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Interesting Video Analysis of Daboll Playcalling or Not

NorcalNYG : 9/19/2023 1:03 pm
I thought this was a good little video breaking down whether Daboll was calling plays or not. It's only 3 minutes but really keys in on some crucial moments in which Daboll almost surely appears to be calling the plays.

This will be interesting to watch in the next games. Will he call plays or will he share the job with Kafka or will he give duties back to Kafka alone? It's obvious that he was either calling the plays himself or perhaps helping, but it sure looks like he was outright playcalling. I don't see how this job can be shared, maybe Daboll should do what many great offensive head coaches do and call the plays himself Ala Andy Reid and many others. I for one feel much more confident in Daboll calling the plays.

What do yall think? I know this has been discussed a lot, but no one has linked this video which breaks down the moments he is seen on camera in a nice in depth yet succinct way. I also think this is one of the biggest and most important topics of conversation right now for the NY Giants.
Was Daboll playcalling in the 2nd half? - ( New Window )
Good video  
Gap92 : 9/19/2023 1:18 pm : link
It's hard to argue with that. I think Daboll most likely was calling plays. But, whatever the hell they were doing, I hope they continue doing it.
I was watching an ESPN show with  
Pete from Woodstock : 9/19/2023 1:20 pm : link
Scott Van Pelt, Ryan Clark, Marcus Spears and Robert Griffin. Marcus Spears said that the play calling was totally different in the second half. Right away I thought of the clips of Daboll with play sheet. It might be true but they are not letting it out to the press. We'll see moving forward... interesting
RE: I was watching an ESPN show with  
NorcalNYG : 9/19/2023 1:34 pm : link
In comment 16212890 Pete from Woodstock said:
Scott Van Pelt, Ryan Clark, Marcus Spears and Robert Griffin. Marcus Spears said that the play calling was totally different in the second half. Right away I thought of the clips of Daboll with play sheet. It might be true but they are not letting it out to the press. We'll see moving forward... interesting

I thought the playcalls looked much more like the 2020 Bills than the 2021 Kansas City Chiefs. It was completely different to me as well. Marcus Spears knows football much better than I do of course, so it's interesting to hear that.
IF Daboll Took Over  
Trainmaster : 9/19/2023 1:42 pm : link
He would not throw Kafka under the bus.

It might be hard to continue to deny it if this goes forward.

I have zero issue with Daboll calling plays in the short term, but I do like the head coach to be the “coach of the whole team” and not be the offensive or defensive playcaller.

Didn’t Jim Fassell take the playcalling away from Sean Payton 20+ years ago?

2000 / SB XXXV season?

Professor Falken : 9/19/2023 1:47 pm : link
was interviewed by Kay Adams this morning. He said he got the plays from Kafka, which is really just the mechanics. Have to think Daboll was heavily involved one way or another.
RE: IF Daboll Took Over  
bw in dc : 9/19/2023 1:47 pm : link
In comment 16212923 Trainmaster said:
He would not throw Kafka under the bus.

X 100.

Even coaches get into slumps. And Kafka was clearly part of the six horrible quarters to start the season.

Daboll was a terrific OC with the Bills. So, it made total sense to give this team a jolt by taking over the Chinese menu.
Loved the twins routes  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/19/2023 2:00 pm : link
with the PA max protect. Really dovetails with the strength of the team (fast receivers and Jones can just book if covered) and hides the weaknesses of our crappy oline with max protect. Kudos to whoever were calling those.

Bad coaching and D by Ariz kind of falling for run PA given their lead.

RE: IF Daboll Took Over  
NorcalNYG : 9/19/2023 2:03 pm : link
In comment 16212923 Trainmaster said:
He would not throw Kafka under the bus.

It might be hard to continue to deny it if this goes forward.

I have zero issue with Daboll calling plays in the short term, but I do like the head coach to be the “coach of the whole team” and not be the offensive or defensive playcaller.

Didn’t Jim Fassell take the playcalling away from Sean Payton 20+ years ago?

2000 / SB XXXV season?

Yes I believe he did, and what makes you feel that way? 3 of the past 4 superbowl winners have had head coaches calling the plays (Andy Reid and Sean McVay).
ryanmkeane : 9/19/2023 2:06 pm : link
He was definitely calling the plays. Not sure why it is up for debate really.
I Think This Guy Was The Play Caller In The 2nd Half  
Trainmaster : 9/19/2023 2:07 pm : link

Does make you wonder  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/19/2023 2:12 pm : link
what's up with Kafka's playcalling. It maybe too complex for our sh*t oline.
I think  
Giantsbigblue : 9/19/2023 2:14 pm : link
Even Stevie Wonder could see the difference in the play calling. As bad as the line played against Dallas last week, some of us were blaming the play calling for putting them in bad positions by never keeping the defense off balance with the play calls.

