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Talkin Giants on whether Dabs was calling plays or not vs AZ

FranknWeezer : 9/18/2023 5:29 pm
We know Daboll claimed in his presser today that he wasn't calling the plays. These video clips seem to indicate otherwise.
Justin Penick video clips re Daboll calling plays in 2nd half vs. AZ - ( New Window )
He was definitely doing something in the 2nd half  
PatersonPlank : 9/18/2023 5:33 pm : link
maybe he was just very involved and approving/changing Kafka's calls, or maybe he was just taking over. Hard to tell, and I believe he wouldn't tell anyone if he did
This feels like a non-story  
csb : 9/18/2023 5:38 pm : link
Daboll is an offensive guy - the idea around Kafka calling plays is that it allows Daboll to focus on and work in all three areas of the game. However, when the offense hasn't scored a point in 6 quarters you better believe that he is on the radio giving his input on Kafka's playcalling and adjustments.
Of course he was calling plays in the second half  
ZogZerg : 9/18/2023 5:48 pm : link
He was reading BBI at halftime and saw my post....


Daboll needs to Take Over Play Calling
ZogZerg : 9/17/2023 5:26 pm : link : reply

Dabs was 100 percent  
fish3321 : 9/18/2023 5:53 pm : link
calling plays the 2nd half. His ass was on the line and he wanted to sink or swim his own boat. He didnt want to be on the media hot seat bc of Kafka
RE: This feels like a non-story  
Ten Ton Hammer : 9/18/2023 5:54 pm : link
In comment 16212177 csb said:
Daboll is an offensive guy - the idea around Kafka calling plays is that it allows Daboll to focus on and work in all three areas of the game. However, when the offense hasn't scored a point in 6 quarters you better believe that he is on the radio giving his input on Kafka's playcalling and adjustments.

It is a non-story. Daboll would not be doing his job if he just let the ship sink after 6 scoreless, putrid quarters with the season on the line.

But it also is a cool story because we have a good head coach that knows what he's doing.
RE: Dabs was 100 percent  
bw in dc : 9/18/2023 6:23 pm : link
In comment 16212197 fish3321 said:
calling plays the 2nd half. His ass was on the line and he wanted to sink or swim his own boat. He didnt want to be on the media hot seat bc of Kafka

I agree wholeheartedly that Dabs was the play caller the second half. But I think it was less about the way you describe it; and more about his belief a spark was needed, and he could provide that having actually been an NFL OC.
Re: the 'this is a nonstory' comments  
FranknWeezer : 9/18/2023 6:40 pm : link
I don't have an issue with that, generally, given we won the game and that it's water under the bridge. But the fact is, he came out and completely denied this in his press conference today. So unless we're ok with him being intentionally disingenuous in the press (for strategic reasons, to protect Kafka's image, etc.), it's certainly worth notice/discussion on an NYG fan site. Not to mention, this comes on the heels of T-Mac's "we've turned the page" commentary when it came time to answer the tough questions about our ST failings in Week 1. So, yeah, inquiring minds want to know.
I enjoy Talkin Giants and Penik  
j_rud : 9/18/2023 6:44 pm : link
But he seems destined to be one of those media types who piss off the team they so very much love.
RE: I enjoy Talkin Giants and Penik  
j_rud : 9/18/2023 6:44 pm : link
In comment 16212245 j_rud said:
But he seems destined to be one of those media types who piss off the team they so very much love.

And to clarify, thats not necessarily always a bad thing
Comparing that footage with the Dallas footage  
DieHard : 9/18/2023 6:47 pm : link
It seems pretty clear that Daboll was more involved with playcalling yesterday, whether he was making "strong suggestions" or actually calling some or all of the plays.

