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NFT: Yankees at KC - game one

GeofromNJ : 9/29/2023 8:44 pm
If the Yanks lose all three, they will finish .500. Currently Cashman's blockbuster signing, Rodon, has the Yanks trailing 9-0 after one inning.
Rodon also turned his back on his pitching coach  
bceagle05 : 9/29/2023 8:52 pm : link
on the mound and gestured for him to go back to the dugout. An asshole on top of being a garbage pitcher. He’s gonna be the fans/media whipping boy next season if he doesn’t bounce back.
And the Yankees are trolling us  
bceagle05 : 9/29/2023 8:55 pm : link
with an expected appearance from Frankie Montas this weekend. Just rubbing our noses in how incompetent they’ve been.
mitch300 : 9/29/2023 8:57 pm : link
Defended Rodon this season. He didn’t have any spring trading and probably came back before he was ready. But, not getting an out against the Royals and giving up 8 runs. WOW.
Who’s Fault  
NJLCO : 9/29/2023 8:59 pm : link
Rodon was a top pitcher past 2 years. Comes here and gets hurt and pitches like shit. How does that happen and who’s at fault? Matt Blake and his analytics or Cashman? It’s not Boone. This organization needs an ass flush from top to bottom.
BigBlueShock : 9/29/2023 8:59 pm : link
8 earned runs on 35 pitches? That’s impressive. Zero outs recorded too. Any of us on BBI literally could have done that. Put me in, coach!
as a big Rodon fan from the past  
Rory : 9/29/2023 9:11 pm : link
its pretty obvious he's either working through something or being told to pitch through his rehab/recovery.

He does not look right at all.
RE: And the Yankees are trolling us  
k2tampa : 9/29/2023 9:12 pm : link
In comment 16224885 bceagle05 said:
with an expected appearance from Frankie Montas this weekend. Just rubbing our noses in how incompetent they’ve been.

This is crazy. Misses the whole year. Is a free agent, and they are going to give him a 3-inning audition for every other team that might want him.
Don’t know why I’m still watching but  
bceagle05 : 9/29/2023 9:25 pm : link
Austin Wells just launched a three-run homer. Too bad he ran out of time this season - been swinging the bat well lately.
Having reviewed Rodon's game by game velocity stats  
shyster : 9/30/2023 10:17 am : link
on Statcast, by far the most plausible explanation is: PEDs.

He was simply not the same guy, physically, last night against KC that he was two weeks ago against the Pirates, when he was sitting 98-99.

His velocity in his start against AZ one week ago was a clear notch below the Pirates start and a clear notch above where he was last night.

That's a trend. Cycling off his PEDs would cause such a trend. Injury as an excuse doesn't fit the fact pattern and nobody is hinting at it.

I don't say this as a moral condemnation. PEDs are too effective for players not to use. Usage is everywhere, pitchers and hitters. The testing is not hard to beat.

We could see an effective Rodon next year who looks something like the guy he was two weeks ago. If he wants to take the risk of getting caught, when he already has his last contract and his guaranteed money.
RE: Having reviewed Rodon's game by game velocity stats  
section125 : 9/30/2023 9:26 pm : link
In comment 16225012 shyster said:
on Statcast, by far the most plausible explanation is: PEDs.

He was simply not the same guy, physically, last night against KC that he was two weeks ago against the Pirates, when he was sitting 98-99.

His velocity in his start against AZ one week ago was a clear notch below the Pirates start and a clear notch above where he was last night.

That's a trend. Cycling off his PEDs would cause such a trend. Injury as an excuse doesn't fit the fact pattern and nobody is hinting at it.

FWIW, he has been on and off all the time. That is not PEDs and that is not a symptom of PEDs. That is symptom of bad mechanics. It is also a symptom of lack of confidence in his stuff, he is not letting it go.
I’ve only caught a few innings of tonight’s game  
bceagle05 : 9/30/2023 9:56 pm : link
but it was nice to hear Coney refer to Michael King as a “young ace in the making.” He’s a big fan.
RE: I’ve only caught a few innings of tonight’s game  
section125 : 9/30/2023 10:09 pm : link
In comment 16225542 bceagle05 said:
but it was nice to hear Coney refer to Michael King as a “young ace in the making.” He’s a big fan.

