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Aaron Rodgers starts a blood feud with Jihad Ward

Ben in Tampa : 8/29/2023 10:53 pm
Captured by Hard Knocks, posted to Twitter.

Oh boy. Aaron Rodgers to #Giants' Jihad Ward after he got hit late: "Show some respect. I don't even know who you are."

Rodgers then throws a TD pass and looks for Ward: "Don't poke the bear."

The Giants players are definitely going to see all this shit talk on Hard Knocks. Sauce with Hyatt, Rodgers here. HBO is understandably trying to make the Jets look good for the show.

I think the October game is going to be a little wild. Rodgers might regret making an enemy with a maniac like Ward.
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Didn't he also  
jestersdead : 8/30/2023 8:49 am : link
say something to Cobb about the illegal block? So it kinda goes both ways
I think some of these  
Lines of Scrimmage : 8/30/2023 8:58 am : link
"great QB's" are the result of also having the right kind of team around them in achieving those stats.

Sometimes they face the wrong type of team come playoff time and maybe not as great when most needed.

Plenty of examples of this in every decade and reinforces how important the team concept is. Doesn't mean the QB is not great.

mittenedman : 8/30/2023 8:59 am : link
RE: I think some of these  
pjcas18 : 8/30/2023 9:06 am : link
In comment 16187984 Lines of Scrimmage said:
"great QB's" are the result of also having the right kind of team around them in achieving those stats.

Sometimes they face the wrong type of team come playoff time and maybe not as great when most needed.

Plenty of examples of this in every decade and reinforces how important the team concept is. Doesn't mean the QB is not great.

So when they win, it's the team around them, but when they lose it's the QB?

That does seem how it lives in people's minds.

Mahomes teams have already lost two home conference championships and he is shaping up to be the best playoff QB of all time.

In some of your minds it seems like the QB would be better off if their team had a mediocre regular season and just skate into the playoffs so they could go on the road. This way you wouldn't ding them personally as coming up small in the post-season as a favored playoff team because they were so dominant in the regular season that they get top seeds and home games.
I'm normally perfectly happy with Hard Knocks  
jamison884 : 8/30/2023 9:07 am : link
Some people on here hate it. I see it as access to training camps and teams and it's more entertaining than not watching, so I've watched every season and look forward to it as an annual ritual. I'd personally love to see the NYG be on there to see more of my team, as long as the organization supported it of course.

However, two things were utter bullshit and simply low class.

1. As others have pointed out...telling Ward he has never heard of him? Scumbag shit right there. Rodgers seemed perfectly fine to me throughout the series up until that shit. Fuck off with that cocky BS.

2. Showing the NYJ first teams, mentioning it was the first team, and not mentioning the fact it was against NYG second team players. Be factual and the fans will respect your show more.
Rodgers is a douchebag  
Heisenberg : 8/30/2023 9:12 am : link
We will see whats what in the game that counts
RE: Losing divisional round home games as a #1 seed  
bw in dc : 8/30/2023 9:14 am : link
In comment 16187969 bceagle05 said:
always sticks to a QB a little, as it did Peyton. Rodgers has lost three off the top of my head - Giants in 2011 and the two recent ones to Tampa and SF - and he didn’t play particularly well in those games. He was great in a couple of Dallas playoff games though, which is all that matters.

Rodgers is one of the best QBs I have ever seen. I actually think he's underrated overall vis-a-vis other great QBs.

But his recent playoff performances are a real blemish considering the home field advantages he's had. Some things have been out of his control, but a lot has been in his control. Even in the final regular season game at home last year against Detroit, with a playoff spot on the line, Rodgers couldn't find his magic.

I hope he delivers with NYJ. But it's going to be a real test watching him deal with new surroundings and an OL in flux.
He threw a TD pass against the twos. He can talk all he wants  
mikeinbloomfield : 8/30/2023 9:30 am : link
I haven't seen the episode yet, but do they show him running for his life when Simmons blitzed? LOL. His numbers were good, but my impression at the game was he didn't play great.

The bigger issue was the cheap ass shot on McCain and the talk in their huddle after. I would think Cobb would be in for some hits in October, if he made the team.

