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NFT: Steven King Novel Recommendations

Essex : 9/28/2023 2:51 pm
I would rather not read a horror story, but just never read him before and know he writes more than just horror. Looking for an enjoyable read and wondering what is out there and good.
he has an interesting one I read  
pjcas18 : 9/28/2023 2:57 pm : link
that isn't really horror titled 11/22/63 and it's about a guy who learns he can go through a portal back in time and then is intent on going back to save JFK.

I enjoyed it.

Also, his short story called the Body is the story Stand By Me was based on. I read it as a kid and it was a little deep for a kid but re-read it as an adult and it holds up well. Good read, especially if you liked the movie.
Cap'n Bluebeard : 9/28/2023 3:01 pm : link
Shawshank Redemption is a novella in the Different Seasons collection. The full title is Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redeption: Hope Springs Eternal. Or something like that. I think it has also been published as a standalone book as well.
But if you get the collection, you can also read "The Body" (Turned into Stand By Me) and Apt Pupil (Apt Pupil) so it might be worth your time.

The Green Mile is another similar and obvious choice.

The Gunslinger is his first entry in The Dark Tower Series, which basically ties almost every other thing he's ever written together. I would say most of that series isn't horror, but a weird blending of western and fantasy. It's incredible, but you might want to read a lot more King to get the most out of it if that's a journey you want to embark on.

The Bill Hodges trilogy kind of skirts the border between horror and crime, but not supernatural at all. It starts with Mr. Mercedes.
Dark Tower  
US1 Giants : 9/28/2023 3:06 pm : link
series of books.

I liked his "1963" titled book too.
AcidTest : 9/28/2023 3:09 pm : link
Long Walk," written under his pseudonym, Richard Bachman. An absolutely fabulous metaphor for life. The story is riveting, and the character development is astonishing.
The Dead Zone  
Professor Falken : 9/28/2023 3:09 pm : link
Also try The Bachman Books, four stories written under the pen name Richard Bachman:

The Long Walk
The Running Man
Grey Pilgrim : 9/28/2023 3:12 pm : link
I would recommend Different Seasons  
MadPlaid : 9/28/2023 3:14 pm : link
It is comprised of four short stories or novellas. Each is very good. In fact, out of the four, three have been made into movies. The Shawshank Redemption (as mentioned earlier), Stand By Me and Apt Pupil. Only one of the four stories is technically horror, but I think it is only in a minor sense. All good reads.

Another really good King novel is The Dead Zone. Not necessarily horror either. Compeling story and again, made into a very good movie with Christopher Walken.

The Talisman  
HMunster : 9/28/2023 3:14 pm : link
Not horror. More of a fantasy story. Excellent.
Jan in DC : 9/28/2023 3:15 pm : link
He just came out with a book called Fairy Tale last year I think. It was pretty interesting. I really liked it. Lots of little allusions to other fairy tales and even his own works throughout.
RE: The Talisman  
John in Loudoun : 9/28/2023 3:15 pm : link
In comment 16223811 HMunster said:
Not horror. More of a fantasy story. Excellent.

One of my favorite books from King. Definitely recommend also.
The Stand  
gary_from_chester : 9/28/2023 3:17 pm : link
Is his best novel IMO. It’s not hardcore horror genre, there are supernatural elements that drive the narrative; a good tale with some vivid characters.
The Eyes of the Dragon  
Enzo : 9/28/2023 3:19 pm : link
It's not scary at all. More of a medieval fantasy novel. I read it years ago and I remember it being pretty good.
I really don't do horror so not much King,  
MOOPS : 9/28/2023 3:26 pm : link
but I'll second or third or whatever we're up to, 11-22-63.
Well worth the read.
Another for 11-22-63.  
Mad Mike : 9/28/2023 3:29 pm : link
I didn't like the very ending, but overall enjoyed it.
The Shining  
JerseyCityJoe : 9/28/2023 3:30 pm : link
Read the book and you'll know why King hated the movie. Very scary.
The Stand  
mikeinbloomfield : 9/28/2023 3:35 pm : link
11/22/63 (excellent)
Dead Zone
Talisman (although I read this when it first came out, forever ago)
Christine (better than you would think, nostalgia for me)
The Body (novella, stand by me was based on this)
The Long Walk (writing as Richard Bachman)
Needful Things

