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Was Kayvon benches or something?

MeanBunny : 9/18/2023 11:17 am
He seems dejected and sitting in the back 40 even after Saquon's TD. That's your #1 draft pick, benched or mentally defeated(after being physically defeated). Mister Confidence no more...
This guy really needs to step it up, or get some good technical advice. He seems easy to push around and not fast or strong enough for the league
Kayvon in the Dunce Corner - ( New Window )
Did you see  
Gman11 : 9/18/2023 11:18 am : link
the snap counts? No, he wasn't benched.
bronxboy : 9/18/2023 11:19 am : link
he was trying to sneak a smoke.
Def trying to rip  
dancing blue bear : 9/18/2023 11:22 am : link
A quick buttski before he had to get back on the field.
Does he really smoke?  
MeanBunny : 9/18/2023 11:22 am : link
That would explain a lot. From lack of functional weight and strength to being aerobically deficient. How stupid can a guy be
RE: Def trying to rip  
MeanBunny : 9/18/2023 11:24 am : link
In comment 16211435 dancing blue bear said:
A quick buttski before he had to get back on the field.

Oh my God, I remember him on the Oxygen tank last year after an assisted sack. Basically he cannot purge the acidosis from blood with poor aerobic capacity
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/18/2023 11:28 am : link
Making NO impact.
If you  
bronxboy : 9/18/2023 11:29 am : link
reread Sy's review on Kayvon there were huge warning signs. They are showing up.
He just needs to play better  
upnyg : 9/18/2023 11:30 am : link
I dont care if he sits alone on the sidelines, players do all kinds of things for their preparation. Unless we know he's sobbing over there, I dont care.
I think he’s realizing  
Joe Beckwith : 9/18/2023 11:31 am : link
His speed alone isn’t cutting it. There was one play where the LT let him run wide and stayed close enough to just push him wider and behind the QB where if he planted his right foot and cut behind the LT he had a hit, if not a sack.
If he’s not being taught techniques , shame on coaching; if being taught and not using them, he’ll be in the NOT FOR LONG league.
Never liked Thibs predraft last year  
Rick in Dallas : 9/18/2023 11:38 am : link
One trick pony
He really needs to gain functional strength and learn some additional pass rushing techniques
He is easy to block
Everything that I saw at Oregon is playing out here.
I question whether this guy has the fire in his belly to be great.
Lose the fashion plate shit  
MeanBunny : 9/18/2023 11:40 am : link
Has Tiki says play the game you're paid for You are not a runway model. He said he hated all this fashion crap and people not coming in to work.
I know stats aren't everything  
Dr. D : 9/18/2023 11:45 am : link
but dang, never mind sacks, KT had 0 tackles yesterday. Not even an assist.

1 QB hit is the only stat he has to show from yesterday. And Oshane Ximines had 2 of those in 1/3 of KT's # of snaps.

What the heck is going on?!
Casillas or Banks  
HewlettGiant : 9/18/2023 11:47 am : link
They were pointing out the Thibs was sitting away from the team on the sideline by himself several times.
RE: Casillas or Banks  
Dr. D : 9/18/2023 11:49 am : link
In comment 16211495 HewlettGiant said:
They were pointing out the Thibs was sitting away from the team on the sideline by himself several times.

is there something about the initials KT?
I think KT had a lot of contain assignments  
UberAlias : 9/18/2023 11:52 am : link
We were getting gashed by the run early on and later on Az was looking to burn clock. I saw him a lot playing contain and if it was a pass play, drop back and put your hands up. I'm not sure how many opportunities he had where his job was to rush the QB.
first, alot of the same people complaining about  
Rory : 9/18/2023 11:56 am : link
Kayvon were doing the same chirping back in 2021 for Dexter Lawrence.

Second, every time I saw him he was taking on a double team in a zone blocking scheme.

Third he was showing full throttle effort the entire 4th qtr.

you people never learn.

Remember the Wink callout  
mittenedman : 9/18/2023 11:57 am : link
It was largely dismissed at the time but that stuff doesn't happen for no reason.

They are expecting Thibs to be the Alpha Dog on the defense. He's got the rep, top 10 push and name recognition to make himself some good $$$. But he has to take it. He's not just one of the guys.

