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MNF: Eagles At Buccaneers Game Discussion Thread

Trainmaster : 9/25/2023 7:17 pm
Go Bucs! Make an NFC East 4 loss week 3 !!!
let's keep an eye on Hurts...  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 7:19 pm : link
....a few of us have noticed he's not moving in the pocket as well as last year.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/25/2023 7:23 pm : link
Go Bucs! Go Baker!
Not sure what Swift was doing there or how he didn't score  
j_rud : 9/25/2023 7:27 pm : link
HUGE stop  
j_rud : 9/25/2023 7:28 pm : link
As Parcells used to say  
Chef : 9/25/2023 7:30 pm : link
You gotta get that zero off the board.. great stop TB....
Bradberry is playing slot...  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 7:31 pm : link
....don't see him as a slot CB.
Out kicked  
SomeFan : 9/25/2023 7:34 pm : link
I wish Mayfield...  
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 7:35 pm : link
would pull a Johnny Mox and hit Sirianni in the face.
"Line drive punt"  
j_rud : 9/25/2023 7:35 pm : link
After so long some phrases just make your eye twitch a little...
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 7:36 pm : link
Are good in all three areas. Would be nice to see the Giants make a special teams play or two this season
Man this eagles run game is absurd  
Knickstape : 9/25/2023 7:38 pm : link
There gonna rush for 300 on us lol
Danny Kanell : 9/25/2023 7:38 pm : link
God I wish we had the Eagles OL.
RE: .  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 7:39 pm : link
In comment 16221337 Danny Kanell said:
God I wish we had the Eagles OL.

It's me it looks like they aren't even blocking. Almost as if they're a D-1 college team playing a D-3 team and just outsizing them.

RE: .  
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/25/2023 7:40 pm : link
In comment 16221337 Danny Kanell said:
God I wish we had the Eagles OL.

Perhaps in 2070 or 2085 when you & I are both long gone. And that's when we'll have a decent OL.
RE: Bradberry is playing slot...  
ChrisRick : 9/25/2023 7:41 pm : link
In comment 16221329 BillKo said:
....don't see him as a slot CB.

That is what I was thinking. I would think he would not be a good slot corner at least in man, zone not as big of a deal
RE: RE: .  
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 7:43 pm : link
In comment 16221339 BillKo said:
In comment 16221337 Danny Kanell said:


God I wish we had the Eagles OL.

It's me it looks like they aren't even blocking. Almost as if they're a D-1 college team playing a D-3 team and just outsizing them.

They are very quick off the ball and steering their man to the designated spot based on the play.
Stop the run  
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 7:49 pm : link
Rush the passer, …… simple
Defense getting a stop on 3rd and long  
JT039 : 9/25/2023 7:50 pm : link
Novel concept
Bradberry is out of place...  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:02 pm : link
....playing slot. Too stiff.
For fuck sake  
terz22 : 9/25/2023 8:07 pm : link
That was such a poor throw  
JT039 : 9/25/2023 8:07 pm : link
It was late, it was lobbed and it was too low.
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:07 pm : link
why did Baker air mail that and not put it on a rope?

Should have been as easy TD.
And Mike Evans drops  
section125 : 9/25/2023 8:07 pm : link
at TD pass....
Is Evans  
cjac : 9/25/2023 8:07 pm : link
Getting paid to throw the game

That’s the second easy catch he’s dropped
RE: That was such a poor throw  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:08 pm : link
In comment 16221367 JT039 said:
It was late, it was lobbed and it was too low.

LOL, the DB didn't even technically break it up...Evans just dropped it.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/25/2023 8:09 pm : link
Evans. Come on.
RE: That was such a poor throw  
section125 : 9/25/2023 8:09 pm : link
In comment 16221367 JT039 said:
It was late, it was lobbed and it was too low.

It was right in his hands...what are you looking at?
Evans is not the player that he once was  
Hammer : 9/25/2023 8:10 pm : link
RE: RE: That was such a poor throw  
JT039 : 9/25/2023 8:10 pm : link
In comment 16221374 section125 said:
In comment 16221367 JT039 said:


It was late, it was lobbed and it was too low.

It was right in his hands...what are you looking at?

The defender getting his hand in there? And it was behind him? And he had to wait for it?
RE: .  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 9/25/2023 8:11 pm : link
In comment 16221337 Danny Kanell said:
God I wish we had the Eagles OL.