I second Eyes of the Dragon  
widmerseyebrow : 9/28/2023 3:36 pm : link
Also the Running Man  
widmerseyebrow : 9/28/2023 3:37 pm : link
Far superior to the Arnold movie which doesn't have much in common.
Thanks for all the recs  
Essex : 9/28/2023 3:40 pm : link
and i will read anymore that come down.

I think I am going to chose between 11/22/63 and Different Seasons (although the 11/22/63 book is huge!).
RE: The Stand  
Ron from Ninerland : 9/28/2023 3:52 pm : link
In comment 16223818 gary_from_chester said:
Is his best novel IMO. It’s not hardcore horror genre, there are supernatural elements that drive the narrative; a good tale with some vivid characters.
Agree with that. Despite its length I couldn't put this book down. I haven't watched the TV series, but there is so much going on in this story, it would be hard to adapt to series and impossible to adapt into a good movie.
Big fan, this post may get long.  
j_rud : 9/28/2023 3:58 pm : link
First off, whoever said The Dark Tower, yes. It is his magnum opus and roughly half of his works have some sort of connection to it, sometimes direct and meaningful, sometimes something small and oblique. It is 7 main books with 2 side stories. It is a mixture of western, sci-fi, horror, and romanticism. It's one of the greatest stories ever told and it's made a deep and meaningful impact on my life. My son's middle name is Roland. Stand, and be true.

For non horror there are good suggestions here. 11/22/63 is an excellent book. Only thing I'd add here would be Hearts in Atlantis, a collection of 4 connected stories featuring the same characters. Especially if you are old enough to remember the 50s/60s/70s. It's a love letter to that era and while I didn't experience it (born in '82) it's still one of my favorites. Capturing the magic of childhood has always been one of Kings best abilities, and my God does he nail it in this story.

He did a "hardboiled detective" trilogy awhile back, the Bill Hodges trilogy. I enjoyed it, the 2nd book, Finders Keepers, is IMO the best work of his late career. It does veer into fantasy/horror by the 3rd book though, much to my disappointment. Just didn't feel like a natural conclusion.

And look, it's Stephen King, we gotta talk horror. My "cool aunt" got me 'Salems Lot for my 13th birthday and I never looked back, but King is the only horror author I read.

The Shining kept me awake at night. I read that book in 3 days as a kid in junior high bc I was too spooked to go to sleep.

Pet Semetary...used to be myeast favorite of his works. Super disappointed as he said he believes its his scariest book. The problem? I was in college. Didn't have kids. Gave it another shot a few years ago. He's right, it's horrific.

You want a fun read? Check out Revival. He's mining familiar tropes (tragic father, rock music, drug addiction) but let's just say this story is not going where you think it is.

I'll probably have more to say about this when I get
TXRabbit : 9/28/2023 4:02 pm : link
was always a fave.

I enjoyed The Stand although I think Swan Song by McCammon is better
RE: RE: The Stand  
djm : 9/28/2023 4:11 pm : link
In comment 16223846 Ron from Ninerland said:
In comment 16223818 gary_from_chester said:


Is his best novel IMO. It’s not hardcore horror genre, there are supernatural elements that drive the narrative; a good tale with some vivid characters.

Agree with that. Despite its length I couldn't put this book down. I haven't watched the TV series, but there is so much going on in this story, it would be hard to adapt to series and impossible to adapt into a good movie.

Watch the old one, it isn't perfect by any means but it's good fun. The new one on apple+ I believe, is hot garbage.
RE: RE: RE: The Stand  
Jan in DC : 9/28/2023 4:40 pm : link
In comment 16223858 djm said:
In comment 16223846 Ron from Ninerland said:


In comment 16223818 gary_from_chester said:


Is his best novel IMO. It’s not hardcore horror genre, there are supernatural elements that drive the narrative; a good tale with some vivid characters.

