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NFT: Is Grand Canyon with young kids worth it?

bhill410 : 6/15/2023 1:57 pm
So the final four is in Arizona next year which I normally go to with my dad. Easter is the week before and my wife suggested doing a vacation that week in Arizona. Full caveat I am not a nature guy and normally prefer to drink beers and sit on a beach when I am off. There appear to be national parks by the Grand Canyon/Sedona area so if anyone has been what the heck do you do in a national park with a 5 and a 7 year old. Is it something where you just drive around and they are bored or do you I dunno go on hikes or something? I think my kids would get stir crazy at a resort in Scottsdale for 6 days.

Thanks in advance
Now way.  
robbieballs2003 : 6/15/2023 2:05 pm : link
Just look at happened to Joe Dirté.
100% Go  
capone : 6/15/2023 2:10 pm : link
there is a vistor center with a 20 min movie for kids - on the way up ( check to see when it closes) take in Montezuma
it right off teh freeway near scottsdale 45 min diversion well worth it - make sure you do it on the way up as they close early I think - its a great drive up to the grand canyon lots of scenery
Link - ( New Window ) personal opinion I think you answered  
Blue21 : 6/15/2023 2:15 pm : link
Your own question.
What do you do at the Grand Canyon?  
MOOPS : 6/15/2023 2:16 pm : link
Are you kidding me?

The GC is mostly  
Bill in UT : 6/15/2023 2:21 pm : link
about the view. You can ride around and see it from many angles, but I don't know how long you can keep the kids interested. There is also the glass platform you can walk out on. No hikes I can remember. Sedona has some nice red rock and hiking trails the kids can do. Be aware you can have some cool weather in those places in late March, sometimes even snow.
I kid.  
MOOPS : 6/15/2023 2:25 pm : link
From the Phoenix metro area, it's a haul to the GC. Ballpark of 4 hours each way. Not a day trip in my universe.
If I were you I'd try and devote 2 or 3 day and take in the GC, Sedona, maybe a quick stop in Jerome. Worth it if you've never been.
Williams, AZ  
BocaGene : 6/15/2023 2:28 pm : link
There is a passenger train that goes to GC. Don't know which rim or schedule, but worth a google search.
Yea my thought was the three day thing and try and find a resort with  
bhill410 : 6/15/2023 2:29 pm : link
A pool in Sedona for 3 nights. Good point about weather though I didn’t realize it would be chilly there that time of year (legitimately thought it was hot all year round).
I went to Sedona on a family vacay as a kid  
widmerseyebrow : 6/15/2023 2:34 pm : link
Pretty damn boring outside of the hot air balloon ride.

Having just finished a vacation with my 2 and 5 year olds, there's no way we'd make a drive to the Grand Canyon. Maybe as part of a longer road trip on the way to somewhere else.
RE: Yea my thought was the three day thing and try and find a resort with  
Bill in UT : 6/15/2023 2:37 pm : link
In comment 16133826 bhill410 said:
A pool in Sedona for 3 nights. Good point about weather though I didn’t realize it would be chilly there that time of year (legitimately thought it was hot all year round).

You should have no trouble finding a pool in Sedona. Artsy town, galleries and shopping. Don't know how the kids will go for that. If you stay over, be sure to go the Elote Cafe, great Mexican food. Also dahl and DeLuca, good upscale Italian.
Elevation is often a bigger factor than latitude as far as temperature.
Sedona is about  
Bill in UT : 6/15/2023 2:39 pm : link
2 hours from Greater PHX area
Csonka : 6/15/2023 2:50 pm : link
Has anyone hear rafted the Grand Canyon?
Was thinking family trip. Really expensive, though.
RE: What do you do at the Grand Canyon?  
Blue21 : 6/15/2023 2:57 pm : link
In comment 16133816 MOOPS said:
Are you kidding me?

Thats always what I think of when I hear "see the Grand Canyon". Lol
100% yes!!  
johnnyb : 6/15/2023 2:59 pm : link
I have four children and took them twice.
Sedona is more for adults  
Heisenberg : 6/15/2023 3:06 pm : link
The Grand Canyon is incredible. There's visitor centers and easy hikes that kids who like to go for walks would enjoy. There are lodges in the parks that are fun to stay at too. You'll see tons of families.