Did you see the pocket Hurts made the sideline throw from? There was 6 yards of space in front of him.
I don’t think Philly is nearly as good  
Breeze_94 : 9/25/2023 8:11 pm : link
This year.

Swift was a great move, but teams seem to have a plan for Hurts. And their secondary lost Maddox, Epps, and Gardner Johnson. Bradberry is looking average, Jobe is a liability.
My dislike of the Eagles is so vast, I barely watch when they play  
dannysection 313 : 9/25/2023 8:12 pm : link
I mean, they'll win tonight, who knows the score, but they'll win.

There isn't another team in any other sport that I truly hate....even the Cowboys don't bother me that much...Nor the Jets, nor the Braves (I am a huge Mets fan), etc..

But my thoughts on the Eagles are unbalanced...I lived in Bucks County, Pa for 17 years and I am still great friends with some Eagles fans from my time there. But still...

God I hate that team and now they are at the top of the NFL and will stay that way for years with their roster.

OK, I fell better...kinda...
RE: Evans is not the player that he once was  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 9/25/2023 8:12 pm : link
In comment 16221375 Hammer said:

He’s just off to a bad start tonight. He’s been really good for them the previous two games.
Hurts does not look comfortable...  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:12 pm : link
Is Hurts possibly injured?  
cjac : 9/25/2023 8:16 pm : link
He doesn’t look right
Or maybe  
cjac : 9/25/2023 8:17 pm : link
He’s fine
No holding on that TD?  
St. Jimmy : 9/25/2023 8:19 pm : link
Nice angle by the DB  
section125 : 9/25/2023 8:19 pm : link
running under the pass....
What was the time to throw  
JT039 : 9/25/2023 8:19 pm : link
5 seconds? So jealous of a competent OL
LOL....that was a great pass of course...  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:19 pm : link
...but he would have taken off there, no doubt in my mind.

He looks like he does not want to run unless absolutely necessary.
RE: Or maybe  
Essex : 9/25/2023 8:19 pm : link
In comment 16221387 cjac said:
He’s fine

That was lucky. He didn’t throw that where his guy was, the receiver just adjusted and saw where the ball is going. If the DB would have played ball instead of jumping like an idiot he would have defended it
These teams make  
SoZKillA : 9/25/2023 8:20 pm : link
It look so easy
Hell of throw  
ajr2456 : 9/25/2023 8:21 pm : link
Give an NFL  
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 8:21 pm : link
Quarterback that much time, 6 seconds, he ll find somebody
I was very sure  
dlauster : 9/25/2023 8:21 pm : link
That was going to be a pick. Bad secondary play.
RE: My dislike of the Eagles is so vast, I barely watch when they play  
rebel yell : 9/25/2023 8:21 pm : link
In comment 16221382 dannysection 313 said:
I mean, they'll win tonight, who knows the score, but they'll win.

There isn't another team in any other sport that I truly hate....even the Cowboys don't bother me that much...Nor the Jets, nor the Braves (I am a huge Mets fan), etc..

But my thoughts on the Eagles are unbalanced...I lived in Bucks County, Pa for 17 years and I am still great friends with some Eagles fans from my time there. But still...

God I hate that team and now they are at the top of the NFL and will stay that way for years with their roster.

OK, I fell better...kinda...

Thought I'd fill in a blank--Sirianni is a douchebag too.
JT039 : 9/25/2023 8:23 pm : link

Time to watch Rams
Here’s where the eagles put this one away  
The_Boss : 9/25/2023 8:24 pm : link
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 8:24 pm : link
I loathe everything about ISIS.
3-3 game  
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 8:27 pm : link
3rd - 10

Tampa 1 play from having ball with chance for lead at half

Eagles Put up a wall around Hurts, touchdown

Defense gets turnover

What championship caliber teams can do.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/25/2023 8:28 pm : link
I hope Mara wakes up each morning embarrassed how much better the Eagles are than us. It isn't even close.

And right now, Schoen ain't looking like Roseman in terms of building a roster.
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:29 pm : link
that was not a first down.

