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Fred-in-Florida Prayer/Thoughts Request

BigBlue in Keys : 9/2/2023 9:38 pm
I got a message from Fred's amazing wife Carol today that Fred is very sick. He was taken by ambulance on Monday evening and was in critical condition. He was resuscitated and doing ok. They helicoptered him from Clermont to Orlando on Tuesday morning.

They're operating again today. Blood in the belly (and it has remained open after the first one with a cover over it) as the iliac burst. It has gone down, but swelling is still too great to close up. Other bad news - no blood going to right foot and leg. They are amputating above the knee down also today right after the stomach is done. Also will be draining fluids from the left lung. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

I've known Fred from setting up tailgates together for close to 10 years now and know many on this board have known him much longer. Him and Carol are lifelong Giants fans and all around amazing people. Hoping some people can share some encouragement and good memories. Be strong buddy, love you. We're all pulling for you.

Here's Fred giving the peace sign last year in Miami, another time he organized group tickets for a bunch of us.

Dear Lord  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/2/2023 9:42 pm : link
prayer for him and the family. We dined with him a few years ago.
Hey Fred, get well  
section125 : 9/2/2023 9:45 pm : link
soon. Need to have a full Florida contingent. Sorry to hear about all the surgeries.

Thank you Eric.  
BigBlue in Keys : 9/2/2023 9:47 pm : link
They're truly special people.

Also edit: that game was the win in Jax last year.
Prayers for Fred......all the best.  
George from PA : 9/2/2023 9:49 pm : link
RE: Dear Lord  
rnargi : 9/2/2023 9:55 pm : link
In comment 16191268 Eric from BBI said:
prayer for him and the family. We dined with him a few years ago.

That was a good time. He brought me keilbasa from his favorite polish deli, and it was amazing. Fred is one of the good ones. God Bless...prayers sent.
🙏🏼 Prayer sent.  
Blue21 : 9/2/2023 10:01 pm : link
Fred seems like a great guy  
Bill in UT : 9/2/2023 10:15 pm : link
My prayers and best wishes to him and his family
Praying now  
jimmypage : 9/2/2023 10:19 pm : link
Push through!
shocktheworld : 9/2/2023 10:43 pm : link
Prayers for Fred and his family ❤️
Lord have mercy on Fred ...  
Manny in CA : 9/2/2023 10:43 pm : link
Please bring through this, that your name be glorified.
RE: Lord have mercy on Fred ...  
capone : 9/2/2023 10:45 pm : link
In comment 16191323 Manny in CA said:
Please bring through this, that your name be glorified.

Mark from Jersey : 9/2/2023 10:54 pm : link
Fred is one of the first BBIers I ever met. Ive been on this site since 1999. Prayers sent. Great guy.
Des51 : 9/2/2023 11:07 pm : link
for Fred and his family.
My best thoughts and prayers to Fred and Carol  
Larry in Pencilvania : 9/2/2023 11:11 pm : link
Tailgated with them in Tampa. They are super nice fantastic people
I'll Be Praying  
GiantGrit : 9/2/2023 11:16 pm : link
Best wishes Fred  
Chris in San Diego : 9/2/2023 11:17 pm : link
Stay strong
Best wishes and keep your spirits up Fred  
GiantSteps : 9/2/2023 11:33 pm : link
sincerely sending prayers
Hang tuff, Fred  
bradshaw44 : 9/2/2023 11:41 pm : link
Just said a prayer for you even though we’ve never met. Always have time to pray for a fellow BBI’er.

Good luck with your procedures. God bless
Prayers for Fred  
Bleedin Blue : 9/2/2023 11:42 pm : link
and his Family🙏 Speedy Recovery!🙏🙏
Our thoughts are with Fred and his family  
SirLoinOfBeef : 9/3/2023 12:38 am : link
Prayers for you Fred  
Gregorio : 9/3/2023 2:46 am : link
come out of this thing strong.
RE: Lord have mercy on Fred ...  
bluefin : 9/3/2023 5:20 am : link
In comment 16191323 Manny in CA said:
Please bring through this, that your name be glorified.

