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Am I a bad human being

AROCK1000 : 9/18/2023 1:15 pm
Because I enjoy watching Mike Greenberg bitch and moan about the Jets QB situation???
He was wetting his pants about putting all their chips in for a 39 yr old QB.
HMMMMM $75MM guaranteed for 4 snaps.
$18.75MM per snap
How do you like dem apples Greeeeeeny????
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/18/2023 1:16 pm : link
He’s insufferable.
RE: …  
AROCK1000 : 9/18/2023 1:17 pm : link
In comment 16211760 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
He’s insufferable.

why they give him such a platform is beyond belief...
He do go to my rival HS so my hared runs deep...
But dat hateraid tastes mighty good right now
I find it amusing also  
larryflower37 : 9/18/2023 1:20 pm : link
listening to all the Jets talking-heads going into the Dallas game convinced themselves they were still a playoff team with Wilson. Like they forgot what happened last season and how they wanted him cut or traded this preseason instead of Wilson even being a backup.

I actually enjoy his show....  
John in No Cal : 9/18/2023 1:21 pm : link
there are way more annoying talking heads out there.
The psychology of a sports fan  
bceagle05 : 9/18/2023 1:24 pm : link
has been on full display over the past week. Every Jets fan knew the season was over the second Rodgers went down, but needed yesterday’s dose of reality before they fully accepted it. Gonna be a long season.
I enjoy watching him  
Giant John : 9/18/2023 1:28 pm : link
But agree his man love was becoming insufferable. You get a pass.
It's going to be fun watching the Jets locker room implode  
Hammer : 9/18/2023 1:51 pm : link
I hope that the same thing doesn't happen to the Giants.
RE: I find it amusing also  
Tom in NY : 9/18/2023 1:59 pm : link
In comment 16211774 larryflower37 said:
listening to all the Jets talking-heads going into the Dallas game convinced themselves they were still a playoff team with Wilson. Like they forgot what happened last season and how they wanted him cut or traded this preseason instead of Wilson even being a backup.

If they would use the offense the employed when Sanchez was with them and went to the playoffs, there is no reason this team couldn't do the same. Scale back the offense, run the ball, win the turnover battle, and get in with 10 wins.
I think Wilson's inability to read defenses will not be overcome in a traditional offense, so time to get creative Jets' coaches, or time to get unemployed.
He wants this  
PaulN : 9/18/2023 2:35 pm : link
If you hate him as it looks like you do, then you watch to see him be pissed. Exactly as he wants it. You watching him.
pjcas18 : 9/18/2023 2:37 pm : link
you are a bad human being. Not because of this though, this is ok, it is because of the other bad things you do.
Greenberg always struck me as a sleezy sneaky dooshbag  
djm : 9/18/2023 3:05 pm : link
I always questioned how shit when down when Golic was dumped and he survived but even the way his show staff talk to him. I get the impression he isn't well liked.
Greeny's a nice guy  
Spider43 : 9/18/2023 4:06 pm : link
Carton OTOH...
Benigno’s on the WFAN right now.  
bceagle05 : 9/18/2023 4:10 pm : link
Back to his old ranting ways.
RE: I find it amusing also  
jnoble : 9/18/2023 4:17 pm : link
In comment 16211774 larryflower37 said:
listening to all the Jets talking-heads going into the Dallas game convinced themselves they were still a playoff team with Wilson. Like they forgot what happened last season and how they wanted him cut or traded this preseason instead of Wilson even being a backup.

I'll grant him that Dallas's D is very good and he was pressing in the 4th quarter to get back in the game but I just saw a replay of those INTS he tossed and on a couple of them it was like he threw it on purpose directly to the Cowboys DB. Zach still can't read a defense going into year 3
Brandon Tierney is just as bad.  
Dave in Hoboken : 9/18/2023 4:23 pm : link
Talked NON-STOP SHIT the very second Rodgers got to the Jets and never shut up about it for months before the season even started. Pretty sure he's masturabated to Rodgers multiple tinmes. Insufferable.
BT and so many other Jets talkies  
djm : 9/18/2023 5:02 pm : link
don't apply the same "logic" to NYG as they do the Jets. They al err on the side of the Jets will be fine but when it comes to NYG they always err on the negative slant. All day long it has been but but but the Giants merely beat the Cards...

I don't mind the cautious takes it's the ridiculously optimistic takes they bestow on the Jets time after time. Be consistent.
RE: Benigno’s on the WFAN right now.  
3rdWAM : 9/18/2023 6:49 pm : link
In comment 16212073 bceagle05 said:
Back to his old ranting ways.

Oh the pain!
I used to love the old show with Golic when I was younger  
j_rud : 9/18/2023 6:50 pm : link
Only see Greeny in clips now but christ, he really is bad.
Jets fans are f-ing insufferable  
AROCK1000 : 9/18/2023 8:40 pm : link
And I don't say that about any other NY based fan base
Greeny just has a what seems to be an endless platform...
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