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NFT: Susanna Hoffs is the same age as Madonna

Tom from LI : 2/11/2023 1:32 pm
Both are 64... I always had a thing for Susanna..

I saw this posted on a site and as the post suggest...

Fine Wine

Like Milk

Mark from Jersey : 2/11/2023 1:34 pm : link
is a Betty for sure. She has aged unbelievably well.
Ego and insecurities are a bitch  
LauderdaleMatty : 2/11/2023 1:37 pm : link
Madonna must know in her heart she's a mess. That any medical professional would to that to another person is just as sad
Spiciest Memelord : 2/11/2023 1:56 pm : link
Susanna rightfully belongs to me!

Or Tiffany, also had a thing for her.
Once you see this you can't unsee it  
Tom from LI : 2/11/2023 2:00 pm : link
Gimme' Susanna  
Spider43 : 2/11/2023 2:01 pm : link
All day long!
methinks both have had lots of cosmetic  
japanhead : 2/11/2023 2:10 pm : link

always had a thing for hoffs and still would hit that though she's two-plus decades my senior, plastic surgery or not.

as for madonna, her outfit, hairdoo, and bad eyebrow pluck job are all working against her pretty hard. the collagen lips are a bit much as well.

but hoffs is def the hotter senior citizen.
Hoffs looks like no surgery  
Payasdaddy : 2/11/2023 2:46 pm : link
And still looks real good
Those legs look half her age
Susanna Hoffa was always better looking than Madonna  
Greg from LI : 2/11/2023 2:51 pm : link
That picture of SH is from 2009 or so  
Vanzetti : 2/11/2023 3:25 pm : link
She was about 52. It was also touched up as was the video

But she is still very good looking and much more do than Madonna
RE: That picture of SH is from 2009 or so  
shyster : 2/11/2023 3:54 pm : link
In comment 16030490 Vanzetti said:
She was about 52. It was also touched up as was the video

But she is still very good looking and much more do than Madonna

You're right that it is not of the moment. I looked for it and, according to the, the photo was taken at the 2014 Stagecoach Festival in Indio, when SH was 54.

Madonna, Michael and Prince were all born summer of '58, crest of the late boomers. - ( New Window )
RE: RE: That picture of SH is from 2009 or so  
shyster : 2/11/2023 3:55 pm : link
In comment 16030515 shyster said:
when SH was 54. - ( New Window )

sorry, 55
Btw Susana Hoffs is a great follow on Twitter  
Stu11 : 2/11/2023 4:07 pm : link
She does a lot of unplugged versions of her songs like she tweets a version of Manic Monday out most Mondays
Madonna is just a disgusting  
Kmed6000 : 2/11/2023 4:26 pm : link
human being, inside and out.
Susanna Hoffs is just amazing.  
Kmed6000 : 2/11/2023 4:26 pm : link
I remember being in love with her when I was younger, she was so cute.
so was Prince (may he RIP)  
Dave on the UWS : 2/11/2023 5:30 pm : link
he wrote Manic Monday for her.
RE: Susanna Hoffs is just amazing.  
mitch300 : 2/11/2023 5:38 pm : link
In comment 16030544 Kmed6000 said:
I remember being in love with her when I was younger, she was so cute.

I thought she was very hot. She was a cuti.
LoL now this is a funny thread  
sb from NYT Forum : 2/11/2023 5:42 pm : link
I mean, it's not nice to make fun of someone's appearance, but Madonna... woof!

Here's a recent photo of Susannah Hoffs, she looks great:

Here is a more  
k2tampa : 2/11/2023 5:49 pm : link
Recent shot of Hoffs.
Hoffs today - ( New Window )
RE: Here is a more  
Banks : 2/11/2023 5:52 pm : link
In comment 16030602 k2tampa said:
Recent shot of Hoffs. Hoffs today - ( New Window )

Link shows Ronnie Spector
RE: RE: Susanna Hoffs is just amazing.  
Spiciest Memelord : 2/11/2023 6:06 pm : link
In comment 16030586 mitch300 said:
In comment 16030544 Kmed6000 said:


I remember being in love with her when I was younger, she was so cute.

I thought she was very hot. She was a cuti.

