst!
Agreed, hijacked EVERY DJ thread for years.
That guy can go f&*k off.
Now he wants to be friends and drink hot coco and share s’mores.
It’s one thing to post an opinion - but multiple times on nearly every thread for years is over the top.
Can you imagine sitting next to this guy at a giants game and he tells you 450,000 times how much Jones sucks for years. This guy is clueless.

That's ok, mac. I don't want your fucking smores. I'm talking about civil discourse. I'm not looking to be your pal. I can tell from your unfunny, self-satisfied and presumptuous drivel, you're not my kinda guy either.
bw in dc : 1/18/2023 8:57 pm : link
Nice post.

I will do my best to broker a deal with my wonderful friends in the DJFC and the BBI Monolith Society once this BBI Civial War ends with Daniel Jones... ;)
RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 8:58 pm : link
In comment 16001408 ryanmkeane said:
I took shit for years for defending Gettleman. I eventually got over it and said yeah, he’s bad.

It’s amazing to me that people just cannot accept the fact that they were absolutely dead wrong about Jones. Not only that, but the way you praise him now is so littered with “well he was great but let’s keep it up…” as if to say, I’m keeping this in my back pocket in case he sucks again.

All of you guys embarrassed yourselves over Jones. Stop pretending that you didn’t spend countless hours on this board shitting on him. Time to get over it. It’s fine. Nobody cares anymore - just move along.

I'm calling BS. You never got over being wrong about DG.
Just 2 days ago you were on here trying to relitigate his legacy saying he deserves credit for building this team through his drafts. Which is utter nonsense.

And you of all people to throw stones at people like bw, terps and producer when you do the exact same, just in the opposite direction.

I don't always agree with them (for example, I did think they were too harsh on Jones, I wasn't convinced one way or the other, there were flashes), but at least terps and bw try to bring some facts to the table, and try to be thoughtful. Rather than vomiting their completely unsupported nonsense opinions over and over just as often or even moreso.
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 9:04 pm : link
McL, you and others need to read what I’ve been saying. Clearly, you don’t really care to remember or you just want to keep saying this “DG legacy” thing as if to have that in your pocket as some ding against me.

As I said a million fucking times, DG was bad. But he drafted some GREAT players, which we have now. But everything else was very bad. Get that opinion through your skull because that is what I’ve been saying.

And no, for the last time, Terps did not add “facts” to the discussion. All he added was “Jones is horrible and will always be horrible.” He was a horrific poster and this message board is better without him.
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 9:07 pm : link
“You never got over being wrong about DG.”

I literally just said, I got over it. I admitted it, multiple times, throughout this year and most of last.

So, yeah, what else do you want me to say or do to get it through your head?
RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:11 pm : link
In comment 16001446 ryanmkeane said:
“You never got over being wrong about DG.”

I literally just said, I got over it. I admitted it, multiple times, throughout this year and most of last.

So, yeah, what else do you want me to say or do to get it through your head?

The problem with you when it come to DG is that you are not believable. You say this:

"DG was bad. But he drafted some GREAT players, which we have now."

Always a BUT...

DG was BAD... FULL STOP... No mitigations.

I used to be a regular poster here...  
Dan in the Springs : 1/18/2023 9:17 pm : link
but I backed off for a while because of the insistency, the certainty, and the non-stop criticism by the DJ critics left no room to breath. Mind you - these were not criticisms that in any way were couched - they were only stated as FACTS.

The arguments were old, stale, and tiresome. I wondered how those posters never got tired of their own opinions, because I sure grew tired of them.

I am mostly happy that the Giants are playing good ball and that the arrow is clearly pointed up right now. But I am also happy that coming on BBI and hearing from certain posters NON-STOP the same crap.
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 9:19 pm : link
if you think my opinion of DG sucks, wait until you read Sy’s.
RE: I used to be a regular poster here...  
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 9:19 pm : link
In comment 16001460 Dan in the Springs said:
but I backed off for a while because of the insistency, the certainty, and the non-stop criticism by the DJ critics left no room to breath. Mind you - these were not criticisms that in any way were couched - they were only stated as FACTS.