KIng has great stuff, lots of movement. Weissert has lots of movement too. Could be a nice BP piece.
31st straight  
section125 : 9/30/2023 10:16 pm : link
winning seasons. Small solice I know.
Frankie Montas picks up the win  
bceagle05 : 9/30/2023 10:24 pm : link
in his only appearance this season. What an insane year.
GruningsOnTheHill : 9/30/2023 11:45 pm : link
the guy was throwing whiffle balls out there like I haven't seen since Jeff Nelson.

Great win, and an amazing final month of these season by all these young guys they called up; despite nearly every one of them batting .200, they managed to come back from 5 or 6 games under .500 to keep the streak alive.

Their starting pitching looks pretty good, but thee will be many other issues to address in the offseason.
RE: Weissert  
section125 : 10/1/2023 5:39 am : link
In comment 16225619 GruningsOnTheHill said:
the guy was throwing whiffle balls out there like I haven't seen since Jeff Nelson.

Great win, and an amazing final month of these season by all these young guys they called up; despite nearly every one of them batting .200, they managed to come back from 5 or 6 games under .500 to keep the streak alive.

Their starting pitching looks pretty good, but thee will be many other issues to address in the offseason.

Should lead to a pretty decent post mortem thread somewhere in the near future. Likely to be "spirited."
Aaaand the season ends at 82-80.  
bceagle05 : 10/1/2023 6:17 pm : link
Reports indicate Cash and Boone have asked Sean Casey to stick around, in case anyone was under the illusion Cash or Boone were in trouble.

Judge, to his credit, has had a lot to say in recent days about changes needed on the analytics side of things - which numbers are emphasized and which aren’t.
RE: Aaaand the season ends at 82-80.  
section125 : 10/1/2023 6:40 pm : link
In comment 16226325 bceagle05 said:
Reports indicate Cash and Boone have asked Sean Casey to stick around, in case anyone was under the illusion Cash or Boone were in trouble.

Judge, to his credit, has had a lot to say in recent days about changes needed on the analytics side of things - which numbers are emphasized and which aren’t.

Started to watch the game, saw Judge out and opted out. They chose not to win today.
Casey is ok. I wonder what the new manager will want?
RE: RE: Aaaand the season ends at 82-80.  
rnargi : 10/1/2023 7:18 pm : link
In comment 16226362 section125 said:
In comment 16226325 bceagle05 said:


Reports indicate Cash and Boone have asked Sean Casey to stick around, in case anyone was under the illusion Cash or Boone were in trouble.

Judge, to his credit, has had a lot to say in recent days about changes needed on the analytics side of things - which numbers are emphasized and which aren’t.

Started to watch the game, saw Judge out and opted out. They chose not to win today.
Casey is ok. I wonder what the new manager will want?

Nothing is going to new GM, no new manager. They're gonna throw some sacrificial lamb to those with blood lust. They'll say they did a thorough top to bottom analysis and found some places to tweak, but no major changes were needed. The team will come back constructed much the same as it is now, blaming this season on injuries and bad luck. Stanton, Torrez, LeMay, Higgy, etc will all be back. Still won't have a legit LF, SS, 2B, or 3B due to logjams a d pig headedness. Rodon, Montas, Schmidt, and Cortez will be back and every one of them will end up on the IL at some point. Cole should opt out if he wants to be on a winner. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
GruningsOnTheHill : 10/1/2023 7:28 pm : link
The O's, Rays, and Blue Jays are going to be good for a long time. Each of the other four teams in the AL East has a better front office than the Yankees, and three of the teams have a manager who's clearly better than Boone.

It's easy to pile on Cashman, but the Montas and Gallo trades are truly fireable offenses. Outside of the starting pitching, which I think looks pretty good, the team has a ton of holes to fill and little/nothing of trade value to offer at this juncture.

Should be an interesting offseason.
RE: RE: RE: Aaaand the season ends at 82-80.  
section125 : 10/1/2023 7:47 pm : link
In comment 16226421 rnargi said:
In comment 16226362 section125 said:


In comment 16226325 bceagle05 said:


Reports indicate Cash and Boone have asked Sean Casey to stick around, in case anyone was under the illusion Cash or Boone were in trouble.