The view cannot be overstated. Your kids wouldn't ever forget it. Hoover dam is cool too. Take the tour.

I would not take little kids to Sedona but we loved it. Good for couples.
Fly over the hole in an airplane!  
Carl in CT : 6/15/2023 3:07 pm : link
Show it to them then go to Disney. No way.
Re: Rafting the Grand Canyon  
Terry in CO : 6/15/2023 3:13 pm : link
I went on a commercial 7 day rafting trip from Phantom Ranch to the take out just above Lake Mead. It was self paddling and several rapids were quite dangerous. The self paddling trips are certainly not something for young kids but there are motorized boats that are much shorter and are safer and more suitable for younger kids.
The trip I went on was the 2nd half of the full trip that was a 15 day trip that started in Lees Ferry. I joined the trip at Phantom Ranch which is a 2 hour hike down from the south rim of the GC.
Most days we only spent 3-4 hours on the river and the rest of the day hiking the side canyons. To really enjoy the trip the family should be capable of, and enjoy,hiking. I don't think the motorized trips do much hiking.
Also it's really hot on the water - over 100 degrees - during June-August.
Yes expensive, but the self paddle trips are an awesome experience for a family if the kids are grown.
My parents took us out to Yellowstone  
Ron from Ninerland : 6/15/2023 3:18 pm : link
when we were kids in the 60's. It was the most memorable vacation I had with them and it was part of my motivation to move out west.

So yes, I think a vacation to the Grand Canyon is memorable for kids.
RE: GC  
give66 : 6/15/2023 3:31 pm : link
In comment 16133832 Csonka said:
Has anyone hear rafted the Grand Canyon?
Was thinking family trip. Really expensive, though.

I did this then we got helicoptered out of Grand Canyon and a bus back to the lodge. Not sure if the helo was separate. The kids enjoyed it.
Link - ( New Window )
RE: Yea my thought was the three day thing and try and find a resort with  
MOOPS : 6/15/2023 4:35 pm : link
In comment 16133826 bhill410 said:
A pool in Sedona for 3 nights. Good point about weather though I didn’t realize it would be chilly there that time of year (legitimately thought it was hot all year round).

We were there in early April. Still a tiny bit of residual snow in shady places. lots more as you come through the mountains north of Flagstaff. Gets 30ish overnight but will warm up into the 50s or so.
Crowds build quickly trying to get in the Tusayan gate and could back up a mile or so by 10-11. Be worth it to spend a night or 2 in the park if possible, or Tusayan as next best alternative. Get into the park real early, before the crowds. You'll appreciate the beauty that much more, before the crowds. Easy flat hiking trail along the rim, up to 8 miles, but bus stops along the way so you can adjust distance. You can venture into the hole as far as you like if you want.
Still feeling the effects of Covid, short staffing and such in the restaurants. You won't rave about the food, but you're pretty much a captive audience so go with the flow.
Thanks all very helpful  
bhill410 : 6/15/2023 7:40 pm : link
I’ll check out lodges/resorts closer to the parks than Sedona then.
bhill410 : 6/15/2023 7:43 pm : link
How old are your kids? Is it appropriate for a 5 year old you think?
If you’re staying in Scottsdale  
bwitz : 6/15/2023 7:59 pm : link
they just opened a Great Wolf Lodge over by where the D-Backs have spring training at Salt River Field. They have a huge indoor water park there.
bwitz : 6/15/2023 8:01 pm : link
and there’s a White Castle close too.
Most people seem to be ignoring the “young kids” part  
gersh : 6/15/2023 8:04 pm : link
Mine are 4 and 6 and I would not schlep them around the GC. I’m guessing people are answering for older kids.
Depends on if your throwing them in it or not  
eli4life : 6/15/2023 8:13 pm : link
Chocco : 6/15/2023 8:20 pm : link
Yes it's a real thing
There’s also an Aquarium close to the Wolf Lodge as well  
bwitz : 6/15/2023 8:22 pm : link
Yes. An Aquarium in the middle of the desert.
Bill in UT : 6/15/2023 8:39 pm : link
In comment 16134069 Chocco said:
Yes it's a real thing

Looks like Bearizona is a wildlife park near the GC
RE: Oh  
Bill in UT : 6/15/2023 8:41 pm : link
In comment 16134049 bwitz said:
and there’s a White Castle close too.

