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Why was Jordan Riley inactive today?

cpgiants : 9/17/2023 10:19 pm
And did DJ Davidson contribute meaningfully? For some reason I felt like we really missed Riley out there.
Because the Giants  
prdave73 : 9/17/2023 10:23 pm : link
don't want to hurt some of the Vets feelings if he take some of their playing time. Like Leonard Williams is doing anything. smh.
RE: Because the Giants  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/17/2023 10:25 pm : link
In comment 16210791 prdave73 said:
don't want to hurt some of the Vets feelings if he take some of their playing time. Like Leonard Williams is doing anything. smh.

You mean like how the Giants just benched Glowinski? Or how we have two rookie CBs starting?

Think before you post.
I thought  
Giantsbigblue : 9/17/2023 10:26 pm : link
Riley looked good in the preseason and in I'm few snaps last week.
Leo Williams also appeared  
kelly : 9/17/2023 10:28 pm : link
Inactive today.

Maybe we should start another rookie over under performing vets.
RE: RE: Because the Giants  
prdave73 : 9/17/2023 10:29 pm : link
In comment 16210796 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16210791 prdave73 said:


don't want to hurt some of the Vets feelings if he take some of their playing time. Like Leonard Williams is doing anything. smh.

You mean like how the Giants just benched Glowinski? Or how we have two rookie CBs starting?

Think before you post.

Eric, I was being a bit over the top, but there is some truth to what I said. Imo, Sometimes it takes the Giants to hit a downright low in order for some change to happen.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/17/2023 10:30 pm : link
Again, this staff has had absolutely no problem playing rookies and second-year players.

Riley played last week against Dallas.
I was watching Davidson early on and he was on the ground most every  
Spider56 : 9/17/2023 10:32 pm : link
play. Hopefully this was a 1 week experiment and we’re back to Riley on Thursday.
AcidTest : 9/17/2023 10:43 pm : link
is a run stuffer. They might have thought that Davidson had a chance of providing some inside pass rush, especially since AO was inactive.
RE: prdave73  
prdave73 : 9/17/2023 10:44 pm : link
In comment 16210808 Eric from BBI said:
Again, this staff has had absolutely no problem playing rookies and second-year players.

Riley played last week against Dallas.

Well, it needs to happen more. There are some top Veteran players that are not playing to their standards or contracts, and they need to light a fire under their ass. Could be the reason you, Eric, said on another post, "I want to know whats going on with this defensive unit?"
Id say the big problem with our D  
BigBlueNH : 9/17/2023 10:56 pm : link
is that, right now, only Dex is providing solid play among our front 7. The rest are underperforming, and even Wink can't scheme around it. We need better play out of Okereke, KT and LW, in particular, and AO, if he ever plays.
They were resting him...  
John in No Cal : 9/17/2023 10:57 pm : link
For the Niners? :)
Might be matchup based  
GiantsFan84 : 9/17/2023 11:01 pm : link
Also wonder if Dallas made them rethink some things. Dallas kept (successfully) trying to catch the giants in their heavy defense which made subbing guys in and out difficult.
I'm looking forward ....  
Manny in CA : 9/18/2023 1:08 am : link
To seeing him back soon.
RE: RE: prdave73  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/18/2023 8:56 am : link
In comment 16210830 prdave73 said:
In comment 16210808 Eric from BBI said:


Again, this staff has had absolutely no problem playing rookies and second-year players.

Riley played last week against Dallas.

Well, it needs to happen more. There are some top Veteran players that are not playing to their standards or contracts, and they need to light a fire under their ass. Could be the reason you, Eric, said on another post, "I want to know whats going on with this defensive unit?"

What needs to happen more? Who do you want replacing whom?

You seem to be bitching that a second-year player was active over a rookie. Is that what you are upset about?
I don’t think  
mittenedman : 9/18/2023 9:01 am : link
it’s unfair to expect more from LW. He’s invisible.
Davidson is an AZ native  
JonC : 9/18/2023 10:19 am : link
He got an NFL game at home.
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