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New York Giants at San Francisco 49ers Post-Game Discussion

Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/21/2023 11:06 pm
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What did everyone expect?  
Dave in PA : 9/21/2023 11:33 pm : link
SF dominated this game on paper but the Giants managed to keep it somewhat close until garbage time. Did anybody actually expect to win? To be more physical than the 49ers? To play their best with mediocre players and missing Thomas and SB?

Cmon guys the team just flat out isn’t good enough to win a game like this. Most predictable loss since Daboll took over
RE: McFadden had a nice game  
HewlettGiant : 9/21/2023 11:33 pm : link
In comment 16216714 M.S. said:

and Breida ran hard.

Other than these two guys, the Giants individually and collectively as a team were beaten into the ground by a far superior team.

Any other players I should add to the Breida/McFadden list? Our punter? Our place kicker? John-Michael Schmidt?

Carl Banks said he counted 10 missed tackles by McFadden...I saw McFadden drew 2 penaltys and he made some plays
RE: RE: RE: ...  
WillVAB : 9/21/2023 11:34 pm : link
In comment 16216674 Lambuth_Special said:
In comment 16216616 WillVAB said:


In comment 16216527 Eric from BBI said:


Art Stapleton
The Giants are down 30-12 and this sounds crazy to say, but this has been an encouraging performance, relatively speaking, that this team might be able to develop into something after all despite such a brutal start to the year.

They competed on a short week. No moral victories, but didn't back down, either.

This reads like the comments after Joe Judge Giants losses.

Yeah not seeing the upside either. In particular the offense has been complete unable to compete on any level in the last three matchups against the cream of the NFC. I expect the D to be a work in progress

I thought they could take a step forward but not seeing it now. At this point the season should be about knowing the answers to key personnel questions by the end of the year.

RE: I understand  
CT Charlie : 9/21/2023 11:34 pm : link
In comment 16216584 Eric from BBI said:
you guys are upset, but this game was entirely predictable.

The Giants are not in the same league with the top teams in the NFL, and the 49ers are one of the top teams. We're going to see this with the Eagles too.

Indeed, at 10:30 a.m. today on Clams Casino's "Obviously we all WANT us to win tonight" I predicted 31-13.
441-150 in total yardage  
jeff57 : 9/21/2023 11:34 pm : link
Predictable Loss  
Bernie : 9/21/2023 11:35 pm : link
What’s disturbing is that the “stars” of this team on defense are not making plays or showing development. Disappointing to say the least
Think fellas  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/21/2023 11:35 pm : link
the Giants just played two of the top defenses in the NFL, perhaps the top two units.

And yet you are scratching your heads why the NFL's second-youngest team, with a makeshift OL and its star running back out, had issues moving the ball?

Even if the Giants were completely healthy, they would have lost this game.

The 49ers are better on offense and defense. They were five years ago. Three years ago. This year.

RE: RE: Why is “short week” a factor for the Giants  
BH28 : 9/21/2023 11:35 pm : link
In comment 16216682 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16216673 M.S. said:


When San Fran also played on a short week?

The road team on Thursday night football is always at a huge disadvantage. Everyone knows this.

Actually road teams do pretty well on TNF. Better winning percentage than road teams on MNF over the same period.
Link - ( New Window )
I feel like the season starts with the Seattle game.  
cosmicj : 9/21/2023 11:36 pm : link
The smart money always was that we would be 1-2 at this point. Here we are.
Offense is just so tentative  
Lambuth_Special : 9/21/2023 11:36 pm : link
And while I didn’t love Jones tonight, I don’t think the game planning has done him any favors. You can’t with endless 4 yard passing plays.
RE: Why is “short week” a factor for the Giants  
CT Charlie : 9/21/2023 11:36 pm : link
In comment 16216673 M.S. said:

When San Fran also played on a short week?

Giants were on the road for 5-6 days, while the Niners returned home from LA.
RE: RE: Lot of players on the Giants that aren’t long for this team.  
sb from NYT Forum : 9/21/2023 11:36 pm : link
In comment 16216686 Breeze_94 said:
In comment 16216620 ThomasG said:


And some are Schoen picks.

Truth hurts.

Yup. That 2022 draft was awful when you look at the return on draft capital.

Thibodeaux looks like a JAG

Neal is a bottom 2-3 RT

Robinson can't stay on the field, and we see guys with his skill level drafted on day 3 every year

Ezeudu couldn't beat out Glowinski. Maybe he's a depth piece/swing tackle


Belton - not sure on him, but assuming he's not anything special.