I'm sure he has to tread carefully around the subject with the media out of respect to Kafka. It's not a good look for a hot young offensive coordinator/head coaching prospect to get playcalling power taken away. Same thing happened to Sean Payton with Fassel and he had to jump to Dallas's staff to rehabilitate himself as a head coach prospect.
RE: Re: the 'this is a nonstory' comments  
Ten Ton Hammer : 9/18/2023 6:49 pm : link
In comment 16212242 FranknWeezer said:
I don't have an issue with that, generally, given we won the game and that it's water under the bridge. But the fact is, he came out and completely denied this in his press conference today. So unless we're ok with him being intentionally disingenuous in the press (for strategic reasons, to protect Kafka's image, etc.), it's certainly worth notice/discussion on an NYG fan site. Not to mention, this comes on the heels of T-Mac's "we've turned the page" commentary when it came time to answer the tough questions about our ST failings in Week 1. So, yeah, inquiring minds want to know.

No one seems to recall that he obviously has lied before, in '22, concerning the in-game shouting match with Jones early last year. But they won 9 games and a road playoff game, so he's doing his job. He did lie, but to be frank, as fans we don't need to know the truth. It's his job to run the team and put it in the best position to win. It's also his job to develop and groom very young assistant coaches like Kafka. He did both in this case. We don't need to know if he had to take the wheel, and all that does is create a media circus for him to deal with and potentially damage Kafka's credibility and resume.
Give it a rest  
UberAlias : 9/18/2023 7:08 pm : link
Daboll is an offensive coach and the offense was struggling. Of course he was going to be involved. That doesn't mean he was calling plays.
UberAlias : 9/18/2023 7:10 pm : link
This "footage" is just short clips here and there. There is no steady stream. Of the hour and a half second half, how many seconds of "footage" are we able to see?

And besides that, who cares?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/18/2023 7:11 pm : link
Well, whatever. It sure AF worked. Lord knows a shakeup was needed.
I was listening to NFL radio  
bradshaw44 : 9/18/2023 7:14 pm : link
I think it was moving the chains or something. They said unequivocally that Daboll did in fact take over playcalling. They have out their “mock” awards on the show and the host said Brian Daboll wins because his take over at play calling was the best move by any play caller all weekend and he got 31 points in under half due to his play calling.

They said this as if it was a fact. It was the old guy on the show that said this.
DieHard : 9/18/2023 7:24 pm : link
In comment 16212285 UberAlias said:
This "footage" is just short clips here and there. There is no steady stream. Of the hour and a half second half, how many seconds of "footage" are we able to see?

And besides that, who cares?

You seem to care enough to tell people they shouldn't care.

Why should we care about a football team that plays in Jersey? Why should we care about anything? These kinds of statements always amuse me. No one's freaking out in this thread, there's just some speculation and theorization going on. If that's not interesting or substantial enough for you, that's cool. No one's forcing you to read.
RE: I was listening to NFL radio  
Ten Ton Hammer : 9/18/2023 7:25 pm : link
In comment 16212290 bradshaw44 said:
I think it was moving the chains or something. They said unequivocally that Daboll did in fact take over playcalling. They have out their “mock” awards on the show and the host said Brian Daboll wins because his take over at play calling was the best move by any play caller all weekend and he got 31 points in under half due to his play calling.

They said this as if it was a fact. It was the old guy on the show that said this.

It was moving the chains, and that was Pat Kirwin.
I'm picturing Dabes' halftime speech, he's all red-faced and screams  
Del Shofner : 9/18/2023 7:25 pm : link
"I'm calling the f*ing plays and we're winning this f*ng game!"

I have no idea if that's remotely accurate.
Ten Ton Hammer : 9/18/2023 7:27 pm : link
In comment 16212285 UberAlias said:
This "footage" is just short clips here and there. There is no steady stream. Of the hour and a half second half, how many seconds of "footage" are we able to see?

And besides that, who cares?

Let's lay this out and think about what you're saying.

You require to see the entire second half with the camera on Daboll?
RE: I'm picturing Dabes' halftime speech, he's all red-faced and screams  
section125 : 9/18/2023 7:32 pm : link
In comment 16212302 Del Shofner said:
"I'm calling the f*ing plays and we're winning this f*ng game!"

