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Grey Pilgrim : 9/23/2023 1:55 pm : link
I HATE commercials!
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/23/2023 2:07 pm : link
why we dumped Hulu.

These streaming services are committing hari kari.
Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
UConn4523 : 9/23/2023 2:12 pm : link
annoying to fork over $3 but if you hate commercials than it’s a simple solution.
RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/23/2023 2:16 pm : link
In comment 16218713 UConn4523 said:
annoying to fork over $3 but if you hate commercials than it’s a simple solution.

Not everyone has the disposable income that you may have.

$3 here, $8 there, $10 there adds up.

Its pretty easy to see where this is going.

If you've noticed, streaming channels have started automatically starting movies/shows as soon as you click on them. (Before, you would simply to to the options channel).

I bet you anything they are inflating their viewing numbers at this point to lie to shareholders.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/23/2023 2:16 pm : link
options menu (not channel)
newjerseygiants : 9/23/2023 2:32 pm : link
We already get Amazon without ads. They are saying give them more money or they will force you to watch ads.

Disney is worse, I already pay for premium with no ads, now give them more money or watch the ads.

World has become ridiculous.

RE: RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
UConn4523 : 9/23/2023 2:43 pm : link
In comment 16218714 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16218713 UConn4523 said:


annoying to fork over $3 but if you hate commercials than it’s a simple solution.

Not everyone has the disposable income that you may have.

$3 here, $8 there, $10 there adds up.

Its pretty easy to see where this is going.

If you've noticed, streaming channels have started automatically starting movies/shows as soon as you click on them. (Before, you would simply to to the options channel).

I bet you anything they are inflating their viewing numbers at this point to lie to shareholders.

I never said I’d do it. I’m pointing out that complaining about commercials is strange when you had them your entire life with cable. Streaming will give you the option to keep them or pay to get rid of them.
A Southwest Airlines executive once told me  
HBart : 9/23/2023 2:50 pm : link
The industry gifted them their transformation from LCC to market priced carrier when they started charging for bags, along with one of histories' most effective ad campaigns.

I'm about to dump Hulu and Disney cause of ads and too much $$ for too little. I may do the same with Amazon now. Can't deal with ads, especially on something I'm paying for.

These executives seem to forget why people ditched network TV in the first place.
Content costs money  
Jim in Fairfax : 9/23/2023 2:50 pm : link
During the streaming growth period investors showered the companies with money, so they could go without ads. But subscriptions have peaked and the Wall Street tap has run dry. They need more cash.
UConn4523 : 9/23/2023 2:55 pm : link
what did you do your whole life before streaming?

The answer is you had cable and sat through ads. Then DVR came along and that DVR cost money as a service and in some cases, the hardware as well. So you paid for the ability to record and fast forward commercials.

Now, you have access to all content with most platforms, they aren’t charging DVR (or it’s baked into the price), you aren’t renting equipment, and you have the option to skip everything for a small fee, or deal with the commercials.
RE: RE: RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
widmerseyebrow : 9/23/2023 3:05 pm : link
In comment 16218735 UConn4523 said:
I never said I’d do it. I’m pointing out that complaining about commercials is strange when you had them your entire life with cable. Streaming will give you the option to keep them or pay to get rid of them.

It's strange? It's not about commercials being a new concept, it's about the price increase to keep your service the way it is now. It's pretty normal to not want a price increase with nothing in return.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
UConn4523 : 9/23/2023 3:08 pm : link
In comment 16218755 widmerseyebrow said:
In comment 16218735 UConn4523 said:


I never said I’d do it. I’m pointing out that complaining about commercials is strange when you had them your entire life with cable. Streaming will give you the option to keep them or pay to get rid of them.

It's strange? It's not about commercials being a new concept, it's about the price increase to keep your service the way it is now. It's pretty normal to not want a price increase with nothing in return.

Then you have unreasonable expectations. These services have been going up right along with everything else. This is a slightly different way for them to do it.
Not a big loss with Amazon though  
widmerseyebrow : 9/23/2023 3:10 pm : link
Really the only thing we watch is Netflix, and 75% of that is the kids content. Disney is junk and the few Amazon shows we enjoyed have been slow to follow up or cancelled.