Bellinger - decent blocker, 0 impact as a receiver. You can sign blocking TE's in July though.

Davidson - won't be here long IMO

McKethan - I don't see it.

Hard to argue with this...

Well, I like Flott.... that's all I got
i want to see belton and riley  
amindan54 : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
im tired of pinnock/davidson.
RE: I agree with Eric  
M.S. : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
In comment 16216729 fish3321 said:
I'm actually surprised they played the 49ers tough through 3 quarters, while missing their 2 best players on offense. Chin up this isn't a 40-0 loss on opening night at home.

Rest up there some winnable games in the next 6

I disagree. The Giants didn’t play San Fran tough at all. The Giants were beaten into the turf early and often despite the close score in 3rd Qtr. It was no contest.
RE: ajr2456  
ajr2456 : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
In comment 16216723 Eric from BBI said:
Because those teams are THAT much better than the Giants.

How are you not getting this?

So the HOW is everyone overreacting to one game then? They’ve played two good quarters all year. If you take out the second half vs the tanking Cardinals they’ve been outscored 90-12.
RE: RE: Lot of players on the Giants that aren’t long for this team.  
prdave73 : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
In comment 16216686 Breeze_94 said:
In comment 16216620 ThomasG said:


And some are Schoen picks.

Truth hurts.

Yup. That 2022 draft was awful when you look at the return on draft capital.

Thibodeaux looks like a JAG

Neal is a bottom 2-3 RT

Robinson can't stay on the field, and we see guys with his skill level drafted on day 3 every year

Ezeudu couldn't beat out Glowinski. Maybe he's a depth piece/swing tackle


Belton - not sure on him, but assuming he's not anything special.

Bellinger - decent blocker, 0 impact as a receiver. You can sign blocking TE's in July though.

Davidson - won't be here long IMO

McKethan - I don't see it.

This is the Giants biggest problem! This is why they are in the position they are in. They don't Draft well! They have been sucking ass drafting! Missing on Parsons??? Then this 2022 draft?? This Giants Org is lost. Meanwhile look at the Cowboys draft, look at the Eagles, and even Washington! This is why this team is in the dumps.
RE: RE: What were people expecting tonight?  
Mike from Ohio : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
In comment 16216727 JT039 said:
In comment 16216708 Mike from Ohio said:


The Giants are making strides in the right direction, but they are not a top tier team. They are not going to be competitive against the 49ers. Two years ago this team was a bottom feeder. It is not that any longer, but two of the first three games were against top 10 teams. Those are not games this team will win.

You have to be patient. This team is a long way from a finished product.

The defense got their ass kicked. And our OL got bitched.

We are going in the direction from 2017-2021

SFs skill players are significantly better than our secondary, which includes 2 guys playing their 3rd NFL game. The poor tacking was the one thing that needs to be cleaned up, but Debo Samuel, Christian McCaffrey and George Kittle are much better than all of our back 7 by a wide margin.
RE: RE: Waller  
Thunderstruck27 : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
In comment 16216705 Tim in Eternal Blue said:
In comment 16216692 Eric from BBI said:


was a huge factor in the Cardinals win. He had six second-half first down catches.

Again, you guys are overreacting to a predictable loss.

Waller has 9 catches for 112 yards in 3 games.

That's almost as good as Deebo Samuel tonight.
They better win a week from Monday  
jeff57 : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
Or else you’re looking at a 1-5 start.
RE: ...  
Ned In Atlanta : 9/21/2023 11:37 pm : link
In comment 16216527 Eric from BBI said:
Art Stapleton
The Giants are down 30-12 and this sounds crazy to say, but this has been an encouraging performance, relatively speaking, that this team might be able to develop into something after all despite such a brutal start to the year.

They competed on a short week. No moral victories, but didn't back down, either.

It wasn't 40-0 which I guess is progress, but is he serious ?
We need to get Sam Prince  
GiantSteps : 9/21/2023 11:38 pm : link
to get some fire in this defense
RE: I haven't seen one word about  
islander1 : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
In comment 16216691 Chris L. said:
the QB sucking tonight. He sucked tonight. Its okay to say it.

Name some QBs who would have done much better with the pass protection Jones was afforded.

