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NFT: Do you believe in portals to other dimensions?

I Love Clams Casino : 5/3/2023 8:32 am
It would explain a great many things like bigfoot, aliens, and many other mostly undetectable, intelligent, other than human life forms.

We "see" or detect in 3 dimensions. Could the recently discovered God particle be the answer?
Randy is that you?  
Jints in Carolina : 5/3/2023 8:34 am : link
JohnF : 5/3/2023 8:41 am : link
But only for socks. Portals are the best explanation for where the other sock went...
RE: Yes  
Giantsfan79 : 5/3/2023 8:46 am : link
In comment 16108209 JohnF said:
But only for socks. Portals are the best explanation for where the other sock went...

I always blamed knomes
RE: RE: Yes  
bigbluehoya : 5/3/2023 8:48 am : link
In comment 16108212 Giantsfan79 said:
In comment 16108209 JohnF said:


But only for socks. Portals are the best explanation for where the other sock went...

I always blamed knomes

any relation to gnomes?
RE: RE: RE: Yes  
Giantsfan79 : 5/3/2023 8:59 am : link
In comment 16108215 bigbluehoya said:
In comment 16108212 Giantsfan79 said:


In comment 16108209 JohnF said:


But only for socks. Portals are the best explanation for where the other sock went...

I always blamed knomes

any relation to gnomes?

Either my autocorrect or fat fingers disagree, but I'll go with gnomes
I kinda think that calling the Higgs boson the God particle is  
Marty in Albany : 5/3/2023 8:59 am : link
equally offensive to those who believe in God and those who don't. Certainly, an unGodly amount of money was spent proving its existence.
If some of the UFO stuff is real  
Mike from SI : 5/3/2023 9:02 am : link
then I think higher-dimension beings would be a very good explanation.

I'm not sure there's any way to really know for sure about higher dimensions.
It's why I always carry a towel.  
LawrenceTaylor56 : 5/3/2023 9:02 am : link
So yes.
And the drinking begins early on a Wednesday.  
redwhiteandbigblue : 5/3/2023 9:08 am : link
I kid, I kid.
Route 9 : 5/3/2023 9:14 am : link
Yeah. I went. There was a mayor, and it was an Orange cat.
RE: RE: RE: Yes  
eli4life : 5/3/2023 9:17 am : link
In comment 16108215 bigbluehoya said:
In comment 16108212 Giantsfan79 said:


In comment 16108209 JohnF said:


But only for socks. Portals are the best explanation for where the other sock went...

I always blamed knomes

any relation to gnomes?

It’s their Russian cousins
It's possible  
mattlawson : 5/3/2023 9:25 am : link
it's mathematically attractive actually. And it's also an interesting development in physical theory that we have evolved to only perceive that which keeps us surviving and eliminate everything else.

The Lex Fridman podcast with Donald Hoffman is worth a listen. June 12, 2022 on apple pods
Caught the latest skinwalker ranch?  
eli4life : 5/3/2023 9:28 am : link
Good stuff. I’m thinking this is how they are choosing to tell us what’s real. And I also think it’s technology advancement based. Then I saw a program that showed if you dig through the declassified files you’ll notice a common theme in a lot of them a top secret program is started and unknown materials are sent to them for reverse engineering and are always shut down due to failure. What if they finally succeeded? The advancements would be so big they have to tell us because it would be way to advanced for them to even take credit for
Its a fundamental aspect of nearly all aspects of paranormal research  
Bold Ruler : Mod : 5/3/2023 9:37 am : link
If you look at the UFO phenomenon alone, nearly all researchers and serious enthusiasts have moved on from the thought that these are nuts and bolts crafts from another planet far away.

The prevailing thinking is very much that these are drafts related to or the direct result of consciousness and that we are living in a multi-dimensional Universe beyond the 3 + 1 we are able to perceive as humans.

I struggle with this as my limited brain has a hard time conceptualizing something I cant experience with my senses. But if you look at say the Mantis Shrimp that can see literally thousands of colors humans can't, or birds that are guided by magnetic fields etc... there are forces out there that we as humans (hairless ground dwelling apes) can't fathom.

Others can offer more detailed and better explanations, but yes I do believe there are other dimensions out there that we can't perceive but that the beings that occupy these dimensions can move between and this is why we sometimes see them (UFOs that simply disappear, cryptids, etc...
RE: Its a fundamental aspect of nearly all aspects of paranormal research  
Mike from SI : 5/3/2023 10:15 am : link
In comment 16108278 Bold Ruler said:
If you look at the UFO phenomenon alone, nearly all researchers and serious enthusiasts have moved on from the thought that these are nuts and bolts crafts from another planet far away.