I think kids these days are more into In N' Out and 5 Guys than to White Castle
RE: There’s also an Aquarium close to the Wolf Lodge as well  
Bill in UT : 6/15/2023 8:43 pm : link
In comment 16134074 bwitz said:
Yes. An Aquarium in the middle of the desert.

That would be known as an oasis.
Late to the thread - BUT…..  
Guyton/Jackson : 6/16/2023 12:36 am : link
There’s a great option to do a train ride from Williams AZ directly to the GC. We opted to stay in the park and explore a bit over a few days but you could do a there-and-back in the same day.

If you book early enough, you can reserve the top of a 2 level train with a clear dome ceiling/side….the views are incredible when you first see the canyon and they even ham it up with Old West stories and a fake train robbery. For kids it’s a lot of fun and for parents who like to pretend they’re kids it’s pretty great as well.
RE: Late to the thread - BUT…..  
aquidneck : 6/16/2023 5:46 am : link
In comment 16134159 Guyton/Jackson said:
There’s a great option to do a train ride from Williams AZ directly to the GC. We opted to stay in the park and explore a bit over a few days but you could do a there-and-back in the same day.

If you book early enough, you can reserve the top of a 2 level train with a clear dome ceiling/side….the views are incredible when you first see the canyon and they even ham it up with Old West stories and a fake train robbery. For kids it’s a lot of fun and for parents who like to pretend they’re kids it’s pretty great as well.

I second the Grand Canyon Railway recommenation for the kids. Old fashoinrd steam engine, on board actors and entertainers (a train robbery!). Never did the aquarium thing, but the kids might like that one as well.
Train to Grand Canyon - ( New Window )
I would definitely go.  
Section331 : 6/16/2023 9:09 am : link
Pictures of GC don’t do it justice, it is mind blowing to see in person. You can take short hikes on some of the trails. The visitor center has some interactive stuff for kids. I would just make it a day trip though, there is nothing around it.
PatersonPlank : 6/16/2023 10:55 am : link
Not unless they have put up a new amusement park there I didn't know about
fkap : 6/16/2023 4:20 pm : link
Even if it were a ten minute drive, I doubt kids would be into it. Add in long drive, or ride (train ride probably gets old pretty quick for kids), and you've got a recipe for an experience lost on kids getting cranky from boredom.

Find a western themed park - petting zoo, donkey rides, 'ghost town' buildings - close to town and go there. Years ago, there was one near Phoenix. Plenty of nice western nature closer to town. there's a zoo/old west town near Tucson, and Saguaro National Park is right there, too, which offers landscape/saguaro not seen elsewhere.
RE: No  
Bill in UT : 6/16/2023 6:21 pm : link
In comment 16134523 fkap said:

there's a zoo/old west town near Tucson, and Saguaro National Park is right there, too, which offers landscape/saguaro not seen elsewhere.

I hike often in Mesa and there are a lot of Sugauro there
RE: RE: Late to the thread - BUT…..  
Gforce11 : 6/16/2023 7:16 pm : link
In comment 16134168 aquidneck said:
In comment 16134159 Guyton/Jackson said:


There’s a great option to do a train ride from Williams AZ directly to the GC. We opted to stay in the park and explore a bit over a few days but you could do a there-and-back in the same day.

If you book early enough, you can reserve the top of a 2 level train with a clear dome ceiling/side….the views are incredible when you first see the canyon and they even ham it up with Old West stories and a fake train robbery. For kids it’s a lot of fun and for parents who like to pretend they’re kids it’s pretty great as well.

I second the Grand Canyon Railway recommenation for the kids. Old fashoinrd steam engine, on board actors and entertainers (a train robbery!). Never did the aquarium thing, but the kids might like that one as well. Train to Grand Canyon - ( New Window )

This! + there is also Meteor Crater east of Flagstaff and someone mentioned Bearizona (you drive through the park...highly recommend it if you have kids). It's a 1-2 hour "expedition"
Meteor Crater - ( New Window )
Route 9 : 6/17/2023 2:48 am : link
I visited in March of 2020. I'll admit it was cool to see but it was a one time deal for me. Just went to say I went. I don't know much about modern kids these days but going there with my family would feel like a field trip.

Another thing was I had that trip planned out for a Rangers game against the coyotes and it didn't happen because of COVID so I'm more "eh" on that entire experience
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