Go ahead.
God is Richard Sherman ever annoying  
Optimus-NY : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
RE: I haven't seen one word about  
knowledgetimmons : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
In comment 16216691 Chris L. said:
the QB sucking tonight. He sucked tonight. Its okay to say it.

Haha, token asshole. You should stick to your day job.
christian : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
Waller looks like he's playing through a pulled hamstring.
Giants need to figure out this OL and get better at stopping the run  
amindan54 : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
it all starts up front.

This defense looks like it’s terrified to tackle  
OBJ_AllDay : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
So soft
RE: Offense is just so tentative  
M.S. : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
In comment 16216748 Lambuth_Special said:
And while I didn’t love Jones tonight, I don’t think the game planning has done him any favors. You can’t with endless 4 yard passing plays.

Jones and the entire offense was so tentative because the o-line was over-powered time and time again.
if they don't learn how to get off the field on 3rd and long  
islander1 : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
we're going to lose more games

if our line doesn't learn how to block worth a shit, we're going to lose a LOT more games.
This team is going  
Mike in Marin : 9/21/2023 11:39 pm : link
Nowhere... Fast. They don't stand out as good at anything. Another season will be over before the leaves start falling.
RE: Predictable Loss  
cosmicj : 9/21/2023 11:40 pm : link
In comment 16216743 Bernie said:
What’s disturbing is that the “stars” of this team on defense are not making plays or showing development. Disappointing to say the least

I’m with you, Bernie. Complete reversal from last year. This D has a lot of talent and they are getting manhandled for stretches each game.

I am also very concerned with Thibs at this point. That play on the sideline where Banks was trying to make the tackle and Thibs looked disinclined to participate… bad, very bad.
A lot of overreactions  
Sean : 9/21/2023 11:40 pm : link
Giants are 1-2. SF probably the best roster in the NFL and NYG didn't have Thomas or Barkley.

NYG is not near SF/Dallas/Philly, but the drop off after that is massive in the NFC. A successful season is going to be a wild card which will be 9-10 wins. Can they get there? Maybe. But, nothing that has happened so far would give any definitive answer to that.

Need to beat Seattle.
One good half of football this year  
Sammo85 : 9/21/2023 11:40 pm : link
Against what is widely felt to be the worst roster in football.

Outscored 77-6 in first halves of three games cumulatively.
ryanmkeane : 9/21/2023 11:40 pm : link
I thought the two 3rd and long conversions when it was 3-3 pretty much sealed the deal. We get the ball back and switch field position, we might be in a much spot.

Thought they’d keep it close and they did up to a certain point. But a undermanned offense and playing against some obvious home cooking, we didn’t have much of a chance. Also we really can’t tackle for shit.
lot of missed tackles  
bc4life : 9/21/2023 11:41 pm : link
SB and AT out. Slayton's barely a # 2 wr.

Need better LBs. Need more talent on DL.

49ers had talent and reloaded well.

Giants are a better team but they're not there yet. Improvement in the league is often not linear.

I'd rather have the 49ers win than the Eagles. But, I'm not sure the 49ers will beat them when it counts.
RE: A lot of overreactions  
Sammo85 : 9/21/2023 11:41 pm : link
In comment 16216777 Sean said:
Giants are 1-2. SF probably the best roster in the NFL and NYG didn't have Thomas or Barkley.

NYG is not near SF/Dallas/Philly, but the drop off after that is massive in the NFC. A successful season is going to be a wild card which will be 9-10 wins. Can they get there? Maybe. But, nothing that has happened so far would give any definitive answer to that.

Need to beat Seattle.

This team will be lucky to get six wins. I can easily see a 4 win season.
RE: What were people expecting tonight?  
k2tampa : 9/21/2023 11:41 pm : link
In comment 16216708 Mike from Ohio said:
The Giants are making strides in the right direction, but they are not a top tier team. They are not going to be competitive against the 49ers. Two years ago this team was a bottom feeder. It is not that any longer, but two of the first three games were against top 10 teams. Those are not games this team will win.

You have to be patient. This team is a long way from a finished product.

Even more than that, what were some of these Giants fans thinking. The backup left guard was playing LT. The left guard was a third stringer. The center is a rookie. The RG was making his second start after having a grand total of about 10 snaps in the preseason as his only experience after missing all of last year. And a struggling Neal was at RT.