Fuck Rodgers, too.
Lines of Scrimmage : 8/30/2023 9:32 am : link
I never said that regarding winning and losing regarding the QB.

You have a offense led by a "great" QB who puts up 400 (or more) yards in season with 30 points (or more) all of a sudden be far below that in a playoff game or SB.

I think when you look at those situations the issue was more than just the QB in the loss. Same as with the regular season success and all those wins.

Reinforces the team concept.
Rodgers is still outstanding at the LOS and a master at reading  
Spider56 : 8/30/2023 9:38 am : link
defenses to get the ball out quick… but it’s clear he does not want to get hit and goes down or throws it away quickly. I’m confident Wink knows how to deal with him,

As for Ward, before last year, I never heard of him either.
RE: I'm normally perfectly happy with Hard Knocks  
UConn4523 : 8/30/2023 9:46 am : link
In comment 16187992 jamison884 said:
Some people on here hate it. I see it as access to training camps and teams and it's more entertaining than not watching, so I've watched every season and look forward to it as an annual ritual. I'd personally love to see the NYG be on there to see more of my team, as long as the organization supported it of course.

However, two things were utter bullshit and simply low class.

1. As others have pointed out...telling Ward he has never heard of him? Scumbag shit right there. Rodgers seemed perfectly fine to me throughout the series up until that shit. Fuck off with that cocky BS.

2. Showing the NYJ first teams, mentioning it was the first team, and not mentioning the fact it was against NYG second team players. Be factual and the fans will respect your show more.

You are entitled to your opinion but if what he said to Ward makes him a scumbag, I’m very curious to hear your take when one player calls another play a name.

If Daniel Jones said “who are you” to (insert opposing pass rusher) I’d laugh, and so would most reasonable people.
RE: I think some of these  
Dr. D : 8/30/2023 9:50 am : link
In comment 16187984 Lines of Scrimmage said:
"great QB's" are the result of also having the right kind of team around them in achieving those stats.

Sometimes they face the wrong type of team come playoff time and maybe not as great when most needed.

Plenty of examples of this in every decade and reinforces how important the team concept is. Doesn't mean the QB is not great.

I agree, but would add that the Packers, kind of like the Pats through Brady's career, were top dogs in poor divisions, resulting in relatively easy schedules, for years.

People complain about our schedule, but just like in the '80s, the team that survives the NFCE, is battle tested for the playoffs.

The Pats did well despite that, but they had Belichick.

I also think the home field in Jan. worked against Rodgers (and Farve). When it was minus something degrees, they looked like they would rather be playing somewhere else.
Rodgers should be more worried  
thefan : 8/30/2023 9:51 am : link
about how his team is going to deal with a stacked division starting week 1 against Buffalo. Their first four games are brutal: Buf, @Dal, NE, and KC.

Good luck.
I haven't watched Hard Knocks yet  
arniefez : 8/30/2023 9:59 am : link
I'm looking forward to it. I'm sure it will piss me off to hear Jets players trash talk the Giants. But I stopped reading after a couple of replies to the OP.

Aaron Rodgers is one of my all time non Giants favorites. I like seeing athletes who can do things at the most elite level. How many NFL QBs have ever thrown a better ball than Aaron Rodgers?

I've liked the Jets since Namath was their QB. I'm not a Jet fan but I root for them when they play the other 28 teams.

I get why some of you sports hate the Jets or Mets if you're Giants/Yankees fans. Sometimes I can't stand their fans either but I reserve my sports hate for other cities, Boston, Philadelphia, Dallas, Washington probably in that order.
Dr. D  
Lines of Scrimmage : 8/30/2023 10:01 am : link
I thought Favre at the end of the NFCCG looked like he wanted to get into a sauna.

cactus : 8/30/2023 10:02 am : link
"I don't even know who you are"

"Alzheimers is common in people your age"
OBJ_AllDay : 8/30/2023 10:17 am : link
Giants backups stopped him twice legitimately and he got bailed out with a call or two to extend that second drive. Poster that said he doesn't want to get hit anymore hit it on the head. He sailed a few balls too. Can't wait for that team to implode
RE: RE: Ward was on the team  
jhibb : 8/30/2023 10:21 am : link
In comment 16187948 joeinpa said:
In comment 16187851 ElitoCanton said:


that beat Rodgers in London. Rodgers is a POS

I love Rogers’ competitiveness. It s the kind of things Simms would have done.
If Eli did it , you would love it.