She was also hotter than any of the heroin addict looking singers today.
Talking contemporaries  
Bill in UT : 2/11/2023 6:21 pm : link
give me Marie Osmond at 63. Talking oldest hot babes, Raquel Welsh at 82.
RE: LoL now this is a funny thread  
Joe Beckwith : 2/11/2023 6:22 pm : link
In comment 16030595 sb from NYT Forum said:
I mean, it's not nice to make fun of someone's appearance, but Madonna... woof!

Here's a recent photo of Susannah Hoffs, she looks great:

She still wins! And it was never even close!

Madonna looks like Bortus on The Orville  
PatersonPlank : 2/11/2023 8:43 pm : link
At least part of the problem  
BlackLight : 2/11/2023 9:07 pm : link
with Madonna is that her playbook going back 40 years is to constantly be re-inventing herself. You can certainly argue she looks ugly right now, but I wouldn't necessarily assume her goal was to look pretty.
RE: At least part of the problem  
Gogolak : 2/11/2023 9:26 pm : link
In comment 16030737 BlackLight said:
with Madonna is that her playbook going back 40 years is to constantly be re-inventing herself. You can certainly argue she looks ugly right now, but I wouldn't necessarily assume her goal was to look pretty.

If Madonna is going for tge ugly look she has definitely nailed it
This is not a fair comparison  
Matt M. : 2/12/2023 10:33 am : link
Susanna Hoffs has always been naturally pretty and Madonna was never really that, going back to 40 years ago when they were each starting out and young. Madonna always had to cultivate an entire look and sound and brand, and she did an amazing job at it.

Hoffs, simply had the look. So much so, that it hurt her with the Bangles. The cameras were naturally drawn to her and it eventually wore on her bandmates.
I loved the Bangles in the 80s  
Matt M. : 2/12/2023 10:41 am : link
I will admit to not knowing them until they hit it big with Manic Monday followed by Walk Like an Egyptian. That album, Different Light, was one of the first I bought myself and I immediately bought it's predecessor, All Over the Place. It helped them that this was also the dawn of the MTV age. As I mentioned in my previous post, Hoffs had "the look" and the cameras loved her, which helped them take off.

They were not a gimmick girl band, like some others. I wasn't aware at the time, but they had punk roots and were all serious artists. They all played their instruments and wrote music and lyrics.

I recently got back into them out of nostalgia and listen to them on Spotify in the car sometimes. The video shared earlier in this thread, was not totally current, but was still Hoffs in her 50s. I have seen videos of her in the last couple of years as she has been active on social media. She still looks and sounds absolutely fabulous. Both her looks and voice have remained truly captivating.

And those videos of them from about 10-15 years ago =, on a mini-comeback are pretty good. They still sound good live and play well. Their mini-comeback also yielded a return to some of their punk stuff.
pjcas18 : 2/12/2023 10:47 am : link
thing was never beauty (in the classical sense), it was sex appeal.

Probably why she's so bat shit crazy now and doing things like this to herself.

I don't know her obviously and I'm not an expert by any stretch, but just human to human it must be hard to get old when you got famous from flaunting yourself and trying to shock people with how brazen you can be with your sexuality.

RE: Madonna's  
Matt M. : 2/12/2023 11:07 am : link
In comment 16031037 pjcas18 said:
thing was never beauty (in the classical sense), it was sex appeal.

Probably why she's so bat shit crazy now and doing things like this to herself.

I don't know her obviously and I'm not an expert by any stretch, but just human to human it must be hard to get old when you got famous from flaunting yourself and trying to shock people with how brazen you can be with your sexuality.
You are probably right on about that. And good point about beauty vs. sex appeal. It wasn't even sexy, as much as appeal and shock value.
Madonna is an example  
Matt M. : 2/12/2023 11:10 am : link
of why I absolutely refuse for my wife to have any work done. I mean, first of all, we couldn't afford it anyway. But, from Botox to filler to surgeries I tell her absolutely not. Even when they can afford the best doctors and treatments, most of these women go WAY to far. Instead of looking younger, I think it comically makes them look older and TRYING to look younger. Almost none of them look better, especially when they really go all in during their 60s and over.
RE: Madonna is an example  
pjcas18 : 2/12/2023 12:21 pm : link
In comment 16031055 Matt M. said:
of why I absolutely refuse for my wife to have any work done. I mean, first of all, we couldn't afford it anyway. But, from Botox to filler to surgeries I tell her absolutely not. Even when they can afford the best doctors and treatments, most of these women go WAY to far. Instead of looking younger, I think it comically makes them look older and TRYING to look younger. Almost none of them look better, especially when they really go all in during their 60s and over.

that's awesome. You "refuse", lol.