Not to mention one of the top 5 RBs in football was out. And they got behind early and San Fran didn't care about the run. To be honest, I'm ecstatic Jones didn't get killed.
RE: Btw  
knowledgetimmons : 9/21/2023 11:41 pm : link
In comment 16216699 mittenedman said:
Now 108-19 last 3 games vs. PHI, DAL & SF.

That’s non-competitive and Schoen needs to get that fixed.

RE: RE: ...  
M.S. : 9/21/2023 11:41 pm : link
In comment 16216762 Ned In Atlanta said:
In comment 16216527 Eric from BBI said:


Art Stapleton
The Giants are down 30-12 and this sounds crazy to say, but this has been an encouraging performance, relatively speaking, that this team might be able to develop into something after all despite such a brutal start to the year.

They competed on a short week. No moral victories, but didn't back down, either.

It wasn't 40-0 which I guess is progress, but is he serious ?

Ned —- I thought the statement was just outright bizarre. I said earlier it seems like he didn’t actually see the game.
The O-Line hasn't been good for over a decade  
moespree : 9/21/2023 11:42 pm : link
The biggest problem to me is the defense. They are young, but their problems aren't really mistakes made because they are young.

It's missed tackles and being pushed all over the place. I hate to use the soft word because it's often overused. But they do seem to fit the description of it so far.
If you were expecting this team to go toe to toe  
Mike from Ohio : 9/21/2023 11:42 pm : link
With Dallas and SF I don’t know what to tell you. They will beat bad teams and compete with average teams, but they are not going to be competitive with the top tier teams.

RE: As i said in game thread,  
shyster : 9/21/2023 11:42 pm : link
In comment 16216702 shockeyisthebest8056 said:
Daboll is 0-7 versus PHI, DAL, & SF

He’s 11-2-1 against everyone else.

Stat is wrong. Giants lost to SEA, DET and MIN last year.

It's also meaningless.
There is no way to grade the offense tonight other than incomplete  
Stu11 : 9/21/2023 11:43 pm : link
Missing their All Pro LT, starting G, no Saquon playing against an elite D with an elite DL. The coaches are not Houdini. There is simply no play calling that can overcome that talent disparity.
The D and their tackling on the other hand is another story.
However they've played 2 of the top 3 teams in football in 3 games. To be talking about putting Daboll and Schoen on the hot seat is more laughable than the Giants play right now.
I expected to lose  
Daniel in MI : 9/21/2023 11:43 pm : link
But we’re now 3 games in with 0 turnovers.

We finally got some sacks, but it’s so intermittent.

Once again we can’t stop the run. All those DL guys aren’t doing shit at shoring up the run D. We are bullied all over, on both sides. We need a playmaker on D so bad it’s funny,

Once again we have a makeshift OL who can’t block for 2.5 seconds. Campbell is a waste. He must lead the league on 0-3 yard catches.

So frustrating.
Lot of new pieces on defense  
bc4life : 9/21/2023 11:43 pm : link
As season wears on, they should be able to play faster.

This team is fighting for a wild card, at best.
ChrisRick : 9/21/2023 11:43 pm : link
Perhaps some are overrating the top tier teams.
You have to draft well  
Sammo85 : 9/21/2023 11:44 pm : link
period. Until Giants do this year over year with clear strategy on talent and development it won’t make a difference with baby steps and moral victories.

Two drafts in under new regime and I’m really frankly a bit concerned.
RE: You have to draft well  
mvftw : 9/21/2023 11:45 pm : link
In comment 16216805 Sammo85 said:
period. Until Giants do this year over year with clear strategy on talent and development it won’t make a difference with baby steps and moral victories.

Two drafts in under new regime and I’m really frankly a bit concerned.

Totally Agree...
RE: …  
M.S. : 9/21/2023 11:45 pm : link
In comment 16216779 ryanmkeane said:
I thought the two 3rd and long conversions when it was 3-3 pretty much sealed the deal. We get the ball back and switch field position, we might be in a much spot.

Thought they’d keep it close and they did up to a certain point. But a undermanned offense and playing against some obvious home cooking, we didn’t have much of a chance. Also we really can’t tackle for shit.

Dead on. Those 3rd and long conversions were like two successive gut shots!!!
Like Eric said  
bluepepper : 9/21/2023 11:45 pm : link
can't compete with teams like SF, Philly and Dallas. Sucks. Thought we might have closed the gap a little bit but nope.

Most depressing takeaway so far this season is that neither Neal nor Thibs has made that 2nd year leap we were all hoping for.
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