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Would you offer Jets Tyrod (or DeVito) for a 2nd rounder?

GoBigBlue16to56 : 9/24/2023 3:21 pm
Instead of the horrible idea to trade Adoree’ to the Cowturds how about this trade proposal? Would you do it? Offer Tyrod to the JETS or Tommy or either one or forget the whole idea? After watching the Jets-Pats game today they just might bite.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/24/2023 3:22 pm : link
Hahaha. The Jets aren’t trading a 2 for either player.
In a heartbeat…  
Matt G : 9/24/2023 3:23 pm : link
And no they would NEVER bite on a RD2 for either player
AcidTest : 9/24/2023 3:23 pm : link
would the Jets trade anything, let alone a second round pick, for either player?
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/24/2023 3:23 pm : link
Garrett Wilson & a 1st for DeVito? Who says No?
Yeah the Jets would make that deal...  
DefenseWins : 9/24/2023 3:24 pm : link
I also have a 1983 Corvette to sell you for $100k
RE: Yeah the Jets would make that deal...  
HBart : 9/24/2023 3:28 pm : link
In comment 16219607 DefenseWins said:
I also have a 1983 Corvette to sell you for $100k

Sweet! I flipped one of those back in the day. Handled like a dump truck, had more creaks and moans than a haunted house, and 7 different shades of mismatched color surfaces inside to go with the fake nuts molded into the chintzy plastic.
5th Howell pick  
HBart : 9/24/2023 3:29 pm : link

If the Jets  
Giantsbigblue : 9/24/2023 3:29 pm : link
Wanted Devito they could just sign him off the practice squad
DeVito can be had for free  
fkap : 9/24/2023 3:31 pm : link
so if the Jets give us a 2nd rounder, their GM should be fired immediately, AFTER the deal is done.
3rd rounder would be a steal (for NYG)  
90.Cal : 9/24/2023 3:32 pm : link
A 2nd is a pipe dream
RE: If the Jets  
GoBigBlue16to56 : 9/24/2023 3:32 pm : link
In comment 16219619 Giantsbigblue said:
Wanted Devito they could just sign him off the practice squad

If I were the Jets GM I might think about that.
Posts like this  
k2tampa : 9/24/2023 3:33 pm : link
Refute the idea that NY has knowledgeable fans.
Jay on the Island : 9/24/2023 3:37 pm : link
I would trade Taylor to the Jets for a 4th. The Jets can just sign DeVito for free of the Giants PS.
RE: Posts like this  
GoBigBlue16to56 : 9/24/2023 3:37 pm : link
In comment 16219626 k2tampa said:
[quote] Refute the idea that NY has knowledgeable fans. [/quote
A little lighthearted humor never hurt the world old boy. Besides the Jets are driving and the Fins have scored 49 today.
I would hold  
pjcas18 : 9/24/2023 3:41 pm : link
out for a 1st.
RE: RE: Yeah the Jets would make that deal...  
DefenseWins : 9/24/2023 3:44 pm : link
In comment 16219616 HBart said:
In comment 16219607 DefenseWins said:


I also have a 1983 Corvette to sell you for $100k

Sweet! I flipped one of those back in the day. Handled like a dump truck, had more creaks and moans than a haunted house, and 7 different shades of mismatched color surfaces inside to go with the fake nuts molded into the chintzy plastic.

So, you had an '83 ?
I think  
Joe Beckwith : 9/24/2023 3:54 pm : link
They’ll give a 3rd for TT right now.
I’d give them both for a second  
bradshaw44 : 9/24/2023 3:56 pm : link
I hope you kidding  
joeinpa : 9/24/2023 3:58 pm : link
GoBig- you cannot really think either of those players is garnering a 2.