I'd actually be a little disappointed in Eli if I saw him complain like that about a little bump, use weak trash talk basically saying, "I'm more famous than you" to another player, and then actually being proud of it and bragging about it on the sideline.

I'd expect him to be tougher, less a cry baby, more creative and funny, and more modest. All at the same time. :-)
RE: Rodgers is still outstanding at the LOS and a master at reading  
McNally's_Nuts : 8/30/2023 10:34 am : link
In comment 16188022 Spider56 said:
defenses to get the ball out quick… but it’s clear he does not want to get hit and goes down or throws it away quickly. I’m confident Wink knows how to deal with him,

As for Ward, before last year, I never heard of him either.

Dexter Lawrence is gonna have a field day with the interior offensive line the Jets have.

Any older QB doesn't want to get hit and they really don't want pressure up the middle.
Good job by Ward  
Spiciest Memelord : 8/30/2023 10:47 am : link
but save the spice for Eagles and Dallas.
Did I just read Jetlife Stadium?  
Chef : 8/30/2023 10:59 am : link
Thans is just bad .. anyway I was at the preseason game on Saturday and when Rogers took the field for the first time he looked right into our section and did the money rubbing fingers with two hands to us.. he is a dick...
RE: Did I just read Jetlife Stadium?  
Spiciest Memelord : 8/30/2023 11:01 am : link
In comment 16188089 Chef said:
Thans is just bad .. anyway I was at the preseason game on Saturday and when Rogers took the field for the first time he looked right into our section and did the money rubbing fingers with two hands to us.. he is a dick...

He's Johnny Manziel but talented.
ryanmkeane : 8/30/2023 11:05 am : link
the "i don't know who you are" thing is so tiresome
I think Rogers is anazing  
oghwga : 8/30/2023 11:05 am : link
My one knock on him is that I think he is a little too risk-averse. For better or for worse, Eli was a gunslinger and didn't care about stats so while you get the occasional wtf play you get some crazy runs.

Rogers seems to me that he over relies on his safety blankets sometimes to keep his int stats low.
RE: ...  
Spiciest Memelord : 8/30/2023 11:15 am : link
In comment 16188094 ryanmkeane said:
the "i don't know who you are" thing is so tiresome

It's cool when Eli does it because he has pitch perfect timing "Who?"
RE: I think Rogers is anazing  
UConn4523 : 8/30/2023 11:27 am : link
In comment 16188096 oghwga said:
My one knock on him is that I think he is a little too risk-averse. For better or for worse, Eli was a gunslinger and didn't care about stats so while you get the occasional wtf play you get some crazy runs.

Rogers seems to me that he over relies on his safety blankets sometimes to keep his int stats low.

Rodgers peak yards per attempt was 9.2 his first MVP season. Eli’s was 8.4 in 2011. That was Eli’s only season above 8, Rodgers had 6 with a few more a notch below.

Should he be taking more risks? Maybe. But he takes plenty, he’s just simply been that good at making big plays and avoiding big turnovers.
He's never heard of a player  
Dave in Hoboken : 8/30/2023 11:28 am : link
who he played last year and beat his ass in England?

Checks out. Maybe that's why Rodgers hasn't won shit in so long.

I can't wait to see him get put on his ass this year. It's gonna happen often.
Not sure if many people noticed...  
BillKo : 8/30/2023 11:40 am : link
...but on the blind side hit by the Jets that resulted in a penalty, between plays Ward was shouting to the sideline, and I think you could almost hear it "I am not coming out!!!"....

So I think that hit probably lend itself to Ward getting a shove on Rodgers just to send a message - as much as you can in that situation.
To me, yeah trash talk happens  
nygiants16 : 8/30/2023 11:44 am : link
but first off Cobb's hit was a cheap shot and you can say whatever you want baout it, his crown hit Mccain the sid eof the head and knocked him out of the game. That was the fiest thing..

Second Wilson getting up and taunting the sideline after a 10 yerd gain against a guy who wont even be in the league is laughable to me.