Agree with that. Despite its length I couldn't put this book down. I haven't watched the TV series, but there is so much going on in this story, it would be hard to adapt to series and impossible to adapt into a good movie.

Watch the old one, it isn't perfect by any means but it's good fun. The new one on apple+ I believe, is hot garbage.

Think it's on Paramount Plus.
RE: I second Eyes of the Dragon  
Johnny5 : 9/28/2023 4:58 pm : link
In comment 16223839 widmerseyebrow said:

I read it as well. Wasn't at all what I was expecting, but I enjoyed it.
Full Dark No Stars (4 short stories)  
Adam G in Big D : 9/28/2023 5:00 pm : link
It. Long but a page turner.
The Long Walk.
Billy Summers  
Jim in Fairfax : 9/28/2023 5:21 pm : link
Recent King novel about a hit man doing his last job. He only takes jobs to kill “bad” people.

Anyway interesting read I enjoyed.
RE: he has an interesting one I read  
D HOS : 9/28/2023 5:22 pm : link
In comment 16223793 pjcas18 said:
that isn't really horror titled 11/22/63 and it's about a guy who learns he can go through a portal back in time and then is intent on going back to save JFK.

I enjoyed it.

Also, his short story called the Body is the story Stand By Me was based on. I read it as a kid and it was a little deep for a kid but re-read it as an adult and it holds up well. Good read, especially if you liked the movie.

I clicked this thread to recommend 11/22/63 as well. Outstanding book, probably his best.
RE: The Stand  
FranknWeezer : 9/28/2023 5:26 pm : link
In comment 16223818 gary_from_chester said:
Is his best novel IMO. It’s not hardcore horror genre, there are supernatural elements that drive the narrative; a good tale with some vivid characters.

Agree. Read it the summer I turned 21, and to this day it's still the longest book I've ever consumed. Think it was 1256 pages.
Gerald's Game  
FranknWeezer : 9/28/2023 5:27 pm : link
is another one I'd recommend. Super tense but not 'horror.'
I'm a King fan...  
D HOS : 9/28/2023 5:33 pm : link
Essex, you said no horror. Some of these suggestions are good, but are horror.

If you can stand a little horror, then I can't recommend "The Stand" strongly enough. The first version of the movie is also great.

The Bill Hodges trilogy is really good. Really good. And if you like the character from that book, Holly Gibney, she has her own book now, "Holly". I haven't read it yet though. Reviewers have liked it.

That trilogy was adapted to a TV series (1 season) on HBO, "The Outsider". It's really good. I read that it is also adapted to another TV series "Mr Mercedes" which I think is on Hulu or Peacock or both maybe. Did not see that one.

"The Institute" is a really good book, some scary but maybe not "horror".

I really liked "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon". Not horror at all.

When I was a kid I loved listening to baseball on the radio. And I've always been concerned about getting lost in the woods. Both are key parts of that story.

Under the Dome comes to mind.  
Giant John : 9/28/2023 6:05 pm : link
It’s a long story though.
The Stand is my favorite  
tommcd66 : 9/28/2023 6:17 pm : link
1963 was really cool. His recreation of the era is really good. Mercedes killer trilogy, The Institute really good reads.
One of his best books is “On Writing”. It’s split between an autobiography and a guide on writing.
My first book was Cujo and after that made me wary of dogs, I tried Pet Cemetery. - I gave him up for years before a girlfriend raved about The Stand. I read the first edition and then years later the unedited version which I believe is the standard one now, 1000 pages plus.
He is an incredible writer, but everything he writes has that King twist of insanity/horror/beyond human thing etc.
Never really been a fan  
kelsto811 : 9/28/2023 6:37 pm : link
So no SK recommendation.. but if anyone likes reading fantasy, I got absolutely lost in John Gwynn's series The Faithful and The Fallen. One of those that you go so fast through the first 3 books that you find yourself purposely slowing down on the last because you don't want it to end. Would be a perfect one to make into a tv series imo.

