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Different Take on KT

Matt M. : 9/20/2023 11:00 am
Yesterday on his show, Tiki addressed those calling KT a bust, which included both media members and fans. He said first, those people aren't watching with a knowledge of the game, but just a fantasy football skewed eye only on stats. He went on to point out, KT is not being used in a way to pin his ears back and get to the QB, at least not this past week. He was dropped in coverage a lot and asked to set the edge. Also pointed out, most opposing runs are away from him due to his stout play against the run.

He said it is fair to have high expectations for a #5 pick, including sacks. But, at least in part, he is not compiling those stat because of how he is used/ But, that he is still a talented and valuable player. Tiki guessed KT's role will change from game to game, depending on the opponent.

Overall, I see what he's saying. But, a couple of areas I think are too excuse heavy. One, Tiki pointed out the number of times KT was double teamed. That's fine. But, an impact player taken at #5 should not be stoned from every double team. Likewise, his other point about teams running away from him is weak. A true impact player from his position still finds ways to make plays. Obviously LT was on a whole other level, but how many times a game did he run down a RB or WR on the other side of the field?
Its true, I am just a fan  
Capt. Don : 9/20/2023 11:07 am : link
but I can also see Tight ends locking him up on pass plays.
When you're drafted 5th overall  
DaveInTampa : 9/20/2023 11:09 am : link
The obvious hope is that you become a game wrecker like Parsons, Bosa, Hutchinson, Garrett, etc. Thus far, KT just isn't that guy and with each passing game it becomes less likely he ever will be
Again - Sy is a professional scout  
Greg from LI : 9/20/2023 11:09 am : link
And his comments on Thibodeaux in his game review are not complimentary.
Seems to be a concerted effort amongst the former players/analysts  
Stu11 : 9/20/2023 11:10 am : link
To make as many excuses as they can for this. Banks did it the other day as well. Listen to call someone a bust after the amount of games he has played is ridiculous. However you pay a Jihad Ward 1.5 mill a year to "set the edge" in the running game. When you draft an edge rusher at #5 overall it's fair to expect a disrupter. Outside of the last 2 drives Sunday the defense has been beyond atrocious. 0 sacks. 0 takeaways. Getting steamrolled for 3 quarters by what will easily be a bottom 5 offense in football this year. If he is capable of being a disrupter and they are using him in this way then someone should be fired. I tend to think they are using him this way because he hasn't shown what he needs to otherwise. Either way it's fair to say he's been a big disappointment so far. He needs to be better and no insider explanation is changing that.
Spider43 : 9/20/2023 11:12 am : link
Expected anything much from him. I had doubts about his motor, from the start. He seemed more 'brand', than anything else to me.
RE: Again - Sy is a professional scout  
Stu11 : 9/20/2023 11:13 am : link
In comment 16213582 Greg from LI said:
And his comments on Thibodeaux in his game review are not complimentary.

And on Baldy's breakdowns he showed a play where he completely froze inexplicably on a running play coming from the back side.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/20/2023 11:13 am : link
should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.
Seems like a lot of comments that fans don't know what they  
ThomasG : 9/20/2023 11:14 am : link
are talking about when giving their takes on Thibs. While that may be true with many, you draft an edge rusher at #5 overall to be an impact player.

Not every play. But after 8 quarters of play we should be able to see something from his game. Sack the QB, tackle for loss, blow up a screen, force a hold or false start on the OT, or just a plain old big hit on the QB.

Show something.
Biteymax22 : 9/20/2023 11:16 am : link
had two bad games to start the season.

That doesn't mean he's a bust, but also no one should be defending when he has two bad games.

If he finds a way to get a sack on Trent tomorrow night it will change the narrative quickly.
RE: Thibs  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/20/2023 11:17 am : link
In comment 16213592 Biteymax22 said:
had two bad games to start the season.

That doesn't mean he's a bust, but also no one should be defending when he has two bad games.

If he finds a way to get a sack on Trent tomorrow night it will change the narrative quickly.

It's beyond that at this point. Fans are claiming they can tell he is not interested in football by just looking at him. We've reached moron level of fandom here.
I've noticed that NOT all the BBI  
Dnew15 : 9/20/2023 11:19 am : link
posters are level headed, reasonable, logical people.

Like too many things in life these days, if you're not on the extreme ends of the spectrum - then people fear they will be ignored.
RE: RE: Thibs  
Biteymax22 : 9/20/2023 11:20 am : link
In comment 16213593 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16213592 Biteymax22 said:


had two bad games to start the season.

That doesn't mean he's a bust, but also no one should be defending when he has two bad games.

If he finds a way to get a sack on Trent tomorrow night it will change the narrative quickly.

It's beyond that at this point. Fans are claiming they can tell he is not interested in football by just looking at him. We've reached moron level of fandom here.

Very true, I forget just a week ago we were firing Joe Schoen because his top 2 picks last year were busts....
RE: RE: Thibs  
Semipro Lineman : 9/20/2023 11:21 am : link
In comment 16213593 Eric from BBI said:
Fans are claiming they can tell he is not interested in football by just looking at him. We've reached moron level of fandom here.

"We Have"? Shouldn't that be "We're still at" instead
RE: we  
RicFlair : 9/20/2023 11:22 am : link
In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:
should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

You did say it was time to panic about Neal.
RE: RE: Thibs  
DieHard : 9/20/2023 11:22 am : link
In comment 16213593 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16213592 Biteymax22 said:


had two bad games to start the season.

That doesn't mean he's a bust, but also no one should be defending when he has two bad games.

If he finds a way to get a sack on Trent tomorrow night it will change the narrative quickly.

It's beyond that at this point. Fans are claiming they can tell he is not interested in football by just looking at him. We've reached moron level of fandom here.

Well, Giants fans *are* the dumbest fans in the NFL, according to that study...
RE: we  
Greg from LI : 9/20/2023 11:22 am : link
In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:
should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

Do you think he's living up to reasonable expectations of performance for a #5 overall pick - yes or no?

I don't play armchair psychologist. I have no idea what his mindset is. All I know is that he has been invisible so far this year and, aside from a couple of games, underwhelmed last year as well.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/20/2023 11:24 am : link
Sure, but I never question his heart, his desire, or his competitive spirit.

The narrative surrounding KT right now is he simply doesn't care about football. Because some fan posted a video of him sitting on the bench during the game.

Last night, we had fans claim the Sights and Sound video PROVED his heart is not in it. Why? Because he was standing in a team huddle with other teammates.

You can't make this up.

RE: RE: we  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/20/2023 11:25 am : link
In comment 16213601 Greg from LI said:
In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:


should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

Do you think he's living up to reasonable expectations of performance for a #5 overall pick - yes or no?

I don't play armchair psychologist. I have no idea what his mindset is. All I know is that he has been invisible so far this year and, aside from a couple of games, underwhelmed last year as well.

Of course not. Don't be stupid.

But no one on the defense is playing well.

I was right again  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 11:26 am : link
I knew he would be a bust with the outfit he was wearing on draft day!
At least no one  
Biteymax22 : 9/20/2023 11:27 am : link
Is accusing him of being a cigarette smoker anymore...
Dnew15 : 9/20/2023 11:28 am : link
Philly is and always will be the worst city to be a professional athlete.

That's just a fact.
RE: Never  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 11:30 am : link
In comment 16213586 Spider43 said:
Expected anything much from him. I had doubts about his motor, from the start. He seemed more 'brand', than anything else to me.

Seems like the concerns I and others had about him are kind of playing out in the NFL, the way he disappears for long tracts of time.

Or it could be a continuation of the narrative but definitely not a great start to the season.
RE: RicFlair  
ThomasG : 9/20/2023 11:30 am : link
In comment 16213602 Eric from BBI said:
Sure, but I never question his heart, his desire, or his competitive spirit.

The narrative surrounding KT right now is he simply doesn't care about football. Because some fan posted a video of him sitting on the bench during the game.

Last night, we had fans claim the Sights and Sound video PROVED his heart is not in it. Why? Because he was standing in a team huddle with other teammates.

You can't make this up.