Judge, to his credit, has had a lot to say in recent days about changes needed on the analytics side of things - which numbers are emphasized and which aren’t.

Started to watch the game, saw Judge out and opted out. They chose not to win today.
Casey is ok. I wonder what the new manager will want?

Nothing is going to new GM, no new manager. They're gonna throw some sacrificial lamb to those with blood lust. They'll say they did a thorough top to bottom analysis and found some places to tweak, but no major changes were needed. The team will come back constructed much the same as it is now, blaming this season on injuries and bad luck. Stanton, Torrez, LeMay, Higgy, etc will all be back. Still won't have a legit LF, SS, 2B, or 3B due to logjams a d pig headedness. Rodon, Montas, Schmidt, and Cortez will be back and every one of them will end up on the IL at some point. Cole should opt out if he wants to be on a winner. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Montas is a FA.

Rodon at least can be a good pitcher. But not for $162 mill.

Schmidt was basically an ironman that was the only reliable starter after Cole(big drop off). He is basically a #5, true, but he showed improvement through the year.

I think Cortes would be better out of the pen taking Wandy Peralta's spot as the high leverage reliever. He is fearless on the mound. He has been overthrowing to be effective as a starter. I think he would last longer(less injuries) with limited innings.

Torres is infuriating because he is a good player that loses focus to easily. Was their 2nd best hitter to Judge and made better contact, IIRC. I am on the fence with him because of his lapses.

I'd let Stanton go, if a trade cannot be made even eating a lot of the salary if traded. He eats a spot on that bench that can be used for a two way bench player and his production does not warranted his contract.

They should have never signed DJLM to that huge contract, but it is not the worst signing. He is a good fielder and I think can still be a decent hitter.

Volpe isn't a legit SS? How about Peraza? Both are good fielders and Volpe has some pop, but has to be better at the plate. Same with Peraza. They need a better batting coach and a change of philosophy at the plate. Both should be line drive hitters that can be in the 15-20 HR range.

If there was a logjam at those positions that means that they have several people for those positions. They have a logjam at 2nd maybe.

I agree with you in principle about the FO not changing, which will mean little improvement. I agree they need to improve the quality of player at a few positions. But mostly they need a change in philosophy at the plate.

From what I see Florial is not the answer in CF. No HRs from a guy his size. Looks mechanical at the plate. I would look at him in ST, but he is just another AAAA player that they seem to be attracted to.

But this discussion should be saved for its own off season thread.
Curry just said on YES he expects Boone and Cashman to be back.  
Jim in Hoboken : 10/1/2023 8:07 pm : link
He doesn't think the Yanks will be in play for Ohtani, Soto or Bellinger. He does think Yamamoto is a target.

Oh boy.
RE: Curry just said on YES he expects Boone and Cashman to be back.  
section125 : 10/1/2023 8:10 pm : link
In comment 16226472 Jim in Hoboken said:
He doesn't think the Yanks will be in play for Ohtani, Soto or Bellinger. He does think Yamamoto is a target.

Oh boy.

Shocking on Cash and Boone! I'd pass on those three and look into Yamamoto.
RE: Curry just said on YES he expects Boone and Cashman to be back.  
The_Boss : 10/1/2023 8:14 pm : link
In comment 16226472 Jim in Hoboken said:
He doesn't think the Yanks will be in play for Ohtani, Soto or Bellinger. He does think Yamamoto is a target.

Oh boy.

Soto would be a great add in LF.
Hard to tell what the Yankees will do  
bceagle05 : 10/1/2023 8:18 pm : link
because we’ve never seen them react to a season quite as disappointing as this one. I think there’s gonna be a couple of “wow” moments - trading Gleyber, releasing Stanton, making a run at Soto - LF and starting pitching at the very least have to be bolstered. Beyond that I’m OK with a mini youth movement.
RE: RE: Curry just said on YES he expects Boone and Cashman to be back.  
bceagle05 : 10/1/2023 8:19 pm : link
In comment 16226478 The_Boss said:
Soto would be a great add in LF.

