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interesting nuggets from Duggan today

PerpetualNervousness : 3/4/2023 9:15 am
in his round up from the combine. the short version:

- The Giants expected DJ to come in at 40m, and expected a pretty easy negotiation to 35. DJ actually came in asking above 45.

- The sense from agent world is that DJ replaced CAA because they told him his expectations were unrealistic.

- There's a lot of skepticism in the league that DJ would get close to what he wants or even what he'll get from the Giants from anyone else. But that it's moot since Giants are committed to him.

- General sense that both Barkley and Love are pricing themselves way above the market for RBs or S.

And then some other good stuff as always. To me, he's always the best Giants beat.
Everything I learned about the Giants at the NFL Scouting Combine - ( New Window )
I've got to brush up on my speed reading  
KeoweeFan : 3/4/2023 9:19 am : link
so I can get to the end of an Athletic article before the subscription ad blanks it out!
In other words  
Mike in NY : 3/4/2023 9:22 am : link
Everyone wants a payday!
Eric from BBI : Admin : 3/4/2023 9:24 am : link
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.
Second winning season in 10 years and the players now all think they  
kelly : 3/4/2023 9:33 am : link
are all stars. Love can walk, he is replaceable.

Barkley can walk. Running backs don't do well on their second contract.

I would put non exclusive on DJ. If I get two first round picks let him walk.

Rebuild the time the right way. Build the roster and then get your QB.

Don't overpay. We did that for years and all we got were losing records. There are no quick fixes. You have to draft well.
RE: this  
LS : 3/4/2023 9:35 am : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.

Agree with all of this. Stick to your guns on what you think these guys are worth, don't want to dig another hole.
RE: this  
Mdgiantsfan : 3/4/2023 9:36 am : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.

I like Julian’s versatility, but I just don’t see him as a high priority or even high impact player. Just as many laud how “replaceable” Saquon is I have a similar thought about him. Given how tight the cap$ is about to get once the DJ contract plays out, the remaining money can be better spent other places besides the Safety position.
RE: this  
ZogZerg : 3/4/2023 9:36 am : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.

Couldn't agree more. It's not like the Giants had top O or D with these guys.
Can't overpay Love or SB.
And, they didn't trust Jones to throw the ball most of the year.
Franchise Jones  
jeff57 : 3/4/2023 9:37 am : link
And let the chips fall where they may.
RE: this  
Klaatu : 3/4/2023 9:38 am : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.

This needs to be scrolled like the opening scene in Star Wars.
I hate this side of the business.  
mittenedman : 3/4/2023 9:39 am : link
We should be able to retain our good homegrown players and you want a team of players you're invested in.

However, you inevitably have to overpay to keep your homegrown players. I see Love as a glue guy in the old R.W. McQuarters role. You can start him, bring him off the bench, move him around during the game, play him on specials, etc. Very valuable piece. Deserves multi-million a year annually.

It's a can't win situation, and it's bad for the league. Wish they could allow the hometown team to get a cap discount for retaining their originally drafted players. Let the player get an offer on the open market, then give the original team a chance to match, with a cap discount, if the player agrees.
Toth029 : 3/4/2023 9:39 am : link
Love can get his big pay but man, he isn't worth above $7-8M per. Safety is an important position in my view but I'm hesitant to pay average kind of players like him above their pay grade especially when McKinney is better.
RE: this  
BlueVinnie : 3/4/2023 9:42 am : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.

You've hit the nail on the head.
Last year at this time, I was filled with optimism. Unfortunately, I'm getting a very bad feeling that we are heading towards that cap hell. How does it make sense to overpay for a mediocre QB talent? How does it make sense to tag Barkley? Barkley can still dominate at times, but those games are few and far between and certainly the frequency isn't going to increase as he gets older. What does the tag get us? The opportunity to negotiate a long-term deal next year when Barkley enters his age 27 season? That's the time to consider moving on from an RB, especially one with a less than stellar injury history. Looks like we may be heading to having our own Dak and Zeke tandem, with a less talented version of Dak.
Im just waiting on the headline  
JoeyBigBlue : 3/4/2023 9:42 am : link
Daniel Jones and NY Giants come to an agreement of 5 years 230 million with 160 guaranteed and a 80 mill signing bonus.

I’m going to be fucking pissed. Like WTF
RE: this  
hitdog42 : 3/4/2023 9:42 am : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.

exactly-- none of these guys are cap hell worthy- of all the FAs... tagging jones makes the most sense- the others will have to take realistic deals or leave.
need to save money for real difference makers-- Thomas, Lawrence... those types.
I ll say this about Jones  
joeinpa : 3/4/2023 9:43 am : link
He has a lot of confidence in himself.

Takes a good man to not wavier after 4 years of mostly losing football and somewhat unique scrutiny and criticism of him as a player; to say nothing of new management not picking up his 5 th year option.

He s not easily intimidated which is a quality I have seen in him before.
If you guys  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 3/4/2023 9:43 am : link
have noticed, I haven't commented much on any of this the past two weeks.

I don't trust any of the info out there since there seems to be some bad blood between Jones and his old agency. The reporters should be wiser about this too.

That said, if these reports about $45+ million per year are accurate, I would pass. We're not talking about a proven commodity here.
Did the overpays for Golliday, L.Williams, Solder contribute to this?  
WinterIsComing : 3/4/2023 9:44 am : link
I have to wonder if all the recent bad contracts from the previous regimes is impacting these negotiations. So the agents for these players smell blood in the water? Are the Giants now known as an org that overpays players?

In many of the recent mega deals we’ve handed out it has been noted in most cases we have been just bidding against ourselves.

Agree we should be willing to let players walk to avoid salary cap hell
RE: I ll say this about Jones  
BigBlueShock : 3/4/2023 9:46 am : link
In comment 16050640 joeinpa said:
He has a lot of confidence in himself.

Takes a good man to not wavier after 4 years of mostly losing football and somewhat unique scrutiny and criticism of him as a player; to say nothing of new management not picking up his 5 th year option.

He s not easily intimidated which is a quality I have seen in him before.

Well that’s an interesting way of looking at Jones ludicrously asking for over $45M, lol.
Man I just hope  
JoeyBigBlue : 3/4/2023 9:47 am : link
Schoen is smart enough not to cave into Jones agents’ demand, just because he wants a lower salary cap number this year and he gets to sign Barkley. Barkley while a good player is replaceable.
g56blue10 : 3/4/2023 9:49 am : link
Million is always what I figured his final number would be. We need to think really hard about pushing that number into the 40’s. I think he’s a good player and we can with with him but not if his cap number gets too high. We have to have the money to surround him with some talent. I think her can crack the the top 10 QB but he’s not a guy who can carry us with scrubs
RE: If you guys  
wigs in nyc : 3/4/2023 9:49 am : link
In comment 16050641 Eric from BBI said:
have noticed, I haven't commented much on any of this the past two weeks.

I don't trust any of the info out there since there seems to be some bad blood between Jones and his old agency. The reporters should be wiser about this too.

That said, if these reports about $45+ million per year are accurate, I would pass. We're not talking about a proven commodity here.

thank you, Eric. I think we’d all be wise not to just mindlessly go along for the ride, and allow ourselves to be played to the tune these ‘sources’ have in mind for us.

rathe than breathlessly hanging in to crumbs intended to sway and influence public opinion, let’s all just see where this lands.
Jones, Barkley and Love all over-valuing themselves  
chick310 : 3/4/2023 9:51 am : link
to some degree.

I think we are at the stage where the any BBI poster that pens the next "home-town discount to stay in NY" remark should be ridiculed.
Are fans really worried about overpaying?  
RCPhoenix : 3/4/2023 9:53 am : link
Schoen is not Gettleman. He’s made it clear they are using the tag on Jones if needed. An AAV of $40+ is not happening.

As to Barkley & Love, both can be replaced. RB to me is a much more fungible position than others. I like Barkley but I’d rather they spend $ improving at ILB, DL depth, and on the OL.

I have faith in Schoen.
this over valuation crap has got to be met with firm resolve  
gidiefor : Mod : 3/4/2023 9:55 am : link
if Schoen and Co are the goods -- they will prove that these players are all replaceable

You can not go into negotiations with the idea that this player is our only option

RE: Jones, Barkley and Love all over-valuing themselves  
JoeyBigBlue : 3/4/2023 9:58 am : link
In comment 16050653 chick310 said:
to some degree.

I think we are at the stage where the any BBI poster that pens the next "home-town discount to stay in NY" remark should be ridiculed.

Im 100% convinced that the best thing for this franchise long term is tagging Jones and letting anyone else walk. Barkley and Love are both replaceable players. All three guys are solid players but not franchise altering talents. The Giants need to remain disciplined and not fall in love with their own players.
RE: this over valuation crap has got to be met with firm resolve  
BlueVinnie : 3/4/2023 9:58 am : link
In comment 16050656 gidiefor said:
if Schoen and Co are the goods -- they will prove that these players are all replaceable

You can not go into negotiations with the idea that this player is our only option

You are absolutely correct!
Dear god, everyday a new DJ thread saying  
jvm52106 : 3/4/2023 9:59 am : link
Nothing but word is etc. I highly doubt DJ's team is letting people know they asked for $45mil plus- it kills them in possible negotiations with other teams if he hits FA and lets him be perceived as the villain here.

