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NGT: Broncos caught cheating?

bigblue12 : 11/14/2023 3:39 pm
Isn’t that our old friend Riley Dixon?
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Michael Pineda approves  
Greg from LI : 11/14/2023 3:42 pm : link
Sean Payton would never color outside the lines!  
bceagle05 : 11/14/2023 3:43 pm : link
This one seems mild though.
bw in dc : 11/14/2023 3:45 pm : link
I've always thought it was funny how Brett exploded out of the dugout  
Greg from LI : 11/14/2023 3:46 pm : link
like a maniac and Tim McClelland just calmly stands there, doesn't even back up.
McClellan was a giant of the time  
JonC : 11/14/2023 3:47 pm : link
and he had a bat in his hand, lol.
RE: I've always thought it was funny how Brett exploded out of the dugout  
BillKo : 11/14/2023 3:54 pm : link
In comment 16289299 Greg from LI said:
like a maniac and Tim McClelland just calmly stands there, doesn't even back up.

Does that ever bring back memories!!!
Didn't help him on their last PAT.  
81_Great_Dane : 11/14/2023 3:59 pm : link
Could be?  
nochance : 11/14/2023 4:06 pm : link
Maybe he wiped and forgot to wash up!
Turf burn from his dropped snap goofy scramble  
NorcalNYG : 11/14/2023 4:10 pm : link
RE: Go...  
JohnG in Albany : 11/14/2023 4:12 pm : link
In comment 16289298 bw in dc said:

I'm a Cardinals fan but always loved the way Brett played, not to mention that he seems like a pretty damn funny dude.

And that was one of the best reactions ever to an official's call in any sport.
RE: RE: I've always thought it was funny how Brett exploded out of the dugout  
djm : 11/14/2023 5:46 pm : link
In comment 16289319 BillKo said:
In comment 16289299 Greg from LI said:


like a maniac and Tim McClelland just calmly stands there, doesn't even back up.

Does that ever bring back memories!!!

I remember Brett saying he told the guy next to him in the dugout, if they call me out here for pine tar I am going to kill the umpire. Looks like he meant it...
If you look someone gets a punch to the face in  
Poktown Pete : 11/15/2023 9:10 am : link
on Brett. One of the umpires, but can't see exactly which one.

An illegal bat is an illegal bat. That the commissioner's office later overturned him being called out was wrong.

Of course, there were rumors that Nettles bat was hollowed out and filled with super balls too. True or not, who knows.
Blueworm : 11/15/2023 10:17 am : link
Or Second Skin?

Nothing to see here.
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