Wink himself basically called out Thibs just about a month ago as well.

Or did we make that up too?
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/20/2023 11:32 am : link
That narrative has been misconstrued too. Wink does that on a regular basis with everyone. That was explained the next day.

Wink all offseason praised KT for his competitiveness, including chasing plays 40 yards down field.
I respect and look to Sy's opinion often  
Dinger : 9/20/2023 11:34 am : link
however to point out that he's a scout and therefore what he says is gospel is a bit presumptive. 'Professional Scouts' helped pick the likes of KT, Evan Neal, ALL players. I rewatched the first half and though I'm only a fan it did seem that KT was setting the edge or dropping into coverage more than I thought he would. I was reminded of Winks comments last year when I believe he stated something to the effect of KT does everything we ask of him, defending his lack of production then as well. HOWEVER, to Sy's point and few others on here, when he did rush the QB he seemed to easily be pushed passed the QB or seemed to be gassed and not able to apply pressure. I think he will have his games and though he isn't meeting my expectations when we drafted him, he's out there playing and has had effective games in the past.
RE: RE: RE: we  
SGMen : 9/20/2023 11:35 am : link
In comment 16213603 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16213601 Greg from LI said:


In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:


should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

Do you think he's living up to reasonable expectations of performance for a #5 overall pick - yes or no?

I don't play armchair psychologist. I have no idea what his mindset is. All I know is that he has been invisible so far this year and, aside from a couple of games, underwhelmed last year as well.

Of course not. Don't be stupid.

But no one on the defense is playing well.
No one is playing well on defense right now... I tend to agree! Defenses need to gel just like offenses do and gain synergistic effects by playing together and knowing fully what everyone is doing each play.

I love Martindale and he clearly knows what he is doing, especially redzone defense.

This Thursday will be telling cause its a short week and they didn't travel home and back (of course) so will they come out firing on all cylinders and ready?

Lets say Thibs gets an early sack on Purdy with a designed stunt or something. Does that mean he is all better and ready to be great?

As for Neal, same thing: when drafted they said he needed technique work and off-season my understanding he did work on that. You ask me he missed time in camp that he couldn't afford to lose (reps) and it hurt him game 1. For all we know Glowinski had a big fight with his wife right before the 1st game and just couldn't focus. Who knows.

Lets see how they do this Thursday especially right out of the gates. Win the toss. Run well even without Barkley. Get Waller over the middle to soften things up. Execute the short, safe pass game and execute those safe QB runs for good yards.

And on defense, will they put it together? Will they get to Purdy cause if they don't we ain't winning.
RE: Never  
Spider56 : 9/20/2023 11:36 am : link
In comment 16213586 Spider43 said:
Expected anything much from him. I had doubts about his motor, from the start. He seemed more 'brand', than anything else to me.

You’re an embarrassment to the spider name.
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 11:36 am : link
is playing quite solidly.

That is all.
GiantGrit : 9/20/2023 11:36 am : link
In comment 16213610 Dnew15 said:
Philly is and always will be the worst city to be a professional athlete.

That's just a fact.

Philly fans booing the first half of the Vikings game was so ridiculous….but thats Philly
RE: ThomasG  
ThomasG : 9/20/2023 11:37 am : link
In comment 16213616 Eric from BBI said:
That narrative has been misconstrued too. Wink does that on a regular basis with everyone. That was explained the next day.

Wink all offseason praised KT for his competitiveness, including chasing plays 40 yards down field.

Oh good. Glad to hear that's not the problem and its just Thibs being non-impactful with his play.
Kid has talent  
gary_from_chester : 9/20/2023 11:37 am : link
Strahan took a few years to find his stride. KT had IMO a decent rookie season and now a slow start to season two. Not a bust by any stretch. Disappointing year two start for sure, but we’re 1-1 and the defense as a whole is a work in progress. Lots of players underperforming.

You’re not as bad as you look when you’re playing poorly and vice versa. Give this young talented player some time before we make bold claims about busting. I think he will be a good, not great player but that’s just speculation at this point; we still need to see him complete year two. Get over Micah Parsons; we didn’t draft him and Thibs is not the player Parsons is. He may be a good one, give him some time. Coaches need to figure out how best to utilize his skills as well; it’s not all on him for the slow start.
RE: RE: RE: RE: we  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 11:40 am : link
In comment 16213618 SGMen said:
In comment 16213603 Eric from BBI said:


In comment 16213601 Greg from LI said:


In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:


should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

Do you think he's living up to reasonable expectations of performance for a #5 overall pick - yes or no?

I don't play armchair psychologist. I have no idea what his mindset is. All I know is that he has been invisible so far this year and, aside from a couple of games, underwhelmed last year as well.

Of course not. Don't be stupid.

But no one on the defense is playing well.

No one is playing well on defense right now... I tend to agree! Defenses need to gel just like offenses do and gain synergistic effects by playing together and knowing fully what everyone is doing each play.

I love Martindale and he clearly knows what he is doing, especially redzone defense.

This Thursday will be telling cause its a short week and they didn't travel home and back (of course) so will they come out firing on all cylinders and ready?

Lets say Thibs gets an early sack on Purdy with a designed stunt or something. Does that mean he is all better and ready to be great?

As for Neal, same thing: when drafted they said he needed technique work and off-season my understanding he did work on that. You ask me he missed time in camp that he couldn't afford to lose (reps) and it hurt him game 1. For all we know Glowinski had a big fight with his wife right before the 1st game and just couldn't focus. Who knows.

Lets see how they do this Thursday especially right out of the gates. Win the toss. Run well even without Barkley. Get Waller over the middle to soften things up. Execute the short, safe pass game and execute those safe QB runs for good yards.

And on defense, will they put it together? Will they get to Purdy cause if they don't we ain't winning.

It might be best to just air it out. AZ was still trying to stop the run up 20 and playing Tampa 2 on 3rd and long. I think teams are obviously trying to stop our short stuff knowing our putrid oline.
RE: RE: ThomasG  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 11:43 am : link
In comment 16213625 ThomasG said:
In comment 16213616 Eric from BBI said:


That narrative has been misconstrued too. Wink does that on a regular basis with everyone. That was explained the next day.

Wink all offseason praised KT for his competitiveness, including chasing plays 40 yards down field.

Oh good. Glad to hear that's not the problem and its just Thibs being non-impactful with his play.

I wish I saw Thibs making tackles 40 yards down the field instead of alligator arming Connor (who is this bum?) running across his face for a big chunk play.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/20/2023 11:43 am : link
is what Wink said on August 15th (this is what started the "controversy":

Q. What do you think of (outside linebacker) Kayvon (Thibodeaux)'s camp and particularly just how he did in the joint practices in Detroit?

A: I thought that in Detroit, on Tuesday and Wednesday, I think he caused two fumbles and recovered two fumbles. I expect him to be at the top of everything, and so do we. I've talked to him about his practice. I think that he heard me clearly. I talked to him in front of the entire defense. So, Kayvon is going to be fine, first of all. Like I said, he caused two fumbles, and he recovered two fumbles. In the two days, we had, like, eight takeaways against, what were they, a top five offense last year, which gave us confidence in ourselves and the way we competed there.

Q. What do you mean you talked to him about his practice in front of the defense? You didn't think he was practicing intensely enough?

A: No. I do a 'keep it real' with everybody on where they're at and why they're there, because the last thing I want as a coach is for a player to drive in this parking lot and not know where they stand, especially this time of year. Because I think that we build our relationships, we build our foundation on trust and honesty. I tell them what I think and where they stand, and where the competition is, where the line is. I talk about all that. So, like I said, we had a great week in Detroit. I'm sure you haven't heard that quote very often. But it was it was a great week, and I'm excited to take this next step.


This is what Daboll said the next day:

Q: (Defensive coordinator) Wink (Martindale) yesterday mentioned that he said in front of the whole defense to challenge (outside linebacker) Kayvon Thibodeaux to up his level of play in practice and Kayvon responded to that. What did you make of how Kayvon responded with how he performed?

A: I’d just say in general we try to do that with every player. Coach our players, tell them things that they’re doing well, correct them on things they’re not. That’s what we do on the day-to-day basis. It’s not specific to one guy, I’d say that’s all of our jobs to do.