The Giants could have leaked this to put pressure on DJ's team and to give fans a perception that DJ's requests were just too high even though WE love DJ as an organization. But, they too can look bad here if he signed elsewhere for less.

Keep in mind what Schoen said just the other day after meeting with Richardson (QB Fla)- just because you have a GF doesn't mean you stop searching for a WIFE.. Does that quote sound like he is blindly looking to keep DJ at any cost and long-term???

People need to relax here. More crazy news and arguments will happen today and tomorrow, before he either signs or is tagged..
RE: RE: this over valuation crap has got to be met with firm resolve  
Klaatu : 3/4/2023 10:00 am : link
In comment 16050661 BlueVinnie said:
In comment 16050656 gidiefor said:


if Schoen and Co are the goods -- they will prove that these players are all replaceable

You can not go into negotiations with the idea that this player is our only option

You are absolutely correct!

Yes, he is.
RE: this over valuation crap has got to be met with firm resolve  
BigBlueShock : 3/4/2023 10:02 am : link
In comment 16050656 gidiefor said:
if Schoen and Co are the goods -- they will prove that these players are all replaceable

You can not go into negotiations with the idea that this player is our only option

Yep. If I’m Schoen I’m giving him the non exclusive tag. If no other team signs him to an offer sheet and he comes back and plays under the tag I’m telling Jones “You want franchise QB money, go be a franchise QB this season. We are taking the train wheels off. Put up franchise QB numbers and you’ll get your money. But no more excuses about the talent around you because if we give you the money you want, this is the type of roster you’ll be playing with throughout your contract because the cap hits are going to have a huge effect on what we can do around you. Good luck.”.
Let them all walk  
uncledave : 3/4/2023 10:04 am : link
If we sign them you’re banking on a SB in the next few years and then you gotta start over again. Let’s build this team right and start fresh. It’ll hurt for a year or two but it’s better than screwing things up for another 5-6.
christian : 3/4/2023 10:05 am : link
Ah it was just a week ago Generous Dan fired CAA because they were forcing him to ask for too much money.
Gogiantsgo : 3/4/2023 10:09 am : link
Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year
Don’t believe for a second the Giants thought he’d sign for 35  
BillT : 3/4/2023 10:12 am : link
Schoen knows better than that.
Jones had a good year, not great.....  
Simms11 : 3/4/2023 10:15 am : link
.however he played well under the circumstances and got the team to the playoffs and even won a game on the road! He’s shown his metal and the Giants must think that he’ll get even better under the same scheme, HC, OC, etc, as well as improvements in the supporting cast. That said, I would consider just tagging him and seeing if those factors actually pay off for him. That would mean letting Barkley go, if there’s better offers and not being able to improve the roster much around him. If the Giants sign him to a 3-4 year deal, Dabs and Schoen are essentially hitching their collective wagons to him, as well. Would Dabs get extended if Jones didn’t work out? He must think very highly of him.
RE: Sportrac  
Sammo85 : 3/4/2023 10:17 am : link
In comment 16050673 Gogiantsgo said:
Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year

That’s an awful contract.
RE: Second winning season in 10 years and the players now all think they  
bLiTz 2k : 3/4/2023 10:17 am : link
In comment 16050618 kelly said:
are all stars. Love can walk, he is replaceable.

Barkley can walk. Running backs don't do well on their second contract.

I would put non exclusive on DJ. If I get two first round picks let him walk.

Rebuild the time the right way. Build the roster and then get your QB.

Don't overpay. We did that for years and all we got were losing records. There are no quick fixes. You have to draft well.

We overpayed for years?
The Giants have only extended two players in the recent history. obj/shep.
I think they only one that’s hard to replace is DJ  
Rudy5757 : 3/4/2023 10:17 am : link
I like Love a lot and his versatility is great but he can be replaced if his price goes haywire. Saquon should get the tag if DJ works out a deal if not I believe we can go RB by committee and get the same or better production. Barkley had only 2 plays over 30 yards last year and they were in the 1st half of the season.

A few million dollars either way on DJ should not be a big deal. If he wants $45 mil it has to be on a 5 year deal with 3 void years. I think it will come on closer to $40. If he wants more let him play at the FT of $32. Everyone knows he’s going to be here. Use the FT, it will hurt FA a little but after no offers come in for $45 mil his numbers will drop. Then the Giants will have the upper hand and can sign him long term. After the draft some good vets will get cut and we will have $$.

As other teams are doing with these big QB contracts is push the money to later years. The cap will go up by at least $10 mil or more each year and every year a FA QB will reset the market. Burrow is next. Clearly the Giants like DJ and think they can win with him or they would only negotiate at the FT number. It will get done. There are currently no better options for the Giants and the FA market is very weak overall not just at QB. We need to keep the momentum from last year and the players seem to love DJ and his work ethic.

I am amazed  
HomerJones45 : 3/4/2023 10:18 am : link
- There's a lot of skepticism in the league that DJ would get close to what he wants or even what he'll get from the Giants from anyone else. But that it's moot since Giants are committed to him.

That's a flashing sign that says "Over pay"
RE: Sportrac  
HardTruth : 3/4/2023 10:18 am : link
In comment 16050673 Gogiantsgo said:
Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year

So all this just to get dome cap space in 1 season? Great. What happens next offseason when he counts 42.5 mil?
RE: RE: Sportrac  
BillT : 3/4/2023 10:22 am : link
In comment 16050690 HardTruth said:

So all this just to get dome cap space in 1 season? Great. What happens next offseason when he counts 42.5 mil?

You’re right. They wouldn’t front load it this much. Something like 22, 32, 42, etc. makes more sense.
Tag Jones  
GiantsRage2007 : 3/4/2023 10:24 am : link
This year & next if needed. That’s 32 then 39mm. So 71mm for 2 yrs. I realize you don’t get the benefit of a reduced cap hit on the first year of a long term deal but you get 2 more looks at Jones with the same superior coaching & better talent.

Signing Jones & Barkley long term just seems like… running last years team back out there thinking they’ll magically catch Philly & Dallas.
Eric, I can always count on you to bring a voice of reason  
GiantBlue : 3/4/2023 10:25 am : link
to important threads. Everyone may not like what you have to hear, but you are spot on most times and you are right in this case.

We don't know what is really happening behind the scenes because the leadership group and Daniel Jones are above board people who prefer to work in private without all the leaks, "splashy Jerrah" stuff, etc.

I trust that Schoen and Daboll spent a lot of sleepless nights last year trying to figure out how to manipulate the horrible cap situation into a viable season.

When you live through the hell, you try not to get back!

RE: Sportrac  
sb from NYT Forum : 3/4/2023 10:30 am : link
In comment 16050673 Gogiantsgo said:
Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year

Even this contract would crush the Giants if Jones can't become a top 10 QB, or worst case scenario, faceplants and turns back into 2020 and 2021 Jones.

The Giants would be awful until 2026 and couldn't do a damn thing about it because of the $42.5 million and $45 million cap hit for Jones.

This is all so crazy for a guy that showed improvement but still has a lot of question marks.
RE: RE: this over valuation crap has got to be met with firm resolve  
Brown_Hornet : 3/4/2023 10:33 am : link
In comment 16050666 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16050656 gidiefor said:


if Schoen and Co are the goods -- they will prove that these players are all replaceable

You can not go into negotiations with the idea that this player is our only option

Yep. If I’m Schoen I’m giving him the non exclusive tag. If no other team signs him to an offer sheet and he comes back and plays under the tag I’m telling Jones “You want franchise QB money, go be a franchise QB this season. We are taking the train wheels off. Put up franchise QB numbers and you’ll get your money. But no more excuses about the talent around you because if we give you the money you want, this is the type of roster you’ll be playing with throughout your contract because the cap hits are going to have a huge effect on what we can do around you. Good luck.”.
I like the way you worded this.
RE: If you guys  
Milton : 3/4/2023 10:34 am : link
In comment 16050641 Eric from BBI said:
have noticed, I haven't commented much on any of this the past two weeks.

I don't trust any of the info out there since there seems to be some bad blood between Jones and his old agency. The reporters should be wiser about this too.

That said, if these reports about $45+ million per year are accurate, I would pass. We're not talking about a proven commodity here.
Here's the thing, he may not be "proven" to you or me, but if Schoen and Daboll are convinced, who gives a shit about what Kennedy and Chassman think? For all we know, Jones could be asking for an 7-year deal to go along with that $45M per year. I remember when you were deeply concerned about the $8M/year Eli signed as a rookie and I assured you that over the course of the seven years, it would come to feel like a bargain (assuming Eli delivered, which he did). Whether Jones signs for $35M/year or $45M/year or anywhere in between isn't the question, because the amount he signs for is just a matter of how much leverage each side has in the negotiations. If he is the real deal, any amount in that range will ultimately feel like a bargain. If he isn't the real deal, it will be painful no matter the numbers, just a little more painful at the higher AAV.