This defense underperforming so much, seeing stuff like this, you wonder what could be going on behind the scenes.
RE: Maybe  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 11:57 am : link
In comment 16211427 bronxboy said:
he was trying to sneak a smoke.

Cigarettes look like they are affecting him now. He looks slow
RE: If you  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 11:58 am : link
In comment 16211450 bronxboy said:
reread Sy's review on Kayvon there were huge warning signs. They are showing up.

Cigarettes, Less lung capacity now, He does not have the endurance he had last year and it shows.
RE: Remember the Wink callout  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 12:00 pm : link
In comment 16211512 mittenedman said:
It was largely dismissed at the time but that stuff doesn't happen for no reason.

They are expecting Thibs to be the Alpha Dog on the defense. He's got the rep, top 10 push and name recognition to make himself some good $$$. But he has to take it. He's not just one of the guys.

This defense underperforming so much, seeing stuff like this, you wonder what could be going on behind the scenes.

I suspect 2 packs a day is what's going on.
RE: Does he really smoke?  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 12:01 pm : link
In comment 16211437 MeanBunny said:
That would explain a lot. From lack of functional weight and strength to being aerobically deficient. How stupid can a guy be

Yes, he does, there is an Oregon U podcast video of him prior to draft saying he likes smoking to paraphrase.
RE: I think he’s realizing  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 12:02 pm : link
In comment 16211458 Joe Beckwith said:
His speed alone isn’t cutting it. There was one play where the LT let him run wide and stayed close enough to just push him wider and behind the QB where if he planted his right foot and cut behind the LT he had a hit, if not a sack.
If he’s not being taught techniques , shame on coaching; if being taught and not using them, he’ll be in the NOT FOR LONG league.

He needs Nicotine Gum and ween himself off cigs
Sorry for all the response posts, but this guy has incredible talent  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 12:03 pm : link
and I wish he could quit smoking before it destroys hs carrer as a football varsity athlete.
RE: RE: I think he’s realizing  
eli4life : 9/18/2023 12:05 pm : link
In comment 16211528 Rich_Houston_1971 said:
In comment 16211458 Joe Beckwith said:


His speed alone isn’t cutting it. There was one play where the LT let him run wide and stayed close enough to just push him wider and behind the QB where if he planted his right foot and cut behind the LT he had a hit, if not a sack.
If he’s not being taught techniques , shame on coaching; if being taught and not using them, he’ll be in the NOT FOR LONG league.

He needs Nicotine Gum and ween himself off cigs

Jfc this thread probably several top 5 of your stupidest fucking posts and that’s saying something. Fucking moron
I'm not sure what the deal  
mittenedman : 9/18/2023 12:11 pm : link
is with his elbow either, but he's still got that huge contraption on his left arm.
Maybe his toothpick legs  
Dave in PA : 9/18/2023 12:18 pm : link
Have something to do with his inability to have any impact whatsoever? Guy is playing a position his body isn’t built to play at this level
RE: Maybe his toothpick legs  
Rory : 9/18/2023 12:21 pm : link
In comment 16211576 Dave in PA said:
Have something to do with his inability to have any impact whatsoever? Guy is playing a position his body isn’t built to play at this level

He's fucking 22 years old, anyone who lifts knows that you go through a huge bulk phase in your mid 20's and that gives you your mass especially legs.
I have seen that dejected player end of bench crap before with players  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 12:22 pm : link
Wink of BD probably said something to get his ass in gear at halftime and he took exception to it where it hurt his ego. KT needs to realize he is on a professional team now and this isn't the Pac-10 or Oregon. Not good optics to have your first rd draft pick not congradulate a key player after a TD. Even worse, other players weren't even approaching him like he was on his own island.
Everyone’s an arm chair shrink these days  
steve in ky : 9/18/2023 12:46 pm : link
Maybe he was hurting a little, or maybe he was trying to mentally focus on what he needed to do the next series with the game on the line, who knows?

