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simgiant : 9/25/2023 3:51 pm : link
From the transcript below.

Q: The tackling has been a big issue for you guys the last two games. What's going on there for you guys and how do you deal with it?

A: Just need to be better tacklers. It's something we've got to practice, but then most importantly on Sundays, just got to be better. I think it's pretty simple.

Q: When people bring up tackling, and you talk about the idea of what you need to focus on, through your career in the season when you have a bad game collectively, what works that following week, from what you've seen, to kind of get back to where you need to be and where you believe you will be? In terms of those fundamentals as far as being able to make those tackles and not miss them.

A: I mean, obviously, we've got to tackle, but that's not why we lost two games. We've got to be better with it, but that's not the reason to us having last two games, in my opinion. The fundamentals matter, and we've got to be a lot better in that aspect, which we will. But that's not the reason why the games are going how they're going. (There's) a lot of other different things that we've got to correct and be better with, and like I said, fundamentals matter and they're always going to matter, and we'll be better with it. I'm not going to stress too much over that, because I know that we're a good tackling team. Obviously, we're just going through a little hiccup, but like I said, we'll correct it, and we'll keep moving forward. Not going to stress over it, though.

I do not think its as bad as this article leads one to believe...
So much focus on D making tackles...  
knowledgetimmons : 9/25/2023 3:59 pm : link
no word on O catching the ball...

What the hell do you want him to say?  
BigBlue7 : 9/25/2023 4:04 pm : link
You want him to come out and say "Yeah, it's bad and we are really stressing out about it!" as if that would be better?!

I swear to god, this fanbase gets dumber and dumber every year
Is he stressed over looking like a chump?  
ThorSavage87 : 9/25/2023 4:05 pm : link
That dude is unimpressive. This is a contract year, you’d think he’d try to play his best football. The missed tackles are alarming and THE problem on the defense coming out of that game against the 49ers.

It’s like they think we fans can’t see them failing or understand what is happening.
It's not even slightly bad  
HBart : 9/25/2023 4:05 pm : link

There's a thread on this already.

It's Art Stapleton with his panties in a bunch because McKinney thoroughly addressed the question long before his turn, but Stapleton had to beat the dead horse. Which McKinney did, professionally and perfectly.
They don't stress about it  
section125 : 9/25/2023 4:07 pm : link
doesn't mean they are not concerned or working on it.

Art Stapleton needs a chill pill.

What do you want McKinney to do freak out? They are pro athletes. They know they have an issue, but they will work on it.
Exhibit 3,250  
Metnut : 9/25/2023 4:10 pm : link
on why athletes hate talking to reports.
What is he supposed to say, we are all  
eric2425ny : 9/25/2023 4:18 pm : link
panicked internally by our tackling issues? He’s going to do the usual we’re working on it, etc. routine.

The player and coach interviews really do zero for me. Rarely are you going to find any revelations in anything they would share with the media.
Making a story out of nothing  
Sy'56 : 9/25/2023 4:19 pm : link
. Move on and stop feeding the click bait beast that has ruined sports media.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/25/2023 4:21 pm : link
example of fans being easily manipulated.

I could post a thread that Daniel Jones believes he is a martian and people would fall for it.
RE: Another  
Jints in Carolina : 9/25/2023 4:27 pm : link
In comment 16221195 Eric from BBI said:
example of fans being easily manipulated.

I could post a thread that Daniel Jones believes he is a martian and people would fall for it.

wait, he's not?
Eric from BBI : Admin : 9/25/2023 4:29 pm : link
well maybe Boldruler.... but he loves aliens.
There’s a large part of me that wants the defense to lean into it  
PetesHereNow : 9/25/2023 5:24 pm : link
Just go full WWE promo with it.

“Yeah brother, whatcha gonna do when Sexy Dexy, Bobby O, and the X Man run wild on you, Seattle? You’ll see some tackling on Monday Night Raw, I mean football, yeah!”
Sight seeing  
RicFlair : 9/25/2023 5:25 pm : link
RE: Another  
Larry in Pencilvania : 9/25/2023 5:28 pm : link
In comment 16221195 Eric from BBI said:
example of fans being easily manipulated.

I could post a thread that Daniel Jones believes he is a martian and people would fall for it.

Some say Jones is from Uranus
Somehow, I think they know  
Dave on the UWS : 9/25/2023 6:16 pm : link
their tackling has sucked. I don’t think they need Art to point it out.
I went back and looked at his missed tackle on the QB touchdown  
KeoweeFan : 9/25/2023 6:40 pm : link
after someone suggested McK may have decided to gamble on a strip rather than a tackle inside the one.

If so, in retrospect that may have been the best choice. A tackle that close only delays the TD.

The strip of course had a much lower chance of success but probably was worth the try; it could not only have saved a TD but it could also have provided the spark the team was lacking.

OTOH there are some key players who need to learn to take a correct angle and to not wiff after making contact!
Somehow, I think they know  
Dave on the UWS : 9/25/2023 6:40 pm : link
their tackling has sucked. I don’t think they need Art to point it out.
Gogolak : 9/26/2023 2:34 am : link
Or lack of is not only a Giants problem there is poor tackling league wide. Just about every defender tries to knock ball carrier down instead of wrapping up.
RE: What the hell do you want him to say?  
Phils2008 : 9/26/2023 6:17 am : link
In comment 16221169 BigBlue7 said:
You want him to come out and say "Yeah, it's bad and we are really stressing out about it!" as if that would be better?!

I swear to god, this fanbase gets dumber and dumber every year

How about, “yea, we have to get better, it cost us a lot of 3rd down stops”. We’re dumber for pointing it out? Dumb is ignoring the results of all those missed tackles and pretending they didn't matter.
RE: What the hell do you want him to say?  
Blueblue : 9/26/2023 7:22 am : link
In comment 16221169 BigBlue7 said:
You want him to come out and say "Yeah, it's bad and we are really stressing out about it!" as if that would be better?!

I swear to god, this fanbase gets dumber and dumber every year

How stupid do you need to be to not understand his comment is terrible?

How about

“Yeah, we know we have to do a much better job at tackling. It’s something as a defense we are focused on correcting”.

I do agree with you…. This fan base is def getting dumber and dumber.
His game checks….  
thrunthrublue : 9/26/2023 4:55 pm : link
Get cashed no matter how he tackles, so beyond personal pride….why be stressed?
if this defensive team  
djm : 9/26/2023 5:38 pm : link
doesn't come out on MNF like a bunch of maniacs and make life very very difficult for Seattle we should fucking revolt. I don't care if NY wins 2-0. The NYG defense better be foaming at the mouth and actually deliver a performance that is worthy of this franchise and fan base. Fuck the offense. I am done watching this team morph into the ATL falcons or Houston Oilers. They spent money. They have some of the better interior linemen in the league. Have a very good MLB. Have some talent in the secondary. Wink? You alive or is your face truly melting off...Bend bend bend bend BREAK. Every fucking week.

X can go ride his fucking quad moped into the sunset for all I care. Not stressed? You're in a contract year and you QB the defense and this defense sucks balls. If you aren't stressed you're in the wrong business.
I must be a dumb fucking fan..  
penkap75 : 9/26/2023 6:00 pm : link
For demanding our D perform fundamental football tasks like tackling instead of slapping at the ball.

I guess I must be an idiot when I became a NYG fan in 80s because of all those great defenses and defenders.

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