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A Look Back: Giants at San Francisco 1956 Week 1

truebluelarry : 9/19/2023 9:00 am
The Giants march to the 1956 NFL Title got off to an impressive start in San Francisco when they defeated the formidable 49ers, who were QB'ed by future Giant legend Y.A. Tittle.

The San Francisco roster was loaded with HOF talent. Aside from Tittle, they had Joe Perry at FB and Hugh McEllhenney at HB, with Bob St. Clair blocking for them at tackle. For good measure, Leo Nomellini lined up for the defense.

As would be expected, Tittle moved the ball through the air - outgaining the Giants duo of Charley Conerly and Don Heinrich 259 yards to 133. Unfortunately for Tittle, three of his passes found their way into the hands of New York defenders.

While the Giants QBs were efficient in not turning the ball over, their Power-T triumvirate of Frank Gifford, Alex Webster and Mel Triplett accounted for all five New York TDs (3 rushing, 2 receiving) and 166 combined yards. For good measure, Gifford also booted a FG!

Giant coach Jim Lee Howell's peculiar system of starting Heinrich over New York's principal QB Conerly (his explanation being Conerly could observe the defense from the sideline before entering the game always rang dubious with many players) ran through the entire 1956 season. While Conerly played the most minutes and accrued the statistics, he did not start a single game. When, or if, he entered the game was entirely subjective and up to Howell's whim. On this particular day Heinrich played the first half and Conerly the second. The San Francisco summary praises Heirich's play over the first 30+ minutes (he threw both TD passes building the Giants 31-7 lead early in the third quarter) while noting Conerly's entrance as coinciding with New York's letdown as San Francisco pushed it's way back into the game.

As an aside, I always find it interesting to read about these games where Tittle opposed the Giants. Lifetime he was 1-4 against New York - 0-1 with the Baltimore Colts and 1-3 with San Francisco. As for Conerly, he'd be paired with Heidrich through 1958 in the QB platoon. After a two season reprieve as the unquestioned QB of the Giants for 1959 and 1960, New York famously traded for Title and they shared the QB position for much of 1961 until Conerly retired and Tittle enjoyed a brilliant renaissance period in 1962 and 19633 where he rewrote the record books.


New York Times

New York Herald-Tribune

New York Daily News

Newsday (prophetically calls out the Giants 'title drive'!)

San Francisco Examiner

San Rafael Independent Journal (great game photos!)

game program cover, Giants writeup & lineups

these are great Larry, I really enjoy reading them. These are stories  
Victor in CT : 9/19/2023 11:01 am : link
my dad would tell my brother and during The Wilderness Years in the '70s while watching those Giants get clobbered.
Great article  
Blue1956 : 9/19/2023 11:28 am : link
I was 5 in 1956 & my first recollection of the GMen was the NFL Championship vs the Bears that year ! Robustelli & Katcavage were the first names I heard! Here’s hoping history repeats itself on Thursday nite’s game!
The king of the leg whip, Bob St. Clair. Great  
carpoon : 9/19/2023 11:41 am : link
memories Larry, thank you.

If you ever come across clippings about Don Kolo, Cleveland lineman, considered the dirtiest player ever, it may be interesting. How Giants fans hated that guy!
Jim Lee Howell  
HomerJones45 : 9/19/2023 12:34 pm : link
was either the smartest or luckiest head coach ever. Had Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry as his assistants. He knew when to get out: he retired a season after they both became HC's. Then, he managed to hang on as director of player personnel during the 70's when the Giants were terrible.
RE: Jim Lee Howell  
Victor in CT : 9/19/2023 12:49 pm : link
In comment 16212827 HomerJones45 said:
was either the smartest or luckiest head coach ever. Had Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry as his assistants. He knew when to get out: he retired a season after they both became HC's. Then, he managed to hang on as director of player personnel during the 70's when the Giants were terrible.

perhaps both? lucky to have them, but smart enough not to interfere or micromanage and let them do their jobs.
RE: RE: Jim Lee Howell  
carpoon : 9/19/2023 8:56 pm : link
In comment 16212839 Victor in CT said:
In comment 16212827 HomerJones45 said:


was either the smartest or luckiest head coach ever. Had Vince Lombardi and Tom Landry as his assistants. He knew when to get out: he retired a season after they both became HC's. Then, he managed to hang on as director of player personnel during the 70's when the Giants were terrible.

perhaps both? lucky to have them, but smart enough not to interfere or micromanage and let them do their jobs.

He once said that his job was to keep air in the footballs.:)
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