Q: How much of the thing with him is you want to see it on an everyday basis?

A: What’s that?

Q: With Kayvon.

A: I want to see everything consistent with everybody. Coaches, players, but that’s why we’re out here practicing.


This is what Leonard Williams said the same day:

Q. (Defensive coordinator) Wink (Martindale) shared yesterday that he pretty much asked (outside linebacker) Kayvon (Thibodeaux) for more in front of the defense during a 'keep it real' period. As a guy who has been a premier player in the league on defense, if a coach does call you directly to step up, is that something that sometimes is called for, that you actually welcome as a player, for a coach to do?

A: I would say so. As a player, I have never wanted a coach to be a yes man. That's the coach's job is to push us and get the best potential out of us as they can. Sometimes it takes that little extra push and fire under us to get us going and honestly, going on nine years of playing, I have never had a coach keep it real like that before and I think the guys respect it, honestly. Sometimes in camp guys are trying to make the team and stuff like that and they don't really know how the coaches see them or where they fit on the roster and stuff like that. In those keep it real meetings, he goes down every single player. It's not just Kayvon, or not just me, or not just anybody. He addresses every single individual and lets you know exactly how he feels, and I think the guys respect it.


So once again, Wink said something and it was turned into something completely different.

Now we've got it instilled in the fan base that KT is some sort of bad apple.

RE: we  
Coopcomic : 9/20/2023 11:48 am : link
In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:
should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

I agree. The idea is that NY fans are just "so knowledgeable" and "let you know" such dogshit. Sorry, but fan bases are knowledgeable and passionate, period. NY fans have such bloated egos. To link it in baseball terms - it's like they WANT to create (dated reference) Chuck Knoblauch situations in athletes, so they can take almost take pride in fucking a guy's head up instead of dare I say, being fans - and encouraging. They just want to bitch about it on WFAN. They WANT to see a French Revolution scene where the dude gets the guillotine or run out of town. Coughlin alluded to this from time to time - suggesting the Giant crowds tended not to be supportive and he would make appeals to fans like "WTF is the matter with you?". And he's right.
Far too early  
Kanavis : 9/20/2023 11:49 am : link
There are some great Edge players without a lot of sacks so far. He showed some really good things last year and there were times where it looked like he was playing harder than anyone on D including some really long chase downs.

However, it is also appropriate to be concerned. Sys draft preview highlighted a lack of secondary moves when playing against big time OL and getting locked up too easily or pushed aside too easily. We have seen some of that. Thibs himself said he needed to work on and execute secondary moves.

There are too many issues on D right now though to think some of the arent scheme related.
I'm calling it.  
Beezer : 9/20/2023 11:49 am : link

2.0 sacks and 3 more needed pressures from Thibs tomorrow night.

Book it.
One of the reasons I like KT is he is able to speak to the media in  
Dinger : 9/20/2023 11:49 am : link
a believable way. I think he is aware of how this is playing out and whether the following response is 'about brand' I'm buying the brand. I pulled this from a NYP story:
"I think when you play this game and you start to realize, and I’m only answering like this because I know there’s videos and there’s always narratives put out,’’ Thibodeaux said Tuesday after the Giants held a walk-through practice, preparing for Thursday night’s game against the 49ers in Santa Clara, Calif. “When you’re in a situation where the fate of the game lands on one drive or one situation and you’re kind of those people, the defense, the guys who are looked to to answer that, the only person I look to is God. So I’m sitting in that moment and I’m praying and I’m kind of I guess you can say meditating, seeing, visualizing what we’re gonna do as a team."
Nah, ya know what? Fuck it.  
Beezer : 9/20/2023 11:50 am : link

2.5 sacks tomorrow night and 3 pressures.
With Thibodeaux,  
Angel Eyes : 9/20/2023 11:50 am : link
how much of his poor play can be attributed to scheme and what he's being asked to do with playing contain? At his size and skillset, is he the right man for the job? And as a top-5 draft pick, should he be making more plays and when would be a good point to start declaring him a bust?
RE: this  
gary_from_chester : 9/20/2023 11:52 am : link
In comment 16213635 Eric from BBI said:
is what Wink said on August 15th (this is what started the "controversy":

Q. What do you think of (outside linebacker) Kayvon (Thibodeaux)'s camp and particularly just how he did in the joint practices in Detroit?

A: I thought that in Detroit, on Tuesday and Wednesday, I think he caused two fumbles and recovered two fumbles. I expect him to be at the top of everything, and so do we. I've talked to him about his practice. I think that he heard me clearly. I talked to him in front of the entire defense. So, Kayvon is going to be fine, first of all. Like I said, he caused two fumbles, and he recovered two fumbles. In the two days, we had, like, eight takeaways against, what were they, a top five offense last year, which gave us confidence in ourselves and the way we competed there.

Q. What do you mean you talked to him about his practice in front of the defense? You didn't think he was practicing intensely enough?

A: No. I do a 'keep it real' with everybody on where they're at and why they're there, because the last thing I want as a coach is for a player to drive in this parking lot and not know where they stand, especially this time of year. Because I think that we build our relationships, we build our foundation on trust and honesty. I tell them what I think and where they stand, and where the competition is, where the line is. I talk about all that. So, like I said, we had a great week in Detroit. I'm sure you haven't heard that quote very often. But it was it was a great week, and I'm excited to take this next step.


This is what Daboll said the next day:

Q: (Defensive coordinator) Wink (Martindale) yesterday mentioned that he said in front of the whole defense to challenge (outside linebacker) Kayvon Thibodeaux to up his level of play in practice and Kayvon responded to that. What did you make of how Kayvon responded with how he performed?

A: I’d just say in general we try to do that with every player. Coach our players, tell them things that they’re doing well, correct them on things they’re not. That’s what we do on the day-to-day basis. It’s not specific to one guy, I’d say that’s all of our jobs to do.

Q: How much of the thing with him is you want to see it on an everyday basis?

A: What’s that?

Q: With Kayvon.

A: I want to see everything consistent with everybody. Coaches, players, but that’s why we’re out here practicing.


This is what Leonard Williams said the same day:

Q. (Defensive coordinator) Wink (Martindale) shared yesterday that he pretty much asked (outside linebacker) Kayvon (Thibodeaux) for more in front of the defense during a 'keep it real' period. As a guy who has been a premier player in the league on defense, if a coach does call you directly to step up, is that something that sometimes is called for, that you actually welcome as a player, for a coach to do?

A: I would say so. As a player, I have never wanted a coach to be a yes man. That's the coach's job is to push us and get the best potential out of us as they can. Sometimes it takes that little extra push and fire under us to get us going and honestly, going on nine years of playing, I have never had a coach keep it real like that before and I think the guys respect it, honestly. Sometimes in camp guys are trying to make the team and stuff like that and they don't really know how the coaches see them or where they fit on the roster and stuff like that. In those keep it real meetings, he goes down every single player. It's not just Kayvon, or not just me, or not just anybody. He addresses every single individual and lets you know exactly how he feels, and I think the guys respect it.


So once again, Wink said something and it was turned into something completely different.

Now we've got it instilled in the fan base that KT is some sort of bad apple.


Anyone who has ever listened to KT speak, or listened to his teammates speak about him, would know he is not a ‘bad apple’. People (and the media) like to stir up shit, so some photo of him off to the side results in wild speculation and innuendo that is meaningless.

There’s been no poll here, but I think most Giants fans think he’s a ‘good guy’. I think most Giants fans think he has underperformed this year to date. I think most Giants fans think he is talented and expect him to do better. Nothing to see here really; the whole defense is on notice, including Wink. This unit has to play better if we’re going to build on last year.
ChrisRick : 9/20/2023 11:54 am : link
Just because the giants used thibs one way in one game does not mean that is how they will mostly use him in other games.
Just to boost the confidence  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 11:54 am : link
of KT and Neal, if nothing else, I would stunt KT and Lawrence like the two Smiths in harbaugh's SF and I would constantly line up Bellinger next to Neal, he's terrible out on an island.
RE: RE: Never  
GiantGrit : 9/20/2023 11:56 am : link
In comment 16213620 Spider56 said:
In comment 16213586 Spider43 said:


Expected anything much from him. I had doubts about his motor, from the start. He seemed more 'brand', than anything else to me.

