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NFT: FBB What to do with Bregman and Cease

superspynyg : 5/17/2023 9:57 am
To the point:

Bregman is hitting .210 with 23 runs, 19 rbis 5 hrs, 26 walks and an OBP of .328.

Cease is 2-2 with a era of 4.86 whip 1.45 54k's and 22 walks.

I doubt I could get anything good on trade. Do I just wait it out or cut one or the other or just try and wait it out?

I have Altuve coming back in a few days and I am loaded at 3b with Machado and Rielly. I could use another OF.
you don't cut guys like that a quarter into the season  
KDavies : 5/17/2023 10:01 am : link
likely they turn things around. They are star players, and are much more likely to outperform anything you get from the waiver wire.
Bregman's results so far  
bigbluehoya : 5/17/2023 10:31 am : link
are lagging way behind all of his expected metrics across the board (xwOBA, xBA, xSLG) - you should not be selling him where you own him and he's a great buy candidate in leagues where you don't.

Cease has always been a mercurial player given his control issues. His expected numbers are a little better than surface stats, and he could go on a heater at any time with his ability to strike guys out. But I'd have way less conviction here, and it wouldn't be crazy to move him if there's a buyer projected a bit of bounceback. But it's undeniable that the value is down versus where he was coming off of last season.
BigBlueShock : 5/17/2023 10:39 am : link
You’d be better off dealing Machado or Riley for a haul than trade Bregman at his lowest value. You could get an elite OF for one of the other guys and Bregman will bounce back soon enough to replace most of the production lost from the other 3B.

I’m not ever selling low on a star player
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