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NFT: KNICKS vs NETS Game Thread 1/28

Knickstape : 1/28/2023 5:16 pm
Knicks 27-23
Nets 29-19

No Simmons today for Brooklyn
Nets just lost to the Pistons  
kelsto811 : 1/28/2023 5:20 pm : link
With Simmons...they have been abysmal without KD
BigBlueShock : 1/28/2023 5:23 pm : link
No Simmons is actually a bad thing for the Knicks
Ben Simmons...  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 5:39 pm : link
What a joke of a pro.
Turner extended  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 5:40 pm : link
The Indiana Pacers and center Myles Turner have agreed to a two-year, $58 million contract extension through the 2024-25 season, league sources told The Athletic
RE: Turner extended  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 5:46 pm : link
In comment 16016828 larryflower37 said:
The Indiana Pacers and center Myles Turner have agreed to a two-year, $58 million contract extension through the 2024-25 season, league sources told The Athletic

I like their core going forward.
This is a tough match up  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 5:55 pm : link
Nets can shoot the 3.
RJ is playing less than zero defense  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 1/28/2023 6:00 pm : link
Lifeless so far.  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 6:00 pm : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 6:01 pm : link
So underwhelmed with RJ this season.
There’s no ball movement. It’s so frustrating.  
Knickstape : 1/28/2023 6:02 pm : link
They do the same little action at the top of the 3. A rotation of 2 passes between rj Randle Brunson. Whoever ends up with ball isos for the next 12 seconds
Come on Thibs make a sub  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:04 pm : link
shockeyisthebest8056 : 1/28/2023 6:10 pm : link
Aw damn  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 1/28/2023 6:10 pm : link
Who needs KD  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 6:11 pm : link
when you have…..Sumner?
Too many turnovers  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 6:11 pm : link
And bad defense but still a tight game.
They hardly ever pass it to Grimes, even when he’s wide open for a 3  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 6:12 pm : link
Nets hot from outside  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:13 pm : link
they are a jump shooting team, got to contest better
RJ really bringing the laughs today.  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 6:16 pm : link
WTF is Ben Simmons wearing  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 6:18 pm : link
Lol refs are a complete joke  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:20 pm : link
Yuta killing us  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 6:20 pm : link
These refs aren’t doing the Knicks any favors  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 6:20 pm : link
RE: Yuta killing us  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:21 pm : link
In comment 16016858 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:

He is a good flopper to
I mean nets are shooting the lights out  
Knickstape : 1/28/2023 6:23 pm : link
But man the Knicks are just pathetic right now.

Wtf was that pass
WTF was that  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 6:24 pm : link
Claxton is good  
kelsto811 : 1/28/2023 6:25 pm : link
Saw him clean block Embiid the other night too. Anyways, Nets can't miss right now...
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 6:28 pm : link
Dude. Can't miss.
All the Nets are doing is chucking  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:29 pm : link
They stay this hot, knicks got no chance
Nets shooting lights out of the ball  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 6:31 pm : link
Soo what do the Knicka have to do to get a call?  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:31 pm : link
The stadium noise/music is so annoying. Can barely here the announcers  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 6:34 pm : link
RE: Soo what do the Knicka have to do to get a call?  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 6:35 pm : link
In comment 16016876 nygiants16 said:

Grimes got hacked and nothing called
If you are not going to call the foul  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:39 pm : link
dont call the same foul on the other end
Consider down 13 a godsend  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:42 pm : link
the way the Nets shot the ball and the Knicks not getting any calls
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 6:42 pm : link
NBA officiating has been & will always be a joke.
They are mauling Randle  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 6:43 pm : link
Just horrible officiating
hitdog42 : 1/28/2023 6:44 pm : link
They went multiple reviews and randle just going iso Chuck into clean defense

Don’t go iso Chuck and maybe move the basketball and the defense? Might be a start at “getting calls” instead of whining
RE: ...  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 6:45 pm : link
In comment 16016882 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
NBA officiating has been & will always be a joke.

You can tell the officials are calling the game based on Momentum..Nets have the momentum so they are getting the calls..
Never a knick thread in 20 yrs of bbi  
hitdog42 : 1/28/2023 6:45 pm : link
That isn’t whining about refs instead of whining about horrific ugly iso crap offense
RE: Lol  
BigBlueShock : 1/28/2023 6:51 pm : link
In comment 16016886 hitdog42 said:
They went multiple reviews and randle just going iso Chuck into clean defense

Don’t go iso Chuck and maybe move the basketball and the defense? Might be a start at “getting calls” instead of whining

Oh you’re a Nets fan again? Thought it was all about the Cavs now. Huh.