I’d be all in on him via trade this offseason or FA next offseason. I hope he doesn’t sign an extension with San Diego.
RE: RE: RE: RE: Aaaand the season ends at 82-80.  
rnargi : 10/1/2023 9:34 pm : link
In comment 16226452 section125 said:
In comment 16226421 rnargi said:


In comment 16226362 section125 said:


In comment 16226325 bceagle05 said:


Reports indicate Cash and Boone have asked Sean Casey to stick around, in case anyone was under the illusion Cash or Boone were in trouble.

Judge, to his credit, has had a lot to say in recent days about changes needed on the analytics side of things - which numbers are emphasized and which aren’t.

Started to watch the game, saw Judge out and opted out. They chose not to win today.
Casey is ok. I wonder what the new manager will want?

Nothing is going to new GM, no new manager. They're gonna throw some sacrificial lamb to those with blood lust. They'll say they did a thorough top to bottom analysis and found some places to tweak, but no major changes were needed. The team will come back constructed much the same as it is now, blaming this season on injuries and bad luck. Stanton, Torrez, LeMay, Higgy, etc will all be back. Still won't have a legit LF, SS, 2B, or 3B due to logjams a d pig headedness. Rodon, Montas, Schmidt, and Cortez will be back and every one of them will end up on the IL at some point. Cole should opt out if he wants to be on a winner. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Montas is a FA.

Rodon at least can be a good pitcher. But not for $162 mill.

Schmidt was basically an ironman that was the only reliable starter after Cole(big drop off). He is basically a #5, true, but he showed improvement through the year.

I think Cortes would be better out of the pen taking Wandy Peralta's spot as the high leverage reliever. He is fearless on the mound. He has been overthrowing to be effective as a starter. I think he would last longer(less injuries) with limited innings.

Torres is infuriating because he is a good player that loses focus to easily. Was their 2nd best hitter to Judge and made better contact, IIRC. I am on the fence with him because of his lapses.

I'd let Stanton go, if a trade cannot be made even eating a lot of the salary if traded. He eats a spot on that bench that can be used for a two way bench player and his production does not warranted his contract.

They should have never signed DJLM to that huge contract, but it is not the worst signing. He is a good fielder and I think can still be a decent hitter.

Volpe isn't a legit SS? How about Peraza? Both are good fielders and Volpe has some pop, but has to be better at the plate. Same with Peraza. They need a better batting coach and a change of philosophy at the plate. Both should be line drive hitters that can be in the 15-20 HR range.

If there was a logjam at those positions that means that they have several people for those positions. They have a logjam at 2nd maybe.

I agree with you in principle about the FO not changing, which will mean little improvement. I agree they need to improve the quality of player at a few positions. But mostly they need a change in philosophy at the plate.

From what I see Florial is not the answer in CF. No HRs from a guy his size. Looks mechanical at the plate. I would look at him in ST, but he is just another AAAA player that they seem to be attracted to.

But this discussion should be saved for its own off season thread.

In my world, Volpe is the 2b and Peraza is SS. That's just how it should be but the pigheadedness of this team to shoehorn Volpe as the defacto SS and having to keep Torrez at 2b is mind numbing to me. That's what I mean about a logjam. Volpe and Peraza are out of position, IMHO.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Aaaand the season ends at 82-80.  
Matt M. : 10/2/2023 2:51 am : link
In comment 16226611 rnargi said:
In comment 16226452 section125 said:


In comment 16226421 rnargi said:


In comment 16226362 section125 said:


In comment 16226325 bceagle05 said:


Reports indicate Cash and Boone have asked Sean Casey to stick around, in case anyone was under the illusion Cash or Boone were in trouble.

Judge, to his credit, has had a lot to say in recent days about changes needed on the analytics side of things - which numbers are emphasized and which aren’t.

Started to watch the game, saw Judge out and opted out. They chose not to win today.
Casey is ok. I wonder what the new manager will want?

Nothing is going to new GM, no new manager. They're gonna throw some sacrificial lamb to those with blood lust. They'll say they did a thorough top to bottom analysis and found some places to tweak, but no major changes were needed. The team will come back constructed much the same as it is now, blaming this season on injuries and bad luck. Stanton, Torrez, LeMay, Higgy, etc will all be back. Still won't have a legit LF, SS, 2B, or 3B due to logjams a d pig headedness. Rodon, Montas, Schmidt, and Cortez will be back and every one of them will end up on the IL at some point. Cole should opt out if he wants to be on a winner. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

Montas is a FA.

