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NFT: Mike Babcock fired?

BillKo : 9/18/2023 4:22 pm
Wow, just saw a headline. Is this over the "show me you phone" stuff?
He technically resigned  
NYerInMA : 9/18/2023 4:45 pm : link
I think.
Blue Jackets say they 'got it wrong' in hiring Mike Babcock - ( New Window )
Guy seems to be a complete jerkoff...  
BC Eagles94 : 9/18/2023 7:11 pm : link
after getting blackballed by NHL for a bunch of years, he actually gets another shot...and does some stupid shit almost immediately to get fired. He must he a real head class asshole.
I think his reputation did him in  
Gman11 : 9/19/2023 6:59 am : link
or maybe the way he handled it, but the explanation that he just wanted to get to know the players sounds plausible to me. Plus, Boone Jenner and others backed him up.

I don't know. Maybe a bunch of players didn't want him to see all the dick pics they have on their phones that they send to hookers.
RE: Guy seems to be a complete jerkoff...  
DefenseWins : 9/19/2023 7:04 am : link
In comment 16212287 BC Eagles94 said:
after getting blackballed by NHL for a bunch of years, he actually gets another shot...and does some stupid shit almost immediately to get fired. He must he a real head class asshole.

yeah he is an asshole. If you want to wreck your team and drive players away, then higher Babcock as your coach.
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