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We didn't just pass on Parsons

Now Mike in MD : 9/24/2023 10:29 pm
Every time I watch Pittsburgh I'm always steamed that we passed on TJ Watt in 2017 for ... Evan Engram!

So in a span of 4 years, we passed on two HOF edge rushers. Quite an accomplishment!
You could do this with every draft pick for every team every year...  
bLiTz 2k : 9/24/2023 10:33 pm : link
mpinmaine : 9/24/2023 10:33 pm : link
I never think about things like that.  
sb2003 : 9/24/2023 10:46 pm : link
Sometimes you score, sometimes you don't. You can play the "could've - should've" game everyday, in every aspect of life.

You try to learn from things. But don't dwell on things that were unknown and then known years later.

Gforce11 : 9/24/2023 10:52 pm : link
What’s even more frustrating is he was picked up by a division rival. Fucking Gettleman!
GoBigBlue16to56 : 9/24/2023 10:57 pm : link
I am just thankful the New Orleans Saints took George Rogers out of the University of South Carolina with the 1st pick of the 1981 draft and a linebacker from the North Carolina Tar Heels named Lawrence Taylor dropped to us and we selected him with the 2nd pick as Commissioner Pete Rozelle beamed that famous 😀 as cheers erupted around the room.
jtfuoco : 9/24/2023 11:08 pm : link
Pass on TJ Watt hurt more because at the the time the team was hurting for a pass rusher and he seemed like a easy pick for the Giants were as parsons I don't think anybody saw the pass rusher he could be
RE: The  
allstarjim : 9/24/2023 11:18 pm : link
In comment 16220514 jtfuoco said:
Pass on TJ Watt hurt more because at the the time the team was hurting for a pass rusher and he seemed like a easy pick for the Giants were as parsons I don't think anybody saw the pass rusher he could be

Yeah, there were plenty of us saying he could be an elite pass rusher in the draft.

A lot of people saw it. They ostensibly gave him a mysterious character flag that nobody knew much about or why, so everyone, including the Cowboys, knew the Giants wouldn't take him.

It's nuts. And lots of us immediately knew how devastating it was that he became a Cowboy.
Parsons was a major miss  
barens : 9/24/2023 11:47 pm : link
No matter how you break it down. Now, that said, I don’t think anyone here on BBI could have ever predicted he would be the second coming of LT, especially after he missed his junior year of college.

It sucks, it was a colossal miss.
I bet we passed on Parsons  
santacruzom : 9/24/2023 11:53 pm : link
Because Gettleman read that he earned his degree in Criminology and therefore thought he was a criminal.
Actually, I think that’s a legit complaint  
BillT : 9/25/2023 12:31 am : link
Mainly because Evan Engram was a terrible pick. So typical of the decline of acumen at the end of the Reese era. A great athlete who didn’t have a position and wasn’t especially good at football.
Wasn't our staff  
BigBlue in Keys : 9/25/2023 12:44 am : link
highly connected to Penn State at the time? I thought the fact they didn't give their blessing was very telling. It sucks, but personally I'm tired of hearing the crying over it (not just on BBI).
RE: Wasn't our staff  
NorcalNYG : 9/25/2023 12:53 am : link
In comment 16220545 BigBlue in Keys said:
highly connected to Penn State at the time? I thought the fact they didn't give their blessing was very telling. It sucks, but personally I'm tired of hearing the crying over it (not just on BBI).

I think it was widely known from asshats here that Gettleman wanted Parsons but Judge was pounding the table to trade down and he wanted a wr which lead to forcing the pick for toney after passing on parsons and trading down. I imagine Gettleman might still be here if he got his guy in that draft, for better or more likely for worse. Gettleman did hit on some draft picks like Andrew Thomas.
The way the OL...  
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 1:00 am : link
has performed, imagine if we selected Rashawn Slater in 2021.

He's only one of the best tackles in the NFL. A monster pass blocker.
I remember passing up  
prdave73 : 9/25/2023 2:12 am : link
TJ Watt thinking why? Miami Dolphins did too. They Picked drafted Charles Harris?! smh. It boggles my mind because if there is anything the Giants Org should understand is that the reason they won those Super Bowls against the Pats was because they actual focused on the trenches. They put a huge emphasis on building strong Dlines and Olines. Why did they go from the one thing that made them so successful?
How many times do we need  
section125 : 9/25/2023 4:36 am : link
to rehash Parsons. One of Judges' D coaches was on the PSU staff with Parsons and flat put said not to take him because of a couple incidents Parsons was part of.

So yes a colossel miss. He really is the closest thing to LT I have seen.
No guarantees that Parson develops  
jvm52106 : 9/25/2023 4:37 am : link
The same way here that he did in Dallas. Dallas has right defense, right d-coach and talent at rush end already there.

I am more concerned with guys we have chosen high- Thibs and Neal that are not where they need to be.

Thibs is more rep than result and it is getting more and more noticeable each week.
I think that Wink is using  
section125 : 9/25/2023 5:11 am : link
Thibs incorrectly. Why was Thibs in pass coverage on the goal line instead of pressuring the QB? He is their best rusher not a cover guy.

Should start questioning Winks use of a pass rusher. But Wink never really uses ERs like everyone else.
Sammo85 : 9/25/2023 6:37 am : link
thought we were going to take Watt out from under them that draft.
stretch234 : 9/25/2023 7:04 am : link
Dallas didn’t realize how good he was going to be as a pass rusher. They had to use him as a pass rusher due to injuries to the DL. He started out next to VanderEsche as a 2 way LB. Once put into the pass rush role extensively they realized how good he was and left him to do that.