I think Netflix is just too good at putting out a lot of "good enough" to keep people from chasing some oddball streaming service that has one or two featured show that might be interested in.
RE: HBart  
HBart : 9/23/2023 3:15 pm : link
In comment 16218746 UConn4523 said:
what did you do your whole life before streaming?

The answer is you had cable and sat through ads. Then DVR came along and that DVR cost money as a service and in some cases, the hardware as well. So you paid for the ability to record and fast forward commercials.

Now, you have access to all content with most platforms, they aren’t charging DVR (or it’s baked into the price), you aren’t renting equipment, and you have the option to skip everything for a small fee, or deal with the commercials.

Sort of right. I had cable (actually DTV) cause - pre-stream - how could you not. But I didn't sit through ads (except live sports). DVR or skip the show. Several issues at play:
1) Much content just isn't really watchable (to me) with ads. Which means
2) The appeal of many content libraries will drop dramatically with ads
3) Because most people hate ads, they're more likely to make guns or butter decisions between services.
4) Once something is innate in a product, it's incredibly hard to unbundle. Airlines can do it because of fortress hubs.

I do get it - content costs money and as Jim says the days of free money are over. And it's likely not too far from a zero sum game for all these streaming services.

Side bar - a friend is a senior lawyer at CBS. She chuckles at the executives who talk about their brand as if it's revered and people actually give a shit who sticks a little logo on the stuff they like to watch. A lot of ego in play here too.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
widmerseyebrow : 9/23/2023 3:33 pm : link
In comment 16218758 UConn4523 said:
Then you have unreasonable expectations. These services have been going up right along with everything else. This is a slightly different way for them to do it.

I think it's unreasonable to expect that everyone should think the upcharge is worth it for Amazon Prime video.

It's just a value proposition like everything else. You think its worth it. It seems like several on this thread do not. The wallet will talk. Nothing strange or unreasonable about it either way.
RE: it's  
j_rud : 9/23/2023 3:56 pm : link
In comment 16218705 Eric from BBI said:
why we dumped Hulu.

These streaming services are committing hari kari.

It really is interesting to watch. Between commercials and how many different services there are it won't be long until satellite/cable is attractive again.
I never understood the upcharge philosophy  
Shecky : 9/23/2023 4:11 pm : link
As opposed to the discount approach.

People HATE being nickel and dimmed
People LOVE to feel they are paying less than someone else via discount t.
It’s basic psychology.

So why not say “hey, costs are rising, we need to raise it by $3 a month. But we also understand some people don’t want. To pay the increased price.
So we will give people the option of maintaining the lower price if they are okay dealing with an occasional commercial.

A) you get less pushback
B) you have to option to the lower priced plan to “save miney”
C) as opposed to opting in to paying extra. Meanining they will get way more people, HAPPILY, and voluntarily choosing the higher priced option.
Believe that Amazon Prime defaults to renewing without warning  
US1 Giants : 9/23/2023 4:21 pm : link
and that we need to go into our account and turn on a 3-day warning of renewal.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
UConn4523 : 9/23/2023 4:23 pm : link
In comment 16218786 widmerseyebrow said:
In comment 16218758 UConn4523 said:


Then you have unreasonable expectations. These services have been going up right along with everything else. This is a slightly different way for them to do it.

I think it's unreasonable to expect that everyone should think the upcharge is worth it for Amazon Prime video.

It's just a value proposition like everything else. You think its worth it. It seems like several on this thread do not. The wallet will talk. Nothing strange or unreasonable about it either way.

I’m with you on Prime, not a ton of their content interests me. But I’m not cancelling due to the shipping bundle, so I just won’t pay to get rid of commercials. I also don’t care much about commercials anyway.
AcidTest : 9/23/2023 4:55 pm : link
just signed up for Prime, so I guess the joke is one me. But I did so mostly for shopping not viewing reasons.