The arguments were old, stale, and tiresome. I wondered how those posters never got tired of their own opinions, because I sure grew tired of them.

I am mostly happy that the Giants are playing good ball and that the arrow is clearly pointed up right now. But I am also happy that coming on BBI and hearing from certain posters NON-STOP the same crap.

Dan - good to hear from you man. How you feeling about Saturday?
Turns out  
xman : 1/18/2023 9:23 pm : link
DJ did have the talent but it took coach Daboll going Lombardi on him to bring it out .
RE: I used to be a regular poster here...  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:28 pm : link
In comment 16001460 Dan in the Springs said:
but I backed off for a while because of the insistency, the certainty, and the non-stop criticism by the DJ critics left no room to breath. Mind you - these were not criticisms that in any way were couched - they were only stated as FACTS.

The arguments were old, stale, and tiresome. I wondered how those posters never got tired of their own opinions, because I sure grew tired of them.

I am mostly happy that the Giants are playing good ball and that the arrow is clearly pointed up right now. But I am also happy that coming on BBI and hearing from certain posters NON-STOP the same crap.

I also get tired of the idiocy of coming on football fan site for armchair fans and debating topics but infusing every debate point as the other party stating facts not opinions.


Get over yourself. With the exception a handful of insiders that have real inside information, there is nobody here, and I mean nobody that is doin anything but stating opinions. Pretty much everything you see here IS AN OPINION. Getting bent out of shape because it is stated with force is immature and intellectually dishonest.
I often got a accused of stating things as facts. One of the reasons I don't post here as much anymore. I will research a topic, present my opinion (always making it clear in was my opinion) but making a very strong case with backing evidence... People who held a different opinion and didn't want to give it up would constantly accuse me of stating my opinions as facts. Even though it was blatently false, and there in black and white.

Accusing people of stating opinions as fact is intellectually dishonest. It just means you are too lazy to go find the evidence that is going to support you opinion. So again, the next time you accuse somebody of stating opinion as fact, remember it is a message board, it is all opinion, and when you point htat finger there are 3 more point back at yourself!
ChrisRick : 1/18/2023 9:29 pm : link
One level of consistency on this forum is the lack of personal responsibility. Most criticism is pointed at others who then point right back at them, which seems quite common with a lot of topics. It is mostly everyone else’s fault, it’s them not me, etc. I think very very few times is anyone truly innocent when it gets nasty around here which is often. I certainly have been a part of it and have done my share of finger pointing while remaining quiet about my responsibilities.
christian : 1/18/2023 9:29 pm : link
I think it’s time to let him go guys. I know it’s hard. Maybe once a year, we can have a special day to remember him, and post our most hated memory. But it’s time to move forward. It’s what he would have wanted.
RE: McL  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:30 pm : link
In comment 16001463 ryanmkeane said:
if you think my opinion of DG sucks, wait until you read Sy’s.

I notice you still can't say that DG sucked. No BUTS.
RE: I used to be a regular poster here...  
Big Blue '56 : 1/18/2023 9:30 pm : link
In comment 16001460 Dan in the Springs said:
but I backed off for a while because of the insistency, the certainty, and the non-stop criticism by the DJ critics left no room to breath. Mind you - these were not criticisms that in any way were couched - they were only stated as FACTS.

The arguments were old, stale, and tiresome. I wondered how those posters never got tired of their own opinions, because I sure grew tired of them.

I am mostly happy that the Giants are playing good ball and that the arrow is clearly pointed up right now. But I am also happy that coming on BBI and hearing from certain posters NON-STOP the same crap.

Great post and I’m done..As I said the other day, everything I’ve said about how awful Terps was, I said to his face and agreed to not discuss anything with each other again..

And Dan you’re 100% correct, their opinions were most often STATED AS FACTS, no matter what they try to couch now..

Again, I’m done with the vitriol and will just revel in the joy our franchise QB has brought to me and others
RE: ...  
Brown_Hornet : 1/18/2023 9:31 pm : link
In comment 16001062 christian said:
I personally miss the BBI where strong stances like Go Terps's view on Jones were the norm and not the exception.

