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tts bad enough

56GiantsUK : 9/27/2023 3:28 am
having enough prime games to get hammered on...

But yet another 1:15am start looms again on this side of the Atlantic against a team very likely to show us the errors of our O line...

Thank god at least for a stretch of 6pm or 9.25pm after this game.

6pm I can at least watch other games if they are getting their doors blown off, 9.25pm after an hour I can simply go to bed if they are unwatchable.

At least the odds are right now that we won't get any flex games later on to prime unless its to showcase the other teams prowess in scoring points...

The O line probably isn't fixable this year, so keep lining up the 6pm games please (IMO)

A good season is a double edged sword.....  
CJW_Wales : 9/27/2023 7:45 am : link
More prime time games is the price we pay. At least 4 of the 5 are out of the way fairly quickly.
The threat of a flex is a pain though. Have to keep some annual leave in my back pocket in case of an unexpected all nighter.
i'm right with you  
WahooGiant : 9/27/2023 8:34 am : link
except one time zone later, one hour later. Not a fun start to the season for those of us over this side.
I would be more concerned and interested in seeing the Giants  
Ivan15 : 9/27/2023 8:58 am : link
Starts at the times the Giants play well. That would be Sunday at 1 p.m. If they never play another prime time game until they get to the Super Bowl, I would be happy.
I groaned when I saw the schedule earlier this year and all the prime  
GiantBlue : 9/27/2023 9:07 am : link
time games. The Giants never seem to do well on prime time thus provoking the feeling amount the country's prognosticators that we are really not that good and our early afernoon wins are either flukes or against lower division teams.

Until the Giants are in the Eagles and Niners atmosphere, just keep us at the 1:00 PM start on Sundays where we can grow in peace without the bright lights and the evening skies!
Ron Johnson : 9/27/2023 9:16 am : link

Isn’t going to expose anything. They’ve got enough of their own problems.
Seattle's defense  
46and2Blue : 9/27/2023 10:40 am : link
has been trash. If they can protect jones even a little they will get shredded. ANDY DALTON just ripped them open.
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