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Haven't seen much talk about Pinnock today

rnargi : 9/18/2023 2:38 pm
That might have been the best game of his young career. Thoughts from more keen observers than I?
I caught a few minutes of Toomer and O'Hara post game  
MNP70 : 9/18/2023 3:04 pm : link
and both praised his play.
He was brutal early in the game  
BigBlue7 : 9/18/2023 3:29 pm : link
especially in coverage
He did good against the run  
X : 9/18/2023 3:32 pm : link
not so much in coverage.

He blitzed a lot.
He was in coverage on a lot of 1H completions  
armstead98 : 9/18/2023 3:43 pm : link
So not a perfect game but he was flying around out there
RE: He was brutal early in the game especially in coverage  
Trainmaster : 9/18/2023 3:47 pm : link

Kittle will get 250 yards and 3 TDs if Pinnock is covering him.

I expect him to be one of Sy’s Duds.

(Note: I was at the game, so didn’t get the benefit of TV angles and analysis)

Can’t cover a TE to save his life  
bwitz : 9/18/2023 3:50 pm : link
Beaten like a drum constantly
RE: He was brutal early in the game  
Johnny5 : 9/18/2023 3:51 pm : link
In comment 16212010 BigBlue7 said:
especially in coverage

That was my impression, although he was clearly better in the 2nd half.
Who wasn't  
PaulN : 9/18/2023 4:28 pm : link
Brutal in the entire first half of this game.
At the game - tackling problems are real for the Giants  
CJ in AZ : 9/18/2023 4:35 pm : link
I was at the game. I saw that Pinnock was playing better than most of the team, BUT despite being all over the field, he missed some tackles by not wrapping up. So did most of the D, especially LB and secondary.

I get that the modern way to tackle is to hit high, hope for a fumble or try to cause one, then deal with the ball carrier if he is still up. That is not working for this team, not last year and not this year. We really need to tackle much better to beat any good team.

As to Pinnock, he hits hard, appears to be smart and highly motivated. I expect that he will likely fix this very soon.
Pinnock is much better moving forward  
bLiTz 2k : 9/18/2023 4:41 pm : link
..even going back to last year he was most effective causing havoc at the LOS.

It's strange considering hes a converted corner, but doesn't have recovery speed after his man breaks the route.
Going out on a limb here  
Gatorade Dunk : 9/18/2023 4:49 pm : link
but I bet rnargi wasn't expecting "best game of Pinnock's career" to become the backhanded compliment that the rest of the thread turned it into.
I was going to start a thread on Pinnock, but saw this  
PHX Giants Fan : 9/18/2023 5:03 pm : link
I see some posts on how he wasn't great in coverage. That could be the case, and I'm not sure either way.

From being at the game, I can say that he was the only bright spot in the first half. He was flying around the field and always around the ball. Hard-hitter too. He looked more athletic and played at a different speed than most if not everybody else.

Kayvon, on the other hand? Invisible.
Yeah Ertz was tearing him up in the first half  
PatersonPlank : 9/18/2023 5:06 pm : link
RE: At the game - tackling problems are real for the Giants  
Mdgiantsfan : 9/18/2023 10:09 pm : link
In comment 16212096 CJ in AZ said:
I was at the game. I saw that Pinnock was playing better than most of the team, BUT despite being all over the field, he missed some tackles by not wrapping up. So did most of the D, especially LB and secondary.

I get that the modern way to tackle is to hit high, hope for a fumble or try to cause one, then deal with the ball carrier if he is still up. That is not working for this team, not last year and not this year. We really need to tackle much better to beat any good team.

As to Pinnock, he hits hard, appears to be smart and highly motivated. I expect that he will likely fix this very soon.

The poor tackling has to be a result of the lack of live action in the preseason.
RE: Can’t cover a TE to save his life  
LTIsTheGreatest : 9/19/2023 10:22 am : link
In comment 16212035 bwitz said:
Beaten like a drum constantly

This has been an issue for the Giants for years. They never seem to have a LBer or safety who is able to cover the TE. DOnt know why they can never fix this
Well compared to McKinney, Pinnock was prime Ronnie Lott  
Stu11 : 9/19/2023 11:31 am : link
We all saw McKinney get trucked at the goaline by the immortal Josh Dobbs, but check out his "tackling" on one of Conner's 20 plus yard runs. He should forfeit his game check for Sunday. He could have run around with a carton of eggs in his pocket and not cracked one.
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