There was a time on this site where his opinions wouldn't have registered on the radar of stubbornness. Oh well.

As far as Jones -- I think many undersell the personal growth and commitment he's displayed this year. The principals at the team sure didn't think it was a given, this no 5th year option.

I think among the group of sane posters you have BB56 on one end who was confident under Daboll could grow into this guy, and JonC on the other who was skeptical.

Both perfectly defendable views going into 2022.
terps posts were based on emotion...
... To be sure he backed them up with analytics... But they were angry emotion.

If that's not accurate then it was simply angry emotion towards anyone who did not believe the same way that he did.

You are waxing poetic about b*******
RE: .  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:32 pm : link
In comment 16001472 ChrisRick said:
One level of consistency on this forum is the lack of personal responsibility. Most criticism is pointed at others who then point right back at them, which seems quite common with a lot of topics. It is mostly everyone else’s fault, it’s them not me, etc. I think very very few times is anyone truly innocent when it gets nasty around here which is often. I certainly have been a part of it and have done my share of finger pointing while remaining quiet about my responsibilities.

Daniel in Kentucky : 1/18/2023 9:32 pm : link
That's ok, mac. I don't want your fucking smores. I'm talking about civil discourse. I'm not looking to be your pal. I can tell from your unfunny, self-satisfied and presumptuous drivel, you're not my kinda guy either.

Even the owner of the site has called you out for being an asshole.
People stopped posting here because of your constant heckling.
So, fuck off!
DG will be even more vindicated  
djm : 1/18/2023 9:34 pm : link
When this team wins nfc east titles and a super bowl with about 12 or so of his players. And those 12 all flirting in the elite player category. You know who they all are.

We just need to let some more time elapse. Give it 2-3 years. His players are finally starting to take off, albeit 1-2 years later than we had hoped. Coaching is king.
RE: …  
The Mike : 1/18/2023 9:34 pm : link
In comment 16001403 ryanmkeane said:
The Mike, you’re full of shit. Just like Terps is. He absolutely did hate Daniel Jones, as did you.

I literally stated in my post that I have doubted for years what DJ was able to accomplish on Sunday. I never shit on the guy. In fact, I have never admired the character of a Giants player in my fifty years of fandom as much as I do that of DJ. I have simply doubted his ceiling as a passer. Which has been a legitimate issue for years until Brian Daboll came along.

Joe Schoen obviously doubted DJ's ceiling as well since he concluded that the prudent course of action last year was to not pick up DJ's fifth year option. I can only assume you think Schoen is full of shit and a DJ hater too...
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 9:36 pm : link
McL, DG sucked. I’ve said this numerous times. Are you grasping anything I’m saying?
It’s probably closer to 10 players  
djm : 1/18/2023 9:37 pm : link
And granted, DG was here a long time so he needed to have a few more singles and less big strike outs, and he doesn’t get pts for the head coaches hired here under his stewardship, but the legacy players (10 or so) sure will help.
christian : 1/18/2023 9:38 pm : link
I’ve come around to the view BW has always had — BBI is better when it’s a little heated.

Personally, my only line is just tell the truth.

Don’t make up facts, don’t misrepresent what you or others have posted, and stick by what you’ve said.

There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 9:38 pm : link
Again, Terps was so good at convincing others of his act that he even got Eric to say “Terps was right.”

A sad day that was.
RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:40 pm : link
In comment 16001485 ryanmkeane said:
McL, DG sucked. I’ve said this numerous times. Are you grasping anything I’m saying?

There is a first time for everything.

First time you said without a BUT.

Not on you, but of course we have djm just above touting DG vindication... And you wonder why other posters fire back with such force at you guys.
RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:44 pm : link
In comment 16001489 christian said:
I’ve come around to the view BW has always had — BBI is better when it’s a little heated.

Personally, my only line is just tell the truth.

Don’t make up facts, don’t misrepresent what you or others have posted, and stick by what you’ve said.