Nothing is a bad idea  
Br00klyn : 9/24/2023 3:58 pm : link
For the Jets if it gets Zach Wilson out of there. one of the worst nfl qb’s I have ever seen
Where do you guys come up with this stuff....  
bLiTz 2k : 9/24/2023 4:06 pm : link
There is no way on god’s green earth  
SomeFan : 9/24/2023 4:08 pm : link
that we would get a second round pick for either or both together.
We should instead offer  
SomeFan : 9/24/2023 4:12 pm : link
Devito for Breece Hall, Garrett Wilson, and Quintin Williams. I think they’re desperate enough to go for that!
and Tyrod is toast  
SomeFan : 9/24/2023 4:15 pm : link
he is only on the team because he is a cap hit if cut. The Jets can sign someone off a PS or off the street as good as him.
RE: RE: RE: Yeah the Jets would make that deal...  
HBart : 9/24/2023 4:21 pm : link
In comment 16219653 DefenseWins said:
In comment 16219616 HBart said:


In comment 16219607 DefenseWins said:


I also have a 1983 Corvette to sell you for $100k

Sweet! I flipped one of those back in the day. Handled like a dump truck, had more creaks and moans than a haunted house, and 7 different shades of mismatched color surfaces inside to go with the fake nuts molded into the chintzy plastic.

So, you had an '83 ?

For a month. Needed work. Fixed it up and flipped it.
RE: In a heartbeat…  
nochance : 9/24/2023 4:28 pm : link
In comment 16219604 Matt G said:
And no they would NEVER bite on a RD2 for either player

They wouldn't bite on a 7th for either player
RE: RE: In a heartbeat…  
SGMen : 9/24/2023 4:32 pm : link
In comment 16219781 nochance said:
In comment 16219604 Matt G said:


And no they would NEVER bite on a RD2 for either player

They wouldn't bite on a 7th for either player
Agreed. But I do like the "idea" to create a fun discussion cause man while we may not be perfect we have hope but the Jets are done. Finished. Baked. Suck.
Zack is a complete bust  
PEEJ : 9/24/2023 4:34 pm : link
and stupid to boot
RE: I would hold  
SomeFan : 9/24/2023 4:35 pm : link
In comment 16219644 pjcas18 said:
out for a 1st.
haha! OPmwas tongue in cheek and this is a funny comment.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Yeah the Jets would make that deal...  
EJNNJ : 9/24/2023 4:45 pm : link
In comment 16219766 HBart said:
In comment 16219653 DefenseWins said:


In comment 16219616 HBart said:


In comment 16219607 DefenseWins said:


I also have a 1983 Corvette to sell you for $100k

Sweet! I flipped one of those back in the day. Handled like a dump truck, had more creaks and moans than a haunted house, and 7 different shades of mismatched color surfaces inside to go with the fake nuts molded into the chintzy plastic.

So, you had an '83 ?

For a month. Needed work. Fixed it up and flipped it.

That's interesting...they never sold a single '83 to the public
This a Costanza level trade proposal  
Greg from LI : 9/24/2023 4:59 pm : link
“I figured out a way to trade for Ken Griffey and Barry Bonds and we wouldn’t even have to give up that much!”
If the Jets offered a 2nd for either player ...  
FStubbs : 9/24/2023 5:01 pm : link
Schoen would personally buy them their Jets jersey and walk them across the hall.
That being said ...  
FStubbs : 9/24/2023 5:02 pm : link
... the Jets absolutely should be talking to the Giants or any other team with a veteran QB on the bench. They're built for right now.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Yeah the Jets would make that deal...  
HBart : 9/24/2023 5:05 pm : link
In comment 16219836 EJNNJ said:
In comment 16219766 HBart said:


In comment 16219653 DefenseWins said:


In comment 16219616 HBart said:


In comment 16219607 DefenseWins said:


I also have a 1983 Corvette to sell you for $100k

Sweet! I flipped one of those back in the day. Handled like a dump truck, had more creaks and moans than a haunted house, and 7 different shades of mismatched color surfaces inside to go with the fake nuts molded into the chintzy plastic.

So, you had an '83 ?

For a month. Needed work. Fixed it up and flipped it.