Would the Giants have figured that out or not - who knows

He is a tremendous player
mittenedman : 9/25/2023 7:12 am : link
DAL is playing him on offense too, at TE. They haven't used it in a game yet but are practicing it.
Passing on Parsons  
Cheech d : 9/25/2023 7:20 am : link
How about we took Ximines instead of Maxx Crosby.
Crosby had a great combine performance but I guess Mark Ross was giving interviews and missed him.
This thread  
4xchamps : 9/25/2023 7:39 am : link
Shows how clueless most fans are. There I said it.

You can do this all day with every team. The revisionist history is sickening. Most of us were happy with the picks when they happened.
Someone would have to post up statistics......  
OX100 : 9/25/2023 8:27 am : link
that the giants did not pass on more great players, over those that washed out (over the past 10 years), than almost any other org, for me not to believe it.

I'd wonder how throwing darts randomly at a wall might have done, vs what we did.
RE: I think that Wink is using  
Toth029 : 9/25/2023 8:37 am : link
In comment 16220563 section125 said:
Thibs incorrectly. Why was Thibs in pass coverage on the goal line instead of pressuring the QB? He is their best rusher not a cover guy.

Should start questioning Winks use of a pass rusher. But Wink never really uses ERs like everyone else.

He values his OLB to cover the flats and contain.

It isn't Wink's fault Thibodeaux is having issues getting by a single TE.
I clicked  
Reeses Pieces : 9/25/2023 8:40 am : link
Thinking this thread would be about Rashawn Slater.
RE: This thread  
barens : 9/25/2023 8:47 am : link
In comment 16220591 4xchamps said:
Shows how clueless most fans are. There I said it.

You can do this all day with every team. The revisionist history is sickening. Most of us were happy with the picks when they happened.

When it comes to Watt, yes, but when it comes to Parsons, no, that is a legit gripe. It's like a double kick in the nuts, when Philly jumped in front of the Giants to take DeVanta Smith, and then trading down, leaving Parsons to Dallas, and for us to take you know who. That not the same as other teams passing on Parsons too.

RE: You could do this with every draft pick for every team every year...  
nochance : 9/25/2023 9:22 am : link
In comment 16220498 bLiTz 2k said:

hindsite is 20/20
RE: RE: I think that Wink is using  
Angel Eyes : 9/25/2023 9:24 am : link
In comment 16220613 Toth029 said:
In comment 16220563 section125 said:


Thibs incorrectly. Why was Thibs in pass coverage on the goal line instead of pressuring the QB? He is their best rusher not a cover guy.

Should start questioning Winks use of a pass rusher. But Wink never really uses ERs like everyone else.

He values his OLB to cover the flats and contain.

Contain like Patrick Graham?
RE: I never think about things like that.  
nochance : 9/25/2023 9:24 am : link
In comment 16220504 sb2003 said:
Sometimes you score, sometimes you don't. You can play the "could've - should've" game everyday, in every aspect of life.

You try to learn from things. But don't dwell on things that were unknown and then known years later.

were we the only team that passed on those guys?
Gettleman Was Taken By Surprise There  
LTIsTheGreatest : 9/25/2023 9:35 am : link
He was so focused on taking Devonta Smith with that pick he was totally caught by surprise when Philly traded with Dallas and jumped ahead of us to steal Smith. Once his player was gone, he just figured he'd trade down and get an extra pick, never giving Parsons a second thought
I think its been established  
lax counsel : 9/25/2023 9:56 am : link
Beginning in the early 2010s the Giants draft process and talent development was a complete mess that did not get fixed for a long time (and maybe still hasn't). It's one of the reasons they are in the current situation.
RE: I bet we passed on Parsons  
Optimus-NY : 9/25/2023 10:12 am : link
In comment 16220532 santacruzom said:
Because Gettleman read that he earned his degree in Criminology and therefore thought he was a criminal.

RE: RE: Wasn't our staff  
Optimus-NY : 9/25/2023 10:14 am : link
In comment 16220549 NorcalNYG said:
In comment 16220545 BigBlue in Keys said:


highly connected to Penn State at the time? I thought the fact they didn't give their blessing was very telling. It sucks, but personally I'm tired of hearing the crying over it (not just on BBI).

I think it was widely known from asshats here that Gettleman wanted Parsons but Judge was pounding the table to trade down and he wanted a wr which lead to forcing the pick for toney after passing on parsons and trading down. I imagine Gettleman might still be here if he got his guy in that draft, for better or more likely for worse. Gettleman did hit on some draft picks like Andrew Thomas.

Yeah passing on TJ Watt was criminal in my mind  
gidiefor : Mod : 9/25/2023 10:39 am : link
I was totally up for picking him -- couldn't even understand why he wasn't picked by us or before us. He was a no-brainer in my mind. I twas all there -- he was exactly the same type of player as his brother coming out.

Yeah....but for all the old timers  
thrunthrublue : 9/25/2023 10:42 am : link
We did get LT....and four shiny trophies
RE: How many times do we need  
upnyg : 9/25/2023 10:49 am : link
In comment 16220558 section125 said:
to rehash Parsons. One of Judges' D coaches was on the PSU staff with Parsons and flat put said not to take him because of a couple incidents Parsons was part of.

So yes a colossel miss. He really is the closest thing to LT I have seen.
That was what we heard at the time. People change. Oh!
It would be nice to have either of those players  
mac attack : 9/25/2023 11:36 am : link
But every team can sit and look back at players they could have picked in the draft.
I'm not so much focusing on Parsons  
Now Mike in MD : 9/25/2023 1:01 pm : link
that's been discussed ad nauseum.

I'm more focused on passing on Watt, which was inexcusable, especially in favor of a TE.

But also focusing on the fact that we passed on not just one HOF edge rusher but TWO within a couple years.

It's especially galling considering how much this team has struggled getting consistent pressure for over a decade.

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