So if Schoen and Daboll have doubts they should just go through the motions of pretending to negotiate a multi-year deal but ultimately have him play on the tag. On the other hand, if they truly believe he is their man, the longer the multi-year deal, the better (even if the longer deal, the higher the AAV and the greater the guaranteed money).
All the “there are still question marks about Jones” stuff  
BillT : 3/4/2023 10:37 am : link
I get that’s true for us but if it’s true for Schoen/Daboll we’ve got the wrong guys in charge. They were the ones who made last year his make it or break it year. They either know he is or know he isn’t or they aren’t who we think they are. And I believe they are. So, to me, that question mark stuff is for us amateurs. Our FO knows.
I still want to know what Jones market is  
Sean : 3/4/2023 10:37 am : link
If he makes free agency, are multiple teams getting in a bidding war over his services?
RE: I still want to know what Jones market is  
BillT : 3/4/2023 10:43 am : link
In comment 16050725 Sean said:
If he makes free agency, are multiple teams getting in a bidding war over his services?

Yes. You look at what’s out there where more than half the teams don’t have QBs they trust and you wonder if there would be multiple teams interested. Seems pretty obvious.
If tagged could Jones hold out?  
widmerseyebrow : 3/4/2023 10:45 am : link
RE: I still want to know what Jones market is  
Milton : 3/4/2023 10:45 am : link
In comment 16050725 Sean said:
If he makes free agency, are multiple teams getting in a bidding war over his services?
This is where leverage comes in. Even if Schoen and Daboll are in absolute full bloom love with Jones, you still use all the leverage you have to negotiate the lowest financial commitment possible. That's just good business. If it's not full bloom love, you pretend to negotiate a multi-year deal (so as not to insult Jones), but ultimately opt for the franchise tag. This isn't to say that they couldn't be in full bloom love and still have him play on the tag if they feel Jones's reps are overplaying their hand.
Look, Jones switched to the guys  
Dave on the UWS : 3/4/2023 10:45 am : link
who got Watson that ridiculous contract.
He may force the Giants hand. I'm sure AF wants his number to start with a 4. I would ONLY do that if I'm Schoen, if they have an out after 3 years and the avg is less than 40 for that time. Otherwise, they are screwing themselves.
I think JS is smart enough NOT to take the bait.
RE: I still want to know what Jones market is  
LauderdaleMatty : 3/4/2023 10:45 am : link
In comment 16050725 Sean said:
If he makes free agency, are multiple teams getting in a bidding war over his services?

No. Lol. I really had no issue w the Giants committing to him after a solid year but half of his success was running. While valuable IMO that's fools gold to rely on long term. Kyler Murray and Jackson both had serious leg injuries. You can not rely on the running long term. It's Russian roulette.

AND if he really wants 45 good bye. Franchise him and move on. He is not a true top tier QB. There are maybe 3 guys under 30 that fit that and we all know who they are. I can't imagine any team is going to give him anything over 40 w a long term deal. Someone got in his ear I guess. Schoen and other GMs have to be aware how over priced the Qb market is and at one point be smart enough to walk away.
And BTW, if Schoen really thought 35 was reasonable  
BillT : 3/4/2023 10:45 am : link
Then Jones’ 45 is just as reasonable.
There’s still pretty limited information about Jones  
cosmicj : 3/4/2023 10:46 am : link
They get to see him in practice? Great. I’m sure DJ looks good in a controlled setting. That’s not why you pay a guy $40mm. You pay him that amount because he performs in high pressure real life games against very good defenses. And there’s limited tape of that.

Also, there’s the presumption in this argument that “real NFLers” know things. Sure, but they get things wrong a lot, despite their knowledge. It’s a tough job.
christian : 3/4/2023 10:47 am : link
AAV is not the figure Team Jones is focused on. They are looking for the most fully guaranteed dollars over the shortest years of team control.

The Giants control Jones for 3 years at a total of 130M today. Only 33M of that would be fully guaranteed. That's a 43M AAV and an 18% blended average of the Giants total cap 23-25.

Jones has 3 options:

1) 3 years/130M with 33M fully guaranteed
2) 3 years at less than 130M with more than 33M guaranteed
3) More than 3 years and be underpaid probably by year 3

My best guess is the agreement is 3/110M with 70M fully guaranteed.

23: 15B 15S
24: 15B 10S 10RB (NG)
25: 15B 20S (NG) 10RB (NG)
RE: RE: I ll say this about Jones  
joeinpa : 3/4/2023 10:48 am : link
In comment 16050646 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16050640 joeinpa said:


He has a lot of confidence in himself.

Takes a good man to not wavier after 4 years of mostly losing football and somewhat unique scrutiny and criticism of him as a player; to say nothing of new management not picking up his 5 th year option.

He s not easily intimidated which is a quality I have seen in him before.

Well that’s an interesting way of looking at Jones ludicrously asking for over $45M, lol.

Lol. What’s really interesting is how this will play out. But I do admire his tenacity
Geez what if we dont sign  
Spiciest Memelord : 3/4/2023 10:53 am : link
Jones, Barkley and Love. Plenty of money to spend more on mercenary FAs like Golladay I guess.
RE: If tagged could Jones hold out?  
BillT : 3/4/2023 10:57 am : link
In comment 16050737 widmerseyebrow said:

He could easily make them sweat just by not showing up for the offseason program or the voluntarily mini camps. Not saying he would but it would be headline news.
RE: ...  
Milton : 3/4/2023 10:58 am : link
In comment 16050749 christian said:
AAV is not the figure Team Jones is focused on. They are looking for the most fully guaranteed dollars over the shortest years of team control.

The Giants control Jones for 3 years at a total of 130M today. Only 33M of that would be fully guaranteed. That's a 43M AAV and an 18% blended average of the Giants total cap 23-25.
I wouldn't look at it that way, because it means getting $58M in year 3. More daunting for Jones is that they control his rights over the next two years for $71.3M with $32.4M guaranteed. That's a $36M AAV ($35.64M to be exact). That's the leverage that Schoen has in negotiations and it's significant when coupled with the cap room the Giants have. If the Giants were in cap hell, Jones would have more leverage, but they aren't.

Jones has 3 options:

1) 3 years/130M with 33M fully guaranteed
2) 3 years at less than 130M with more than 33M guaranteed
3) More than 3 years and be underpaid probably by year 3

My best guess is the agreement is 3/110M with 70M fully guaranteed.

23: 15B 15S
24: 15B 10S 10RB (NG)
25: 15B 20S (NG) 10RB (NG) [/quote]
CoughlinHandsonHips : 3/4/2023 10:58 am : link
Too much money to gamble on improvement

DJ got a raw deal here with the earlier GM - no doubt about it. It is what it is.

Too much roster deficiency to spend that much on DJ. We didn’t even belong on the same field as Philly - the game was over before fans were done tail gating.

Paying DJ and SB essentially means we’ll be marching out the same roster, with an additional rookie class and some bargain free agents

Milton : 3/4/2023 10:59 am : link
I didn't mean to include the stuff from christian about Jones's three options at the bottom of my post.
I’m sure Giant fans would laugh at Garoppolo wanting $40M  
Sean : 3/4/2023 11:02 am : link
But he’s won multiple playoff games and was in the Super Bowl. Fans overrate their own players.
RE: RE: If tagged could Jones hold out?  
Milton : 3/4/2023 11:02 am : link
In comment 16050760 BillT said:
He could easily make them sweat just by not showing up for the offseason program or the voluntarily mini camps. Not saying he would but it would be headline news.
This is true, but I feel like it would come under the heading of "cutting off your nose to spite your face" because as the QB of the team, he needs as much work as possible with the rest of the offense in order to have the kind of season that will lead to a big bucks deal in 2024.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 3/4/2023 11:03 am : link
there needs to be a walk-away number.

Gettleman didn't have a walk-away number for guys like Solder and Galloday.

There are legit reasons why you can argue that Jones has not been more productive, but at the end of the day, he hasn't been that productive.

As for Barkley, my views on him haven't changed since last offseason when I said the best-case scenario (for me) was for him to have a tremendous first-half of the year, and then trade him. The problem for the Giants were they were 6-2 at the break and there would have been a riot had they traded him at that point.

I still wonder how productive a back he will be over the course of the next 3-4 years. You can come up for reasons why he wasn't terribly productive in the second-half of the year, but bottom line, he wasn't.
agree with Eric  
Dave on the UWS : 3/4/2023 11:13 am : link
and if Duggan's numbers are "accurate", I bet that walk away number is around 38 million. That would mean Jones would have to come down almost 10 million AND his contract would start with a 3. I'm betting AF will NOT settle for that, they want Jones to re-set the flood for contracts at 40 (with Hurts and Herbert coming up).
If Jones plays hardball, there won't be a deal, he will get tagged and its a 1 year rental most likely.
Also, Sy confidently said to move on at $45M  
Sean : 3/4/2023 11:14 am : link
RE: RE: RE: If tagged could Jones hold out?  
BillT : 3/4/2023 11:17 am : link
In comment 16050768 Milton said:
In comment 16050760 BillT said:


He could easily make them sweat just by not showing up for the offseason program or the voluntarily mini camps. Not saying he would but it would be headline news.