That's interesting...they never sold a single '83 to the public

Looked exactly like that one. 84 then. Complete PoS.
the OP is either  
fkap : 9/24/2023 5:18 pm : link
really bad at humor, including any hint that it was intended humor, or really bad at contemplating football trades.

Really bad any way you slice it.
If they could get a second for either  
Larry in Pencilvania : 9/24/2023 6:32 pm : link
I'd drive them to the jets facility.

The OP needs to give it a rest
mdthedream : 9/24/2023 7:31 pm : link
Taylor might fetch a 7 rounder at best.
They should talk to the Cards about Josh Doubs  
FStubbs : 9/24/2023 7:32 pm : link
Put down the crack pipe  
4xchamps : 9/24/2023 7:34 pm : link
No one is trading a 2nd round pick for a barely adequate backup QB.
RE: Posts like this  
4xchamps : 9/24/2023 7:34 pm : link
In comment 16219626 k2tampa said:
Refute the idea that NY has knowledgeable fans.

RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Yeah the Jets would make that deal...  
pjcas18 : 9/24/2023 7:35 pm : link
In comment 16219836 EJNNJ said:
In comment 16219766 HBart said:


In comment 16219653 DefenseWins said:


In comment 16219616 HBart said:


In comment 16219607 DefenseWins said:


I also have a 1983 Corvette to sell you for $100k

Sweet! I flipped one of those back in the day. Handled like a dump truck, had more creaks and moans than a haunted house, and 7 different shades of mismatched color surfaces inside to go with the fake nuts molded into the chintzy plastic.

So, you had an '83 ?

For a month. Needed work. Fixed it up and flipped it.

That's interesting...they never sold a single '83 to the public

this dude just mona lisa vito'd you.

I'd trade them both...  
John in No Cal : 9/24/2023 7:43 pm : link
If the Jets give us 2 2's. One for next year and the year after. :)

Those players aren't getting a 2 but if they were, absolutely. I'd take a 3 for DeVito.
Doesn’t their 2nd belong to GB  
BrianLeonard23 : 9/24/2023 7:43 pm : link
For a 4th rounder, the Jets could probably get choice of any backup  
Ivan15 : 9/25/2023 1:04 pm : link
QB in the league. A couple of starters could be had for a third round pick.
RE: They should talk to the Cards about Josh Doubs  
santacruzom : 9/26/2023 12:30 am : link
In comment 16220286 FStubbs said:

Or the Browns about Thonpson-Robinson.
RE: This a Costanza level trade proposal  
ChrisRick : 9/26/2023 8:12 am : link
In comment 16219885 Greg from LI said:
“I figured out a way to trade for Ken Griffey and Barry Bonds and we wouldn’t even have to give up that much!”

Well, don't tell it to me George, tell it to the new
Assistant to the General Manager.

I didn't get the job?

Well, once you were dead, we couldn't just sit on our
hands. We had to make a move...

But, you still have your old job. Of course, we'll have
to dock you for the time you missed. We're running a ball club here.
If I give special treatment to you, everyone will want it. Next thing
you know its chaos! And I can tell you this, chaos does not work for
the New York Yankees! Not as long as I'm running the show!
jeff57 : 9/26/2023 8:20 am : link
I'd only settle for a 1.
Anyone who says no is  
JayBinQueens : 9/26/2023 10:43 am : link
crazy. Maybe more crazy than the Jets if they made it
As other have pointed out, that might be aiming high.  
Mad Mike : 9/26/2023 10:58 am : link
We might have to throw in that Saints first-rounder to sweeten the pot.
RE: Where do you guys come up with this stuff....  
Gatorade Dunk : 9/26/2023 11:13 am : link
In comment 16219709 bLiTz 2k said:

Some people have a pathological need to start threads for attention, but lack the creative muscle to provide interesting topics.
Yeah, this seems like a dupe  
aimrocky : 9/26/2023 1:04 pm : link
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