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AROCK1000 : 11/13/2023 7:42 pm
All deserve to be back next year
OL and ST coaches had better be fired once the season ends.
Not much else really to say on that.
Daboll won't be fired  
Jay on the Island : 11/13/2023 7:46 pm : link
Unless something controversial happens off the field.

I would replace McGaughey and Bobby Johnson. I would also sign Andre Patterson to a long term extension as DL coach.

I really didn't want Wink to leave for a HC job last year but this year I feel differently. There should be some good options available to replace him if he leaves.
Kafka can  
section125 : 11/13/2023 7:48 pm : link
go to, IMHO.
I’m curious … what has Kafka done that makes you believe he should  
Spider56 : 11/13/2023 7:48 pm : link
be brought back?
Our offense last year seemed to have so much  
Blue21 : 11/13/2023 8:14 pm : link
More imagination. And I m not talking trick plays . This year I could swear Garrett was our OC again.
I used to think it would be  
Bill in UT : 11/13/2023 8:22 pm : link
devastating to lose Wink, but now I would probably prefer he be gone. I think his scheme with just 2 down linemen is awful. His man corners either give too much space or don't jam at the line, and his blitzes are not getting home. Unless this offense is just beyond help, I can't see what Kafka's doing to make it better. His playcalling is often ridiculously conservative.
They all coached to lose this season  
thrunthrublue : 11/13/2023 8:26 pm : link
You are, what your record says you are. (Courtesy of Coach Parcells)
AROCK1000 : 11/13/2023 8:28 pm : link
Has earned another year with a OL and QB1.
Does anyone think some other OC could do better?
When we have no QB the other team just loads the box and takes away Saquon.
What would you do differently as OC given our injury plagued season????
Giantophile : 11/13/2023 10:15 pm : link
and his shitty calls can get the F out of here. I'd like to keep Wink.

Mcgaughey getting fired shouldn't even be a question. Same for Johnson
Sec_149 : 11/14/2023 7:57 am : link
I would fire Johnson during the bye week, no question.
Not sure why you would give Daboll a pass  
SLIM_ : 11/14/2023 8:28 am : link
but not Kafka. It's their offense.

I think they both should get a pass but all for new blood at OL and Special teams coaching.
Dont know if it means Kaffka is gone  
Dankbeerman : 11/14/2023 8:57 am : link
But Daboll will need to take over the offense more going forward. He is going to be on the hot seat to start the year next year. He needs to lean in and take control weather it is as play caller or full on OC.
I’m neutral on Kafka coming back.  
Section331 : 11/14/2023 9:34 am : link
It’s Daboll’s offense, and Daboll is almost certainly intimately involved in game planning. How much of the offensive dysfunction is Kafka’s fault? If we believe Caboll should be back because he’s been saddled with an UDFA rookie QB and an atrocious OL, why doesn’t Kafka get the same benefit?

That said, I don’t know what qualities Kafka brings to the table. What I am almost certain of is whomever Daboll bring in as OC, the offense is still going to have his imprint on it, and it should. That is why he is the HC.
#1 guy on hot seat has got to be Johnson......  
Simms11 : 11/14/2023 10:29 am : link
Oline is abysmal and has been all year. Has anyone seen development from any of these players? Sure injuries screw with cohesion and chemistry, but that’s the challenge of the Oline Coach. Every team deals with it and the Giants have not done a very good job of handling adversity.
Get rid  
TinVA : 11/14/2023 12:54 pm : link
Of them all. Not one single coach on this staff deserves to have a job in 2024. This is an embarrassing mess. Better coaches would produce a better outcome on the field, I have no doubt.
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