You’re an embarrassment to the spider name.

Keep your family drama off BBI, please and thank you.
Wink was asked about "stats"  
Lines of Scrimmage : 9/20/2023 11:58 am : link
regarding KT last season. He said he is like a "can opener" and does a lot of the dirty work that opens up others.

He also said before the season he expects him to make the most impact plays this season.

The D needs to be better and certainly fair to include KT. Maybe the lack of work in preseason had a impact on them as well. Time for KT and everyone to step up including the coaches. They are working in a lot of new pieces.

This is supposed to be a coaching staff  
Bill in UT : 9/20/2023 12:10 pm : link
That puts players in a position to succeed by maximizing what they do best. Did we really use a #5 pick to get an ER to drop into coverage and set an edge? Who can he cover? It really makes me wonder how involved Wink was at the very start of this regime leading into the first draft. Thibs does not seem like a guy made for his system
I heard Evan & Tiki's conversation about this yesterday.  
81_Great_Dane : 9/20/2023 12:12 pm : link
Tiki was quite detailed, going play by play, noting that KT is very good against the run, that a lot of the time the Cardinals were running away from him, and when they ran toward him they lost yardage.

He eventually said there may be times when they should tell him to just go get the QB, but right now that's not how they're using him.

There's a story about Bill Parcells sitting down with Carl Banks after the season early in Banks's career and asking him "How good do you want to be?" That conversation may be coming up for KT. It's not that he's bad; but how good does he want to be?
It's either a Wink problem, KT problem, or both  
ZogZerg : 9/20/2023 12:12 pm : link
But, he isn't showing anything yet this year. And for that matter, neither is most of the defense, especially the Defensive Line.

These guys need to get their heads out of their asses, figure it out, and make some plays.
Thibs is the highest invested draft pick we have on the Defense  
ThomasG : 9/20/2023 12:19 pm : link
Not sure we really want him doing the "dirty work" that opens things up for others, especially if they aren't as talented.

We want them doing the dirty work and him kept reasonably clean to provide the impact plays. He's supposed to be the goods.
Tiki has been saying that about KT  
davek3698 : 9/20/2023 12:22 pm : link
for months now. Well before the season ever started.
RE: I was right again  
sb from NYT Forum : 9/20/2023 12:25 pm : link
In comment 16213605 Spiciest Memelord said:
I knew he would be a bust with the outfit he was wearing on draft day!

Ummm, his outfit was freakin baller.
Game 1  
Daniel in MI : 9/20/2023 12:28 pm : link
They were ahead and didn’t need to air it out. Ditto most of gane 2. Very few pin your ears back moments. Banks also said that he sees the guys starting all rushes with power which is (he thinks) due to the inconsistent run D we’ve had.

Two games into season 2? Jesus people. Relax. Let’s see how the season plays out.
Those darn Giant coaches  
ghost718 : 9/20/2023 12:31 pm : link
I can see it now,we're going to be talking about Thibodeaux with the likes of BJ Goodson,Lorenzo Carter,Tae Crowder,and Jerell Jernigan.
RE: This is supposed to be a coaching staff  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 12:35 pm : link
In comment 16213669 Bill in UT said:
That puts players in a position to succeed by maximizing what they do best. Did we really use a #5 pick to get an ER to drop into coverage and set an edge? Who can he cover? It really makes me wonder how involved Wink was at the very start of this regime leading into the first draft. Thibs does not seem like a guy made for his system

A more athletic Ward is maybe what Wink is looking for. Thibs always has been a "luxury" in this system.
RE: Game 1  
Angel Eyes : 9/20/2023 12:35 pm : link
In comment 16213690 Daniel in MI said:
They were ahead and didn’t need to air it out. Ditto most of gane 2. Very few pin your ears back moments. Banks also said that he sees the guys starting all rushes with power which is (he thinks) due to the inconsistent run D we’ve had.

Two games into season 2? Jesus people. Relax. Let’s see how the season plays out.

In that case would it be a mismatch with how Thibodeaux is built, which indicates a coaching problem? He's more of a speed and finesse guy in play style, and unless you have the leg power or can get leverage on the lineman, a power rush is going to peter out quickly; that's something I disliked with Ojulari and Carter to name a couple edge rushers. Contrast with Michael Strahan who could walk tackles back into the quarterback with leg drive or blow them off their feet if he hit them in the right spot (i.e. blowing Jon Runyan off his feet in the 2000 Divisional Playoffs).
RE: Thibs is the highest invested draft pick we have on the Defense  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 12:39 pm : link
In comment 16213680 ThomasG said:
Not sure we really want him doing the "dirty work" that opens things up for others, especially if they aren't as talented.

We want them doing the dirty work and him kept reasonably clean to provide the impact plays. He's supposed to be the goods.

Fans are probably right to be upset if Wink is using him as a can opener, as I mentioned before Thibs is a "luxury" in Wink's system. I think Wink wants someone who is more willingly to get in a knife fight in a phone a booth type LBer, maybe a DE/LB hyrbrid.
if you dont ask a guy to be a game wrecker  
hitdog42 : 9/20/2023 12:39 pm : link
hes not going to be a game wrecker.
he has the talent to do it but they are scheming more than letting him line up and make plays.
ask and i believe they shall receive. slow a guys motor a bit and you wont. i think they will find a balance and work it out
And if KT gets 2 sacks and 4 pressures tomorrow night,  
CT Charlie : 9/20/2023 12:39 pm : link
his BBI critics will take credit for motivating him.
All I can say is that I can not remember playing defense as a CB/FS  
BocaGene : 9/20/2023 12:42 pm : link
and not making a tackle or an assist in a full game! I mean I thought that was the purpose of playing defense.
I don’t watch much college football  
JoeyBigBlue : 9/20/2023 12:45 pm : link
But from anyone that follows it, what made Kayvon such an excellent prospect?

From what I can tell he has good size 6’5” 255 lbs. He was clocked at 4.59 in the 40 which is good, but not extraordinary. He also doesn’t look like he’s a body guy with a ripped upper body or huge legs. What made Kayvon be a candidate for the #1 overall pick, because I’m just not seeing it?
RE: This is supposed to be a coaching staff  
Tony in Tampa : 9/20/2023 12:48 pm : link
In comment 16213669 Bill in UT said:
That puts players in a position to succeed by maximizing what they do best. Did we really use a #5 pick to get an ER to drop into coverage and set an edge? Who can he cover? It really makes me wonder how involved Wink was at the very start of this regime leading into the first draft. Thibs does not seem like a guy made for his system

I agree and I have concerns about KT. If you take the other side of Tiki's argument-is it that Wink and Dabol see that he's not the killer/assassin sack artist coming off the edge that say a Garret or Parson's is so that's why they are using him to be a what: "can opener" I think was the term Wink used last year. He's setting up others to pressure or he's dropping into coverage. Is that by necessity because his pass rush is poor?

I think it was Eric who pointed out that KT has a weak base to bull rush. He needs to get strong on the lower half so that just leaves a speed game and having multiple moves to go to when rushing.

For me by far is best game was the 2nd Wash game last yr where he was all over the place. But that's it, we are still waiting for a similar impact.
My criticism of KT is not personal.  
SirLoinOfBeef : 9/20/2023 12:55 pm : link
I will not take credit if he has a good game tomorrow. I'm hoping he has a great game.

However, IMO the criticism is fair considering his level of play and where he was drafted.

And I do put a lot of emphasis on the daft position. 5th overall pick has to be excellent or it sets the team back in progress. He'll want to be paid like it when the time comes.
There is a disconnect here  
Sy'56 : 9/20/2023 12:57 pm : link
1) NYG did not use the 5th overall pick on a guy to just set the edge. They signed Jhad Ward for that

2) Thibodeaux has dropped into coverage on about 20% of the passing plays this year. Slightly more than last year's 14%, but I would hardly call it "a lot".

