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Is Thibodeaux any better than Lorenzo Carter?

CMicks3110 : 9/24/2023 4:32 pm
To me, they look really really similar to be honest, basically same size and speed, only Carter appears to be a better tackler and was decent in coverage.

I don't see any real physical differences to be honest.
Scoreboard Ball Spike : 9/24/2023 4:42 pm : link
JoeyBigBlue : 9/24/2023 4:48 pm : link
Ran a 4.44 40 at the combine

Thibodeaux ran 4.59.

One was the 5th pick in the draft, the other was a 3rd round pick.
What a joke  
PaulN : 9/24/2023 4:49 pm : link
He wishes he was nearly as good.
PaulN : 9/24/2023 4:50 pm : link
Was a 1st round pick that Gettleman fucked up.
Only 1 difference  
PaulN : 9/24/2023 4:51 pm : link
1 is a good player, the other wishes he was.
RE: Carter  
bLiTz 2k : 9/24/2023 4:56 pm : link
In comment 16219858 PaulN said:
Was a 1st round pick that Gettleman fucked up.

He absolutely wasn't.
RAIN : 9/24/2023 4:56 pm : link
Eom. He's shown some really great stretches, better than Carter ever did when he was 21 years old. He's 22, and the whole D doesn't look right (LWilliams included).

Patience, i suspect we'll see him round into form soon enough moving forward.
Is current form Darren Waller  
Amc825 : 9/24/2023 5:01 pm : link
Any better than Evan Engram. These are the questions that need asking.
TinVA : 9/24/2023 5:37 pm : link
Not at all. KT is a poser.
Successful teams are good at evaluating talent  
kelly : 9/24/2023 5:46 pm : link
I see no evidence the Giants are good at evaluating talent.

The proof is the product they put on the field year after year. 10 years of crap football.

And no, we have not closed the gap.
I was wondering earlier if Jonas Seawright was  
eric2425ny : 9/24/2023 6:22 pm : link
playing in today’s NFL if he would be better than Dexter Lawrence.
Cam Thomas looked great on that last Dallas drive  
HarryCarson53 : 9/24/2023 7:20 pm : link
We could’ve taken him in rd 3 last year. I think I started a thread about him. Oh well!
The story of Kayvon Thibideaux  
Bill in UT : 9/24/2023 7:21 pm : link
has not played out. But it is off to an inauspicious start
There are times  
Ike#88 : 9/24/2023 9:36 pm : link
when our D looks like we are running the ten man Notre Dame scheme when Thibs is out there.
Except for weight, they don’t really compare. Carter was a third round  
Ivan15 : 9/25/2023 12:59 pm : link
Prospect who never reached his potential. Thiboeaux is still trying to catch up to Carter.

I liked Carter for his potential but when he failed to reach it, I had no problem with him not being re-signed.
Probably not  
5BowlsSoon : 9/25/2023 1:20 pm : link
We seem to struggle with first round picks…
Probably at Chess  
David B. : 9/25/2023 3:04 pm : link
At least I can remember Thibodeaux getting a sack or two and making SOME big plays.
Lorenzo Carter  
David B. : 9/25/2023 3:05 pm : link
was the Ramses Barden of his position. Looked like Tarzan, played like Jane.
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