This is true, but I feel like it would come under the heading of "cutting off your nose to spite your face" because as the QB of the team, he needs as much work as possible with the rest of the offense in order to have the kind of season that will lead to a big bucks deal in 2024.

You’re the one who asked and I didn’t say he would or should.
3-5-1 after the bye  
HardTruth : 3/4/2023 11:19 am : link
Giants were blown out of 2 games vs Philly (including playoffs)

Beaten in 3Q by Lions, Seattle & Dallas

Played Washington to a virtual 9Q standstill over 3 weeks

Wins over Indy & Houston, maybe 2 worst teams in NFL

Giants did play very well vs Vikings.

The Giants clearly would have lost last week of season as the 2 games vs Philly show should they have needed to.

The Giants should not overestimate their own talent here.
RE: ...  
Keaton028 : 3/4/2023 11:22 am : link
In comment 16050669 christian said:
Ah it was just a week ago Generous Dan fired CAA because they were forcing him to ask for too much money.

LOL. So true.
RE: Sportrac  
CornerStone246+17 : 3/4/2023 11:29 am : link
In comment 16050673 Gogiantsgo said:
Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year

This is a very very realistic scenario IMO. Well done.
RE: RE: Sportrac  
Gogiantsgo : 3/4/2023 11:42 am : link
In comment 16050690 HardTruth said:
In comment 16050673 Gogiantsgo said:


Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year

So all this just to get dome cap space in 1 season? Great. What happens next offseason when he counts 42.5 mil?

It's an easy fix. Move some of the money from Years 2 and 3 to Year 1.
RE: agree with Eric  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 3/4/2023 11:43 am : link
In comment 16050785 Dave on the UWS said:
and if Duggan's numbers are "accurate", I bet that walk away number is around 38 million. That would mean Jones would have to come down almost 10 million AND his contract would start with a 3. I'm betting AF will NOT settle for that, they want Jones to re-set the flood for contracts at 40 (with Hurts and Herbert coming up).
If Jones plays hardball, there won't be a deal, he will get tagged and its a 1 year rental most likely.

My guess is a deal gets done and when the numbers are FIRST released, people will be pissed. Then news will come out that the contract is better than it looks.
Just remember  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 3/4/2023 11:50 am : link
there is a PR element to all of this. The Jones/agent camp wants everyone to believe they got the deal they wanted. The Giants want it to look like they stood firm. The truth will probably be in the middle.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 3/4/2023 11:50 am : link
Giving DJ $45 million a season would be as destructive to the Giants as Wicked Weed Brewing giving me the keys to their brewery would be to my liver. No good would come of it.

Joe has to hold the line.
RE: RE: agree with Eric  
BillT : 3/4/2023 11:54 am : link
In comment 16050835 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16050785 Dave on the UWS said:


and if Duggan's numbers are "accurate", I bet that walk away number is around 38 million. That would mean Jones would have to come down almost 10 million AND his contract would start with a 3. I'm betting AF will NOT settle for that, they want Jones to re-set the flood for contracts at 40 (with Hurts and Herbert coming up).
If Jones plays hardball, there won't be a deal, he will get tagged and its a 1 year rental most likely.

My guess is a deal gets done and when the numbers are FIRST released, people will be pissed. Then news will come out that the contract is better than it looks.

I think Schoen will use the 40 as his closer. He knows the PR aspects from both sides. 5/200 looks right and is perfectly reasonable for Jones in this market which has recently been inflated by new TV deals.
Let's hold our water here!  
Colin@gbn : 3/4/2023 12:11 pm : link
I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.
RE: Let's hold our water here!  
BigBlueShock : 3/4/2023 12:18 pm : link
In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:
I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

Well shit, may as well pay him $60M/per then! Since there’s not much of a difference and apparently overpaying doesn’t really matter…
RE: RE: RE: Sportrac  
BlueVinnie : 3/4/2023 12:19 pm : link
In comment 16050834 Gogiantsgo said:
In comment 16050690 HardTruth said:


In comment 16050673 Gogiantsgo said:


Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year

So all this just to get dome cap space in 1 season? Great. What happens next offseason when he counts 42.5 mil?

It's an easy fix. Move some of the money from Years 2 and 3 to Year 1. essence, you want to give Jones 7 years to prove himself.
Holy friggin' shit!
Eric +1  
JonC : 3/4/2023 12:28 pm : link
Giants need to be wise about what they really have in house. And, it's a walk of a razor edge with the owners and fans and a mountain of expectations.
RE: Milton  
Milton : 3/4/2023 12:32 pm : link
In comment 16050769 Eric from BBI said:
there needs to be a walk-away number.
In my opinion, the walk-away number is the middle ground in which the Giants truly believe in Jones, but opt for the tag over a multi-year deal just the same.

Gettleman didn't have a walk-away number for guys like Solder and Galloday.
Agreed. Gettleman lived in the best-case-scenario world, where if the player produced as expected, the money wouldn't handcuff them. My biggest fear about the moves he made in his last offseason at the helm was that they all came with injury concerns: Golladay, Adoree, Kadarius, not to mention Jones and Barkley. He rolled the dice on a year of good health and got the exact opposite.

There are legit reasons why you can argue that Jones has not been more productive, but at the end of the day, he hasn't been that productive.
Schoen and Daboll didn't draft Jones and have no bias attached, so I trust that their evaluation will be an objective one and far more well informed than any opinion we could have. If there is any bias at all, I would think that there's a side of Schoen that would prefer to pick his own franchise QB. Jones (and Barkley, too) will always be part of Gettleman's legacy.

As for Barkley, my views on him haven't changed since last offseason when I said the best-case scenario (for me) was for him to have a tremendous first-half of the year, and then trade him. The problem for the Giants were they were 6-2 at the break and there would have been a riot had they traded him at that point.

I still wonder how productive a back he will be over the course of the next 3-4 years. You can come up for reasons why he wasn't terribly productive in the second-half of the year, but bottom line, he wasn't.
I pretty much agree 100%. I'm not even sure Barkley is worth the franchise tag, let alone a multi-year deal. I still think drafting him #2 overall was the right move at the time (given they weren't sold on any of the QBs), and I think his rookie year validated that, but injuries have robbed him and he'll never be that player again.
RE: Let's hold our water here!  
BH28 : 3/4/2023 12:37 pm : link
In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:
I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

A $10M difference could be the ability to tag Barkley or not. In a constrained environment, that's a big deal.

On the flip side, if the argument is Jones needs more weapons, every dollar spent on him is dollars that can't be spent on talent around him. It's self defeating.

If Jones is the guy who can elevate the team, the above point is irrelevant.
Solder was definitely a panic signing  
Spiciest Memelord : 3/4/2023 12:38 pm : link
after that Carolina guard got scooped up. As was Golladay kind of sort of. Don't go shopping hungry.
RE: RE: agree with Eric  
Payasdaddy : 3/4/2023 12:40 pm : link
In comment 16050835 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16050785 Dave on the UWS said:


and if Duggan's numbers are "accurate", I bet that walk away number is around 38 million. That would mean Jones would have to come down almost 10 million AND his contract would start with a 3. I'm betting AF will NOT settle for that, they want Jones to re-set the flood for contracts at 40 (with Hurts and Herbert coming up).
If Jones plays hardball, there won't be a deal, he will get tagged and its a 1 year rental most likely.

My guess is a deal gets done and when the numbers are FIRST released, people will be pissed. Then news will come out that the contract is better than it looks.

If The Giants Tag Jones...  
Jim in Tampa : 3/4/2023 12:41 pm : link
they likely lose Barkley and have to use a premium pick to replace him.

Then they'll have limited cap space (and one less high draft pick) to upgrade WR and OL (not to mention CB, S, ILB and DL).

Also factor in a tougher schedule and DJ and the O could really struggle next year. At which point Jones might not be able to get the same long-term deal at $38M AAV.
I really believe that Eric is right about the PR  
Dave on the UWS : 3/4/2023 12:49 pm : link
angle. Jone's agents REALLY want his contract to start with a 4. How comfortable is Schoen at that number. I would bet two bottles of scotch, that he wants something (like an out after 3 years) if he has to go to that number.
I agree with Eric, more than likely, they hammer out a deal that "looks good" for both sides, by Tue. NEITHER side wants to go to a tag, it has bad optics on both sides.
Schoen has been pretty clear about  
Lines of Scrimmage : 3/4/2023 1:06 pm : link
placing values on players. It's one thing to do that and than another to replace that player(s).

RB and Safety is a lot easier to replace than it is your QB.

He does have the NEFT with Jones but that does carry some risks for both Schoen and Jones.

The higher he goes on the AAV I hope he gets back with a more manageable way to get out of the deal if needed after 2 or 3 years.
If they tag Jones  
bc4life : 3/4/2023 1:21 pm : link
and Barkley goes, focus on OL. There are NFL teams with RBs a lot less talented than SB who have solid running games.
RE: this  
AcidTest : 3/4/2023 1:21 pm : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.