One of my all time favorite fantasy reads though is The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss...however, I am convinces he will never finish it so it's a hard one to recommend.
RE: Thanks for all the recs  
D HOS : 9/28/2023 7:14 pm : link
In comment 16223843 Essex said:
and i will read anymore that come down.

I think I am going to chose between 11/22/63 and Different Seasons (although the 11/22/63 book is huge!).

You might consider signing up for a free trial of Audible and getting 63 as an audiobook. It's an amazing experience as a listen. One of the best audiobooks I have heard. And you can listen while you do other things, so easier to access, I think.
RE: Big fan, this post may get long.  
Servo 2.0 : 9/28/2023 7:27 pm : link
In comment 16223852 j_rud said:
First off, whoever said The Dark Tower, yes. It is his magnum opus and roughly half of his works have some sort of connection to it, sometimes direct and meaningful, sometimes something small and oblique. It is 7 main books with 2 side stories. It is a mixture of western, sci-fi, horror, and romanticism. It's one of the greatest stories ever told and it's made a deep and meaningful impact on my life. My son's middle name is Roland. Stand, and be true.

For non horror there are good suggestions here. 11/22/63 is an excellent book. Only thing I'd add here would be Hearts in Atlantis, a collection of 4 connected stories featuring the same characters. Especially if you are old enough to remember the 50s/60s/70s. It's a love letter to that era and while I didn't experience it (born in '82) it's still one of my favorites. Capturing the magic of childhood has always been one of Kings best abilities, and my God does he nail it in this story.

He did a "hardboiled detective" trilogy awhile back, the Bill Hodges trilogy. I enjoyed it, the 2nd book, Finders Keepers, is IMO the best work of his late career. It does veer into fantasy/horror by the 3rd book though, much to my disappointment. Just didn't feel like a natural conclusion.

And look, it's Stephen King, we gotta talk horror. My "cool aunt" got me 'Salems Lot for my 13th birthday and I never looked back, but King is the only horror author I read.

The Shining kept me awake at night. I read that book in 3 days as a kid in junior high bc I was too spooked to go to sleep.

Pet Semetary...used to be myeast favorite of his works. Super disappointed as he said he believes its his scariest book. The problem? I was in college. Didn't have kids. Gave it another shot a few years ago. He's right, it's horrific.

You want a fun read? Check out Revival. He's mining familiar tropes (tragic father, rock music, drug addiction) but let's just say this story is not going where you think it is.

I'll probably have more to say about this when I get

^^This is a great rundown. I cannot overstate the greatness of The Dark Tower.
I don't think you can buy the original Bachman Books anymore with Rage  
Bobby Humphrey's Earpad : 9/28/2023 9:04 pm : link
But the Long Walk and The Running Man are definites.
RE: Tommyknockers  
djm : 9/28/2023 9:06 pm : link
In comment 16223855 TXRabbit said:
was always a fave.

I enjoyed The Stand although I think Swan Song by McCammon is better

Swan song was awesome. I also liked it more than the stand. I should reread it.
The Gunslinget  
Dankbeerman : 9/28/2023 10:03 pm : link
will set you on the right path.

Hearts in Atlantis is great

The Talisman is a fun ride.

the Bill Hodges trilogy is good, and agree with above the 2nd book Finders Keepers is great.

Joyland is one that hasnt been brought up but is an easy read and not horror.
I always recommend Hearts in Atlantis first  
JALAPEN0 : 9/29/2023 12:48 am : link
It's brilliant. Fantastically worded. What everyone already said.

Then definitely 11/22/63. Holy moly.

The poster above with his analysis of Salems Lot and Pet Semetary are spot on.

I LOVED Christine. Probably my number 2 read of his, long but it makes the movie a sin to have even been made.
And I like the movie.
The longer version of  
Scott in Montreal : 9/29/2023 7:33 am : link
The Stand is by far his best book. IMHO
The shorter version is also good but really cuts out a lot of the story that makes it such a great read.

I also enjoyed Misery. Like most of King's books. It was 10X better than the movie.
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