The prevailing thinking is very much that these are drafts related to or the direct result of consciousness and that we are living in a multi-dimensional Universe beyond the 3 + 1 we are able to perceive as humans.

I struggle with this as my limited brain has a hard time conceptualizing something I cant experience with my senses. But if you look at say the Mantis Shrimp that can see literally thousands of colors humans can't, or birds that are guided by magnetic fields etc... there are forces out there that we as humans (hairless ground dwelling apes) can't fathom.

Others can offer more detailed and better explanations, but yes I do believe there are other dimensions out there that we can't perceive but that the beings that occupy these dimensions can move between and this is why we sometimes see them (UFOs that simply disappear, cryptids, etc...

I don't have time to retrieve it, but there's a good, quick Sagan explainer that analogizes how a 2-D creature would (or would not) understand us.
There was good documentary about this on during 1990s  
Metnut : 5/3/2023 10:27 am : link
It was about a group of people who stumbled upon a portal to another world and couldn't find there way home. It was very interesting and educational. I believe it was called "Sliders"
There are many posts on BBI  
eric2425ny : 5/3/2023 10:29 am : link
that make me feel as though I have entered a portal to another dimension.
Ryan : 5/3/2023 10:33 am : link
In may general area it's called the Lehigh Tunnel. Drive north through it and you're transported back about 25 years.
eric wins the thread!!  
Dave on the UWS : 5/3/2023 10:39 am : link
especially around draft time the dimensions REALLY open up.
I have come to the conclusion  
Spiciest Memelord : 5/3/2023 10:54 am : link
that alien and UFO sightings are glitches in the matrix, which can kind of be construed as portals to other dimensions I guess.
I'm more in line with the living in a computer simulation  
oghwga : 5/3/2023 10:57 am : link
thought experiment. I'm not a smart man but I love reading up on quantum physics and it's all completely over my head but the world on a quantum level makes absolutely no sense.

Just the whole particle wave duality and that things don't exist until they're observed makes my head spin.
RE: There was good documentary about this on during 1990s  
Spiciest Memelord : 5/3/2023 10:58 am : link
In comment 16108385 Metnut said:
It was about a group of people who stumbled upon a portal to another world and couldn't find there way home. It was very interesting and educational. I believe it was called "Sliders"

I also do not care for the multi-world interpretation of quantum mechanics, I do not believe the Universe is that insanely inefficient to create infinitely multiple variations of universes. I adhere to a kind of strict Copenhagen interpretation of QM that says thing aren't really actualize until they are observed - practically the opposite of inefficient.
RE: I kinda think that calling the Higgs boson the God particle is  
I Love Clams Casino : 5/3/2023 11:27 am : link
In comment 16108228 Marty in Albany said:
equally offensive to those who believe in God and those who don't. Certainly, an unGodly amount of money was spent proving its existence.

Uhhm...OK....sorry if I did that to you...I'm just quoting The History Channel.
RE: Its a fundamental aspect of nearly all aspects of paranormal research  
Section331 : 5/3/2023 11:49 am : link
In comment 16108278 Bold Ruler said:
If you look at the UFO phenomenon alone, nearly all researchers and serious enthusiasts have moved on from the thought that these are nuts and bolts crafts from another planet far away.

The prevailing thinking is very much that these are drafts related to or the direct result of consciousness and that we are living in a multi-dimensional Universe beyond the 3 + 1 we are able to perceive as humans.

I struggle with this as my limited brain has a hard time conceptualizing something I cant experience with my senses. But if you look at say the Mantis Shrimp that can see literally thousands of colors humans can't, or birds that are guided by magnetic fields etc... there are forces out there that we as humans (hairless ground dwelling apes) can't fathom.

Others can offer more detailed and better explanations, but yes I do believe there are other dimensions out there that we can't perceive but that the beings that occupy these dimensions can move between and this is why we sometimes see them (UFOs that simply disappear, cryptids, etc...

Who you calling hairless??!!
RE: Sagan talking about how 2D beings would perceive  
widmerseyebrow : 5/3/2023 11:53 am : link
3D beings.

Puts into perspective how difficult it is for us to imagine hypothetical beings from higher dimensions even if math suggests that such dimensions exist.
Link - ( New Window )
My socks don't seem to disappear...  
BamaBlue : 5/3/2023 11:57 am : link
however, whenever I am working something with parts, screws, nuts, washers, etc. drop directly at my feet, but can never be found.
Just this dimension  
pjcas18 : 5/3/2023 12:00 pm : link
I honestly believe that it's possible  
TXRabbit : 5/3/2023 12:00 pm : link
I think there are things that we can't begin to comprehend. I also believe that there's a bit of arrogance to accepted science. Calling something "science" doesn't make it fact.