3) He has had over two dozen pass rush attempts on an island against one blocker and has one pressure. That is really bad - BUT it is such a small sample size and. agree it is foolish to consider him a "bust" (one of the most overused words ever)


The disconnect is this:

Thibodeaux has not played well in 2 games. He has not defeated one on one blocking when the opportunity arises. His power game looks poor. And he did not make any impressive/instinctive plays when he was the back side defender. I watch a lot of football college and NFL every week and I have done so for over a decade. Guys can innovate/react and make plays away from the ball. Hell, he did it last year a few times.

The point is...he has NOT done any of that yet in 2 games. And that is where the conversation ends. It IS allowed to be said he has not played well. At the same time, it is dumb to call him a failure, bust, or whatever else that fits along those lines. And also at the same time - it is dumb to act like you need to defend him against those that call out a lack of impact play.

Evaluation is a week to week process and then you can put it in pen after the year if you feel the need to. But in season? Thibodeaux is 0 for 2 on quality games and anyone saying otherwise has fallen victim to confirmation bias.

If you want another example...look at the response to Daniel Jones (wk 1 and wk 2). I call it what it is. Good, bad, ugly, beautiful.

But guess what? Nothing matters when the next game starts. Some can't seem to accept that.

Thibodeaux could definitely walk out there tomorrow night and have a big night. It will be noted if he does. It will be lifted up if he does. If he has another quiet game, it will be noted as well. He proved he is a good player. He has not yet proved he can be one of the best. He has not yet proved he can be a power player.

It is simpler than most of you (Tiki, you too) want to think.
RE: RE: Again - Sy is a professional scout  
Sy'56 : 9/20/2023 12:59 pm : link
In comment 16213587 Stu11 said:
In comment 16213582 Greg from LI said:


And his comments on Thibodeaux in his game review are not complimentary.

And on Baldy's breakdowns he showed a play where he completely froze inexplicably on a running play coming from the back side.

This was the play that disappointed me the most, as well.

I have seen this several time over the years and even the plays where the trap block comes his way - ever since the knee injury he has taken them on with hesitation more often than not.
Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it yet  
Gatorade Dunk : 9/20/2023 1:00 pm : link
but does anyone find it peculiar that Tiki's points on Thibodeaux are almost word for word what Dottino tweeted yesterday from his notes with Thibs?

Either Tiki is just lifting his opinion directly from what he read on Twitter, or these are talking points that the Giants have decided upon and those who are friendly within the media are carrying some water to push the "too many fantasy football stat geeks" narrative.
I seem  
Danny L : 9/20/2023 1:01 pm : link
to recall one Michael Strahan not exactly setting the world ablaze in his first few seasons....and by few I mean 4...
RE: I don’t watch much college football  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 1:05 pm : link
In comment 16213709 JoeyBigBlue said:
But from anyone that follows it, what made Kayvon such an excellent prospect?

From what I can tell he has good size 6’5” 255 lbs. He was clocked at 4.59 in the 40 which is good, but not extraordinary. He also doesn’t look like he’s a body guy with a ripped upper body or huge legs. What made Kayvon be a candidate for the #1 overall pick, because I’m just not seeing it?

I believe he was a 5* recruit, and yeah didn't really live up to the hype in college, but people fall in love with names.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/20/2023 1:06 pm : link
Never have questioned his heart or desire. Just questioning his performance. He has been an apparition these first two games.
RE: And if KT gets 2 sacks and 4 pressures tomorrow night,  
ThomasG : 9/20/2023 1:07 pm : link
In comment 16213706 CT Charlie said:
his BBI critics will take credit for motivating him.

I think we will all be happy if that actually happens.
I posted on another thread a video  
M.S. : 9/20/2023 1:07 pm : link

Of Joshua Dobbs 23-yard TD scamper.

Thibs went way too wide and way too deep (past the QB) creating for Dobbs a gaping alley into the endzone.
Kt is a talented player  
kelly : 9/20/2023 1:07 pm : link
How he is used affects things like sacks and pressure.

If as i believe Wink wants his olb to rush but with containment that affects the pass rush as you have to bull rush more and not make an inside pass rush. So you are effectively left with an outside rush or bull rush.

If we used KT like Dallas uses Parsons, which i think we should, results would be different.

I think Wink should unleash KT and have him pass rush from where ever KT wants. Have him jumping around the line of scrimmage so the offense doesnt know where he is going to rush from.

I think a player like KT does best when they can freelance and use all of their abilities.

If you want someone to just set the edge and bull rush you dont need KT for that.
I don't think Tiki is entirely capping  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 1:09 pm : link
Thibs has pleasantly surprised me and can anchor an edge. He's not LT blowing up multiple blockers for a TFL, but still a vast improvement in what we had.

Now everything else like teams are running away from him sounds like narrative, more likely teams are running at an unathletic Ward and teams tend to be right handed in the running game.
RE: we  
Capt. Don : 9/20/2023 1:10 pm : link
In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:
should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

Aren't complete overreactions the worst?
Looking at this from Thibs' POV  
Bill in UT : 9/20/2023 1:22 pm : link
if he continues in this roll during his time with the Giants, no way he gets a big second contract from anyone, including the Giants. At some point, he needs to put up numbers for that
Based on Thibs rookie year  
M.S. : 9/20/2023 1:30 pm : link
I think Giants fans should still be excited about what this young man can do for this team despite ho-hum performances so far this season.. He’s quite talented!
Based on Tiki’s comments  
SomeFan : 9/20/2023 1:31 pm : link
did he have two bad games or two games that he played effectively in the scheme?
RE: I'm calling it.  
cosmicj : 9/20/2023 1:40 pm : link
In comment 16213646 Beezer said:

2.0 sacks and 3 more needed pressures from Thibs tomorrow night.

Book it.

Against possibly the best OT in the league? I say he gets shut out and we have another week of these threads.
RE: Looking at this from Thibs' POV  
Dinger : 9/20/2023 1:46 pm : link
In comment 16213750 Bill in UT said:
if he continues in this roll during his time with the Giants, no way he gets a big second contract from anyone, including the Giants. At some point, he needs to put up numbers for that

I was thinking this as well. Sooner or later this point is going to hit him and if it is a matter of doing what the coaches ask, then how long will his demeanor remain the same?
RE: I seem  
Gatorade Dunk : 9/20/2023 1:46 pm : link
In comment 16213728 Danny L said:
to recall one Michael Strahan not exactly setting the world ablaze in his first few seasons....and by few I mean 4...

I seem to recall Michael Strahan being a 2nd round pick out of HBCU Texas Southern, not a top-5 pick out of P5 Oregon.
RE: Again - Sy is a professional scout  
Matt M. : 9/20/2023 1:50 pm : link
In comment 16213582 Greg from LI said:
And his comments on Thibodeaux in his game review are not complimentary.
I agree with Sy's assessment for the most part. I just wanted to share what I heard because I hadn't heard it referenced elsewhere and Tiki was stressing that he watches games through the lens of an analyst.
Didn’t. Carl Banks  
Joe Beckwith : 9/20/2023 1:56 pm : link
say the same thing?
RE: RE: Thibs  
Matt M. : 9/20/2023 1:57 pm : link
In comment 16213593 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16213592 Biteymax22 said:


had two bad games to start the season.

That doesn't mean he's a bust, but also no one should be defending when he has two bad games.

If he finds a way to get a sack on Trent tomorrow night it will change the narrative quickly.

It's beyond that at this point. Fans are claiming they can tell he is not interested in football by just looking at him. We've reached moron level of fandom here.
I agree with you Eric. At the same time, I do think concerns about both players given their respective draft positions and expectations, concerns are not unwarranted at this point. But, calling them busts at this point is ridiculous. Calls to cut them are ridiculous. Anyone making 5th year option decisions right now are ridiculous.
Kayvon was a top 5 pick  
JoeyBigBlue : 9/20/2023 1:57 pm : link
We aren’t asking for a sack a game. We just need to see consistent impact from him on a weekly basis. He has way too many games where he is making no impact whatsoever. With Ojulari constantly injured, we need a guy that can win one and one matchups, once in a while and KT has not done that.
RE: RE: Again - Sy is a professional scout  
Gatorade Dunk : 9/20/2023 1:59 pm : link
In comment 16213768 Matt M. said:
In comment 16213582 Greg from LI said:


And his comments on Thibodeaux in his game review are not complimentary.