+1. Don't overpay for anyone. I'm happy letting Jones play on the NEFT to make him prove it again this year. I don't want the Jones negotiations to be a repeat of what DG did with Golladay, namely competing against ourselves for his services. I'd like to resign Love. I'd probably let Barkley go. But I'm fine letting both leave.
RE: Second winning season in 10 years and the players now all think they  
AcidTest : 3/4/2023 1:21 pm : link
In comment 16050618 kelly said:
are all stars. Love can walk, he is replaceable.

Barkley can walk. Running backs don't do well on their second contract.

I would put non exclusive on DJ. If I get two first round picks let him walk.

Rebuild the time the right way. Build the roster and then get your QB.

Don't overpay. We did that for years and all we got were losing records. There are no quick fixes. You have to draft well.

"the sense is"...  
Chris in Philly : 3/4/2023 1:23 pm : link
sure does a lot of heavy lifting for these guys trying to generate content...
RE: the sense  
Dr. D : 3/4/2023 1:56 pm : link
In comment 16050960 Chris in Philly said:
sure does a lot of heavy lifting for these guys trying to generate content...

You're right, CIP. Kind of like a 7th sense. Some might call it cosmic debris.
RE: this  
giantstock : 3/4/2023 1:58 pm : link
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:
is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.


It seems some on here are willing to sell the wife, the kids, the house for Jones.
Schoen is NOT going  
Dave on the UWS : 3/4/2023 2:30 pm : link
to screw himself with a contract. If it doesn't make sense, he will Tag him. He has stated repeatedly, he has walk away points in ALL negotiations, Jones included.
Jones wants to stay, they want him, so logically, they will find a happy medium.
Its going to be more than we would pay him, but Schoen still has to build the roster, whether he Tags him or reaches an agreement.
RE: I still want to know what Jones market is  
bw in dc : 3/4/2023 2:38 pm : link
In comment 16050725 Sean said:
If he makes free agency, are multiple teams getting in a bidding war over his services?

I would love to know this. This has NYG bidding against themselves written all over it.

I'd bet good money the market outside of 1925 Giants Way Dr views Jones as a $30M AAV QB...tops. The smart play is to hedge with a NEFT (I prefer the TT) and dare New Team Jones to get his big offer.
The giants lost the last ten years  
djm : 3/4/2023 3:51 pm : link
Because they didn’t draft well and they didn’t find enough star power in the draft or FA.

Let’s not confuse paying a FA “too much” and why the giants sucked since 2012. They sucked because they didn’t bring in enough talent. Solder was a bad move in hindsight but that’s not the reason why the giants sucked. The fact that they even had to find a LT from another team, in FA was the bigger issue.

They will pay these guys market value and if they want more than that they will dare Barkley and jones to find it elsewhere. From there it’s anyone’s guess what happens but we aren’t there yet. Odds are they settle here. You usually overpay when it’s a FA from another team.

RE: The giants lost the last ten years  
giantstock : 3/4/2023 4:04 pm : link
In comment 16051155 djm said:
Because they didn’t draft well and they didn’t find enough star power in the draft or FA.

Let’s not confuse paying a FA “too much” and why the giants sucked since 2012. They sucked because they didn’t bring in enough talent. Solder was a bad move in hindsight but that’s not the reason why the giants sucked. The fact that they even had to find a LT from another team, in FA was the bigger issue.

They will pay these guys market value and if they want more than that they will dare Barkley and jones to find it elsewhere. From there it’s anyone’s guess what happens but we aren’t there yet. Odds are they settle here. You usually overpay when it’s a FA from another team.

And let's not act like they knew what they were doing in FA either. Most of the FA's that a team signs for pretty big - the requirement shouldn't be that they are going to really suck. But with the Giants that seemed the majority of the rule.

As far as FA, the problem was what later Gettleman admitted that he did wrong; he tried to simultaneously believed he could win while rebuild. He admitted later he should have done one or the other. SO, it' not as much as Solder and the FA's sucked; it's the lack of recognition of what your team actually is.

That's their job. They get paid to be right most of the time. When they fail, they deserve all the backlash. By DG going after Solder, it wasn't the issue that he sucked as much as the GM was too stupid to realize he should’ve been in complete rebuild. That's why he and GM's like him are gone quickly. They have a weak grasp of what they have.
RE: Schoen is NOT going  
Red Right Hand : 3/4/2023 4:13 pm : link
In comment 16051048 Dave on the UWS said:
to screw himself with a contract. If it doesn't make sense, he will Tag him. He has stated repeatedly, he has walk away points in ALL negotiations, Jones included.
Jones wants to stay, they want him, so logically, they will find a happy medium.
Its going to be more than we would pay him, but Schoen still has to build the roster, whether he Tags him or reaches an agreement.
Flawed logic. Jones never said he wanted to stay, you are projecting. Jones may be quite fine with moving on. My sense is he doesn't really care, and has some hard feelings, toward both club and fans.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Sportrac  
Gogiantsgo : 3/4/2023 4:37 pm : link
In comment 16050882 BlueVinnie said:
In comment 16050834 Gogiantsgo said:


In comment 16050690 HardTruth said:


In comment 16050673 Gogiantsgo said:


Proposes a contract that might end up happening.

$200M/5 years $120M guaranteed

$50M signing bonus prorated over 5 year contract

Year 1: $2.5M base, $12.5M cap hit ($52.5M cash to Jones)

Year 2: $2.5M base, $30M roster bonus, $42.5M cap hit ($32.5M cash to Jones)

Year 3: $35M base, $45M cap hit ($35M cash to Jones)

Out after year 3 with only $20M in dead cap to be distributed over years 4 and 5

If Jones is retained under current contract

Year 4: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Year 5: $40M base, $50M cap hit ($40M cash to Jones)

Dead cap:
Year 1: $85M
Year 2: $72.5M
Year 3: $30M
Year 4: $20M
Year 5: $10M
Void Year

So all this just to get dome cap space in 1 season? Great. What happens next offseason when he counts 42.5 mil?

It's an easy fix. Move some of the money from Years 2 and 3 to Year 1. essence, you want to give Jones 7 years to prove himself.
Holy friggin' shit!

First, this is sportrac numbers, not mine. Second, you better be ready for it because an extension is three years minimum. And third, "to prove himself" is your biased take. I'm willing to bet that the Giants management (which understands the situation far better than you or me) are not looking at it like that AT ALL. They are looking at it as signing a QB to a long term extension that will help the team win.
RE: RE: I still want to know what Jones market is  
Milton : 3/4/2023 4:43 pm : link
In comment 16051066 bw in dc said:
I'd bet good money the market outside of 1925 Giants Way Dr views Jones as a $30M AAV QB...tops. The smart play is to hedge with a NEFT (I prefer the TT) and dare New Team Jones to get his big offer.
You would lose that bet so be thankful you don't have the opportunity to make it.
RE: RE: this  
BillT : 3/4/2023 4:47 pm : link
In comment 16051007 giantstock said:
In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:


is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.


It seems some on here are willing to sell the wife, the kids, the house for Jones.

No, though there are some here who are realistic about the market for Jones. At least that's how I see it.
RE: Let's hold our water here!  
chick310 : 3/4/2023 11:33 pm : link
In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:
I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

You might get more trust if you submitted better posts.

This seems more of the same of why you don't.

RE: RE: RE: this  
giantstock : 3/5/2023 12:24 am : link
In comment 16051229 BillT said:
In comment 16051007 giantstock said:


In comment 16050608 Eric from BBI said:


is a dangerous time for the Giants. They should not overvalue any of these guys or they will quickly be back in cap hell.

Jones had a nice year, but he still has a LOT to prove. Barkley was hampered by the lack of surround threats, but they actually didn't rely on him all that much in the second half of the year and still has the injury history. Love has gotten better every year, but came up small in the games against the Eagles.


It seems some on here are willing to sell the wife, the kids, the house for Jones.

No, though there are some here who are realistic about the market for Jones. At least that's how I see it.

You reacted to my post by saying "no." My post clearly said "Some." And you said "No."

Are you saying there is no one who has unrealistic view of paying a very high cost for Jones/looking at alternatives?

Or is it you just wanted to be contrarian and didn't like the tone of the post?
RE: Let's hold our water here!  
giantstock : 3/5/2023 2:27 am : link
In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:
I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

I don't agree with this on certain levels. One is that Imo what you're saying is the trap that big markets fall into why they fail. That "it's only $10m more. Well, that's the reason why you don't sign in the past a DE like Chris Long.

And you have to remember this a chat board that we share ideas. Some of us do think an extra $10m is a lot. And if it fails and the Giants are lousy the next several years in which Jones sucks you have to understand that some of us are going to be mad at Giants Mgmt, right?

And you better believe that if we signed Jones for $40m-plus and it turns out to be awful that there will be posters / some in the media that will say that we HAD to do it and NO ONE was saying we shouldn't.

As a result, if they do go all-in and i doesn't work out, then 2 years or maybe three down the road they would deserve to be ripped for it. Because they DO have alternatives.