The far ref even marked it short before it was changed.
He wasnt even close to getting that  
nygiants16 : 9/25/2023 8:30 pm : link
There’s no way that’s a first.  
PetesHereNow : 9/25/2023 8:30 pm : link
I mean they’ll make it on fourth, but uh yeah
That play  
dlauster : 9/25/2023 8:30 pm : link
Cant get out of football soon enough
RE: ...  
section125 : 9/25/2023 8:30 pm : link
In comment 16221405 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
I hope Mara wakes up each morning embarrassed how much better the Eagles are than us. It isn't even close.

And right now, Schoen ain't looking like Roseman in terms of building a roster.

take a chill pay SF
RE: RE: ...  
section125 : 9/25/2023 8:31 pm : link
In comment 16221410 section125 said:
In comment 16221405 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I hope Mara wakes up each morning embarrassed how much better the Eagles are than us. It isn't even close.

And right now, Schoen ain't looking like Roseman in terms of building a roster.

take a chill pay SF

Effing auto correct - chill pill
RE: RE: ...  
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 8:32 pm : link
In comment 16221410 section125 said:
In comment 16221405 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


I hope Mara wakes up each morning embarrassed how much better the Eagles are than us. It isn't even close.

And right now, Schoen ain't looking like Roseman in terms of building a roster.

take a chill pay SF

Give him a break. He's still recovering from the ND loss...
What was that from white..  
Knickstape : 9/25/2023 8:33 pm : link
Just gave up out of bounds
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:34 pm : link
.....the LB runs out of bounds and passes up a hit on the QB


RE: What was that from white..  
Blue21 : 9/25/2023 8:34 pm : link
In comment 16221413 Knickstape said:
Just gave up out of bounds
afarsid to be tackled by the QB?
I can't believe the fucking Eagles landed Jalen Carter  
Sean : 9/25/2023 8:36 pm : link
RE: What was that from white..  
cjac : 9/25/2023 8:37 pm : link
In comment 16221413 Knickstape said:
Just gave up out of bounds

I swear the fucking fix is in on this game
RE: I can't believe the fucking Eagles landed Jalen Carter  
cjac : 9/25/2023 8:38 pm : link
In comment 16221417 Sean said:

That guy is an absolute killer
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 9/25/2023 8:38 pm : link
section/bw, Haha. I am still stewing over 3rd & 19. Deflected ball on 3rd down that is probably a TD. 10 defenders on the field for the last two plays.

Please tell me we're going to beat Duke Saturday. I'm still trying to score tixs to the game.
I can’t believe we are reviewing this stuff  
Essex : 9/25/2023 8:40 pm : link
Lane Johnson....  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 8:40 pm : link about a false start.

Entire stadium saw it.
RE: Lane Johnson....  
dlauster : 9/25/2023 8:42 pm : link
In comment 16221425 BillKo said:
Quote: about a false start.

Entire stadium saw it.

Terrible officiating.
RE: I can’t believe we are reviewing this stuff  
cjac : 9/25/2023 8:42 pm : link
In comment 16221424 Essex said:

It wasn’t on TV, but the Giants in AZ the crowd was chanting “refs you suck” for how many long discussions there were about 4 seconds on the clock
RE: Lane Johnson....  
Tittle 9 20 64 : 9/25/2023 8:43 pm : link
In comment 16221425 BillKo said:
Quote: about a false start.

Entire stadium saw it.

For some reason he gets away with a lot of them.
RE: ...  
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 9:01 pm : link
In comment 16221420 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
section/bw, Haha. I am still stewing over 3rd & 19. Deflected ball on 3rd down that is probably a TD. 10 defenders on the field for the last two plays.

Please tell me we're going to beat Duke Saturday. I'm still trying to score tixs to the game.

Love ND minus the 5.5. Duke is a nice story, but let's be honest. Clemson gave them the game. As long as ND gets over the TMOTF Hangover, they should win by 8+.

Riley Leonard is a very good QB, btw. ND will have to spy him tightly.
Kelce is 600 years old and just destroying people all night  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 9/25/2023 9:03 pm : link
RE: Kelce is 600 years old and just destroying people all night  
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 9:07 pm : link
In comment 16221444 shockeyisthebest8056 said:

I really like him. Definitely Canton bound. I wish we could find a HoFame OL in the 6th round.
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 9:07 pm : link
Every time I watch an eagle game they have the ball deep in their opponents territory, just about every single time they touch the ball.