I agree with Eric. It's not one charge, it's all of them put together. It reminds of a famous book from the late author Barbara Ehrenreich, "Nickel and Dimed."
I signed up for the trial  
Gman11 : 9/23/2023 6:40 pm : link
just to watch the game and then canceled the next morning.
RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
steve in ky : 9/23/2023 6:59 pm : link
In comment 16218713 UConn4523 said:
annoying to fork over $3 but if you hate commercials than it’s a simple solution.

But you can record on DVR and easily fast forward through commercials
And you have to pay for DVR and the box  
UConn4523 : 9/23/2023 7:07 pm : link
With optimum I’m pretty sure I was paying $15-$20 per month to rent their box and pay for DVR before cancelling.

Amazon is getting their $3 one way or another. They chose this route over an across the board price raise. I’m sure others will follow suit.
RE: And you have to pay for DVR and the box  
steve in ky : 9/23/2023 7:12 pm : link
In comment 16218945 UConn4523 said:
With optimum I’m pretty sure I was paying $15-$20 per month to rent their box and pay for DVR before cancelling.

Amazon is getting their $3 one way or another. They chose this route over an across the board price raise. I’m sure others will follow suit.

I happily pay for Direct TV, and the convenience it offers. There are a lot of places in life to save a few bucks if desired, incurring more hassle when watching television is not one of them for me. We also get Prime and Hulu but I’m not getting rid of DTv anytime soon
I just tonight watched the movie "Nobody" on PrimeVideo and it was  
ConsistentGiantFan : 9/23/2023 10:27 pm : link
speckled with ads lasting about 2 minutes for each "ad session".

I didn't receive a notice or indication of any kind. The movie was meh.
RE: Content costs money  
LauderdaleMatty : 9/23/2023 10:48 pm : link
In comment 16218744 Jim in Fairfax said:
During the streaming growth period investors showered the companies with money, so they could go without ads. But subscriptions have peaked and the Wall Street tap has run dry. They need more cash.

The issue is a lot of content is starting to suck. I can go the public library and go back to reading books. Getting free downloads is so easy. I like books still but I recommend it. The ruin even good source material. So it's going to save me money. Killing the golden goose for sure
If I could have local channels  
uconngiant : 9/23/2023 10:57 pm : link
All the sports I want and some movies. I would be good.

It is getting ridiculous and why we ditched cable and the $300 a month with internet
get off my lawn  
TJ : 9/24/2023 12:26 am : link
We used to watch TV for free. Now seems like most people pay a lot of money for a product that doesn't seem a lot better. Maybe we have a deep-seated need to be taken advantage of
RE: RE: RE: RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
upnyg : 9/24/2023 8:36 am : link
In comment 16218755 widmerseyebrow said:
In comment 16218735 UConn4523 said:


I never said I’d do it. I’m pointing out that complaining about commercials is strange when you had them your entire life with cable. Streaming will give you the option to keep them or pay to get rid of them.

It's strange? It's not about commercials being a new concept, it's about the price increase to keep your service the way it is now. It's pretty normal to not want a price increase with nothing in return.
Its the sneaky mareting strategy they have. They sell it as no ads. You sign up and like the service and then they tell you they now have commercials unless you want to pay $5 more. Its bait and switch.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Cable has no option to pay to skip commercials  
UConn4523 : 9/24/2023 8:40 am : link
In comment 16219249 upnyg said:
In comment 16218755 widmerseyebrow said:


In comment 16218735 UConn4523 said:


I never said I’d do it. I’m pointing out that complaining about commercials is strange when you had them your entire life with cable. Streaming will give you the option to keep them or pay to get rid of them.

It's strange? It's not about commercials being a new concept, it's about the price increase to keep your service the way it is now. It's pretty normal to not want a price increase with nothing in return.

Its the sneaky mareting strategy they have. They sell it as no ads. You sign up and like the service and then they tell you they now have commercials unless you want to pay $5 more. Its bait and switch.

It’s already being advertised that they are doing this and it isn’t starting until 2024. It isn’t bait and switch and you have the option to not pay and have ads, just like Hulu plans and most of the rest have been.
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