Example: scientists claim they've found a planet light years away that's mostly water and could harbor life. Personally I find that arrogant because there's no proof. Sure there's data such as eliptical orbit times, light emmissions etc but that's data. Not proof
RE: Just this dimension  
I Love Clams Casino : 5/3/2023 12:04 pm : link
In comment 16108497 pjcas18 said:

we have 3....
RE: I honestly believe that it's possible  
I Love Clams Casino : 5/3/2023 12:09 pm : link
In comment 16108499 TXRabbit said:
I think there are things that we can't begin to comprehend. I also believe that there's a bit of arrogance to accepted science. Calling something "science" doesn't make it fact.

Example: scientists claim they've found a planet light years away that's mostly water and could harbor life. Personally I find that arrogant because there's no proof. Sure there's data such as eliptical orbit times, light emmissions etc but that's data. Not proof

that science relies on a "if this, then that" based on previous knowledge, as there's nothing else to base it on. There are variables considered such as "how far away is the planet from it's star?" I think it's mostly pretty reliable, but you are's not 100% irrefutable proof.
RE: RE: Just this dimension  
pjcas18 : 5/3/2023 12:17 pm : link
In comment 16108503 I Love Clams Casino said:
In comment 16108497 pjcas18 said:


we have 3....

Maybe you do, but believing there are just 3 dimensions is really an archaic concept.

RE: RE: RE: Just this dimension  
I Love Clams Casino : 5/3/2023 12:25 pm : link
In comment 16108522 pjcas18 said:
In comment 16108503 I Love Clams Casino said:


In comment 16108497 pjcas18 said:


we have 3....

Maybe you do, but believing there are just 3 dimensions is really an archaic concept.

Yes, I agree

I don't know. But is currently believing in  
Bubba : 5/3/2023 12:55 pm : link
portals or multiple dimensions different than the ancients claiming that Gods or deities are responsible for the things they could not explain?
Bigfoot seems outright goofy  
Spiciest Memelord : 5/3/2023 1:01 pm : link
big monkey man dude in a fur suit.

The only bigfoot encounter I actually believe was some old hillbilly lady on Unsolved Mysteries (or a show like it) that claimed bigfoot visited her at her house to ask her if she had some spare garlic to spare.

My friend and I came to the conclusion this had to have been real because who the hell would make up a story like this?
Not really, but it is fun to speculate  
TheOtherManning : 5/3/2023 1:31 pm : link
A lot of this stuff just seems like a science-colored coat of paint on the same old thought experiment that humans have been engaging in since the beginning of civilization - what is the ultimate truth of the universe and life.

Before this there was the New Age movement, occultism, spiritualism, theosophy, mysticism, and a thousand other movements/philosophies/religions seeking similarly hidden understandings.

So often it seems that the people who spearhead and propagate these things end up being charismatic individuals looking to make money/gain power (selling literature, attracting donations, gaining followers, hosting television shows, etc.); or mentally unwell true believers. Rarer is the clearheaded true believer with pure intentions to uncover truth & better humanity - and even then it is so easy for those that champion/succeed them to fall into the other two categories, that I am inherently skeptical.

Not that I'm saying anyone who believes in any of these things are automatically what I'm describing - but these schools of thought have to start somewhere and humans are innately self-interested, self-centered creatures with brains that seek out patterns in everything. I think the sad reality is that life/nature as we know it was a biological accident and that the chaos we witness is baked into it.
“If there’s a steady paycheck in it  
bceagle05 : 5/3/2023 2:06 pm : link
I’ll believe anything you say.”
RE: Not really, but it is fun to speculate  
Mike from SI : 5/3/2023 2:10 pm : link
In comment 16108595 TheOtherManning said:
A lot of this stuff just seems like a science-colored coat of paint on the same old thought experiment that humans have been engaging in since the beginning of civilization - what is the ultimate truth of the universe and life.

Before this there was the New Age movement, occultism, spiritualism, theosophy, mysticism, and a thousand other movements/philosophies/religions seeking similarly hidden understandings.

So often it seems that the people who spearhead and propagate these things end up being charismatic individuals looking to make money/gain power (selling literature, attracting donations, gaining followers, hosting television shows, etc.); or mentally unwell true believers. Rarer is the clearheaded true believer with pure intentions to uncover truth & better humanity - and even then it is so easy for those that champion/succeed them to fall into the other two categories, that I am inherently skeptical.