We have ... Patience
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 9:08 pm : link
Guys you have to be patient. It's going to take time for our busts to be considered busts.
RE: ......  
bw in dc : 9/25/2023 9:09 pm : link
In comment 16221450 Route 9 said:
Guys you have to be patient. It's going to take time for our busts to be considered busts.

RE: ......  
Sean : 9/25/2023 9:09 pm : link
In comment 16221448 Route 9 said:
Every time I watch an eagle game they have the ball deep in their opponents territory, just about every single time they touch the ball.

We have ... Patience

Hey. It's only year 2 of a 6 year rebuild with Schoen and Daboll.
What a fucking horrendous game from evans  
Knickstape : 9/25/2023 9:14 pm : link
I’m glad we play the Eagles  
cjac : 9/25/2023 9:17 pm : link
In week 15 and 17

We will already be out of it when they destroy us
RE: RE: ......  
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 9:22 pm : link
In comment 16221453 Sean said:
In comment 16221448 Route 9 said:


Every time I watch an eagle game they have the ball deep in their opponents territory, just about every single time they touch the ball.

We have ... Patience

Hey. It's only year 2 of a 6 year rebuild with Schoen and Daboll.

I'm just waiting for the big punt!
Man sooner or later someone is gonna get hurt  
Knickstape : 9/25/2023 9:23 pm : link
On that little qb sneak. All it takes is getting rolled one time and they run that play what feels like 8-10 times a game
If devin white can’t do better than that  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 9/25/2023 9:24 pm : link
then he shouldn’t be playing
Joe Burrow looks horrendous  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 9/25/2023 9:25 pm : link
Banks : 9/25/2023 9:26 pm : link
Hurts has not looked good once this year throwing the ball
RE: Joe Burrow looks horrendous  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 9:26 pm : link
In comment 16221468 shockeyisthebest8056 said:

He simply can't move.

They'd be better with the backup.
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 9:27 pm : link
LOL all that INT did was get the eagles two points
Why wasn't that INT a touchback when  
jgambrosio : 9/25/2023 9:28 pm : link
One of his feet inbounds was in the end zone?
Funny thing about the bengals.  
Knickstape : 9/25/2023 9:29 pm : link
Their pass to run disparity is disgusting. Feed mixon a bit 25 passing attempts to 5 rushes with mixon is absurd. It’s been this way all season for them. I don’t understand what Taylor is thinking
Who’s calling the plays for Tampa???  
jnoble : 9/25/2023 9:29 pm : link
That was bad!

On the other hand, that INT was a great effort by the DB to snag the pass. If our guys put forth the same effort last week, Purdy would’ve been picked off at least two or three times
Not the right playcall from own 1 yard line  
sharp315 : 9/25/2023 9:29 pm : link
White averaging 2.0 YPC tonight
RE: Why wasn't that INT a touchback when  
BillKo : 9/25/2023 9:29 pm : link
In comment 16221473 jgambrosio said:
One of his feet inbounds was in the end zone?

It's where the ball is at the time of the interception/step out of bounds.
I'm going to find something else to do  
Hammer : 9/25/2023 9:29 pm : link
when the Eagles and Giants get together
Banks : 9/25/2023 9:31 pm : link
Swift was a soft runner and broke like glass in Detroit. Here he's bell cow. I hate the eagles with every fabric of my being
Everyone Relax : 9/25/2023 9:32 pm : link
with all the time, weapons and running game has looked mediocre at best. The td he threw could have easily been picked
Joe Burrow misses WIDE OPEN Chase by a mile  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 9/25/2023 9:33 pm : link
RE: .  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 9/25/2023 9:33 pm : link
In comment 16221480 Banks said:
Swift was a soft runner and broke like glass in Detroit. Here he's bell cow. I hate the eagles with every fabric of my being

He’s running through holes you could drive a Tahoe through.
RE: .  
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 9:33 pm : link
In comment 16221480 Banks said:
Swift was a soft runner and broke like glass in Detroit. Here he's bell cow. I hate the eagles with every fabric of my being

Me too because they know how to do things ... What do we got? Huh? We can beat the Arizona Cardinals!!
RE: RE: Why wasn't that INT a touchback when  
jgambrosio : 9/25/2023 9:34 pm : link
In comment 16221477 BillKo said:
In comment 16221473 jgambrosio said:


One of his feet inbounds was in the end zone?