I guess the culture keeps changing so much it’s hard for you to make your damn mind up. Culture, baby!
RE: Never a knick thread in 20 yrs of bbi  
Vanzetti : 1/28/2023 6:53 pm : link
In comment 16016888 hitdog42 said:
That isn’t whining about refs instead of whining about horrific ugly iso crap offense

Refs have robbed Knicks of championship after championship.
ISO all they do  
jmalls23 : 1/28/2023 6:56 pm : link
Never a knick thread in 20 yrs of bbi
hitdog42 : 6:45 pm : link : reply
That isn’t whining about refs instead of whining about horrific ugly iso crap offense

so accurate
This may be unpopular  
Earl the goat : 1/28/2023 6:57 pm : link
But RJ should be traded
RE: Never a knick thread in 20 yrs of bbi  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 6:57 pm : link
In comment 16016888 hitdog42 said:
That isn’t whining about refs instead of whining about horrific ugly iso crap offense

Appreciate you reading them!
Have you ever seen this Knick team make that many passes?  
jmalls23 : 1/28/2023 7:00 pm : link
That is ball movement
Knicks defense is horrible  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:01 pm : link
Getting killed from 3 and everywhere it's embarrassing they are running around in circles
RE: Never a knick thread in 20 yrs of bbi  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 7:04 pm : link
In comment 16016888 hitdog42 said:
That isn’t whining about refs instead of whining about horrific ugly iso crap offense

You must not read many Knicks threads if you belive people don’t whine about the Knicks offense. That’s usually 90% of all Knicks threads, well thstvand Thibs coaching
Knicks have a top 10 rated defense  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:05 pm : link
wtf is doris burke talking about?
RE: Knicks have a top 10 rated defense  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:06 pm : link
In comment 16016904 nygiants16 said:
wtf is doris burke talking about?

They don't it's 15th middle of the pack
RE: RE: Lol  
hitdog42 : 1/28/2023 7:06 pm : link
In comment 16016890 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16016886 hitdog42 said:


They went multiple reviews and randle just going iso Chuck into clean defense

Don’t go iso Chuck and maybe move the basketball and the defense? Might be a start at “getting calls” instead of whining

Oh you’re a Nets fan again? Thought it was all about the Cavs now. Huh.

I guess the culture keeps changing so much it’s hard for you to make your damn mind up. Culture, baby!

If my college teammate is the gm of the cavs why wouldn’t I root as hard for them as anyone
When have I ever not been a nets fan
RE: Knicks have a top 10 rated defense  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 7:06 pm : link
In comment 16016904 nygiants16 said:
wtf is doris burke talking about?

She’s horrible
Nets are on fire  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 7:06 pm : link
RE: Nets are on fire  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 7:09 pm : link
In comment 16016909 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:

You have to think they can’t keep shooting like this all game and then maybe Knicks make a run
Sims is horrible  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:09 pm : link
at position defense
RJ having a good night  
Vanzetti : 1/28/2023 7:10 pm : link
But Knicks offense is dissolving into the Big Three going one on one

Brunson has 1 assist
RE: RJ having a good night  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:11 pm : link
In comment 16016915 Vanzetti said:
But Knicks offense is dissolving into the Big Three going one on one

Brunson has 1 assist

RJ being guarded by Irving and Curry neither wants to get physical
They really miss Robinson  
steve in ky : 1/28/2023 7:11 pm : link
If this team had Durant  
ghost718 : 1/28/2023 7:16 pm : link
Knicks would be losing by 40

If this team had Durant and Simmons? still 40
Simmons on the bench  
Earl the goat : 1/28/2023 7:18 pm : link
WTF is he wearing
What a waste of a player
Knicks just hanging around  
AG5686 : 1/28/2023 7:20 pm : link
RJ is playing smart basketball tonight
Posting and toasting
Inbounding the ball  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 7:20 pm : link
is a real hardship for this team.
Only down 7 going into 4th  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 7:23 pm : link
RE: Only down 7 going into 4th  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:25 pm : link
In comment 16016928 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:

Amazing with the Nets shooting 52% and 51% from 3.
Claxton just took 4 steps  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:28 pm : link
holy crap what is she looking at?
Killer moment there from mcbride.  
Knickstape : 1/28/2023 7:29 pm : link
He hits that and we are down 2. Nets inbounding ball. Instead the brick and transition 3 and nets go up 8