I have no idea if that's remotely accurate.

It isn't, but sounds cool...

FWIW, even last year I did not like Kafka play calling. He got better as the year went on, but 1st 8 or 10 games he was boringly bad.
RE: I was listening to NFL radio  
bw in dc : 9/18/2023 7:34 pm : link
In comment 16212290 bradshaw44 said:
I think it was moving the chains or something. They said unequivocally that Daboll did in fact take over playcalling. They have out their “mock” awards on the show and the host said Brian Daboll wins because his take over at play calling was the best move by any play caller all weekend and he got 31 points in under half due to his play calling.

They said this as if it was a fact. It was the old guy on the show that said this.

Pat Kirwan, who is pretty dialed in around the league, validates what seemed fairly clear from the TV feed.
It is not a non-story that Daboll took over the play-calling  
gidiefor : Mod : 9/18/2023 7:41 pm : link
in the second half

not at all.

It really does indict Kafka and what he has been doing this season, and the guy was being considered for head coach and everyone here was pissing and moaning about it.

If Daboll has to take over the play calling duties to get the team going, we probably either need a new offensive coordinator, or a re-alignment of the play calling duties in order for this to be a winning team going forward.
RE: I enjoy Talkin Giants and Penik  
Breeze_94 : 9/18/2023 7:57 pm : link
In comment 16212245 j_rud said:
But he seems destined to be one of those media types who piss off the team they so very much love.

You actually think Daboll and co pay attention to Talkin Giants or have any idea about what they are putting out there? Legitimate question but my guess would be no
BigBlueShock : 9/18/2023 8:00 pm : link
In that linked video around the 35 second mark the example he is showing is clearly the 2nd Quarter. Not the 2nd Half. So if he is using this video as evidence that would mean Daboll took over play calling in the first half
I don't think it really matters much  
D HOS : 9/18/2023 8:09 pm : link
The point is, they fixed it and got it done.

Maybe Dabs was calling the personnel groupings, maybe he was explaining what he wanted to exploit, what kinds of plays he wanted... Doesn't matter, they worked it out and got it done. Credit to our coach. Now don't get in such a mess in the first place, from here out.
Since nobody knows…  
Chris in Philly : 9/18/2023 8:15 pm : link
exactly what was going on, the rending of clothing seems a little hyperbolic. Did BD take over play calling duties? It’s possible. Was it more of a collaborative process in the 2nd half? It’s possible. Was DB just bouncing ideas off of MK? It’s possible.

Before calling to move on from a guy everyone was afraid to lose, why don’t we let it play out. Everything does not need to be an instant decision.
Dabs had a play sheet in his hand  
HBart : 9/18/2023 8:19 pm : link
Prior to kickoff yesterday. So the video pointing out he didn't have a play sheet in Dallas (or to my recollection last season - I feel like there's usually a guy next to him with one) is that IF he took over play calling it was from the get go.

If I recall his words correctly, he answered no to the question of whether he took over play calling at halftime. Which, in that case, wouldn't be a lie.

Personally I think he -- wisely -- got more into the weeds this week with Kafka but didn't take play calling away. I say wisely because we were all puzzled by it last week.
UberAlias : 9/18/2023 8:45 pm : link
In comment 16212303 Ten Ton Hammer said:
In comment 16212285 UberAlias said:


This "footage" is just short clips here and there. There is no steady stream. Of the hour and a half second half, how many seconds of "footage" are we able to see?

And besides that, who cares?

Let's lay this out and think about what you're saying.

You require to see the entire second half with the camera on Daboll?
Um, you require more than a few seconds here or there. If they show a guy for a couple seconds, how do you know he hadn’t just finished calling it, or that he doesn’t a second after the camera leaves him? Or that the camera doesn’t catch it one of a couple times where Daboll interjects or override. We know nothing.
FranknWeezer : 9/18/2023 8:59 pm : link
In comment 16212285 UberAlias said:
This "footage" is just short clips here and there. There is no steady stream. Of the hour and a half second half, how many seconds of "footage" are we able to see?