Dave Gettleman misunderstood the talent for his team. It is highly possible that we have the same thing happening here.

RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
BigBlueShock : 3/5/2023 8:15 am : link
In comment 16051384 giantstock said:
In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:


I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

I don't agree with this on certain levels. One is that Imo what you're saying is the trap that big markets fall into why they fail. That "it's only $10m more. Well, that's the reason why you don't sign in the past a DE like Chris Long.

And you have to remember this a chat board that we share ideas. Some of us do think an extra $10m is a lot. And if it fails and the Giants are lousy the next several years in which Jones sucks you have to understand that some of us are going to be mad at Giants Mgmt, right?

And you better believe that if we signed Jones for $40m-plus and it turns out to be awful that there will be posters / some in the media that will say that we HAD to do it and NO ONE was saying we shouldn't.

As a result, if they do go all-in and i doesn't work out, then 2 years or maybe three down the road they would deserve to be ripped for it. Because they DO have alternatives.

Dave Gettleman misunderstood the talent for his team. It is highly possible that we have the same thing happening here.

I agree with most of your post but your last sentence is asinine. How many times has Schoen mentioned the team has a ton of holes to fill? He’s been incredibly forthright in where he thinks this team is and why getting these guys signed is such a tricky situation. So, no, it IS NOT “highly probable the same thing is happening here”. Shown knows exactly what the talent level of this team is. He’s said so a million times this offseason if you’ve been paying attention
RE: RE: RE: RE: this  
BillT : 3/5/2023 8:22 am : link
In comment 16051374 giantstock said:

It seems some on here are willing to sell the wife, the kids, the house for Jones.

No, though there are some here who are realistic about the market for Jones. At least that's how I see it.

You reacted to my post by saying "no." My post clearly said "Some." And you said "No."

Are you saying there is no one who has unrealistic view of paying a very high cost for Jones/looking at alternatives?

Or is it you just wanted to be contrarian and didn't like the tone of the post?

You said some here are “willing to sell the wife, the kids, the house”, which is not only not a “realistic” take but rather hyperbolic. I just said no that’s not what some here are doing. Some here are being realistic about the market for Jones. And you’re the one complaining. Wow, just wow.
RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
section125 : 3/5/2023 8:34 am : link
In comment 16051384 giantstock said:
In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:


I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

I don't agree with this on certain levels. One is that Imo what you're saying is the trap that big markets fall into why they fail. That "it's only $10m more. Well, that's the reason why you don't sign in the past a DE like Chris Long.

And you have to remember this a chat board that we share ideas. Some of us do think an extra $10m is a lot. And if it fails and the Giants are lousy the next several years in which Jones sucks you have to understand that some of us are going to be mad at Giants Mgmt, right?

And you better believe that if we signed Jones for $40m-plus and it turns out to be awful that there will be posters / some in the media that will say that we HAD to do it and NO ONE was saying we shouldn't.

As a result, if they do go all-in and i doesn't work out, then 2 years or maybe three down the road they would deserve to be ripped for it. Because they DO have alternatives.

Dave Gettleman misunderstood the talent for his team. It is highly possible that we have the same thing happening here.

Going backwards up your post:

yes Gettleman misunderstood the talent, but since Schoen has been picking winners off other people's PS, I would say you are totally wrong.

Name the alternatives available to the Giants at QB, drafting 25th - there aren't any that are better than what they have, period. Yes, if they hitch their wagon to Jones and he fails, this place will be a zoo. Obviously Schoen and Daboll think they have their horse. Most of us are skeptical, to some degree.

It is a chat board and it does not need to be pointed out what will happen if the Giants and Jones come up short - despite winning this past season people are grousing already.

I agree that $10 mill is a significant amount - that can sign Love, with money to spare for a nice bench player or two, for example.
RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
BillT : 3/5/2023 8:45 am : link
In comment 16051451 section125 said:

I agree that $10 mill is a significant amount - that can sign Love, with money to spare for a nice bench player or two, for example.

It really isn’t a $10m gap. I don’t think Schoen in any way thought he was going to sign DJ for 35. Nor do I think DJ thought 45 was going to work. It’s more like 38-42. So, we’ll see. Seems it should be doable but who knows.
RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
chick310 : 3/5/2023 8:46 am : link
In comment 16051451 section125 said:
In comment 16051384 giantstock said:


In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:


I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

I don't agree with this on certain levels. One is that Imo what you're saying is the trap that big markets fall into why they fail. That "it's only $10m more. Well, that's the reason why you don't sign in the past a DE like Chris Long.

And you have to remember this a chat board that we share ideas. Some of us do think an extra $10m is a lot. And if it fails and the Giants are lousy the next several years in which Jones sucks you have to understand that some of us are going to be mad at Giants Mgmt, right?

And you better believe that if we signed Jones for $40m-plus and it turns out to be awful that there will be posters / some in the media that will say that we HAD to do it and NO ONE was saying we shouldn't.

As a result, if they do go all-in and i doesn't work out, then 2 years or maybe three down the road they would deserve to be ripped for it. Because they DO have alternatives.

Dave Gettleman misunderstood the talent for his team. It is highly possible that we have the same thing happening here.

Going backwards up your post:

yes Gettleman misunderstood the talent, but since Schoen has been picking winners off other people's PS, I would say you are totally wrong.

Name the alternatives available to the Giants at QB, drafting 25th - there aren't any that are better than what they have, period. Yes, if they hitch their wagon to Jones and he fails, this place will be a zoo. Obviously Schoen and Daboll think they have their horse. Most of us are skeptical, to some degree.

The QB that may be available drafting 25th doesn't have to be better than Jones out of the gate, he only has to project better in Schoen's longer term evaluation.

And another key point is the player drafted in 25th slot will cost the NY Giants approx. $3M/year for the next 4 years, slightly less than $35M/year.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
section125 : 3/5/2023 8:55 am : link
In comment 16051460 chick310 said:

The QB that may be available drafting 25th doesn't have to be better than Jones out of the gate, he only has to project better in Schoen's longer term evaluation.

And another key point is the player drafted in 25th slot will cost the NY Giants approx. $3M/year for the next 4 years, slightly less than $35M/year.

Ok, your whole plan is about money and not really whether it can improve the roster spot?

Yes, if you pick a QB at 25, he had better be better than Jones. And Schoen has already made up his mind that Jones is better than what else there is available. If Schoen felt he could do equally as well picking a QB at 25 over Jones, he would let Jones walk.

Yes $3 mill is cheaper than $40 mill, but by the same logic, Taylor would be a lot cheaper too - and at least we know he can actually play QB in the NFL.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
BigBlueShock : 3/5/2023 9:00 am : link
In comment 16051468 section125 said:
In comment 16051460 chick310 said:


The QB that may be available drafting 25th doesn't have to be better than Jones out of the gate, he only has to project better in Schoen's longer term evaluation.

And another key point is the player drafted in 25th slot will cost the NY Giants approx. $3M/year for the next 4 years, slightly less than $35M/year.

Ok, your whole plan is about money and not really whether it can improve the roster spot?

Yes, if you pick a QB at 25, he had better be better than Jones. And Schoen has already made up his mind that Jones is better than what else there is available. If Schoen felt he could do equally as well picking a QB at 25 over Jones, he would let Jones walk.

Yes $3 mill is cheaper than $40 mill, but by the same logic, Taylor would be a lot cheaper too - and at least we know he can actually play QB in the NFL.

To be fair, we don’t know yet if Schoen is going to get to a point that he lets Jones walk. There is a very real world where he places the NEFT on Jones and if Jones gets an offer Schoen is uncomfortable with, he takes the picks and lets him walk
Thinking checkers when everyone is playing 3D chess  
Colin@gbn : 3/5/2023 10:50 am : link
Was thinking about all this overnight and started to wonder if there actually is a walk away number or even a franchise. We keep thinking that the Giants main goal here is to keep the cap in check. My guess is that their real goal is to win a Super Bowl and that they have concluded that they can do so with Jones. He's the QB THE most important component on the team (and whatever is #2 isn't even close) and you aren't going to win one without one. And you aren't going to let him walk to save a few million bucks on the cap. I am also wondering if the Giants really don't want to use the FT on him. Cause if they do and the team takes off like they hope/expect he will command a much bigger deal next year. Get him signed now - even for something like $45M - and 2-3 years down the road it will look like genius when the other top teams are paying their QBs upwards of $60M. In many ways the negotiations here are really about 2025, 2026 etc. The agents can see where all this is going with QB salaries and don't want to be left too far behind, but don't have a ton of leverage. Time will tell.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
section125 : 3/5/2023 10:57 am : link
In comment 16051470 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16051468 section125 said:


In comment 16051460 chick310 said:


The QB that may be available drafting 25th doesn't have to be better than Jones out of the gate, he only has to project better in Schoen's longer term evaluation.

And another key point is the player drafted in 25th slot will cost the NY Giants approx. $3M/year for the next 4 years, slightly less than $35M/year.

Ok, your whole plan is about money and not really whether it can improve the roster spot?