I agree with Sy's assessment for the most part. I just wanted to share what I heard because I hadn't heard it referenced elsewhere and Tiki was stressing that he watches games through the lens of an analyst.

Well, whatever lens Tiki watches it through, the words he chose to describe what he's seeing are almost verbatim the words that Dottino used yesterday (and those were supposedly from his conversation directly with KT).

Feels like one of Hanlon's standard-issue friendly press campaigns.
Likewise, anyone using KT and Neal (and Glowinski) as evidence  
Matt M. : 9/20/2023 1:59 pm : link
that Schoen should be fired are ridiculous. His overall body of work, in my opinion, is still strong enough. Look, for example, how many starters or significant contributors we are getting from this year's draft. Look at the overall roster turnover and salary cap overhaul that took place in less than 2 seasons.
RE: RicFlair  
Matt M. : 9/20/2023 2:01 pm : link
In comment 16213602 Eric from BBI said:
Sure, but I never question his heart, his desire, or his competitive spirit.

The narrative surrounding KT right now is he simply doesn't care about football. Because some fan posted a video of him sitting on the bench during the game.

Last night, we had fans claim the Sights and Sound video PROVED his heart is not in it. Why? Because he was standing in a team huddle with other teammates.

You can't make this up.
Some fan, or LPG, who is like an unofficial mascot for many?
RE: RE: RE: we  
Matt M. : 9/20/2023 2:02 pm : link
In comment 16213603 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16213601 Greg from LI said:


In comment 16213588 Eric from BBI said:


should just cut him at this point.

New York Giants fans aren't going to give him a chance at this point. Same with Evan Neal.

Worst city to play in as an athlete.

Do you think he's living up to reasonable expectations of performance for a #5 overall pick - yes or no?

I don't play armchair psychologist. I have no idea what his mindset is. All I know is that he has been invisible so far this year and, aside from a couple of games, underwhelmed last year as well.

Of course not. Don't be stupid.

But no one on the defense is playing well.
I think overall, the 2 rookie CBs have played reasonably well. But, yes, the D as a whole has been underwhelming. I think that is more on coaching/gameplans. The D has seemed far too passive.
RE: Likewise, anyone using KT and Neal (and Glowinski) as evidence  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 2:06 pm : link
In comment 16213781 Matt M. said:
that Schoen should be fired are ridiculous. His overall body of work, in my opinion, is still strong enough. Look, for example, how many starters or significant contributors we are getting from this year's draft. Look at the overall roster turnover and salary cap overhaul that took place in less than 2 seasons.

I think if DG made those picks, the hate on this forum would be so great, the weight of the hate would become so massive that it would collapse upon itself not even allowing light to escape.
RE: RE: Again - Sy is a professional scout  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 2:09 pm : link
In comment 16213768 Matt M. said:
In comment 16213582 Greg from LI said:


And his comments on Thibodeaux in his game review are not complimentary.

I agree with Sy's assessment for the most part. I just wanted to share what I heard because I hadn't heard it referenced elsewhere and Tiki was stressing that he watches games through the lens of an analyst.

I wonder if anyalyst Tiki is going to throw the coach and QB under the bus in the national media.
RE: RE: Likewise, anyone using KT and Neal (and Glowinski) as evidence  
Gatorade Dunk : 9/20/2023 2:10 pm : link
In comment 16213790 Spiciest Memelord said:
In comment 16213781 Matt M. said:


that Schoen should be fired are ridiculous. His overall body of work, in my opinion, is still strong enough. Look, for example, how many starters or significant contributors we are getting from this year's draft. Look at the overall roster turnover and salary cap overhaul that took place in less than 2 seasons.

I think if DG made those picks, the hate on this forum would be so great, the weight of the hate would become so massive that it would collapse upon itself not even allowing light to escape.

But but but DG didn't make those picks.

Another strawman from Coach Denny Memelord.
Personally, I fall somewhere in the middle on this  
Matt M. : 9/20/2023 2:11 pm : link
On one hand, I do think he is talented and athletic. I think even when he wasn't getting sacks last here, he was having productive games and was improving week to week.

On the other hand, a #5 is reasonably expected to impact games. He isn't doing that. There is a difference, though, between not being an impact player and being a bust. He is not the latter.

Additionally, I have not loved Wink's defense, overall, including last year. I thought last year it had a lot to do with personnel. But, this year I think we actually have pretty good talent and depth for most positions. What I don't like is this hybrid format he uses. I want a true 3 or 4 man DL. Ward is not a 3-4 DE. Neither is Ojulari, KT, Ximenes, etc. I don't like designating EDGE, especially when that person is not being used as such. 2 DL is not cutting it.
RE: RE: RE: Likewise, anyone using KT and Neal (and Glowinski) as evidence  
Spiciest Memelord : 9/20/2023 2:14 pm : link
In comment 16213794 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16213790 Spiciest Memelord said:


In comment 16213781 Matt M. said:


that Schoen should be fired are ridiculous. His overall body of work, in my opinion, is still strong enough. Look, for example, how many starters or significant contributors we are getting from this year's draft. Look at the overall roster turnover and salary cap overhaul that took place in less than 2 seasons.

I think if DG made those picks, the hate on this forum would be so great, the weight of the hate would become so massive that it would collapse upon itself not even allowing light to escape.

But but but DG didn't make those picks.

Another strawman from Coach Denny Memelord.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.
RE: RicFlair  
RicFlair : 9/20/2023 2:18 pm : link
In comment 16213602 Eric from BBI said:
Sure, but I never question his heart, his desire, or his competitive spirit.

The narrative surrounding KT right now is he simply doesn't care about football. Because some fan posted a video of him sitting on the bench during the game.

Last night, we had fans claim the Sights and Sound video PROVED his heart is not in it. Why? Because he was standing in a team huddle with other teammates.

You can't make this up.

On bbi. You could definitely make that up and I’d believe it.
RE: I seem  
bw in dc : 9/20/2023 2:18 pm : link
In comment 16213728 Danny L said:
to recall one Michael Strahan not exactly setting the world ablaze in his first few seasons....and by few I mean 4...

And? So, we should just shut up and wait for the 4th year to evaluate KT?

Strahan wasn't a top five pick. He was the 40th pick. Those tend to get more runaway to succeed.
No One Knows What KT Is Going To Become  
Jeffrey : 9/20/2023 2:49 pm : link
I think Sy is spot on in saying he has not played well through 2 games but it is too soon to call him a bust or even average. He had a decent first year though not great. Whether he grows from week to week in season 2 as AT did remains to be seen.

The same argument can be applied to Neal though it is less convincing. Neal was not good last year and has not been good this year. Realize the PFF grades are subjective but using them as a measure it seems like grasping at straws to say his 2nd game was an improvement over his first game. Weaker opponent by far and he had help throughout. Would have been difficult not to improve.
we need to change this line  
djm : 9/20/2023 2:53 pm : link
"when you're the 5th pick...."

"when you're the 5th pick, fans are going to lose their minds and develop unrealistic expectations"

When did the 5th overall pick become this franchise defining player / moment? It's the 5th pick. It's ONE pick. Yes it's a premium pick and yes you want a good or great player at pick 5 but the facts are the typical player picked 5th overall does not end up as a legendary or even great player. More often than not it is a good player, maybe occasional pro bowler--sometimes it's an excellent player:

2013 Ezekiel Ansah
2012 Justin Blackmon
2011 Patrick Peterson
2010 Eric Berry
2009 Mark Sanchez
2008 Glenn Dorsey
2007 Levi Brown
2006 A.J. Hawk
2005 Carnell Williams
2004 Sean Taylor
2003 Terence Newman
2002 Quentin Jammer
2001 LaDainian Tomlinson
2000 Jamal Lewis
1999 Ricky Williams
1998 Curtis Enis
1997 Bryant Westbrook
1996 Cedric Jones
1995 Kerry Collins
1994 Trev Alberts
1993 John Copeland
1992 Terrell Buckley
1991 Todd Lyght
1990 Junior Seau
1989 Deion Sanders
1988 Rickey Dixon
1987 Mike Junkin
1986 Anthony Bell
1985 Duane Bickett
1984 Bill Maas
1983 Billy Ray Smith
1982 Jim McMahon
1981 E.J. Junior
1980 Curtis Dickey

I had to listen to some dude at the deli tell me Schoen won't survive if Thibs isn't a great player year in year out.