There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.

words to live post by
RE: RE: …  
Big Blue '56 : 1/18/2023 9:44 pm : link
In comment 16001483 The Mike said:
In comment 16001403 ryanmkeane said:


The Mike, you’re full of shit. Just like Terps is. He absolutely did hate Daniel Jones, as did you.

I literally stated in my post that I have doubted for years what DJ was able to accomplish on Sunday. I never shit on the guy. In fact, I have never admired the character of a Giants player in my fifty years of fandom as much as I do that of DJ. I have simply doubted his ceiling as a passer. Which has been a legitimate issue for years until Brian Daboll came along.

Joe Schoen obviously doubted DJ's ceiling as well since he concluded that the prudent course of action last year was to not pick up DJ's fifth year option. I can only assume you think Schoen is full of shit and a DJ hater too...

Schoen and Daboll DID NOT doubt DJ one way or the other. They knew nothing about him personally or professionally other than from some film..

I have been as big a DJ supporter as anyone and Felt not picking up his option was the right thing to do. They needed to see upclose and personal what they had..

Nothing to do with DJ’s ceiling and more to do about doing the prudent thing.
RE: RE: …  
christian : 1/18/2023 9:52 pm : link
In comment 16001502 .McL. said:
In comment 16001489 christian said:


I’ve come around to the view BW has always had — BBI is better when it’s a little heated.

Personally, my only line is just tell the truth.

Don’t make up facts, don’t misrepresent what you or others have posted, and stick by what you’ve said.

There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.

words to live post by

Happy New Year amigo!
RE: RE: RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:54 pm : link
In comment 16001522 christian said:
In comment 16001502 .McL. said:


In comment 16001489 christian said:


I’ve come around to the view BW has always had — BBI is better when it’s a little heated.

Personally, my only line is just tell the truth.

Don’t make up facts, don’t misrepresent what you or others have posted, and stick by what you’ve said.

There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.

words to live post by

Happy New Year amigo!

Always a pleasure...

Happy new your to you. And Happy Giants Jan 21st!
RE: …  
bw in dc : 1/18/2023 9:54 pm : link
In comment 16001489 christian said:

There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.

That phrase should be the BBI's version of All The News That's Fit to Print. And placed at the top of the page underneath The Corner Forum.

RE: …  
chick310 : 1/18/2023 9:55 pm : link
In comment 16001446 ryanmkeane said:
“You never got over being wrong about DG.”

I literally just said, I got over it. I admitted it, multiple times, throughout this year and most of last.

So, yeah, what else do you want me to say or do to get it through your head?

You have created posts in the last month or so saying Gettleman should actually be looked upon more favorably.

So your over being wrong twice?
RE: RE: RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:58 pm : link
In comment 16001505 Big Blue '56 said:
In comment 16001483 The Mike said:


In comment 16001403 ryanmkeane said:


The Mike, you’re full of shit. Just like Terps is. He absolutely did hate Daniel Jones, as did you.

I literally stated in my post that I have doubted for years what DJ was able to accomplish on Sunday. I never shit on the guy. In fact, I have never admired the character of a Giants player in my fifty years of fandom as much as I do that of DJ. I have simply doubted his ceiling as a passer. Which has been a legitimate issue for years until Brian Daboll came along.

Joe Schoen obviously doubted DJ's ceiling as well since he concluded that the prudent course of action last year was to not pick up DJ's fifth year option. I can only assume you think Schoen is full of shit and a DJ hater too...

Schoen and Daboll DID NOT doubt DJ one way or the other. They knew nothing about him personally or professionally other than from some film..

I have been as big a DJ supporter as anyone and Felt not picking up his option was the right thing to do. They needed to see upclose and personal what they had..

Nothing to do with DJ’s ceiling and more to do about doing the prudent thing.

I agree with you BB56. They had no personal experience with him. No idea how he dealt with in game stress, how well he could learn new stuff, like their system.
Did you read the piece about how Daboll leaked the offensive plays to Wink in preseason so that they always had the right defense. Daboll wanted to see how he handled adversity.
They needed that up close personal touch with him to make a good decision.
RE: …  
The Mike : 1/18/2023 9:58 pm : link
In comment 16001489 christian said:
I’ve come around to the view BW has always had — BBI is better when it’s a little heated.