And besides that, who cares?

Always love when the “who cares” crowd chimes in. BBI at its finest.
FranknWeezer : 9/18/2023 9:01 pm : link
In comment 16212298 DieHard said:
In comment 16212285 UberAlias said:


This "footage" is just short clips here and there. There is no steady stream. Of the hour and a half second half, how many seconds of "footage" are we able to see?

And besides that, who cares?

You seem to care enough to tell people they shouldn't care.

Why should we care about a football team that plays in Jersey? Why should we care about anything? These kinds of statements always amuse me. No one's freaking out in this thread, there's just some speculation and theorization going on. If that's not interesting or substantial enough for you, that's cool. No one's forcing you to read.

RE: I'm picturing Dabes' halftime speech, he's all red-faced and screams  
BrianC : 9/18/2023 9:19 pm : link
In comment 16212302 Del Shofner said:
"I'm calling the f*ing plays and we're winning this f*ng game!"

I have no idea if that's remotely accurate.

My favorite post I've read on this forum in a while. It seems like exactly what should have happened therefore it must be true.
RE: RE: I enjoy Talkin Giants and Penik  
j_rud : 9/18/2023 9:23 pm : link
In comment 16212344 Breeze_94 said:
In comment 16212245 j_rud said:


But he seems destined to be one of those media types who piss off the team they so very much love.

You actually think Daboll and co pay attention to Talkin Giants or have any idea about what they are putting out there? Legitimate question but my guess would be no

Not so much "pay attention to", I meant more like through media access.
So far as what actually did happen at halfime  
HBart : 9/18/2023 9:39 pm : link
On top of whatever Dabs said it was reported Saquon, Hodgins, Jones and Shep each addressed the team

It's interesting no defensive players did.
RE: RE: I was listening to NFL radio  
ZogZerg : 9/19/2023 8:33 am : link
In comment 16212309 bw in dc said:
In comment 16212290 bradshaw44 said:


I think it was moving the chains or something. They said unequivocally that Daboll did in fact take over playcalling. They have out their “mock” awards on the show and the host said Brian Daboll wins because his take over at play calling was the best move by any play caller all weekend and he got 31 points in under half due to his play calling.

They said this as if it was a fact. It was the old guy on the show that said this.

Pat Kirwan, who is pretty dialed in around the league, validates what seemed fairly clear from the TV feed.

Exactly. Kirwan has connections and said that he heard "it had to be done".

It is shocking how many here don't believe the obvious.
RE: So far as what actually did happen at halfime  
BigBlueShock : 9/19/2023 8:42 am : link
In comment 16212450 HBart said:
On top of whatever Dabs said it was reported Saquon, Hodgins, Jones and Shep each addressed the team

It's interesting no defensive players did.

The defense is really lacking that Alpha personality. Dex is a fantastic player but he doesn’t seem like a big get in your face kind of guy. Maybe Okereke can eventually be that guy when he gets more comfortable, I don’t know enough about his personality but either way they desperately need someone to step up and get on their asses on the field. In the past with the great defenses they had plenty of those guys. Who’s that guy now?
RE: I'm picturing Dabes' halftime speech, he's all red-faced and screams  
PatersonPlank : 9/19/2023 8:44 am : link
In comment 16212302 Del Shofner said:
"I'm calling the f*ing plays and we're winning this f*ng game!"

I have no idea if that's remotely accurate.

Yes he said this, and then he said "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?".

Very motivational
No big  
bronxboy : 9/19/2023 8:49 am : link
deal if Daboll was lying to cover for Kafka. Coaches lie all the time, right.
RE: No big  
Costy16 : 9/19/2023 11:12 am : link
In comment 16212595 bronxboy said:
deal if Daboll was lying to cover for Kafka. Coaches lie all the time, right.

He's not going to divulge that information because he then knows it would create a media firestorm about Daboll pulling the playcalling from Kafka.
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