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A weird & sorta UFB stat about Giants-49ers rivalry.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/18/2023 6:54 pm
They've met 42 times in the regular season. Both teams have won 21 games.

They've met 8 times in the postseason. Both teams have won 4 games.

Obviously the regular season tie will be go in one's team favor after TNF, but #s that made me go, 'Wow. That's pedicular.'

True be told-as a 43 YOA dude-I consider the 49ers to be our 3rd biggest rival after Philly & Dallas. Yes, I put SF ahead of WFT because 1) the Giants historically own WFT & 2) WFT has sucked for awhile. Also, the Giants-SF playoff games have been so intense & joyous/heartbreaking that I remember where I watched each game & who was watching with me.
To your second point  
Breeze_94 : 9/18/2023 7:59 pm : link
About WFT and SF…that’s how many younger Philly & Dallas fans see the Giants. SF is a bigger rival right now as both teams own the Giants
That's how I see the rivalry order as well  
D HOS : 9/18/2023 7:59 pm : link
Kind of surprised at the even record but I knew it didn't really favor either side.
Bill Walsh vs Bill Parcells  
AROCK1000 : 9/18/2023 8:32 pm : link
Was as good a chess match as I can ever remember between coaches....
I often wonder what would have happened during the 1990 NFC championship game,remember Walsh had retired at that point.
Parcells vs Seifert was not even close.
I lived in the SF Bay area  
George : 9/18/2023 9:18 pm : link
From 1986-1990. The 49ers felt the same way about us as we did about them.
RE: Bill Walsh vs Bill Parcells  
NINEster : 9/19/2023 11:38 am : link
In comment 16212371 AROCK1000 said:
Was as good a chess match as I can ever remember between coaches....
I often wonder what would have happened during the 1990 NFC championship game,remember Walsh had retired at that point.
Parcells vs Seifert was not even close.

That's silly.

Seifert was good, and underrated for sure mostly because of who he was replacing.

There's no '80s dynasty without Seifert coaching up those DBs, and being a solid DC. Nobody else to my knowledge was fielding loaded secondaries in those days like they do now.

Seifert kept Marino from getting a ring as much as anyone else in that organization. All 4 starting DBs to the pro bowl. How often has that happened?

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