Like know who you are going against, you walk up to the Giants sideline and talk trash to players who arent even in the league right now and players who arent even stepping on the field..Something tells me Sauce Gardner is not talking trash to Waller when he is running at him lowering his shoulder..

Its preseason against 3s, grow up a little
There is always a remedy to this...  
Optimus-NY : 8/30/2023 11:49 am : link
RE: Dr. D  
Dr. D : 8/30/2023 12:01 pm : link
In comment 16188048 Lines of Scrimmage said:
I thought Favre at the end of the NFCCG looked like he wanted to get into a sauna.


btw, what are you doing here commenting on QBs? I thought you only commented on, you know, the LOS, like you had an agenda or something? Lol
RE: Rodgers should be more worried  
Dr. D : 8/30/2023 12:03 pm : link
In comment 16188040 thefan said:
about how his team is going to deal with a stacked division starting week 1 against Buffalo. Their first four games are brutal: Buf, @Dal, NE, and KC.

Good luck.

I'll be rooting for Aaron and the Jets wk 2
Aaron Rodgers has a blood feud with life...  
manh george : 8/30/2023 12:09 pm : link
including his own family. Not a mensch.
RE: RE: Dr. D  
Dr. D : 8/30/2023 12:09 pm : link
In comment 16188160 Dr. D said:
In comment 16188048 Lines of Scrimmage said:


I thought Favre at the end of the NFCCG looked like he wanted to get into a sauna.


btw, what are you doing here commenting on QBs? I thought you only commented on, you know, the LOS, like you had an agenda or something? Lol

LOS, in case it wasn't obvious, that wasn't a poke at you
Put me in the camp of  
ShockNRoll : 8/30/2023 12:35 pm : link
Who the hell cares? It’s the NFL, trash talk happens. I’m sure much much worse things have been said on an NFL field.
Two things can be true...  
Chris in Philly : 8/30/2023 1:05 pm : link
A. This is a non-story.

B. Rodgers is an insufferable douche.
RE: Two things can be true...  
ChrisRick : 8/30/2023 1:14 pm : link
In comment 16188248 Chris in Philly said:
A. This is a non-story.

B. Rodgers is an insufferable douche.

With all due respect my good sir, I find Aaron (first name basis) to be a sufferable douche.
RE: RE: Two things can be true...  
Chris in Philly : 8/30/2023 1:18 pm : link
In comment 16188263 ChrisRick said:
In comment 16188248 Chris in Philly said:


A. This is a non-story.

B. Rodgers is an insufferable douche.

With all due respect my good sir, I find Aaron (first name basis) to be a sufferable douche.

I didn't realize you were so close. My apologies. I withdraw my request that he be billed "insufferable" and defer to your exceptional judgment...
RE: RE: RE: RE: One of the great  
Gatorade Dunk : 8/30/2023 1:25 pm : link
In comment 16187965 pjcas18 said:
In comment 16187962 UConn4523 said:


In comment 16187950 pjcas18 said:


In comment 16187930 Lines of Scrimmage said:


regular season QB's of all time.

and post season.

Yeah these comments make me laugh, he has elite post season production. Kinda hard to win superbowls. Very few have done it more than once and some that have played poorly.

I don't understand how that perception perpetuates seemingly smart people.

Rodgers has a SB win and a SB MVP and a Post-season QB Passer Rating higher than Tom Brady (and Eli, and Big Ben, and Peyton - just comparing him to QBs with multiple SB wins).

You might be using "seemingly smart" a bit too generously.
RE: RE: RE: Two things can be true...  
ChrisRick : 8/30/2023 1:32 pm : link
In comment 16188268 Chris in Philly said:
In comment 16188263 ChrisRick said:


In comment 16188248 Chris in Philly said:


A. This is a non-story.

B. Rodgers is an insufferable douche.

With all due respect my good sir, I find Aaron (first name basis) to be a sufferable douche.

I didn't realize you were so close. My apologies. I withdraw my request that he be billed "insufferable" and defer to your exceptional judgment...

