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Is it Play calling or attitude and urgency

HewlettGiant : 9/18/2023 10:40 am
Pass play is called, does a QB not have several options?

Hyatt played the first half, unlike the Dallas game our QB had time to throw, they seem to wanted to use the moderate or short routes. With out seeing the all-22 we can't tell but those deep shots, which would have loosened up the Card D could have been used earlier and not a matter of "play-calling, rather decision making.
Daboll said  
46and2Blue : 9/18/2023 12:04 pm : link
he didn't call the plays so I don't that's it. But clearly Daboll said something that got them fired up.
I think it was attitude frankly  
PatersonPlank : 9/18/2023 12:11 pm : link
The 1st half philosophy seemed to be take the short safe stuff and move down the field. Kafka likes to do this, he really does it all the time. It looks like at the half Daboll blew a gasket and told them to be more aggressive and get the ball down the field. I do think he got more involved in teh 2nd half playcalling.

I am basing this on 1) That Hyatt play was run in the first half also and Hyatt looked open then too, but Jones went underneath instead, and 2) Daboll was clearly doing something with the offensive playsheet and the headphones in the 2nd half (whether he admits it or not).
RE: I think it was attitude frankly  
PatersonPlank : 9/18/2023 12:12 pm : link
In comment 16211556 PatersonPlank said:
The 1st half philosophy seemed to be take the short safe stuff and move down the field. Kafka likes to do this, he really does it all the time. It looks like at the half Daboll blew a gasket and told them to be more aggressive and get the ball down the field. I do think he got more involved in teh 2nd half playcalling.

I am basing this on 1) That Hyatt play was run in the first half also and Hyatt looked open then too, but Jones went underneath instead, and 2) Daboll was clearly doing something with the offensive playsheet and the headphones in the 2nd half (whether he admits it or not).

and on #1 above, in the 2nd half Jones looked to Hyatt as the first choice (not the 2nd/3rd/whatever). Also if you replay the game after the TD, you can see Hyatt tell Jones "I told you" or something like that.
RE: Daboll said  
mfsd : 9/18/2023 12:22 pm : link
In comment 16211537 46and2Blue said:
he didn't call the plays so I don't that's it. But clearly Daboll said something that got them fired up.

I know he said that, but I don't know if I believe that. He may have called plays in the 2nd half but doesn't want to feed the controversy machine by saying so
RE: RE: Daboll said  
PatersonPlank : 9/18/2023 12:27 pm : link
In comment 16211584 mfsd said:
In comment 16211537 46and2Blue said:


he didn't call the plays so I don't that's it. But clearly Daboll said something that got them fired up.

I know he said that, but I don't know if I believe that. He may have called plays in the 2nd half but doesn't want to feed the controversy machine by saying so

Yes, or at a minimum he was approving/disapproving the plays being called, and changing them when he wanted. With the playsheet in front of him, and him talking on the headset, he was clearly involved in something.
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