+1 Amen
Sad news  
HarryCarson53 : 9/3/2023 5:23 am : link
Best wishes to Fred and Carol.
So Sorry To Hear  
pa_giant_fan : 9/3/2023 6:29 am : link
Prayers for you and your family, get well soon.
Prayer for Fred  
Adirondack GMen : 9/3/2023 6:44 am : link
Dear Jesus, Divine Physician and Healer of the sick, we turn to you in this time of illness. O dearest comforter of the troubled, alleviate our worry and sorrow with your gentle love, and grant us the grace and strength to accept this burden. Dear God, we place our BBI brother in your hands. We place Fred under your care and humbly ask that you restore him to health again. Above all, grant us the grace to acknowledge your will and know that whatever you do, you do for the love of us. Amen.
oh Fred...  
Dutch : 9/3/2023 6:47 am : link
So sorry to hear this. Fred was so kind to me and my son last year at the Jags game. He got us tickets and invited us to your tailgate where we met a bunch of you awesome guys/gals. Also joined him at the Giants bar the night before the game. (we are actually in the background of the pic you posted)....

Just a kind, thoughtful, and inclusive man. A real gem. Thinking of you Fred.
Prayers for my friend Fred and for Carol  
tony stg : 9/3/2023 7:08 am : link
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lord, we come to you in faith and confidence in your love and healing care. Please provide your calming strength to Fred. Cover him with your grace and blessings. Let him be assured of the prayers going up to you on his behalf. Be with all the medical personnel and guide their skills and efforts to succeed in your will for a positive outcome for your beloved son. We trust in your love for us and leave these petitions at the foot of your cross where you conquered evil and death for all time. We ask all of this in the name of your son, our savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Route 9 : 9/3/2023 7:19 am : link
Praying for you Fred!
SCGiantsFan : 9/3/2023 7:57 am : link
& prayers Fred!!!
SCGiantsFan : 9/3/2023 7:58 am : link
& prayers Fred!!!
FatMan in Charlotte : 9/3/2023 8:12 am : link
that was a great day! Prayers for Fred.

We tailgated with him and Carol at the bash BigBlue in the Keys hosted. Fred had a scrapbook of old photos going back to the 70's and he had programs from really old games. Just a kind man and an enjoyable time having food, drink and talking Giants.

Get well Fred, and thoughts to Carol and his family

Just prayed  
Bones : 9/3/2023 8:15 am : link
For healing for Fred and peace for Carol. We need more people like Fred in this world, not fewer.
My thoughts and prayers  
DonnieD89 : 9/3/2023 8:29 am : link
to you, Fred. Get well.
Was just informed offline about Fred.  
Big Blue '56 : 9/3/2023 8:40 am : link
I love this man and he’s been a great BBI friend and only wish him the best and a speedy redovery..

Not sure when he might read it, but shot him an email as well.

Go get ‘em my dear friend..
Prayers sent for a speedy recovery..  
KingBlue : 9/3/2023 9:34 am : link
Fred is a BBI legend. I met Fred and others at a night game in Jacksonville years ago. He graciously invited all to his tailgate. He couldn't have been more kind and welcoming. Get well my friend.
RE: Dutch..  
Victor in CT : 9/3/2023 9:56 am : link
In comment 16191428 FatMan in Charlotte said:
that was a great day! Prayers for Fred.

We tailgated with him and Carol at the bash BigBlue in the Keys hosted. Fred had a scrapbook of old photos going back to the 70's and he had programs from really old games. Just a kind man and an enjoyable time having food, drink and talking Giants.

Get well Fred, and thoughts to Carol and his family

Hey Fats how are you? Hope all is well.

All my best wishes to Fred. Never met him but his posts were always nice.
Just saw this  
Sec 103 : 9/3/2023 10:01 am : link
Prayers sent to a truly great guy, may the lord give him and his family the strength to get through this ordeal.
RE: Thank you Eric.  
Dr. D : 9/3/2023 10:34 am : link
In comment 16191274 BigBlue in Keys said:
They're truly special people.