It's where the ball is at the time of the interception/step out of bounds.

What I had figured but was hoping some loophole down there like the touchback when ball goes out of end zone rule
RE: RE: .  
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 9:43 pm : link
In comment 16221486 Route 9 said:
In comment 16221480 Banks said:


Swift was a soft runner and broke like glass in Detroit. Here he's bell cow. I hate the eagles with every fabric of my being

Me too because they know how to do things ... What do we got? Huh? We can beat the Arizona Cardinals!!

Yep, …..of course the Cowboys can’t,…. so there s that.
RE: RE: RE: .  
Sean : 9/25/2023 9:44 pm : link
In comment 16221491 joeinpa said:
In comment 16221486 Route 9 said:


In comment 16221480 Banks said:


Swift was a soft runner and broke like glass in Detroit. Here he's bell cow. I hate the eagles with every fabric of my being

Me too because they know how to do things ... What do we got? Huh? We can beat the Arizona Cardinals!!

Yep, …..of course the Cowboys can’t,…. so there s that.

Maybe one day the Giants can beat the Cowboys.
RE: RE: RE: RE: .  
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 9:47 pm : link
In comment 16221493 Sean said:
In comment 16221491 joeinpa said:


In comment 16221486 Route 9 said:


In comment 16221480 Banks said:


Swift was a soft runner and broke like glass in Detroit. Here he's bell cow. I hate the eagles with every fabric of my being

Me too because they know how to do things ... What do we got? Huh? We can beat the Arizona Cardinals!!

Yep, …..of course the Cowboys can’t,…. so there s that.

Maybe one day the Giants can beat the Cowboys.

Maybe, doesn’t seem likely this season though.
Giants are about 2 years from beating the Cowboys  
cjac : 9/25/2023 9:47 pm : link
And 5 years from beating the Eagles
RE: Joe Burrow misses WIDE OPEN Chase by a mile  
BrettNYG10 : 9/25/2023 9:50 pm : link
In comment 16221484 shockeyisthebest8056 said:

Burrow has been terrible.
Banks : 9/25/2023 9:51 pm : link
The worst part is the eagles rebuild so quickly. I was looking forward to the end of fletcher cox, but then they get Carter. Peter's finally gone... They get mailata. Even at qb, Hurts develops out of nowhere
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 9:51 pm : link
Giants will lose to the Eagles 70-20 next game
Jason Kelce is the key to Eagles offense.  
BlueHurricane : 9/25/2023 9:53 pm : link
I was praying he retired last season. We can only hope JMS turns into him.

Everything revolves around him and his line calls.
RE: RE: Joe Burrow misses WIDE OPEN Chase by a mile  
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 9:57 pm : link
In comment 16221501 BrettNYG10 said:
In comment 16221484 shockeyisthebest8056 said:



Burrow has been terrible.

That injury is lingering
RE: ......  
Dave in PA : 9/25/2023 9:57 pm : link
In comment 16221503 Route 9 said:
Giants will lose to the Eagles 70-20 next game
no way we’re putting up 20 on their defense
RE: RE: ......  
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 9:59 pm : link
In comment 16221508 Dave in PA said:
In comment 16221503 Route 9 said:


Giants will lose to the Eagles 70-20 next game

no way we’re putting up 20 on their defense

You're not a real fan
Banks : 9/25/2023 10:00 pm : link
Sounds like an eagles home game there
RE: ......  
joeinpa : 9/25/2023 10:01 pm : link
In comment 16221503 Route 9 said:
Giants will lose to the Eagles 70-20 next game

Is betting permit on this site? If so, I ll take Giants +49
RE: RE: RE: ......  
Dave in PA : 9/25/2023 10:03 pm : link
In comment 16221511 Route 9 said:
In comment 16221508 Dave in PA said:


In comment 16221503 Route 9 said:


Giants will lose to the Eagles 70-20 next game

no way we’re putting up 20 on their defense

You're not a real fan
damn ya got me. All those years with season tickets in section 305 at Giants Stadium… I only went for the smells of the swamp
Banks : 9/25/2023 10:04 pm : link
There's an idea for Eric, Bet BBI, BBBI
I like going to the games  
cjac : 9/25/2023 10:05 pm : link
Despite them not being good. Last season was fun

I’m not optimistic about this year.
I can't see us winning more than 4 games  
kelly : 9/25/2023 10:06 pm : link
By the time we play the eagles they will be resting their starters and still beating us.

jomps : 9/25/2023 10:07 pm : link
Very weird game, Devin White intercepts a pass and then run out of bounds with no one around.