Oh, no apologies necessary. Aaron has checked 9 out 10 boxes on the 'insufferable douche' analysis application. Unfortunately I can't move him from 'sufferable' douche to 'insufferable' until he checks that final box. Everyone is so uptight about official paperwork seemingly eveywhere!
jhibb : 8/30/2023 1:34 pm : link
RE: RE: RE: RE: Two things can be true...  
HBart : 8/30/2023 1:38 pm : link
In comment 16188293 ChrisRick said:
In comment 16188268 Chris in Philly said:


In comment 16188263 ChrisRick said:


In comment 16188248 Chris in Philly said:


A. This is a non-story.

B. Rodgers is an insufferable douche.

With all due respect my good sir, I find Aaron (first name basis) to be a sufferable douche.

I didn't realize you were so close. My apologies. I withdraw my request that he be billed "insufferable" and defer to your exceptional judgment...

Oh, no apologies necessary. Aaron has checked 9 out 10 boxes on the 'insufferable douche' analysis application. Unfortunately I can't move him from 'sufferable' douche to 'insufferable' until he checks that final box. Everyone is so uptight about official paperwork seemingly eveywhere!

"It's Jetlife stadium" (repeatedly) after a one score pre-season win playing mostly against guys who now looking for non-football jobs. That by itself keeps his douchiness insufferable.
RE: Put me in the camp of  
dpinzow : 8/30/2023 1:43 pm : link
In comment 16188204 ShockNRoll said:
Who the hell cares? It’s the NFL, trash talk happens. I’m sure much much worse things have been said on an NFL field.

Exactly, it's not a big deal at all
Lines of Scrimmage : 8/30/2023 1:46 pm : link
I didn't take it that way. You probably saw that long post to me from that poster recently.

I have drawn a few nutcases. One dope said I am intimidated by his intelligence. That poster you are probably referencing told me he is a "leader in my field" in my first interaction with me.

I enjoy posting about QB's and HC's. It's where I feel most comfortable. With QB's I consider a lot of other factors first. The game does still start at the LOS for me though.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Two things can be true...  
ChrisRick : 8/30/2023 1:48 pm : link
In comment 16188306 HBart said:
In comment 16188293 ChrisRick said:


In comment 16188268 Chris in Philly said:


In comment 16188263 ChrisRick said:


In comment 16188248 Chris in Philly said:


A. This is a non-story.

B. Rodgers is an insufferable douche.

With all due respect my good sir, I find Aaron (first name basis) to be a sufferable douche.

I didn't realize you were so close. My apologies. I withdraw my request that he be billed "insufferable" and defer to your exceptional judgment...

Oh, no apologies necessary. Aaron has checked 9 out 10 boxes on the 'insufferable douche' analysis application. Unfortunately I can't move him from 'sufferable' douche to 'insufferable' until he checks that final box. Everyone is so uptight about official paperwork seemingly eveywhere!

"It's Jetlife stadium" (repeatedly) after a one score pre-season win playing mostly against guys who now looking for non-football jobs. That by itself keeps his douchiness insufferable.

We're awaiting official approval for this incident which would officially declare him insufferable. It should be declared any time now.
RE: Rodgers is still outstanding at the LOS and a master at reading  
NINEster : 8/30/2023 2:47 pm : link
In comment 16188022 Spider56 said:
defenses to get the ball out quick… but it’s clear he does not want to get hit and goes down or throws it away quickly. I’m confident Wink knows how to deal with him,

As for Ward, before last year, I never heard of him either.

Alex Rollins made a video that said that Rodgers does not throw over the middle of the field, mostly to protect against turnovers. Says he has the arm to throw it to the outside all the time, and either throws very short or 20+.

And somehow he gets away with it, which most QBs would not be able to.
Honestly, I just think it's hilarious  
an_idol_mind : 8/30/2023 3:11 pm : link
that the Jets put so much fanfare into a preseason game.
Great stat before the game  
Lines of Scrimmage : 8/30/2023 3:23 pm : link
Playoff wins in AR's career. 12.

Playoff wins in Jet history. 11.
Because he has  
pjcas18 : 8/30/2023 3:31 pm : link
had success with both franchises, only Victor Cruz can put an end to this blood feud in NY.

It’ll be  
Joe Beckwith : 8/30/2023 4:13 pm : link
his blood in October.
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