My wife doesn't need any work, she was out of my league when I married her and is only widening the gap as she ages, so she's never (as far I know) even considered anything cosmetic, but I would also never phrase it that way.

She has her own signature Rickenbacker  
NNJ Tom : 2/12/2023 12:47 pm : link
She put out some amazing covers with Mathew Sweet.

Oh, she extremely nice and gracious with people.

Madonna, not so much.
RE: RE: Madonna is an example  
Matt M. : 2/12/2023 12:48 pm : link
In comment 16031126 pjcas18 said:
In comment 16031055 Matt M. said:


of why I absolutely refuse for my wife to have any work done. I mean, first of all, we couldn't afford it anyway. But, from Botox to filler to surgeries I tell her absolutely not. Even when they can afford the best doctors and treatments, most of these women go WAY to far. Instead of looking younger, I think it comically makes them look older and TRYING to look younger. Almost none of them look better, especially when they really go all in during their 60s and over.

that's awesome. You "refuse", lol.

My wife doesn't need any work, she was out of my league when I married her and is only widening the gap as she ages, so she's never (as far I know) even considered anything cosmetic, but I would also never phrase it that way.

Mine doesn't need any either. But, she talks about Botox because she has a couple of friends who have done it and she thinks she has wrinkles.

Believe me, I'm saying "refuse" literally. Our relationship isn't like that.
More women do botox than you think  
sb from NYT Forum : 2/12/2023 12:51 pm : link
RE: More women do botox than you think  
Vanzetti : 2/12/2023 12:55 pm : link
In comment 16031148 sb from NYT Forum said:

more men than you think too
This Look  
HMunster : 2/12/2023 1:06 pm : link
from the Walk Like An Egyptian music video had me in love with her when I was a teenager.

RE: RE: RE: Madonna is an example  
Matt M. : 2/12/2023 1:13 pm : link
In comment 16031145 Matt M. said:
In comment 16031126 pjcas18 said:


In comment 16031055 Matt M. said:


of why I absolutely refuse for my wife to have any work done. I mean, first of all, we couldn't afford it anyway. But, from Botox to filler to surgeries I tell her absolutely not. Even when they can afford the best doctors and treatments, most of these women go WAY to far. Instead of looking younger, I think it comically makes them look older and TRYING to look younger. Almost none of them look better, especially when they really go all in during their 60s and over.

that's awesome. You "refuse", lol.

My wife doesn't need any work, she was out of my league when I married her and is only widening the gap as she ages, so she's never (as far I know) even considered anything cosmetic, but I would also never phrase it that way.

Mine doesn't need any either. But, she talks about Botox because she has a couple of friends who have done it and she thinks she has wrinkles.

Believe me, I'm saying "refuse" literally. Our relationship isn't like that.
Check that - I'm NOT saying :refuse" literally. Lol, I botched that explkanation.
Diane Lane  
Professor Falken : 2/12/2023 1:19 pm : link
beats them all.
Worked with the Bangles several times from the get-go at 5 to 10  
Waldo Jeffers : 2/12/2023 6:21 pm : link
year intervals.

Surprisingly shy at the beginning, but that changed over time. First thing I noticed is how tiny she was - and then she smiled and I was a believer.

She has aged remarkably well - the last time I saw her up-close, maybe 5 or 6 years ago my wife had to drag me away from her. What else can I add, she's a naturally beautiful woman who is aging at what seems to be a much slower rate than the rest of us. Truly a stunner, and then there's her passion for the same music that has kept me young (at heart.)

And I adore her voice, so that's one incredible package.

BTW, she's had two kids - boys - and if you run into her, ask her about Sam and Jackson- she'll either flash you a smile that will melt your heart or call the cops and cry "stalker!"

And, yeah, so freaking gracious, and it feels so genuine.

That's it, I gotta take a cold shower, ciao.

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