Yes, if you pick a QB at 25, he had better be better than Jones. And Schoen has already made up his mind that Jones is better than what else there is available. If Schoen felt he could do equally as well picking a QB at 25 over Jones, he would let Jones walk.

Yes $3 mill is cheaper than $40 mill, but by the same logic, Taylor would be a lot cheaper too - and at least we know he can actually play QB in the NFL.

To be fair, we don’t know yet if Schoen is going to get to a point that he lets Jones walk. There is a very real world where he places the NEFT on Jones and if Jones gets an offer Schoen is uncomfortable with, he takes the picks and lets him walk

Nobody is giving two 1st rounders for Jones. Teams are not that desperate to give two 1sts for DJ. Even the biggest Jones supporters would not claim that.
If Houston came in with their 1st this year maybe Schoen deals him...but we all know that is not happening.
RE: Thinking checkers when everyone is playing 3D chess  
gidiefor : Mod : 3/5/2023 11:05 am : link
In comment 16051591 Colin@gbn said:
Was thinking about all this overnight and started to wonder if there actually is a walk away number or even a franchise. We keep thinking that the Giants main goal here is to keep the cap in check. My guess is that their real goal is to win a Super Bowl and that they have concluded that they can do so with Jones. He's the QB THE most important component on the team (and whatever is #2 isn't even close) and you aren't going to win one without one. And you aren't going to let him walk to save a few million bucks on the cap. I am also wondering if the Giants really don't want to use the FT on him. Cause if they do and the team takes off like they hope/expect he will command a much bigger deal next year. Get him signed now - even for something like $45M - and 2-3 years down the road it will look like genius when the other top teams are paying their QBs upwards of $60M. In many ways the negotiations here are really about 2025, 2026 etc. The agents can see where all this is going with QB salaries and don't want to be left too far behind, but don't have a ton of leverage. Time will tell.

Colin, I just don't think this GM messes around. He has clearly stated that they have placed values on their assets and have walk away numbers. He has also stated that he is not afraid to use the tag if DJ won't accept the valuation they have slotted him for. Clearly they are talking about the non-exclusive tag if DJ is at 45 and the Giants are in the 35-39 range. In light of several other contracts coming up, I don't think giving up on their stated position is good for future bargaining. Adding up the tea leaves, a 45 million AVV this year seems highly improbable.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: this  
giantstock : 3/5/2023 11:57 am : link
In comment 16051444 BillT said:
In comment 16051374 giantstock said:


It seems some on here are willing to sell the wife, the kids, the house for Jones.

No, though there are some here who are realistic about the market for Jones. At least that's how I see it.

You reacted to my post by saying "no." My post clearly said "Some." And you said "No."

Are you saying there is no one who has unrealistic view of paying a very high cost for Jones/looking at alternatives?

Or is it you just wanted to be contrarian and didn't like the tone of the post?

You said some here are “willing to sell the wife, the kids, the house”, which is not only not a “realistic” take but rather hyperbolic. I just said no that’s not what some here are doing. Some here are being realistic about the market for Jones. And you’re the one complaining. Wow, just wow.

But SOME are NOT. I didn't say "ALL." As a result, I AGREE with YOU. SOME are being realistic.
And yet SOME are NOT.

And cna you explain why an obvious hperbole is "wrong?"
RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
giantstock : 3/5/2023 12:08 pm : link
In comment 16051440 BigBlueShock said:
In comment 16051384 giantstock said:


In comment 16050872 Colin@gbn said:


I'm kind of with Milton here. If the Giants are willing to pay DJ $35M then trust me $45M just ain't that big a difference. And the fact is that if the Giants win going forward no is going to care what his cap hit is. And if they don't we will be fucked but not because of Jones' cap hit but because we don't have a QB. Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll and have hitched their wagon to DJ not that they have any other realistic choices at this time. And once you have done that you go all in (within reason) because its really really hard to win it all in the NFL.

I don't agree with this on certain levels. One is that Imo what you're saying is the trap that big markets fall into why they fail. That "it's only $10m more. Well, that's the reason why you don't sign in the past a DE like Chris Long.

And you have to remember this a chat board that we share ideas. Some of us do think an extra $10m is a lot. And if it fails and the Giants are lousy the next several years in which Jones sucks you have to understand that some of us are going to be mad at Giants Mgmt, right?

And you better believe that if we signed Jones for $40m-plus and it turns out to be awful that there will be posters / some in the media that will say that we HAD to do it and NO ONE was saying we shouldn't.

As a result, if they do go all-in and i doesn't work out, then 2 years or maybe three down the road they would deserve to be ripped for it. Because they DO have alternatives.

Dave Gettleman misunderstood the talent for his team. It is highly possible that we have the same thing happening here.

I agree with most of your post but your last sentence is asinine. How many times has Schoen mentioned the team has a ton of holes to fill? He’s been incredibly forthright in where he thinks this team is and why getting these guys signed is such a tricky situation. So, no, it IS NOT “highly probable the same thing is happening here”. Shown knows exactly what the talent level of this team is. He’s said so a million times this offseason if you’ve been paying attention

I responded to Colin's comment in quotes below:

"Fact is it appears that Schoen/Daboll think the team is pretty close to being ready to really rock and roll"

If the Giants think they are pretty close to be ready-to-rock-n-roll as Colin has suggested in which Mgmt thinks so, - then how does your comment to me that Schoen believes he has a lot of holes ring true?

If you have a lot of holes - how can you say that you are "ready to rock n roll?"

My opinion is that tagging Jones  
arniefez : 3/5/2023 12:08 pm : link
and letting Barkley leave is the fastest route to Super Bowl contention and that when the Giants contend it's possible Daniel Jones will not be the QB. Again just my opinion - I do not see that the Giants have a Super Bowl contending core on their roster now.

I do think they have players that are ascending and will be part of a contending core in a year or two. But that doesn't include a RB who has lost a step or more going into his 6th season.

The Giants need speed on speed on both sides of the ball, they need run stoppers on the DL and they need two starting ILBs. They need more edge pass rushers. They need a center and two guards and a #1 and #2 WR. They need at TE #1 or #2.And if Barkley leaves they need RBs plural. So of those needs can be found at reasonable prices in FA and the rest need to come from the 2022 and 2023 drat classes.

There are gapping holes at the top of their depth chart at multiple positions on both sides of the ball.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
chick310 : 3/5/2023 1:33 pm : link
In comment 16051468 section125 said:
In comment 16051460 chick310 said:


The QB that may be available drafting 25th doesn't have to be better than Jones out of the gate, he only has to project better in Schoen's longer term evaluation.

And another key point is the player drafted in 25th slot will cost the NY Giants approx. $3M/year for the next 4 years, slightly less than $35M/year.

Ok, your whole plan is about money and not really whether it can improve the roster spot?

Yes, if you pick a QB at 25, he had better be better than Jones. And Schoen has already made up his mind that Jones is better than what else there is available. If Schoen felt he could do equally as well picking a QB at 25 over Jones, he would let Jones walk.

Yes $3 mill is cheaper than $40 mill, but by the same logic, Taylor would be a lot cheaper too - and at least we know he can actually play QB in the NFL.

No you didn't read. I said both from an evaluation and price tag perspective.
RE: RE: Thinking checkers when everyone is playing 3D chess  
chick310 : 3/5/2023 1:46 pm : link
In comment 16051611 gidiefor said:
In comment 16051591 Colin@gbn said:


Was thinking about all this overnight and started to wonder if there actually is a walk away number or even a franchise. We keep thinking that the Giants main goal here is to keep the cap in check. My guess is that their real goal is to win a Super Bowl and that they have concluded that they can do so with Jones. He's the QB THE most important component on the team (and whatever is #2 isn't even close) and you aren't going to win one without one. And you aren't going to let him walk to save a few million bucks on the cap. I am also wondering if the Giants really don't want to use the FT on him. Cause if they do and the team takes off like they hope/expect he will command a much bigger deal next year. Get him signed now - even for something like $45M - and 2-3 years down the road it will look like genius when the other top teams are paying their QBs upwards of $60M. In many ways the negotiations here are really about 2025, 2026 etc. The agents can see where all this is going with QB salaries and don't want to be left too far behind, but don't have a ton of leverage. Time will tell.

Colin, I just don't think this GM messes around. He has clearly stated that they have placed values on their assets and have walk away numbers. He has also stated that he is not afraid to use the tag if DJ won't accept the valuation they have slotted him for. Clearly they are talking about the non-exclusive tag if DJ is at 45 and the Giants are in the 35-39 range. In light of several other contracts coming up, I don't think giving up on their stated position is good for future bargaining. Adding up the tea leaves, a 45 million AVV this year seems highly improbable.

Would suggest Colin's post conflates these two concepts: 1) Schoen should conclude that Jones is worth the overpay now because he is convinced Jones can win a superbowl 2) QBs salaries are going up anyway "so what the hell" and aborb the overpay
RE: RE: I still want to know what Jones market is  
dpinzow : 3/5/2023 1:58 pm : link
In comment 16051066 bw in dc said:
In comment 16050725 Sean said:


If he makes free agency, are multiple teams getting in a bidding war over his services?

