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NFT: Looking for small,wireless camera for streaming an event

Eli Wilson : 5/18/2023 9:01 am
I'm going to an event in a few weeks that some family members would like me to stream live, if possible. I'd prefer to not hold my cell phone the entire time as that's a pain in the ass. Not to mention I want to focus on the event myself.

What I'm looking for is a small camera that will either connect via bluetooth to my phone, or connect directly to Wi-Fi (which will be available there) and allow me to stream this event.

I'll look at any/all suggestions.

And before any wise ass points me to Google, I've already done that.
Shecky : 5/18/2023 9:13 am : link
And is it only for this event, or would you continue to use it in the future (and what use)?
Tripod and cell phone  
Tuckrule : 5/18/2023 9:16 am : link
Cheap and easy
RE: Budget?  
Eli Wilson : 5/18/2023 9:17 am : link
In comment 16118933 Shecky said:
And is it only for this event, or would you continue to use it in the future (and what use)?

Budget - low (maybe $100-$200). Too much cost or too much of a pain and I'll just use my phone.

I may use it in the future, but have no immediate plans to do so.
RE: Tripod and cell phone  
Eli Wilson : 5/18/2023 9:19 am : link
In comment 16118934 Tuckrule said:
Cheap and easy

Unfortunately I'm going to be somewhat mobile. If I could wear my phone on a cord around my neck, that would work.
pjcas18 : 5/18/2023 9:25 am : link
a go-pro, they're wearable.

my goalie on my daughter's hockey team wears one from time to time attached right to the helmet (which is good and bad - good because we see what she sees, bad because all the kids try and shoot at it)

my kids also used to use them for skiing, zip lining, etc.

many models to fit different budgets and easy to use
RE: Get  
Eli Wilson : 5/18/2023 9:43 am : link
In comment 16118939 pjcas18 said:
a go-pro, they're wearable.

my goalie on my daughter's hockey team wears one from time to time attached right to the helmet (which is good and bad - good because we see what she sees, bad because all the kids try and shoot at it)

my kids also used to use them for skiing, zip lining, etc.

many models to fit different budgets and easy to use

I'll check them out.

I would just buy a cheap cellphone to connect to Wifi from Target  
NoPeanutz : 5/18/2023 11:51 am : link
together with a tripod. Could do this for well under $200 total.
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