Love deuce defensively. He is an absolute 0 on the offensive end
RE: Killer moment there from mcbride.  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:30 pm : link
In comment 16016934 Knickstape said:
He hits that and we are down 2. Nets inbounding ball. Instead the brick and transition 3 and nets go up 8

Love deuce defensively. He is an absolute 0 on the offensive end

Killing them, desperately need a shooter off the bench
AG5686 : 1/28/2023 7:34 pm : link
RJ is playing the type of game I have been advocating all along....driving penetrating-taking advantage of high advantages not just waiting at the 3 pt line to shoot
Nets just dont miss from 3 tonight  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:36 pm : link
Knicks have hand in the face and they are still making them
Knickstape : 1/28/2023 7:36 pm : link
RE: Nets just dont miss from 3 tonight  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:38 pm : link
In comment 16016938 nygiants16 said:
Knicks have hand in the face and they are still making them

One of top team with makes and percentage from 3.
Tough match up
Difference in the game  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:38 pm : link
Knicks missing wide open 3s, Nets making every single one, contested or not..

Game reminds me of the game against the Spurs in san antonio
I honestly think missing Simmons  
kelsto811 : 1/28/2023 7:41 pm : link
Has made the Nets better
Kyrie Irving has the best handle I have ever seen  
jmalls23 : 1/28/2023 7:44 pm : link
Can do anything he wants
RE: I honestly think missing Simmons  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:44 pm : link
In comment 16016943 kelsto811 said:
Has made the Nets better

Because you add another shooter on the dont have 2 guys who cant shoot
RE: Kyrie Irving has the best handle I have ever seen  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:45 pm : link
In comment 16016947 jmalls23 said:
Can do anything he wants

Its so fun to watch, wish he didnt play for the Nets
how about for once we win in the last seconds  
jmalls23 : 1/28/2023 7:47 pm : link
One time lets go!
Sims has no sense  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:47 pm : link
of team defense
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 7:47 pm : link
He's a loon, but Irving is so damn good.
How many wide open 3s  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:50 pm : link
is Grimes going to miss?
Need some stops  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:50 pm : link
Time for the d to step up
Randle should’ve shot that three on the catch.  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 7:50 pm : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/28/2023 7:50 pm : link
Nets are just better than us. As are Cs. And 76ers. And Bucks.

Team is a playoff team, but we're still missing a superstar ala Tatum, Embiid, Giannis, etc.

Superstar league, sans '04 Pistons.
RE: How many wide open 3s  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:51 pm : link
In comment 16016954 nygiants16 said:
is Grimes going to miss?

So bad in the clutch same against Celtics
RE: RE: How many wide open 3s  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:51 pm : link
In comment 16016959 larryflower37 said:
In comment 16016954 nygiants16 said:


is Grimes going to miss?

So bad in the clutch same against Celtics

Its a joke and he had a layup, why are you backing up to shoot a 3?
RE: ...  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:53 pm : link
In comment 16016957 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Nets are just better than us. As are Cs. And 76ers. And Bucks.

Team is a playoff team, but we're still missing a superstar ala Tatum, Embiid, Giannis, etc.

Superstar league, sans '04 Pistons.

This nets team isnt better, they are coached better and they have Kyrke, but their team isnt better..

Nets have made 23 3s..
Kyrie is just killing them  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:54 pm : link
Say what you will about Kyrie  
Sean : 1/28/2023 7:55 pm : link
But, damn he’s talented. You know why the Knicks were all in on Durant & Irving a few summers ago.
Bad shot Randle.  
larryflower37 : 1/28/2023 7:58 pm : link
Had time to swing it and get a better shot.
Not good enough.  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 7:59 pm : link
Difference in the game  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 7:59 pm : link
Nets made their 3s off of ball movement and Kyrie went nuclear in the 4th..

Knicks missed some wide open 3s and fought but when a team shoots 55% from 3 on 40 shots, you got no shot
NBA life  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 8:04 pm : link
sometimes a team just shoots the lights out and no matter what you do they keep maming shots and some nivhts it comes down to a superstar closing it, tonight was both..

Brunson and Randle just didnt have great games, missed some timely wide open shots
RE: Say what you will about Kyrie  
Route 9 : 1/28/2023 8:08 pm : link
In comment 16016964 Sean said:
But, damn he’s talented. You know why the Knicks were all in on Durant & Irving a few summers ago.