Now you are 2 possessions away and don't even call timeouts? What if they miss or you block the FG? At the very least coaching malpractice.
RE: I can't see us winning more than 4 games  
Sean : 9/25/2023 10:10 pm : link
In comment 16221521 kelly said:
By the time we play the eagles they will be resting their starters and still beating us.

That's too bad considering this regime spent a lot of money to win now. Yet they are still years away.
RE: I can't see us winning more than 4 games  
Route 9 : 9/25/2023 10:27 pm : link
In comment 16221521 kelly said:
By the time we play the eagles they will be resting their starters and still beating us.

That's not even an exaggeration. It's happened before with the same crop of winners. You'd think they'd be the one blowing out backups. Nope. Other way around.
AcidTest : 9/25/2023 10:30 pm : link
looks like Zach Wilson, but he does have a calf injury, which could be affecting his throwing motion.
Bucs and Rams losing  
shyster : 9/25/2023 11:36 pm : link
is good for NYG.

The rules say seven NFC teams have to qualify for the playoffs.

Give a shot at power ranking the NFC and notice the difficulty you run into when you get to number five. Nobody really deserves it, do they?

And there's still two more NFC teams that have to qualify to get to seven.

One of the qualifying mediocre teams will be the AFC South champ. But that leaves two WC spots for NFC teams no better than squarely mediocre.

Why not NYG?
*NFC South*  
shyster : 9/25/2023 11:45 pm : link
RE: Bucs and Rams losing  
JT039 : 9/26/2023 7:17 am : link
In comment 16221548 shyster said:
is good for NYG.

The rules say seven NFC teams have to qualify for the playoffs.

Give a shot at power ranking the NFC and notice the difficulty you run into when you get to number five. Nobody really deserves it, do they?

And there's still two more NFC teams that have to qualify to get to seven.

One of the qualifying mediocre teams will be the AFC South champ. But that leaves two WC spots for NFC teams no better than squarely mediocre.

Why not NYG?

This seems appropriate
Playoffs??? - ( New Window )
RE: Jason Kelce is the key to Eagles offense.  
FStubbs : 9/26/2023 7:20 am : link
In comment 16221504 BlueHurricane said:
I was praying he retired last season. We can only hope JMS turns into him.

Everything revolves around him and his line calls.

And they'll find some 7th round pick just as good.
RE: Bucs and Rams losing  
Ron Johnson : 9/26/2023 11:50 am : link
In comment 16221548 shyster said:
is good for NYG.

The rules say seven NFC teams have to qualify for the playoffs.

Give a shot at power ranking the NFC and notice the difficulty you run into when you get to number five. Nobody really deserves it, do they?

And there's still two more NFC teams that have to qualify to get to seven.

One of the qualifying mediocre teams will be the AFC South champ. But that leaves two WC spots for NFC teams no better than squarely mediocre.

Why not NYG?

need a win this week or it could get ugly
BrettNYG10 : 9/26/2023 11:54 am : link
Burrow won a game for the first time with a sub-80 passer rating. He also came away unscathed -- or at least no more scathed than he was prior to facing Aaron Donald and the Rams, who sacked him twice and racked up six QB hits. - ( New Window )
RE: .....  
JT039 : 9/26/2023 12:20 pm : link
In comment 16221850 BrettNYG10 said:


Burrow won a game for the first time with a sub-80 passer rating. He also came away unscathed -- or at least no more scathed than he was prior to facing Aaron Donald and the Rams, who sacked him twice and racked up six QB hits. - ( New Window )

Helps when your defense creates turnovers and holds a team to 9 points through 59:00 minutes.
RE: RE: ......  
Ivan15 : 9/27/2023 9:58 am : link
In comment 16221453 Sean said:
In comment 16221448 Route 9 said:


Every time I watch an eagle game they have the ball deep in their opponents territory, just about every single time they touch the ball.

We have ... Patience

Hey. It's only year 2 of a 6 year rebuild with Schoen and Daboll.
A six-year rebuild with a bunch of players whose careers only last 5 years.
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