Rodon at least can be a good pitcher. But not for $162 mill.

Schmidt was basically an ironman that was the only reliable starter after Cole(big drop off). He is basically a #5, true, but he showed improvement through the year.

I think Cortes would be better out of the pen taking Wandy Peralta's spot as the high leverage reliever. He is fearless on the mound. He has been overthrowing to be effective as a starter. I think he would last longer(less injuries) with limited innings.

Torres is infuriating because he is a good player that loses focus to easily. Was their 2nd best hitter to Judge and made better contact, IIRC. I am on the fence with him because of his lapses.

I'd let Stanton go, if a trade cannot be made even eating a lot of the salary if traded. He eats a spot on that bench that can be used for a two way bench player and his production does not warranted his contract.

They should have never signed DJLM to that huge contract, but it is not the worst signing. He is a good fielder and I think can still be a decent hitter.

Volpe isn't a legit SS? How about Peraza? Both are good fielders and Volpe has some pop, but has to be better at the plate. Same with Peraza. They need a better batting coach and a change of philosophy at the plate. Both should be line drive hitters that can be in the 15-20 HR range.

If there was a logjam at those positions that means that they have several people for those positions. They have a logjam at 2nd maybe.

I agree with you in principle about the FO not changing, which will mean little improvement. I agree they need to improve the quality of player at a few positions. But mostly they need a change in philosophy at the plate.

From what I see Florial is not the answer in CF. No HRs from a guy his size. Looks mechanical at the plate. I would look at him in ST, but he is just another AAAA player that they seem to be attracted to.

But this discussion should be saved for its own off season thread.

In my world, Volpe is the 2b and Peraza is SS. That's just how it should be but the pigheadedness of this team to shoehorn Volpe as the defacto SS and having to keep Torrez at 2b is mind numbing to me. That's what I mean about a logjam. Volpe and Peraza are out of position, IMHO.
I agree. At the very least, Peraza at SS and Volpe at 3B. But, I'm with you, especially since they could still get a return on Torres.

That said, Peraza didn't help his cause by not hitting during this last month.
RE: Aaaand the season ends at 82-80.  
section125 : 10/2/2023 5:42 am : link
In comment 16226611 rnargi said:

In my world, Volpe is the 2b and Peraza is SS. That's just how it should be but the pigheadedness of this team to shoehorn Volpe as the defacto SS and having to keep Torrez at 2b is mind numbing to me. That's what I mean about a logjam. Volpe and Peraza are out of position, IMHO.

Ideally Peraza should be SS, but Volpe did nothing wrong at SS that precludes him from staying there. Perhaps Peraza at 3B. Not sure Peraza is that much better with the glove. The question remains, why did Volpe win the SS job after ST if Peraza is going to be better? The Yankees could have flipped the script with Peraza in the Bronx and Volpe in SWB. I don't know why they chose Volpe.

You could do a lot worse than Torres at 2B. He has a productive bat and I think he still can be better. If you move Volpe to 2B, you lose a huge amount of offense. Torres was one the few reliable bats in the lineup. (If they did move on him from him I would not mind, either. I'm not wedded to him)

It really is not a logjam. You can move people to get them in the lineup, because there isn't a 3B right now. DJLM can be the backup at 3 IF positions and Peraza can put time in at SS.

I think the biggest thing they can do is move on from Stanton. Torres had more HRs and could very well be the DH. But there is just something wrong woth their philosophy at the plate that needs to be changed.
Peraza at SS and Volpe starting the season in SWB was Plan A  
shyster : 10/2/2023 6:33 am : link
going into spring training.

Peraza lost out on the job because he hit .190 in 42 spring training at bats, with little power, while Volpe was much better.

Peraza's ST performance turned out to be exactly predictive of his MLB regular season performance and his woeful .191/.267/.272 slash line.

Peraza has stayed in the lineup because the season was lost and they might as well take a look at him. But he hasn't hit nearly well enough to earn being a major league starter, and there is no good reason to consider moving Volpe around to accommodate him as long as that is the case.

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