We all agree he needs to up his game, trying to read into his mind by how he’s sitting on the bench is dumb and pointless
Speed is not sufficient  
MeanBunny : 9/18/2023 12:51 pm : link
Being able to move quick(like a 4 cylinder Audi turbo) is not the same as being fast and having some "shovel" to your speed. Torque. Parsons is a Ford Raptor truck. Thibs is a Renault right now. Even though it's not endurance sport, smoking will:
-Ruin recovery between downs
-trash your heart and Vo2 max
-Circulatory system to entire body all at once(like a football play)cannot deliver blood to all the necessary muscles
I do notice when he has his shirt off that he's a bit softer in the core and his lower chain(glute) is not better than a kicker. He needs to shape up literally

In comment 16211583 Rory said:
In comment 16211576 Dave in PA said:


Have something to do with his inability to have any impact whatsoever? Guy is playing a position his body isn’t built to play at this level

He's fucking 22 years old, anyone who lifts knows that you go through a huge bulk phase in your mid 20's and that gives you your mass especially legs.
RE: Everyone’s an arm chair shrink these days  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 12:56 pm : link
In comment 16211643 steve in ky said:
Maybe he was hurting a little, or maybe he was trying to mentally focus on what he needed to do the next series with the game on the line, who knows?

We all agree he needs to up his game, trying to read into his mind by how he’s sitting on the bench is dumb and pointless

I don't think he is contemplating like Socrates or Plato on the bench. His ego was hurt and he was sulking like a 4 year old child who didn't get his favorite flavor of ice Cream.
Oh Joy!  
jpkmets : 9/18/2023 1:02 pm : link
License Plate Guy's video of this (along with his editorializing) is now the lead story on the Post's sports pages.

At least we won't have any adversity/controversy leading into Thursday night!
Video shows curious Kayvon Thibodeaux moment on Giants sideline - ( New Window )
Looking at iPad??  
MeanBunny : 9/18/2023 1:10 pm : link
On closer inspection, he seems to be be looking down . So It could be just film review
RE: Oh Joy!  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/18/2023 1:14 pm : link
In comment 16211716 jpkmets said:
License Plate Guy's video of this (along with his editorializing) is now the lead story on the Post's sports pages.

At least we won't have any adversity/controversy leading into Thursday night! Video shows curious Kayvon Thibodeaux moment on Giants sideline - ( New Window )

Oh please. I swear anything for clicks. He could have been looking at plays on his device.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/18/2023 1:17 pm : link
the smoking comments have officially become an intelligence test at this point.

You guys commenting on the smoking understand there is no story there, right?

RE: OK  
McNally's_Nuts : 9/18/2023 2:16 pm : link
In comment 16211763 Eric from BBI said:
the smoking comments have officially become an intelligence test at this point.

You guys commenting on the smoking understand there is no story there, right?


Remember when you said you didn’t remember why Rich was banned?

Does the replies in this thread jog your memory? Lmao
“Was Kayvon benched” is the wrong question.  
81_Great_Dane : 9/18/2023 2:39 pm : link
First, because no, he wasn’t.

Second, because the right questions are:

Is there something wrong with Kayvon? (Because he isn’t having the impact you’d expect.)

If not, how is he being used? How are opponents playing him? Is he doing his job within the scheme?

If there is something wrong, what is it and how does it get fixed?

Remember, athletes slump at work for the same reasons anyone else does, plus all the sports reasons. We don’t know what’s going on with these guys, not really. So it could be a football thing or something entirely unrelated to football. Bad breakup, depression, sick parent, we don’t know.
RE: “Was Kayvon benched” is the wrong question.  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 2:45 pm : link
In comment 16211945 81_Great_Dane said:
First, because no, he wasn’t.

Second, because the right questions are:

Is there something wrong with Kayvon? (Because he isn’t having the impact you’d expect.)

If not, how is he being used? How are opponents playing him? Is he doing his job within the scheme?

If there is something wrong, what is it and how does it get fixed?

Remember, athletes slump at work for the same reasons anyone else does, plus all the sports reasons. We don’t know what’s going on with these guys, not really. So it could be a football thing or something entirely unrelated to football. Bad breakup, depression, sick parent, we don’t know.

RE: RE: OK  
Rich_Houston_1971 : 9/18/2023 2:50 pm : link
In comment 16211902 McNally's_Nuts said:
In comment 16211763 Eric from BBI said:


the smoking comments have officially become an intelligence test at this point.

You guys commenting on the smoking understand there is no story there, right?