Personally, my only line is just tell the truth.

Don’t make up facts, don’t misrepresent what you or others have posted, and stick by what you’ve said.

There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.

Exactly right, Christian. It is an opinion forum. The forum is best when every opinion is presented. I have become a much better student of the game because of BBI - both for the incredible expertise of many posters as well as the diversity of the many points of view. I don't understand why people complain about it getting heated. Isn't that why were here? Isn't that what makes compelling discussion - the free expression of different opinions on interesting football topics?

Whether you liked Terps or not, he was an interesting and knowledgable poster, challenged conventional wisdom and presented a balancing point of view. No one would remember him, let alone constantly bring him up on these threads, if that wasn't the case...
RE: RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 9:59 pm : link
In comment 16001531 bw in dc said:
In comment 16001489 christian said:


There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.

That phrase should be the BBI's version of All The News That's Fit to Print. And placed at the top of the page underneath The Corner Forum.

It should be the banner at the top of every thread. Big bold letters.
christian : 1/18/2023 10:08 pm : link
Also, how can we fight at a time like this. Rich is back dragging the Eagle.
RE: RE: RE: …  
Brown_Hornet : 1/18/2023 10:08 pm : link
In comment 16001505 Big Blue '56 said:
In comment 16001483 The Mike said:


In comment 16001403 ryanmkeane said:


The Mike, you’re full of shit. Just like Terps is. He absolutely did hate Daniel Jones, as did you.

I literally stated in my post that I have doubted for years what DJ was able to accomplish on Sunday. I never shit on the guy. In fact, I have never admired the character of a Giants player in my fifty years of fandom as much as I do that of DJ. I have simply doubted his ceiling as a passer. Which has been a legitimate issue for years until Brian Daboll came along.

Joe Schoen obviously doubted DJ's ceiling as well since he concluded that the prudent course of action last year was to not pick up DJ's fifth year option. I can only assume you think Schoen is full of shit and a DJ hater too...

Schoen and Daboll DID NOT doubt DJ one way or the other. They knew nothing about him personally or professionally other than from some film..

I have been as big a DJ supporter as anyone and Felt not picking up his option was the right thing to do. They needed to see upclose and personal what they had..

Nothing to do with DJ’s ceiling and more to do about doing the prudent thing.

Good post BB.
RE: RE: RE: “Haters” doesn’t actually mean hate  
CooperDash : 1/18/2023 10:10 pm : link
In comment 16001339 .McL. said:

All the people who are accused of being haters are thrilled to death that DJ is playing well. .

It’s hard to believe you can say this with a straight face. It’s also a completely false statement. All those haters have just shifted their commentary to backhanded compliments. Please show me one example where one of those haters stated (or even insinuated) they were thrilled to death that DJ is playing well.

“DJ played well BUT it was against a bad team.”
“DJ played well BUT missed some spots.”
“DJ played well BUT………”

Better yet, instead of buying into DJ and giving credit where credit is due, they mostly just sidestep being called out and make a corny joke. You can clearly see it in this tread as well. It’s disingenuous. I’d respect it more if they just came out and said “I was wrong”. But that’s just not the world we live in today.

Not a DJ fan right off the bat? That’s okay. But logic indicates that QBs need time to develop even in the perfect environment. DJ was in the worst possible situation to develop his first three years year but still showed growth and improvement. A lot of the railing away from haters the past few years was void of logic but we all had to suffer through it.

For the large amount of fans that stayed the course and suffered through years of their bullshit…I’m fine with some gloating. They’ve earned the right to gloat. And it’s a lot less fucking annoying than the constant negative drivel we’ve had to put up with from these malcontents. Gloat away!
RE: RE: RE: …  
The Mike : 1/18/2023 10:11 pm : link
In comment 16001505 Big Blue '56 said:
In comment 16001483 The Mike said:


In comment 16001403 ryanmkeane said:


The Mike, you’re full of shit. Just like Terps is. He absolutely did hate Daniel Jones, as did you.