I would love to know this. This has NYG bidding against themselves written all over it.

I'd bet good money the market outside of 1925 Giants Way Dr views Jones as a $30M AAV QB...tops. The smart play is to hedge with a NEFT (I prefer the TT) and dare New Team Jones to get his big offer.

How many times do we have to drill it into your thick skull. Transition tags are useless, and they've only been used four times in the past decade in the entire league. Worst case scenario if Joe Schoen can't come to an agreement with Jones is franchise tag at $32 million and trade for a bunch of picks
A transition tag on a quarterback is the most asinine move  
dpinzow : 3/5/2023 2:00 pm : link
any GM can make. Schoen should be canned if he does that. Losing a player who can net multiple draft picks for nothing is insane malpractice
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Let's hold our water here!  
dpinzow : 3/5/2023 2:07 pm : link
In comment 16051468 section125 said:
In comment 16051460 chick310 said:


The QB that may be available drafting 25th doesn't have to be better than Jones out of the gate, he only has to project better in Schoen's longer term evaluation.

And another key point is the player drafted in 25th slot will cost the NY Giants approx. $3M/year for the next 4 years, slightly less than $35M/year.

Ok, your whole plan is about money and not really whether it can improve the roster spot?

Yes, if you pick a QB at 25, he had better be better than Jones. And Schoen has already made up his mind that Jones is better than what else there is available. If Schoen felt he could do equally as well picking a QB at 25 over Jones, he would let Jones walk.

Yes $3 mill is cheaper than $40 mill, but by the same logic, Taylor would be a lot cheaper too - and at least we know he can actually play QB in the NFL.

Schoen would just as likely tag and trade in that scenario so he can get picks and move up from 25 to get a QB
kickoff : 3/6/2023 1:06 pm : link
I wonder if anyone has any idea what the Giants are offering and what DJ is asking. I think everything we hear on this board is gossip.
RE: Thinking checkers when everyone is playing 3D chess  
Thegratefulhead : 3/6/2023 1:14 pm : link
In comment 16051591 Colin@gbn said:
Was thinking about all this overnight and started to wonder if there actually is a walk away number or even a franchise. We keep thinking that the Giants main goal here is to keep the cap in check. My guess is that their real goal is to win a Super Bowl and that they have concluded that they can do so with Jones. He's the QB THE most important component on the team (and whatever is #2 isn't even close) and you aren't going to win one without one. And you aren't going to let him walk to save a few million bucks on the cap. I am also wondering if the Giants really don't want to use the FT on him. Cause if they do and the team takes off like they hope/expect he will command a much bigger deal next year. Get him signed now - even for something like $45M - and 2-3 years down the road it will look like genius when the other top teams are paying their QBs upwards of $60M. In many ways the negotiations here are really about 2025, 2026 etc. The agents can see where all this is going with QB salaries and don't want to be left too far behind, but don't have a ton of leverage. Time will tell.
Yup, you see it too. The only reason everyone else can't is that their opinion, position or take is more important to them, than the truth of it all.

Thegratefulhead : 3/6/2023 1:19 pm : link
Jones is leaving the Giants and we will end up with 2 number 1s. I imagine some of you make your "O" when typing it.

Not gonna happen.

The men running this team  
Thegratefulhead : 3/6/2023 1:25 pm : link
All seem to want Jones back and are willing to pay him like the face of the franchise.



head Coach


The owner is making them do it?

That weak ass argument is protect your fragile opinion.


Own it.

You embarrass yourselves.
RE: The men running this team  
NoGainDayne : 3/6/2023 1:50 pm : link
In comment 16053129 Thegratefulhead said:
All seem to want Jones back and are willing to pay him like the face of the franchise.



head Coach


The owner is making them do it?

That weak ass argument is protect your fragile opinion.


Own it.

You embarrass yourselves.

So one good season out of how many and all of a sudden the Giants brain trust is back to above reproach?

Completely invalid perspective to think that this team is capable of putting personal feelings about a QB above rational business decisions?

This is where we get into the real offensive stuff. See you feel offended but I'm not sitting here telling you your opinion with less data than mine is invalid.

But you are telling me my opinion with more data to back it up is.

Appeals to authority are not facts. I don't know why people treat them as such even after spectacular failures right here on this board.

And yes indeed I can be both very impressed with JS and BD and also worried about how people that run an organization can ruin the work of even the very finest of their employees.

You should be as weary as the Giants owners because you share the same problem here. The Giants consistently overrate their own performance, the performance of their players, their approach, their people, especially new hires who were all the solution to everything before they ever fielded a team.

You can think I'm off base for saying that, that is fine. I think you are ignoring a rather large data set of them doing that. You want to paint the more data driven perspective as crazy and that is crazy.
RE: RE: The men running this team  
Thegratefulhead : 3/6/2023 1:56 pm : link
In comment 16053182 NoGainDayne said:
In comment 16053129 Thegratefulhead said:


All seem to want Jones back and are willing to pay him like the face of the franchise.



head Coach


The owner is making them do it?

That weak ass argument is protect your fragile opinion.


Own it.

You embarrass yourselves.

So one good season out of how many and all of a sudden the Giants brain trust is back to above reproach?

Completely invalid perspective to think that this team is capable of putting personal feelings about a QB above rational business decisions?

This is where we get into the real offensive stuff. See you feel offended but I'm not sitting here telling you your opinion with less data than mine is invalid.

But you are telling me my opinion with more data to back it up is.

Appeals to authority are not facts. I don't know why people treat them as such even after spectacular failures right here on this board.

And yes indeed I can be both very impressed with JS and BD and also worried about how people that run an organization can ruin the work of even the very finest of their employees.

You should be as weary as the Giants owners because you share the same problem here. The Giants consistently overrate their own performance, the performance of their players, their approach, their people, especially new hires who were all the solution to everything before they ever fielded a team.

You can think I'm off base for saying that, that is fine. I think you are ignoring a rather large data set of them doing that. You want to paint the more data driven perspective as crazy and that is crazy.
Don't misinterpret "likely to happen vs what should happen"

I am not going to to get drawn into whether or not he should be signed. I do not care at all about your data.

Worthless in this case.

The team won a playoff game away.

They want to win more in 2023.

The easiest way to do that is to sign Jones to a multi year deal that gives them room in 2023.

My opinion is based on the belief that the Giants believe they can win a Super bowl with Jones. I share that belief. There is no appeal to authority.

I think Daboll's internal scouting of Jones is better than your data.

Not unreasonable to believe.

Here is your hole TGH  
NoGainDayne : 3/6/2023 2:32 pm : link
it isn't just about scouting.

I'm not claiming I know more about if DJ will be good than BD.

But life isn't about single skills. It isn't just about a binary of is DJ good or not good?

There are finances involved and calculations and probabilities of future wins based on how that players contract will affect resource efficiency. That is more JS than BD anyway but that doesn't really matter.

To disavow the idea that someone else has the capabilities to have a valid opinion on that is closed minded. The fact is those are tough calculations to make and easy ones to get wrong even for the very best. And personal opinions and politics can 100% make it even more complicated to get those things right.

I think we will regret giving DJ a big contract. I'm open to the idea that I will be wrong. But it is you that is off base if you think I'm coming from such an uninformed place that you KNOW I'm wrong already because of the glorious experts at the top of the Giants that ran this team into the ground.
And i'll go one further, i'll talk about a specific management problem  
NoGainDayne : 3/6/2023 2:50 pm : link
do you follow and analyze public companies a lot?

How often do you see a CEO run a company into the ground to the bottom of their industry and keep the job? (Slim to none is the answer but let's keep going)

How often do you see a poor performing CEO glossed over because they made a few good recent hires? Is the problem of them leading a poor performing organization before just thrown out the window?

That is because leadership at the top is what matters by far the most and we know John Mara is capable of being a very poor leader and very poor leaders don't have a great track record of suddenly becoming good ones.

And it makes me even more nervous when I see a guy having an open multi-year love affair with his QB, including blaming everyone but him for his failures. Then that QB fires his agent, sits in outrageous demands that has the rest of the league saying the Giants are willing to pay more for this guy than us. Yes that is just a litany of red flags. You want to ignore them fine but that doesn't mean they aren't there.

And who the hell says this is easy for BD or JS? Whatever decision they make I'm sure they labored over and won't be nearly as sure they made the right answer as you are about them. These things are very grey when the resource efficiency is so complex. And it is a terrible thing to have to decide to overpay a QB or start at square one for the most important position on the field.

In a toss up, which paying DJ $40M absolutely is in terms of the ripple effects and calculations associated with them you may just go with your bosses favorite player. And that doesn't make you some pushover it makes you a smart person and I am very much not suggesting JS is a dumb person just because I'm saying in the toss up I'd lean the other way. You are the one simplifying my argument to "JS is just being bossed around by Mara if he signs Jones." But it is 100000% easier to be objective if your boss doesn't make his feelings so clear. Not that it is a fair expectation but it is accurate to say.

You are missing all the grey here. So look at it.

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