Not that I'm saying anyone who believes in any of these things are automatically what I'm describing - but these schools of thought have to start somewhere and humans are innately self-interested, self-centered creatures with brains that seek out patterns in everything. I think the sad reality is that life/nature as we know it was a biological accident and that the chaos we witness is baked into it.

I think that as our ability to record the world becomes more and more sophisticated, we are still observing phenomena that make no sense based on our current understanding. It could just be a failure of understanding the possibilities of physics, but based on our current physical models some of this stuff just doesn't make any sense. So folks look to other explanations. The dimensionality thing makes some sense to me, but who the hell knows. Maybe we'll program a smart AI to figure it out for us :)
RE: Yes....  
BMac : 5/3/2023 2:30 pm : link
In comment 16108400 Ryan said:
In may general area it's called the Lehigh Tunnel. Drive north through it and you're transported back about 25 years.

More like 50!
RE: I honestly believe that it's possible  
BMac : 5/3/2023 2:33 pm : link
In comment 16108499 TXRabbit said:
I think there are things that we can't begin to comprehend. I also believe that there's a bit of arrogance to accepted science. Calling something "science" doesn't make it fact.

Example: scientists claim they've found a planet light years away that's mostly water and could harbor life. Personally I find that arrogant because there's no proof. Sure there's data such as eliptical orbit times, light emmissions etc but that's data. Not proof

You're glossing over the word "could."
RE: RE: RE: Yes  
Jim in Fairfax : 5/3/2023 2:36 pm : link
In comment 16108215 bigbluehoya said:
In comment 16108212 Giantsfan79 said:


In comment 16108209 JohnF said:


But only for socks. Portals are the best explanation for where the other sock went...

I always blamed knomes

any relation to gnomes?

Knomes are gnomes for knits.
RE: Its a fundamental aspect of nearly all aspects of paranormal research  
Alan W : 5/3/2023 2:58 pm : link
In comment 16108278 Bold Ruler said:
If you look at the UFO phenomenon alone, nearly all researchers and serious enthusiasts have moved on from the thought that these are nuts and bolts crafts from another planet far away.

The prevailing thinking is very much that these are drafts related to or the direct result of consciousness and that we are living in a multi-dimensional Universe beyond the 3 + 1 we are able to perceive as humans.

I struggle with this as my limited brain has a hard time conceptualizing something I cant experience with my senses. But if you look at say the Mantis Shrimp that can see literally thousands of colors humans can't, or birds that are guided by magnetic fields etc... there are forces out there that we as humans (hairless ground dwelling apes) can't fathom.

Others can offer more detailed and better explanations, but yes I do believe there are other dimensions out there that we can't perceive but that the beings that occupy these dimensions can move between and this is why we sometimes see them (UFOs that simply disappear, cryptids, etc...

A thoughtful post that's worth pondering.
From Bard  
Sky King : 5/3/2023 3:01 pm : link
The Higgs boson is a subatomic particle that was first observed in 2012. It is thought to be the particle that gives other particles their mass. The Higgs boson is also thought to be a key component of the Higgs field, which is a field of energy that permeates the entire universe.

Some scientists have speculated that the Higgs field could be responsible for portals to other dimensions. They theorize that the Higgs field could create tiny wormholes that connect our universe to other universes. These wormholes could be so small that we would not be able to see them, but they could still be large enough for subatomic particles to pass through.

If this theory is correct, it would mean that the Higgs boson could be the key to traveling to other dimensions. However, there is no evidence to support this theory at this time. More research is needed to determine if the Higgs field is actually capable of creating portals to other dimensions.

It is important to note that the Higgs boson is not a "God particle." It is simply a subatomic particle that has a role to play in the universe. The Higgs boson is not responsible for creating or destroying the universe, and it does not have any special powers or abilities.
RE: There are many posts on BBI  
Gforce11 : 5/3/2023 3:19 pm : link
In comment 16108388 eric2425ny said:
that make me feel as though I have entered a portal to another dimension.

There is a fifth dimension -  
BlackLight : 5/3/2023 3:27 pm : link
- beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone.
the portal is opened  
GiantsLaw : 5/3/2023 3:57 pm : link
when you simultaneously sneeze and fart.
RE: RE: Its a fundamental aspect of nearly all aspects of paranormal research  
Kanavis : 5/4/2023 7:06 am : link
In comment 16108353 Mike from SI said:

I don't have time to retrieve it, but there's a good, quick Sagan explainer that analogizes how a 2-D creature would (or would not) understand us.

That was an absolutely brilliant episode. It has always stuck with me. Flatland! It really explains it in a easy way to understand!
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