I literally stated in my post that I have doubted for years what DJ was able to accomplish on Sunday. I never shit on the guy. In fact, I have never admired the character of a Giants player in my fifty years of fandom as much as I do that of DJ. I have simply doubted his ceiling as a passer. Which has been a legitimate issue for years until Brian Daboll came along.

Joe Schoen obviously doubted DJ's ceiling as well since he concluded that the prudent course of action last year was to not pick up DJ's fifth year option. I can only assume you think Schoen is full of shit and a DJ hater too...

Schoen and Daboll DID NOT doubt DJ one way or the other. They knew nothing about him personally or professionally other than from some film..

I have been as big a DJ supporter as anyone and Felt not picking up his option was the right thing to do. They needed to see upclose and personal what they had..

Nothing to do with DJ’s ceiling and more to do about doing the prudent thing.

I agree with you - it was absolutely the prudent thing to do. But it will now be viewed in hindsight as a massive error. Again, not his fault since the DJ we saw on Sunday is light years ahead of what he was his first three years...
Brown_Hornet : 1/18/2023 10:17 pm : link
...great post.
RE: …  
BigBlueShock : 1/18/2023 10:19 pm : link
In comment 16001489 christian said:
I’ve come around to the view BW has always had — BBI is better when it’s a little heated.

Personally, my only line is just tell the truth.

Don’t make up facts, don’t misrepresent what you or others have posted, and stick by what you’ve said.

There’s no prize for being right on BBI. The prize is debating and hopefully learning something about football.

I agree with you, as I usually do. You’re a fantastic poster. The only problem is that there are some posters here that think they are football savants and don’t know shit about football. Some of them on this thread. It’s tough to have discussions and “learn” anything from arrogant assclowns that think they are the smartest guys in the room, no matter what room they’re in, but in actuality don’t know shit. They think they do. They try to convince me and you that they do, but they don’t. Arrogance is one of the worst traits to have in a human if you’re trying to have discussions and possibly change minds. The arrogant person will NEVER fold because they think they are better/smarter than the rest. Most of the time they’re just flaming fucking idiots.
christian : 1/18/2023 10:21 pm : link
Cooper, if you go ahead and send me the list of BBIers who won the Daniel Jones debate, I’ll send them their Applebee’s gift cards.
Only irrational people view it as an error  
UConn4523 : 1/18/2023 10:23 pm : link
the entire football community was ready for Schoen to draft DJs replacement (myself included) so how can anyone in the same breath say it was an error? It was the correct move and now we have a good problem on our hands. And we have the tag as a last resort.
RE: RE: RE: RE: “Haters” doesn’t actually mean hate  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 10:23 pm : link
In comment 16001563 CooperDash said:
In comment 16001339 .McL. said:


All the people who are accused of being haters are thrilled to death that DJ is playing well. .

It’s hard to believe you can say this with a straight face. It’s also a completely false statement. All those haters have just shifted their commentary to backhanded compliments. Please show me one example where one of those haters stated (or even insinuated) they were thrilled to death that DJ is playing well.

“DJ played well BUT it was against a bad team.”
“DJ played well BUT missed some spots.”
“DJ played well BUT………”

Better yet, instead of buying into DJ and giving credit where credit is due, they mostly just sidestep being called out and make a corny joke. You can clearly see it in this tread as well. It’s disingenuous. I’d respect it more if they just came out and said “I was wrong”. But that’s just not the world we live in today.

Not a DJ fan right off the bat? That’s okay. But logic indicates that QBs need time to develop even in the perfect environment. DJ was in the worst possible situation to develop his first three years year but still showed growth and improvement. A lot of the railing away from haters the past few years was void of logic but we all had to suffer through it.

For the large amount of fans that stayed the course and suffered through years of their bullshit…I’m fine with some gloating. They’ve earned the right to gloat. And it’s a lot less fucking annoying than the constant negative drivel we’ve had to put up with from these malcontents. Gloat away!

