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NFT: Question regarding selling something to a friend

DC Gmen Fan : 11/15/2023 9:34 am
Stupid etiquette question here - I have bowflex selectech 552 dumbbells I bought a year or so ago for 450. I just bought a full dumbbell set since i have more room now. I want to sell the 552s and was going to list on Craigslist for 300ish.

I know my best friend is looking for something similar. I would prefer to sell to him, but is it a dick move to not just give them to him? Should I maybe ask $200 to help recoop some cost?

Not a dick move  
Bold Ruler : Mod : 11/15/2023 9:38 am : link
I would offer you just bought them for $450, and to ask him to throw you a price and you're not looking for top dollar. Everyone wins.
If it's me  
pjcas18 : 11/15/2023 9:42 am : link
it depends on two things:

1. Do I desperately need the $200
2. How much do I like the friend

I would probably just give the weights to my friend in almost any circumstance unless for some reason I was desperate for the $200 and/or the "friend" was more acquaintance than actual friend.
Not a dick move and  
section125 : 11/15/2023 9:42 am : link
if my friend offered me the set for $200, I'd say thanks.
Not a dick move at all  
Tuckrule : 11/15/2023 9:48 am : link
Your friend should pay what it cost not look for a handout. He should happily pay it
Route 9 : 11/15/2023 9:53 am : link
As I inch closer to 40, I realize that the most annoying people I've known and most of the annoying interactions in life I've dealt with were with friends/family.

If he gets offended, who gives a fuck?
If you’re looking to sell, and he’s looking to buy,  
Section331 : 11/15/2023 9:59 am : link
I don’t see why you should feel the need to just give them to him. You paid good money for them, negotiate a price you can both agree to.
I don’t do business with friends and family.  
DonQuixote : 11/15/2023 10:21 am : link
I agree with most that you are not being a dick if you both like the deal, but I would just give it to him.

Rather than have some potential awkwardness about price, among friends, you are doing something really nice for a friend and that is worth more than $200.
I would tell my friend that even though I paid some coin for the  
GiantBlue : 11/15/2023 10:53 am : link
weight set, our friendship is worth way more than that.

If you ever need anything in the future, I bet he is one friend you can count on to help you out of a scrape.

My father used to tell me you can't buy friends, but you can invest in them.
Vin R : 11/15/2023 10:55 am : link
Best friend: I would just give them to him - he probably would do something nice for you down the line

Friend: $200
I'd just give it to him.  
aimrocky : 11/15/2023 11:05 am : link
I have a hard time taking money from friends and family unless it's defined as a transaction. for example I buy tickets for a group and everyone re-imburses me for their portion.

I had a similar situation a few months ago. I had a malfunctioning 7.1 channel AV Receiver, that I believe could be fixed. Instead of fixing it, I upgraded to an 11.1 channel receiver, although I planned on keeping the old receiver as a backup.

My brother in law is re-doing his basement and needed to upgrade his receiver. He's an engineer and works with folks who may be able to fix the receiver, so he offered me $100 for it. Since I planned on keeping it, I took his offer, although he hasn't actually paid it to me. I'm not planning on breaking any bones if he doesn't. If he can fix it and I can watch games at his house in better quality, then I'm happy.
I'd Sell it to Your Friend for $100  
Jim in Tampa : 11/15/2023 12:00 pm : link
Then give that $100 to pjcas' trash guy as a tip.

Everybody wins!
djm : 11/15/2023 12:26 pm : link
a gallon of fucking milk is like 10 bucks. Eggs are like 5 bucks.

Sell them.
while we're at it  
djm : 11/15/2023 12:30 pm : link
since when did Brisket cost so much fucking money? It's a tougher piece of meat and one that always was cheaper because you had to smoke the shit out of it and cook it slowly for 1-2 hours per pound. It aint a plug and play meat, thus it was always was a more affordable choice. Not anymore Now that every swinging dick wants to be the cool BBQ guy (myself included) and smoke the brisket and be able to brag to friends, that shit is through the roof too. Granted the butcher cuts are choice and more expensive but 80 bux for a 5lb brisket? Even store prices are way higher.

This shit sucks.

It's not a dick move  
widmerseyebrow : 11/15/2023 12:42 pm : link
Giving it to him would be very generous of you, but if he's somehow offended that you're "only" giving him a big discount and not giving it to him for free then he's not really your friend.
List it  
upnyg : 11/15/2023 1:52 pm : link
on CL or Facebook Marketplace for $500, then send the link to your friend and say "its yours for free if you want it"
Give them away  
haper : 11/15/2023 4:55 pm : link
If you're not willing to give them to your friend for free then sell them to a stranger bc these deals with friends rarely work out.
Why not just simply ask him?  
steve in ky : 11/15/2023 5:35 pm : link
Tell him you are getting rid of them and ask if he wants them? Tell him you have no idea what a used set it worth and he can pay you whatever he thinks is fair. And I wouldn’t mention what you paid as the only puts him on the spot. Act like selling it on Craigslist would be a hassle and he’d be doing you a favor taking them off your hand.

You make him feel good, and also give him the opportunity of paying something rather than awkwardly accepting it for free. Win-win as he gets a great deal he feels good about and you get something in return while also helping out a friend
Organize a night out  
56n11bestever : 11/15/2023 6:20 pm : link
Give it to your friend and then go out and do something fun. He pays that tab.
I always worry about money with good friends what if it breaks I don’t want a good friendship to go south over 200 bucks
RE: .  
UConn4523 : 11/15/2023 6:33 pm : link
In comment 16289966 Vin R said:
Best friend: I would just give them to him - he probably would do something nice for you down the line

Friend: $200

Agree with this. One of my long time friends I’ll do that kind of favor for. Someone I’m cool with but not really close to, give to at a discount.

Also, good to see you back. Hop on the next movie thread.
I've bought and sold a lot of music gear over the years,  
Del Shofner : 11/15/2023 7:28 pm : link
including selling gear to friends. None of my friends expect me to give them gear for free. They would actually be uncomfortable with that. I give them a friends discount which they appreciate, but I get a reasonable amount. Not top dollar, but they're my friends so there's that. It's used music gear so you're not going to get retail anyway, but I give them 25-30% off what I think I could get for it on the used market. It does save you the trouble of having to list it for sale, etc., so there's that too.
RE: RE: .  
Vin R : 11/16/2023 12:09 pm : link
In comment 16290589 UConn4523 said:
In comment 16289966 Vin R said:


Best friend: I would just give them to him - he probably would do something nice for you down the line

Friend: $200

Agree with this. One of my long time friends I’ll do that kind of favor for. Someone I’m cool with but not really close to, give to at a discount.

Also, good to see you back. Hop on the next movie thread.

Thanks UConn! Hope all is well!
Thanks guys  
DC Gmen Fan : 11/16/2023 8:35 pm : link
I told him I was going to sell on CL but didn't feel like the hassel so if they were going to a good home I'd sell them to him. As asked for how much and I just said for a steak dinner and a fun night out.

I guess I probably could have asked for money but he is like a brother and I would have felt weird making a transaction.

Thanks for all the advice.
Worked out even better  
Vin R : 11/16/2023 8:51 pm : link
Tell him  
Bubba : 11/17/2023 7:15 am : link
"before I list them I want to give you first shot. Was going to ask $300" see what he says.
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