Also edit: that game was the win in Jax last year.

Hey Captain. I had the pleasure of meeting you and Fred last year in Jax.

I'm praying for Fred and family.
RE: RE: Lord have mercy on Fred ...  
upnyg : 9/3/2023 10:52 am : link
In comment 16191368 bluefin said:
In comment 16191323 Manny in CA said:


Please bring through this, that your name be glorified.

+1 Amen
+1 Prayers for Fred
Prayers for my fellow Floridian  
X : 9/3/2023 11:19 am : link
Hang in there Fred
Oh Geez  
gidiefor : Mod : 9/3/2023 11:42 am : link
Fred, I am praying for you Buddy. I am so sorry to hear about this. Carol - Barbie and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this horrible turn of events. We love you guys!

Hoping that Fred and his family find comfort in this difficult time  
sb from NYT Forum : 9/3/2023 11:53 am : link
Sending positive energy  
PepperJ52 : 9/3/2023 12:01 pm : link
IDK Fred but keeping him and Carol in my thoughts and looking forward to hearing he comes through this soon and is alert and able to watch the Giants beat Dallas a week from now.
Met Fred in Tampa  
A-Train : 9/3/2023 12:42 pm : link
For Super Bowl in 2001, he couldn't have been nicer. Hope to hear about his recovery soon.
Prayers for the fullest possible …  
Crispino : 9/3/2023 1:30 pm : link
Good Lord,  
ColHowPepper : 9/3/2023 5:02 pm : link
Prayers for this mega Giants' fan, appalled to hear of something so dire as this.
Oh No.  
Giantgator : 9/3/2023 9:52 pm : link
Hoping for a recovery. Good memories of Fred from the Tampa game.
AcidTest : 9/3/2023 11:39 pm : link
is awful. Prayers to him and his family and friends. We are all rooting for you Fred.
Prayers Sent Up  
Bernie : 9/4/2023 8:16 am : link
And good thoughts sent over. Hang tough Fred
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/4/2023 8:26 am : link
Wishing him the best!
Get well quickly Fred,  
Joe in CT : 9/4/2023 11:24 am : link
thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Just saw this post  
Jim in South Florida : 9/4/2023 11:25 am : link
Bill thanks for posting this.

This is terrible news, prayers for Fred and Carol.

Patti and I love Fred and Carol, we stayed together in Jacksonville last season.

This is heart breaking news,Fred please pull thru, we are all with you.

If there are any updates on Fred's condition please post them, our thoughts are with him and Carol.

Encouraging update from Carol this morning  
BigBlue in Keys : 9/5/2023 11:31 am : link
"The first time Fred was awake he wanted to know about the Giants status. Then the roster and who’s been cut, who’s on practice team, etc. lol

Saturday results:
They couldn’t close the belly. Had to remove the sponges and the spleen. It had a nick and a slice on the bottom. They will take him back in probably next week and try and close him up.
They amputated the leg and closed it up. They have a drain on the leg and the belly.
They also drained the lung."

Keep on fighting Freddie, hang in there!
RE: Encouraging update from Carol this morning  
section125 : 9/5/2023 11:34 am : link
In comment 16192648 BigBlue in Keys said:
"The first time Fred was awake he wanted to know about the Giants status. Then the roster and who’s been cut, who’s on practice team, etc. lol

Saturday results:
They couldn’t close the belly. Had to remove the sponges and the spleen. It had a nick and a slice on the bottom. They will take him back in probably next week and try and close him up.
They amputated the leg and closed it up. They have a drain on the leg and the belly.
They also drained the lung."

Keep on fighting Freddie, hang in there!

Poor Fred is going thru hell.

Thanks for the update.
Keep battling Fred. My prayers remain with you.  
tony stg : 9/5/2023 12:45 pm : link
Also, my son, Russ, who you met at two Tampa games and one Jax game, and my wife Terri, who you and Carol have met a couple times in Tampa, also send their prayers for a complete and rapid healing.
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