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As of November 15, who do you want to take if we had the #1

Anakim : 11/15/2023 9:52 am
overall pick:

A) QB Caleb Williams - USC
B) QB Drake Maye - UNC
C) QB Jayden Daniels - LSU
D) WR Marvin Harrison Jr. - Ohio State
E) Other (including trading down)

For me, as of today, it's B
Drake Maye  
Jints in Carolina : 11/15/2023 9:53 am : link
It's still Maye for me  
JonC : 11/15/2023 9:53 am : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/15/2023 9:56 am : link
Maye just feels like a Giants pick. Also the dude I want.
Drake Maye  
Vin R : 11/15/2023 9:56 am : link
Jayden Daniels, IMO, is the best player, but if we could trade down  
Ira : 11/15/2023 9:58 am : link
and get him, that would be even better.
Williams by a nose  
PhilSimms15 : 11/15/2023 9:58 am : link
But Maye would still be a great pick.
RE: Drake Maye  
Anakim : 11/15/2023 9:59 am : link
In comment 16289856 Vin R said:

Welcome back!!!
Dammit I really wanted Jones to work out  
BlueManCrew : 11/15/2023 9:59 am : link
Build around him and shut the haters up. But it’s time to let go of that dream. Drake Maye
Go Terps : 11/15/2023 9:59 am : link
I'll put in a vote for Daniels, but I'd be more than fine with Maye as well.
Any one of the  
section125 : 11/15/2023 9:59 am : link
top 10 QBs in the draft. Any one would be a huge upgrade.
Thank you!  
Vin R : 11/15/2023 9:59 am : link
How about Marvin Harrison Jr and Bo Nix?  
Jints in Carolina : 11/15/2023 10:02 am : link
Drake Maye  
Tom in NY : 11/15/2023 10:03 am : link
The kid is everything you want in an NFL QB.

I also will not be upset if they choose Williams, but to me it's:

1. Maye
1B. Williams
3. Daniels

All others (Nix, Penix, McCarthy, Ward) look like very late 1st or 2nd rounders....not difference makers in the NFL.
Maye for me  
beatrixkiddo : 11/15/2023 10:03 am : link
I just feel he has the least likelihood of busting from the rest. Kid fits the mold of a prototypical NFL QB. Hope we get him
I'm team Harrison, and trading back into first round if need be.  
barens : 11/15/2023 10:06 am : link
Tho, I think we'll have to see which QB's decide to go back to school.
I'm hearing Ewers and McCarthy maybe be going back for their senior years.

I just have a hard time thinking Maye is going to be this transcendent player, whereas Harrison, I don't think there is any doubt.
It's close, but I'd take  
logman : 11/15/2023 10:09 am : link
Drake Maye.
As of now I go with Maye or Williams.  
ThomasG : 11/15/2023 10:10 am : link
Not sure who is still on LSU's remaining schedule, but if I see another performance like he had versus highly ranked Alabama then Daniels would move to the top of list.
RE: How about Marvin Harrison Jr and Bo Nix?  
barens : 11/15/2023 10:11 am : link
In comment 16289872 Jints in Carolina said:

Sounds really great to me!
What do the BBI  
section125 : 11/15/2023 10:13 am : link
QB gurus think about Jordan Travis of FSU? Not a 1st rounder, but has had really good numbers for 2 years now.

He looks a little frail in build but seems to be able to take a hit well. Can move. 64% comp percentage for 2 years. He does win and he does seem to put up in crunch time.

I am guessing late 2nd, early 3rd round.
A) QB Caleb Williams - USC  
M.S. : 11/15/2023 10:14 am : link

Thank you very much.
Caleb Williams  
cjac : 11/15/2023 10:14 am : link
Maybe that changes after the season but he seems like the clear cut top pick.
Drake Maye  
Tuckrule : 11/15/2023 10:15 am : link
Caleb has a lot of the Kyler Murray personality. Arm talent is insane but his body type and fear of contact and hero ball play in college won’t translate to the pros. His athleticism in college won’t translate to scrambling at the nfl level
g56blue10 : 11/15/2023 10:22 am : link
Maye’s due to his size and some of Williams comments like wanting ownership stakes if drafted. Not 100% definite on 1 of the top 3 though
Williams doesn't have the maturity nor the mental toughness to handle  
hyadoin : 11/15/2023 10:24 am : link
NY or the NY Media.

He might be the most exciting QB prospect ever... But has too many red flags for this team to risk taking him.
Suppose, instead ...  
BronxBob : 11/15/2023 10:28 am : link
we had the No. 3 and Williams (only of the "top" 3 QBs) and Harrison, Jr. were still there. Then what do we do?

I can't read all the QB threads, so feel free to ignore this if it's already been hashed out ... or is just Millering this thread.
I don't want Williams at all.  
LauderdaleMatty : 11/15/2023 10:30 am : link
Talent isn't the issue. Maye or Harrison is be more than happy with
RomanWH : 11/15/2023 10:31 am : link
I think JDaniels draft stock will continue to rise between now and draft day.

He's showing that he can be a playmaker both with his arm and legs. Plus that lightning quick release and the frame to add some muscle.
I might flip flop  
djm : 11/15/2023 10:32 am : link
but I still think it's QB Caleb Williams - USC. He's the biggest talent.
Williams probably the most gifted  
UConn4523 : 11/15/2023 10:34 am : link
but I have concerns on his mental makeup. Not sure I trust him in NY. So I’m in the Maye or Daniels camp.
RE: Williams doesn't have the maturity nor the mental toughness to handle  
djm : 11/15/2023 10:35 am : link
In comment 16289914 hyadoin said:
NY or the NY Media.

