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Thibs stat from last year

BestFeature : 9/25/2023 6:27 pm
I found this on NextGen. It's only since 2016 and only rookies but he hasn't always been a nonfactor.

He was tied for third in most pressures in a game for a rookie with 9 week 12 last year.
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This changes everything  
Jersey Heel : 9/25/2023 6:42 pm : link
Clearly, he’s been playing good this year then
RE: This changes everything  
BestFeature : 9/25/2023 6:44 pm : link
In comment 16221289 Jersey Heel said:
Clearly, he’s been playing good this year then

What a dumb post. Did I ever say anything like this? People are already calling him a bust and I'm saying he's had good performances and might still have potential. I never said he's played well this year.
The Concern Is The Good Seems To Be Separated …  
Trainmaster : 9/25/2023 6:44 pm : link
by long stretches of little to no impact.

1) Is it what is being asked of him (low glamour, high team importance tasks)?

2) Is he being used improperly or not to maximize his abilities?

3) Is he playing through some undisclosed injury?

4) Is it the level of competition (only excels against lesser competition)?

5) Does he not have drive / commitment to excel at the NFL level?

Too soon to know the answers to these questions, but unless it’s one or more of 1) through 3), he may not play up to his draft position / expectations.

RE: RE: This changes everything  
Jersey Heel : 9/25/2023 6:46 pm : link
In comment 16221291 BestFeature said:
In comment 16221289 Jersey Heel said:


Clearly, he’s been playing good this year then

What a dumb post. Did I ever say anything like this? People are already calling him a bust and I'm saying he's had good performances and might still have potential. I never said he's played well this year.

You’re posting that he had a random good game last year without any other context. How are we supposed to glean what your point was?
RE: This changes everything  
eric2425ny : 9/25/2023 6:55 pm : link
In comment 16221289 Jersey Heel said:
Clearly, he’s been playing good this year then

I laughed at this lol.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/25/2023 7:01 pm : link
He didn't seem to be giving 100% effort vs. SF @ times. That's alarming AF.
It's not just Thibs its the whole defense  
PatersonPlank : 9/25/2023 8:07 pm : link
All the players are inter-related out there. They are all making each other look lousy
RE: RE: RE: This changes everything  
BestFeature : 9/25/2023 8:26 pm : link
In comment 16221294 Jersey Heel said:
In comment 16221291 BestFeature said:


In comment 16221289 Jersey Heel said:


Clearly, he’s been playing good this year then

What a dumb post. Did I ever say anything like this? People are already calling him a bust and I'm saying he's had good performances and might still have potential. I never said he's played well this year.

You’re posting that he had a random good game last year without any other context. How are we supposed to glean what your point was?

Pretty clear my point wasn't he's been good this year since last year isn't this year.
NYG123 : 9/25/2023 8:33 pm : link
Should’ve ran right through hurts. What the hell?!
Yeah he has had 3 or 4 good games in his career  
90.Cal : 9/25/2023 8:39 pm : link
But big deal… dude is looking like a bust, period.
4th game w/ almost a Quarter of this Season  
NJLCO : 9/25/2023 9:11 pm : link
What is he at this point? Number one pick…what is he?
What his strength, I don’t see one so far this season.
Is he a threat to any offense?
I hope he has 3 sacks on Monday but I think that a pipe dream.
RE: 4th game w/ almost a Quarter of this Season  
Angel Eyes : 9/25/2023 9:16 pm : link
In comment 16221455 NJLCO said:
What is he at this point? Number one pick…what is he?
What his strength, I don’t see one so far this season.
Is he a threat to any offense?
I hope he has 3 sacks on Monday but I think that a pipe dream.

What is he? He's supposed to be a positionless player, a jack of all trades, a threat to open things up for others. I don't like it myself but that's how Wink operates.
I still have hope he comes on and is a legit overall player  
SGMen : 9/25/2023 9:25 pm : link
He may not be a superstar ever but if he is say well above average and at times a force well at least he wouldn't be a bust. He has the physical raw skills and intelligence but may lack the lower leg power to be special.
Positionless player  
kelly : 9/25/2023 10:01 pm : link
Getting positionless results.