Since when did the 5th overall player become the first overall player? IT's not the same thing.

He played better last year  
CTGiants : 9/20/2023 2:59 pm : link
after coming back from the knee injury. I expect/hope he'll be paying better
Corey Davis (not good)  
djm : 9/20/2023 3:03 pm : link
Bradley Chubb ( good player traded)
Devin White (very good player--don't book his ticket to canton just yet)
Tua (taking his share of lumps but patience seems to be paying off in year 4)
Jamar Chase (star from the jump, kind of rare)
djm : 9/20/2023 3:04 pm : link
hasn't been invisible here. IN the biggest game of 2022 Thibs was the best player on the field.

He is in no way shape or form a bust.
I think we are overreacting a bit about KT  
Rjanyg : 9/20/2023 3:25 pm : link
For perspective, vs. the Cowboys the Giants Special teams and offense spotted the Cowboys 13 points before the Giant defense got on the field. The Cowboys could stay very balanced and were in control the entire game. If the game were close and there were more obvious passing situations, I would believe there would be more opportunities for KT and the rest of the front to pin their ears back and just rush the passer. Those opportunities didn't materialize. Dallas on the other hand had a field day because we were in obvious passing situations the entire game.

If you watch the Game vs AZ, KT was double teamed a lot. He was asked to set an edge a lot. I too would expect a few more pressures and maybe a tackle for a loss by now. I am not making excuses for KT.

Personally, I would like to see more aggressiveness from the entire front 7. Maybe with 2 rookie CB's that is hard to accomplish?

Check the video.... Limited chances.  
CT Charlie : 9/20/2023 3:26 pm : link
This writer makes the case that, in doing what he was asked to do on Sunday, KT didn't have a chance to shine. The video covers only his first half snaps, but based on this I'd agree with the writer and with KT. Most of the time Arizona ran away from him (which may say something) or KT was dropping back into coverage.

This might even explain was he was looked discouraged on the sidelines.
KT doing his job, 1st half - ( New Window )
"why he looked discouraged"  
CT Charlie : 9/20/2023 3:27 pm : link
RE: There is a disconnect here  
bw in dc : 9/20/2023 4:29 pm : link
In comment 16213722 Sy'56 said:
1) NYG did not use the 5th overall pick on a guy to just set the edge. They signed Jhad Ward for that

2) Thibodeaux has dropped into coverage on about 20% of the passing plays this year. Slightly more than last year's 14%, but I would hardly call it "a lot".

3) He has had over two dozen pass rush attempts on an island against one blocker and has one pressure. That is really bad - BUT it is such a small sample size and. agree it is foolish to consider him a "bust" (one of the most overused words ever)


The disconnect is this:

Thibodeaux has not played well in 2 games. He has not defeated one on one blocking when the opportunity arises. His power game looks poor. And he did not make any impressive/instinctive plays when he was the back side defender. I watch a lot of football college and NFL every week and I have done so for over a decade. Guys can innovate/react and make plays away from the ball. Hell, he did it last year a few times.

The point is...he has NOT done any of that yet in 2 games. And that is where the conversation ends. It IS allowed to be said he has not played well. At the same time, it is dumb to call him a failure, bust, or whatever else that fits along those lines. And also at the same time - it is dumb to act like you need to defend him against those that call out a lack of impact play.

Evaluation is a week to week process and then you can put it in pen after the year if you feel the need to. But in season? Thibodeaux is 0 for 2 on quality games and anyone saying otherwise has fallen victim to confirmation bias.

If you want another example...look at the response to Daniel Jones (wk 1 and wk 2). I call it what it is. Good, bad, ugly, beautiful.

But guess what? Nothing matters when the next game starts. Some can't seem to accept that.

Thibodeaux could definitely walk out there tomorrow night and have a big night. It will be noted if he does. It will be lifted up if he does. If he has another quiet game, it will be noted as well. He proved he is a good player. He has not yet proved he can be one of the best. He has not yet proved he can be a power player.

It is simpler than most of you (Tiki, you too) want to think.

Excellent analysis. Moving this to the bottom hoping more people read it...
RE: RE: There is a disconnect here  
SGMen : 9/20/2023 4:39 pm : link
In comment 16213958 bw in dc said:
In comment 16213722 Sy'56 said:


1) NYG did not use the 5th overall pick on a guy to just set the edge. They signed Jhad Ward for that

2) Thibodeaux has dropped into coverage on about 20% of the passing plays this year. Slightly more than last year's 14%, but I would hardly call it "a lot".

3) He has had over two dozen pass rush attempts on an island against one blocker and has one pressure. That is really bad - BUT it is such a small sample size and. agree it is foolish to consider him a "bust" (one of the most overused words ever)


The disconnect is this:

Thibodeaux has not played well in 2 games. He has not defeated one on one blocking when the opportunity arises. His power game looks poor. And he did not make any impressive/instinctive plays when he was the back side defender. I watch a lot of football college and NFL every week and I have done so for over a decade. Guys can innovate/react and make plays away from the ball. Hell, he did it last year a few times.

The point is...he has NOT done any of that yet in 2 games. And that is where the conversation ends. It IS allowed to be said he has not played well. At the same time, it is dumb to call him a failure, bust, or whatever else that fits along those lines. And also at the same time - it is dumb to act like you need to defend him against those that call out a lack of impact play.

Evaluation is a week to week process and then you can put it in pen after the year if you feel the need to. But in season? Thibodeaux is 0 for 2 on quality games and anyone saying otherwise has fallen victim to confirmation bias.

If you want another example...look at the response to Daniel Jones (wk 1 and wk 2). I call it what it is. Good, bad, ugly, beautiful.

But guess what? Nothing matters when the next game starts. Some can't seem to accept that.

Thibodeaux could definitely walk out there tomorrow night and have a big night. It will be noted if he does. It will be lifted up if he does. If he has another quiet game, it will be noted as well. He proved he is a good player. He has not yet proved he can be one of the best. He has not yet proved he can be a power player.

It is simpler than most of you (Tiki, you too) want to think.

Excellent analysis. Moving this to the bottom hoping more people read it...
This is a solid write-up and I'm hopeful Thibs lights up the SF OL for pressures and TFL and more cause if he doesn't we don't have a chance. Honestly, our pass rush minus Ojulari and with Thibs not showing much yes is bad. No way you beat a good offense if you can't get to a QB and make him uncomfortable in the pocket. Throw their timing off.

This is the week we get turnovers and compete or we get cooked again.
RE: Not sure if anyone else has mentioned it yet  
81_Great_Dane : 9/20/2023 5:16 pm : link
In comment 16213727 Gatorade Dunk said:
but does anyone find it peculiar that Tiki's points on Thibodeaux are almost word for word what Dottino tweeted yesterday from his notes with Thibs?

Either Tiki is just lifting his opinion directly from what he read on Twitter, or these are talking points that the Giants have decided upon and those who are friendly within the media are carrying some water to push the "too many fantasy football stat geeks" narrative.
Did you listen to that segment? It should be available via their app, and probably via their website.

He started off with a rant about how he's an NFL analyst and most people don't watch film the way he does.