Who are you talking to?

Do you think there is a single Giants fan on this site that is unhappy that DJ led our beloved team to a Playoff Victory?

Do you think there is a single Giants fan on this site want DJ to fail miserably, and have the Giants mired in the swamp for more years to come?

Are you 100% positive DJ is a finished product and ready to challenge the entire league as one of th top, absolutely elite QBs in this league?

Is there still room for growth with DJ?

Has he proven everything that needs to be proven?

Has he defeated raging top 3 defense?

Has it done it multiple seasons? Can he?

Are you so sure you are willing to put your life on the line for it?

I thought not...

Look. Everybody here, and I mean EVERYBODY HERE, is thrilled that DJ looks like a keeper. But he still has more to prove. Getting the Giants to the playoffs, maybe the divisional round, may be his ceiling. I certainly hope not, but it may be. You cannot discount that possibility. There are some that are aware enough, and not blinded by homerism, to realize there there is more to prove. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

It's crazy, I see these debates about how much to pay the guy, and I see the so called DJ Haters putting out the same numbers, sometimes even higher than the so called DJ supporters, and they are still accused of being a hater.

Some fans are just more rational about the path forward. They are still happy and enjoying the ride and rooting for the kid.
Producer : 1/18/2023 10:25 pm : link
So he might think DG deserves more credit than he gets here. It's not my opinion, but if you buy into this team right now, it's a valid viewpoint, or at least defensible. The corps of this winning and surprising team are DG guys, and many are stars.

I don't think he deserves grief over it, even though I don't agree with it.
RE: …  
CooperDash : 1/18/2023 10:28 pm : link
In comment 16001575 christian said:
Cooper, if you go ahead and send me the list of BBIers who won the Daniel Jones debate, I’ll send them their Applebee’s gift cards.

Where did I mention anything about “winning the Daniel Jones debate”? Not sure what your point is.
RE: RE: …  
.McL. : 1/18/2023 10:39 pm : link
In comment 16001585 CooperDash said:
In comment 16001575 christian said:


Cooper, if you go ahead and send me the list of BBIers who won the Daniel Jones debate, I’ll send them their Applebee’s gift cards.

Where did I mention anything about “winning the Daniel Jones debate”? Not sure what your point is.

Apparently you need to be reminded of what you wrote...

For the large amount of fans that stayed the course and suffered through years of their bullshit…I’m fine with some gloating. They’ve earned the right to gloat. And it’s a lot less fucking annoying than the constant negative drivel we’ve had to put up with from these malcontents. Gloat away!

Gloating? Gloating about what pray tell?
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 10:40 pm : link
There were plenty of posters who were rooting for losses throughout the Jones tenure so that Jones would not be viewed as the QB and so the Giants could take another QB. And actually - as recently as THIS YEAR we had posters rooting for losses so that Schoen wouldn’t think that Jones was good if they somehow started winning, because that would be false hope.

Those posters are no longer here, because they don’t like the fact that the Giants are winning with Jones. Because they still think that ultimately it’s not the right decision to have him as the quarterback.

These things are not opinion, they are actual things that people posted.
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 10:43 pm : link
And yes, Gettleman should be “viewed better” because of these draft picks developing. To say otherwise is so disingenuous that you’re not actually viewing things rationally.

I’ve said a million times that Gettleman could identify talent actually pretty well. He was just awful at everything else unfortunately.
ryanmkeane : 1/18/2023 10:46 pm : link
McL - you aren’t thinking clearly.

Eli Manning was a touted #1 overall pick. He had more “talent” than Daniel Jones did. And yet…throughout his entire career would you say how many seasons he actually played like a top 5 quarterback? Probably two times out of 15. 2008 and 2011. That’s it. He was god awful at times, shaky at times, an assassin at times, and overall, he was our QB, the Giants QB that everyone would go to war with.

People are expecting Jones go play like a top 5 QB every fucking week. It’s not realistic. You guys talk out of your ass about this it’s not even fun anymore.
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