You have to be able to set up plays sometimes and I just don't think Kafka knows how to move the chess pieces around to do that yet.
RE: Does make you wonder  
NorcalNYG : 9/19/2023 2:18 pm : link
In comment 16212958 Spiciest Memelord said:
what's up with Kafka's playcalling. It maybe too complex for our sh*t oline.

I think this is true. I also think Kafka gets too cute and overthinks things, making everything more complex than it needs to be.
robbieballs2003 : 9/19/2023 2:22 pm : link
if this is true and it most likely is, imagine being Kafka and walking back in to work on Monday. Woof. Between the coaching staff and players, it has to sting that for 6 quarters you couldn't produce jack shit and Daboll comes in and scores on every possession.
RE: Good video  
prdave73 : 9/19/2023 2:22 pm : link
In comment 16212881 Gap92 said:
It's hard to argue with that. I think Daboll most likely was calling plays. But, whatever the hell they were doing, I hope they continue doing it.

Agree 100%
Whatever it is, keep it going! Personally I rather have Daboll calling the plays, I don’t have much faith in Kafka!
RE: I think  
robbieballs2003 : 9/19/2023 2:23 pm : link
In comment 16212963 Giantsbigblue said:
Even Stevie Wonder could see the difference in the play calling. As bad as the line played against Dallas last week, some of us were blaming the play calling for putting them in bad positions by never keeping the defense off balance with the play calls.

You have to be able to set up plays sometimes and I just don't think Kafka knows how to move the chess pieces around to do that yet.

Everything was long developing plays and even play action when we were down 40. Its was so bad.
RE: I think  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/19/2023 2:27 pm : link
In comment 16212963 Giantsbigblue said:
Even Stevie Wonder could see the difference in the play calling. As bad as the line played against Dallas last week, some of us were blaming the play calling for putting them in bad positions by never keeping the defense off balance with the play calls.

You have to be able to set up plays sometimes and I just don't think Kafka knows how to move the chess pieces around to do that yet.

Hopefully we don't see it Thursay, but there's a Miked Up piece with Shanny telling Kittle he will score a TD on a particular play, which he did. It was bascially a play designed to be a counter to a counter. That's the 5D chess you need from your coach.
FYI there's an existing thread  
FranknWeezer : 9/19/2023 3:31 pm : link
where this has been under discussion for the last couple days now. See link.
Daboll calling plays v. AZ? - ( New Window )
Now the real question is  
Blueworm : 9/19/2023 4:01 pm : link
Will he continue to do so going forward, and if so, how long does the charade last.
RE: FYI there's an existing thread  
NorcalNYG : 9/19/2023 6:20 pm : link
In comment 16213044 FranknWeezer said:
where this has been under discussion for the last couple days now. See link. Daboll calling plays v. AZ? - ( New Window )

Post is fir the video
RE: RE: FYI there's an existing thread  
FranknWeezer : 9/19/2023 6:50 pm : link
In comment 16213189 NorcalNYG said:
In comment 16213044 FranknWeezer said:


where this has been under discussion for the last couple days now. See link. Daboll calling plays v. AZ? - ( New Window )

Post is fir the video

Saw that. Same video as in the other thread- just from Penik's twitter page as opposed to his YouTube.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/19/2023 6:56 pm : link
My guess is that Kafka was calling the plays, but Dabs was weighing in much more heavily than he has in the past. And that's a good thing. Obviously the offense was completely broken for 6 quarters & Dabs-smart as he is-knew something needed to change.

I give Dabs credit on that & mixing up the OL after Week 1 & benching Glowinski. He's not afraid to make changes.
RE: RE: RE: FYI there's an existing thread  
NorcalNYG : 9/20/2023 1:41 am : link
In comment 16213218 FranknWeezer said:
In comment 16213189 NorcalNYG said:


In comment 16213044 FranknWeezer said:


where this has been under discussion for the last couple days now. See link. Daboll calling plays v. AZ? - ( New Window )

Post is fir the video

Saw that. Same video as in the other thread- just from Penik's twitter page as opposed to his YouTube.

Oh, I must have missed that in the other thread.
I have said this on  
section125 : 9/20/2023 6:47 am : link
other threads. I didn't like Kafka's play calling last year early in the season - mundane, stupid plays behind the LOS and lack of imagination.
I think he gets stuck in a rut and doesn't have a feel for what is happening on the field. At times he lacks agressive calls.

I'm sure he develops the game plan. He obviously knows the plays and how to set up a drive. But in game he seems to lack killer instinct....just a fan's perspective
Here is what I think...  
DefenseWins : 9/20/2023 7:03 am : link
they were on the headset with each other discussing each play call. In some instances, Daboll says I want this play. In others, Kafka suggests a play and Daboll agrees. Then, Kafka sends it into DJ
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