Maybe I'm naive, but I don't think Tiki is cribbing from Paul Dottino. It's possible he's cribbing from contacts at the Giants, but I think Tiki actually works very hard at his football broadcasting jobs (though he doesn't always do in-depth preparation for his sports-talk shows) and it sure sounded like he had put in some time. It seems more likely to me that Dottino was cribbing from Tiki.
Sy is correct, we see the same thing  
JonC : 9/20/2023 5:22 pm : link
It's too soon for labels, obviously, but through roughly 20 NFL games KT's largely performed like a JAG lacking football instincts. And, I say that as one who championed him out of Oregon where he often played gamewrecker.
Until Wink cuts him loose on the QB  
JonC : 9/20/2023 5:25 pm : link
it might be difficult for him to raise his game to impact level, too.
RE: Until Wink cuts him loose on the QB  
Trainmaster : 9/20/2023 5:45 pm : link
My guess is Wink is being conservative (or Daboll is telling him to be) due to the rookie CBs.

I sincerely hope that as Simmons learns more of the defense he gets a larger role. At some point you’d hope Simmons could become a 3 down ILB/SS Hybrid. A bigger, faster version for the role Landon Collins played.

Since Simmons has been in the NFC West, maybe he’s assigned to Kittle for many plays, blitzing on others.

RE: I think we are overreacting a bit about KT  
joeinpa : 9/20/2023 6:14 pm : link
In comment 16213869 Rjanyg said:
For perspective, vs. the Cowboys the Giants Special teams and offense spotted the Cowboys 13 points before the Giant defense got on the field. The Cowboys could stay very balanced and were in control the entire game. If the game were close and there were more obvious passing situations, I would believe there would be more opportunities for KT and the rest of the front to pin their ears back and just rush the passer. Those opportunities didn't materialize. Dallas on the other hand had a field day because we were in obvious passing situations the entire game.

If you watch the Game vs AZ, KT was double teamed a lot. He was asked to set an edge a lot. I too would expect a few more pressures and maybe a tackle for a loss by now. I am not making excuses for KT.

Personally, I would like to see more aggressiveness from the entire front 7. Maybe with 2 rookie CB's that is hard to accomplish?

Ryan, overreaction, here on BBI, no way man.
RE: Kt is a talented player  
joeinpa : 9/20/2023 6:26 pm : link
In comment 16213734 kelly said:
How he is used affects things like sacks and pressure.

If as i believe Wink wants his olb to rush but with containment that affects the pass rush as you have to bull rush more and not make an inside pass rush. So you are effectively left with an outside rush or bull rush.

If we used KT like Dallas uses Parsons, which i think we should, results would be different.

I think Wink should unleash KT and have him pass rush from where ever KT wants. Have him jumping around the line of scrimmage so the offense doesnt know where he is going to rush from.

I think a player like KT does best when they can freelance and use all of their abilities.

If you want someone to just set the edge and bull rush you dont need KT for that.

Absolutely a valid take.
RE: Likewise, anyone using KT and Neal (and Glowinski) as evidence  
FStubbs : 9/20/2023 7:16 pm : link
In comment 16213781 Matt M. said:
that Schoen should be fired are ridiculous. His overall body of work, in my opinion, is still strong enough. Look, for example, how many starters or significant contributors we are getting from this year's draft. Look at the overall roster turnover and salary cap overhaul that took place in less than 2 seasons.

It's evidence that Schoen isn't above criticism. The jury's out on him.
RE: Sy is correct, we see the same thing  
FStubbs : 9/20/2023 7:18 pm : link
In comment 16213996 JonC said:
It's too soon for labels, obviously, but through roughly 20 NFL games KT's largely performed like a JAG lacking football instincts. And, I say that as one who championed him out of Oregon where he often played gamewrecker.

I've been thinking about it, and I wonder if we simply drafted him into the wrong scheme.
Going back to Kayvon’s play last year  
Breeze_94 : 9/20/2023 8:22 pm : link
He flashed at times, but a majority of his sacks or impact plays he was unblocked. I’ve yet to see him consistently beat the guy across from him, which is concerning.

I’m not sure what he’s missing - it may be that he’s not really exceptional at any one thing as a rusher, it could be scheme and how he’s being asked to play, or a combo.

When I watched his college tape, I never once thought he’d struggle to create pressure and win 1v1. He was the focal point of offenses and still dominated - even beating double and triple teams at time. Neal, for example, you saw clear holes in his game (slower feet, balance issues) which could have been red flags.

I’m still holding out hope for KT to become a very good player but it is clear to me he is not on the Watt, Bosa, Garrett, Crosby level. Those guys were great from the second they stepped on an NFL field.
I guess Sy was right  
5BowlsSoon : 9/20/2023 8:50 pm : link
When he said Neal has issues that are concerning. So why didn’t Giant scouts and decision makers not see that? How can you draft guys at #5 and #7 who have concerning issues?
RE: RE: Likewise, anyone using KT and Neal (and Glowinski) as evidence  
GiantGrit : 9/20/2023 10:17 pm : link
In comment 16214058 FStubbs said:
In comment 16213781 Matt M. said:


that Schoen should be fired are ridiculous. His overall body of work, in my opinion, is still strong enough. Look, for example, how many starters or significant contributors we are getting from this year's draft. Look at the overall roster turnover and salary cap overhaul that took place in less than 2 seasons.

It's evidence that Schoen isn't above criticism. The jury's out on him.

It is, but his 2023 draft looks a lot better. Its hard to judge a GM on his first draft w/o all of his guys in the building, its also incredibly bad to miss on two top ten picks. We'll see.
ryanmkeane : 9/21/2023 8:47 am : link
Thibodeaux and Neal are still not even a full season into their NFL careers in terms of games played. We really need to chill a bit.
ryanmkeane : 9/21/2023 8:48 am : link
If you look at all the "stats" that matter, Thibodeaux had a really productive rookie year.
RE: RE: Sy is correct, we see the same thing  
JonC : 9/21/2023 9:22 am : link
In comment 16214059 FStubbs said:
In comment 16213996 JonC said:


It's too soon for labels, obviously, but through roughly 20 NFL games KT's largely performed like a JAG lacking football instincts. And, I say that as one who championed him out of Oregon where he often played gamewrecker.

I've been thinking about it, and I wonder if we simply drafted him into the wrong scheme.

Wink's certainly not using him the way I'd expect, nor how he was used in '22. Right now, he's using him more like a SAM and it feels like Wink is overthinking this. Unit is young, I think he's trying to protect it, but ...
RE: Going back to Kayvon’s play last year  
Matt M. : 9/21/2023 10:13 am : link
In comment 16214085 Breeze_94 said:
He flashed at times, but a majority of his sacks or impact plays he was unblocked. I’ve yet to see him consistently beat the guy across from him, which is concerning.

I’m not sure what he’s missing - it may be that he’s not really exceptional at any one thing as a rusher, it could be scheme and how he’s being asked to play, or a combo.

When I watched his college tape, I never once thought he’d struggle to create pressure and win 1v1. He was the focal point of offenses and still dominated - even beating double and triple teams at time. Neal, for example, you saw clear holes in his game (slower feet, balance issues) which could have been red flags.

I’m still holding out hope for KT to become a very good player but it is clear to me he is not on the Watt, Bosa, Garrett, Crosby level. Those guys were great from the second they stepped on an NFL field.
I agree about not getting a lot of sacks when engaged with a blocker. But, he did have a decent amount of pressures and tackles in the run game engaged or not.
RE: RE: RE: Sy is correct, we see the same thing  
Angel Eyes : 9/21/2023 4:36 pm : link
In comment 16214248 JonC said:
In comment 16214059 FStubbs said:


In comment 16213996 JonC said:


It's too soon for labels, obviously, but through roughly 20 NFL games KT's largely performed like a JAG lacking football instincts. And, I say that as one who championed him out of Oregon where he often played gamewrecker.

I've been thinking about it, and I wonder if we simply drafted him into the wrong scheme.

Wink's certainly not using him the way I'd expect, nor how he was used in '22. Right now, he's using him more like a SAM and it feels like Wink is overthinking this. Unit is young, I think he's trying to protect it, but ...

Is it possible that Wink's scheme is hurting Thibodeaux and Williams' abilities to make plays?
Very possible  
JonC : 9/21/2023 5:08 pm : link
as one factor of a few.
RE: 1996 Cedric Jones  
Trainmaster : 9/21/2023 5:14 pm : link

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