Remember when you said you didn’t remember why Rich was banned?

Does the replies in this thread jog your memory? Lmao

The dude hasn't sniffed the QB in 8 quarters so far. There is something wrong because he looks lethargic and slow. He is not the first athlete to have his career affected by his habits.
He’s probably not happy with be playing in Wink’s system  
Jim in Hoboken : 9/18/2023 2:51 pm : link
knowing he won’t be a double digit sack guy. Nonetheless, he should stop sulking and still make a difference within the system.
I was shocked he didn’t come to camp with an extra 10-15 lbs of muscle  
HarryCarson53 : 9/18/2023 3:18 pm : link
If anything, he looks even weaker and less in shape this year. Gotta question his dedication at this pt. Never hustles to run down a ballcarrier either and gives up on plays away from him.

Re the above two posts  
81_Great_Dane : 9/18/2023 3:57 pm : link
Yes, it's possible he's disappointed that he's not going to put up the big individual stats he hoped for. Those stats would enhance his personal brand and earn him millions.

It's also possible he doesn't really love football and didn't really put in the work to excel at it. And yes, he probably should have worked on adding muscle in the off-season.

But again, it's also possible that there's something else going on that's distracting him. We just don't know.

I don't have the exact stats to prove it but I think Francisco Lindor had a prolonged slump that ended almost exactly when his new baby was born. Nobody said his wife was having a difficult pregnancy, or that he was worried about her, or anything like that, but I doubt it's a coincidence that his season took off afterward. Same king of thing happens with lots of guys.
Chris in Philly : 9/18/2023 4:21 pm : link
Goooooo Jetssasassss
MeanBunny : 9/11/2023 11:09 pm : link : reply
Fuck NYG and their pussy play
"Doesn't put in the work"  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/18/2023 5:47 pm : link
We're talking about a guy who was running sprints on his own on the sidelines at training camp when 2nd and 3rd teamers were on the field. I've never even heard any NYG ever do that before.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/18/2023 5:48 pm : link
in other words, while his teammates were getting water and taking a breather, he was running.

Yeah, but he's lazy.

Holy crap  
darren in pdx : 9/18/2023 6:06 pm : link
people really like to make shit up based on nothing.
RE: OK  
OdellBeckhamJr : 9/18/2023 7:09 pm : link
In comment 16211763 Eric from BBI said:
the smoking comments have officially become an intelligence test at this point.

You guys commenting on the smoking understand there is no story there, right?


that thread was amazing. wish it stayed up lol
This is the menthol 100s version  
bwitz : 9/18/2023 7:50 pm : link
Geez, probably over half the NFL  
section125 : 9/18/2023 7:55 pm : link
smokes pot. Think it affects the play of all those players?
Smoking on the bench  
jmdvm : 9/18/2023 9:52 pm : link
Len Dawson HOF
Link - ( New Window )
Maybe Kayvon just stinks?  
Thunderstruck27 : 9/18/2023 11:02 pm : link
Prove me wrong.
what a buncha of girls who gossip and speculate over nothing.....  
Rory : 9/19/2023 11:20 am : link
this place went from sports facts to Twitter bitches who live in their moms basement.

Eric, keep fighting the good fight.
He answered this question  
steve in ky : 9/19/2023 11:26 pm : link

Q: There was a video posted of you sitting alone on the bench, while a lot of the rest of the team was celebrating. I'm not insinuating anything, I'm just giving you a chance to respond.

A: What part of the game was that?

Q: I think it was at the end after the field goal. It looks like it in the video.

A: After the field goal, so that was the last play…I think when you play this game, you start to realize, and I'm only answering it like this because I know that there's videos and there's always narratives put out, but when you're in a situation where the fate of the game lands on one drive or one situation, and you're kind of those people, right? The defense are the guys who are looked to to answer that. The only person I look to is God, right? So, I'm sitting in that moment, and I'm praying, and I'm kind of, I guess you would say meditating and visualizing what we're going to do as a team to go out there. For me, it's kind of like there are too many people that wake up and want to put negativity out there. For us to come back and win a game, it's nothing but positive. For a defense, everybody just wants to be able to make that play when the time does come. I think it's more of a visualization and a meditation thing that, hopefully I don't ever have to answer something like that in the future.
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