Exactly I think he's great. He's a hell of a basketball player, too!
It’s hard to square some of the Knicks defensive stats  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 1/28/2023 8:09 pm : link
with the watching of the games. For example, the Knicks 3 point defense is among the best in the league. When watching games, it doesn’t seem that way.
As long as  
ripdumaine : 1/28/2023 8:15 pm : link
We have Tbibs Randle and RJ as coach and top players we will be middle of the pack.Add the fact we don't have really anyone that create their own shot besides maybe Bruson and IQ let alone hit a shot with any consistency. This sycks
Boston/LA going to overtime.  
bceagle05 : 1/28/2023 11:07 pm : link
Refs just missed one of the most blatant fouls you’ll ever see - Tatum hacked Lebron on the forearm as he was about to hit the game winning layup at the buzzer.
Probably worst non call  
hitdog42 : 1/28/2023 11:07 pm : link
I’ve ever seen just now in Celtics lakers game to close regulation
RE: Probably worst non call  
nygiants16 : 1/28/2023 11:12 pm : link
In comment 16017053 hitdog42 said:
I’ve ever seen just now in Celtics lakers game to close regulation

And the ref is staring right at it, how do you not see that?
RE: Boston/LA going to overtime.  
Greg from LI : 1/29/2023 9:42 am : link
In comment 16017052 bceagle05 said:
Refs just missed one of the most blatant fouls you’ll ever see - Tatum hacked Lebron on the forearm as he was about to hit the game winning layup at the buzzer.

Awwwww what a shame
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 1/29/2023 9:45 am : link
LBJ bitching afterward made me smile. God, I can't stand him.
It’s pretty amazing  
Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy : 1/29/2023 10:05 am : link
How bad a whistle LeBron has gotten the past 10 or so years since he went to Miami. It’s pretty egregious how the best perimeter interior finisher of all-time who is constantly attacking gets to the line less than guys who are basically jump shooters.

He’s about to blow past Kareem’s record without any help from the refs, that’s for sure. I just don’t get it. It’s like the NBA decided he was too physically strong like Shaq, so they wouldn’t call any contact on him either way. But then why don’t they treat Giannis and Embiid like that? Those two are massive strong humans yet get all the ticky tack calls in the world.

I wonder if there’s a noticeable difference in ft rate for LeBron moving forward. It’s just odd how he’s been treated by the refs. He’s LeBron fucking James, treat him like it.
Has IQ become the Knicks 3rd best player?  
nygiants16 : 1/29/2023 11:59 am : link
or is he still behind Rj? id still have him come off the bench because i think Grimes fit is better with the starters and off the bench IQ can control the game and still get 30 minutes a night..

But man has he been playing really good basketball
RE: Has IQ become the Knicks 3rd best player?  
Vanzetti : 1/29/2023 1:05 pm : link
In comment 16017305 nygiants16 said:
or is he still behind Rj? id still have him come off the bench because i think Grimes fit is better with the starters and off the bench IQ can control the game and still get 30 minutes a night..

But man has he been playing really good basketball

Knicks are definitely better with him on the floor in place of RJ. Is that because he is a better player or a better fit?

I'd say better fit. But IQ is definitely a good player.
IQ is leaps and bounds  
larryflower37 : 1/29/2023 1:43 pm : link
Better than Grimes and should have been out there at the end of the game.
I don't think he goes 0-3 like Grimes from 3 8n the last 5 minutes plus RJ size was a plus last night against Curry and Irving he was bullying them all night
Lebron and Anthony Davis sitting out Monday vs. Nets  
bceagle05 : 1/29/2023 4:44 pm : link
They’ll be good to go versus us on Tuesday, of course.
RE: It’s pretty amazing  
Greg from LI : 1/29/2023 4:44 pm : link
In comment 16017179 Osi Osi Osi OyOyOy said:
How bad a whistle LeBron has gotten the past 10 or so years since he went to Miami. It’s pretty egregious how the best perimeter interior finisher of all-time who is constantly attacking gets to the line less than guys who are basically jump shooters.

He’s about to blow past Kareem’s record without any help from the refs, that’s for sure. I just don’t get it. It’s like the NBA decided he was too physically strong like Shaq, so they wouldn’t call any contact on him either way. But then why don’t they treat Giannis and Embiid like that? Those two are massive strong humans yet get all the ticky tack calls in the world.

I wonder if there’s a noticeable difference in ft rate for LeBron moving forward. It’s just odd how he’s been treated by the refs. He’s LeBron fucking James, treat him like it.

Again, I have to respond with….awwww that’s such a shame.
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