Ive had enough of this BS defense. Line up in a traditional 3-4 defense. Play two gap with three down linemen.

Stop the run. Blitz the qb.

Lets stop over thinking things and let the players play.
RE: Positionless player  
NorcalNYG : 9/25/2023 10:12 pm : link
In comment 16221516 kelly said:
Getting positionless results.

Ive had enough of this BS defense. Line up in a traditional 3-4 defense. Play two gap with three down linemen.

Stop the run. Blitz the qb.

Lets stop over thinking things and let the players play.

I agree with this.
RE: RE: This changes everything  
John in No Cal : 9/25/2023 10:31 pm : link
In comment 16221291 BestFeature said:
In comment 16221289 Jersey Heel said:


Clearly, he’s been playing good this year then

What a dumb post. Did I ever say anything like this? People are already calling him a bust and I'm saying he's had good performances and might still have potential. I never said he's played well this year.

Agree....Imagine what people would've said if Michael Strahan was a first round top 10 pick. He wasn't but he was a second rd pick!! Let's hold off on defining him by 3 games this year. He played really well post injury last year. Not worried about him. Now Evan Neal....I'm concerned. :)
You don’t take a guy 5th overall  
mittenedman : 9/26/2023 7:51 am : link
to be a setup man. That’s the problem.

There is no angle where this pick looks good right now.

I do agree that the entire D looks lousy now, which is shocking IMO. I have a high regard for Wink and this defensive staff. Surprised and disappointed in the product.
I genuinely don't understand the point of this thread.  
Mike in Long Beach : 9/26/2023 10:17 am : link
Is it that he had a good game last year?

If so.. I am aligned, sir. He had a good game. Maybe even two or three!
RE: I genuinely don't understand the point of this thread.  
Greg from LI : 9/26/2023 10:24 am : link
In comment 16221703 Mike in Long Beach said:
Is it that he had a good game last year?

If so.. I am aligned, sir. He had a good game. Maybe even two or three!

Yeah, I mean, talk about low expectations.

This is why, though many posters ridiculed it, the Thibodeaux/Lorenzo Carter thread made some sense. Not that they were similar talents or anything, but every year Carter was here he'd have a few games where he looked great. His backers would whoop it up and proclaim him to have arrived....and then he'd go back into invisibility mode for a long time.

We know Thibodeaux had a dominant game against Washington. The question is, why hasn't he come anywhere near that level of play this season?
RE: RE: This changes everything  
TinVA : 9/26/2023 11:24 am : link
In comment 16221291 BestFeature said:
In comment 16221289 Jersey Heel said:


Clearly, he’s been playing good this year then

What a dumb post. Did I ever say anything like this? People are already calling him a bust and I'm saying he's had good performances and might still have potential. I never said he's played well this year.

RE: RE: I genuinely don't understand the point of this thread.  
Matt M. : 9/26/2023 1:06 pm : link
In comment 16221712 Greg from LI said:
In comment 16221703 Mike in Long Beach said:


Is it that he had a good game last year?

If so.. I am aligned, sir. He had a good game. Maybe even two or three!

Yeah, I mean, talk about low expectations.

This is why, though many posters ridiculed it, the Thibodeaux/Lorenzo Carter thread made some sense. Not that they were similar talents or anything, but every year Carter was here he'd have a few games where he looked great. His backers would whoop it up and proclaim him to have arrived....and then he'd go back into invisibility mode for a long time.

We know Thibodeaux had a dominant game against Washington. The question is, why hasn't he come anywhere near that level of play this season?
The worst with Carter was when people got excited over "sacks" in the no contact summer practices. He was credited with something like 6 sacks in 1 scrimmage where he didn't even have to touch the QB.
Fight! Fight!  
x meadowlander : 9/26/2023 1:24 pm : link
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