He might be the most exciting QB prospect ever... But has too many red flags for this team to risk taking him.

Respectfully, every media in every town for every NFL franchise is going to be intense. Don't let that be the reason you don't pick him.

Williams doesn't have to beat the NY media. He just has to win. Talent and passion we need. Media savy won't matter if he sucks here. And it won't matter if he wins.

Maye first  
gary_from_chester : 11/15/2023 10:35 am : link
Daniels second.

After that, trade down for more assets if possible while targeting McCarthy, then Penix.
RE: RE: How about Marvin Harrison Jr and Bo Nix?  
PatersonPlank : 11/15/2023 10:36 am : link
In comment 16289885 barens said:
In comment 16289872 Jints in Carolina said:



Sounds really great to me!

This would be hard to pass up. I don't get the Nix dislike here, he is looking very good.
AcidTest : 11/15/2023 10:38 am : link
Williams probably has a somewhat higher ceiling, but also a lower floor. Maye's throws are effortless. I get the Herbert/Allen comparisons, but his throwing motion actually reminds me a little of Phillip Rivers. It's a little off to the side. It's not quite completely overhead. The way he flicks the ball with his wrist on many throws also reminds me of Dan Marino.
I can live with...  
bw in dc : 11/15/2023 10:44 am : link
any of the big three - Daniels, CW, Maye.

But Daniels has everything except a fully developed body. And he should be able to add bulk over time.

He's the most dynamic dual threat prospect since LJax. Plus, he's got a more developed stroke.

What's not to like?
-- very good arm
-- great release
-- great acceleration
-- great speed
-- great poise
-- 30+ starts
-- SEC
-- great performances against big brands

Right now Maybe.  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/15/2023 10:49 am : link
But it's close.

If we trade down, Penix Jr.

I could be sold on getting both "Jrs" in rd. 1.
Drake Maye.........  
GiantBlue : 11/15/2023 10:50 am : link
But if we pick third....Marvin Harrison, JR and try for Daniels with a trade up to the first round.

bronxboy : 11/15/2023 10:51 am : link
A big no. He has had 4 surgeries. No thanks.
I'm also in the Maye > Williams > Daniels > some other QB  
widmerseyebrow : 11/15/2023 10:52 am : link
camp. I'm not sold on anyone after Williams as a passer, but Daniels seems to be a notch above the Nix/Penix/McCarthy group in terms of raw athleticism. If Sanders comes out I'd maybe put him after Daniels based on his pocket poise, toughness, and athleticism, I'm just not sure if he has the arm upside.
RE: Right now Maybe.  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/15/2023 10:54 am : link
In comment 16289955 SirLoinOfBeef said:
But it's close.

If we trade down, Penix Jr.

I could be sold on getting both "Jrs" in rd. 1.

Already changed my mind LOL.

I'll never feel comfortable with Penix Jr.'s extensive injury history. KId from LSU as second choice.
It's still Williams for me  
RCPhoenix : 11/15/2023 10:54 am : link
I'll have to trust the Giants front office to do their due diligence with his maturity, if that's a concern, through their interviews. Talent wise I still think he's the best of the bunch. But would not lose sleep if the pick is Maye or Daniels.

I'm not at all a fan of taking Harrison Jr and then hoping the QB you want is there at the bottom of the first/top of the second. That's much too risky. And I say that as someone who thinks Harrison Jr is a generational talent at WR.
BigBlueNH : 11/15/2023 10:55 am : link
They could be dead wrong but some Boston reporters whom I respect, think Williams doesn't have the mental makeup to succeed at QB in NE or NY. I would be concerned about that. It's a tough job, especially taking over a shitty offense, and you better have thick skin.
Vin R!!!!  
IchabodGiant : 11/15/2023 10:57 am : link
Holy Smokes! Batman!
I like Caleb  
Vin R : 11/15/2023 10:57 am : link
But I don't think he'll be able to handle NY. Like Eli & Jone - Maye seems to have the what it takes to not let the bright lights get to him
I haven’t seen a lot of Maye,  
Section331 : 11/15/2023 10:57 am : link
so I’m going to have to catch some UNC games. I really like Caleb, but there are some concerns. 6’1 (if he’s that) isn’t ideal, but the real issues I have is that he holds on to the ball too long, and he fumbles A LOT (32 fumbles in 32 starts). Those are fixable issues, but if it’s that close between he and Maye and/or Daniels, those could be the deciding factor.
RE: Vin R!!!!  
Vin R : 11/15/2023 10:58 am : link
In comment 16289968 IchabodGiant said:
Holy Smokes! Batman!

Hola! lol
ChrisRick : 11/15/2023 10:58 am : link
Jayden Daniels. There is a discussion to be had if the Giants could move down slightly, gain some picks and still get Daniels. Gotta be careful obviously, I would be fine with at Number 1 at this point.
RE: How about Marvin Harrison Jr and Bo Nix?  
MotownGIANTS : 11/15/2023 11:01 am : link
In comment 16289872 Jints in Carolina said:

I like the ideal ... WR-1st, QB-2nd , and 2 OLs(2nd & 3rd) in the 1st 3 rds should help get the O on track.

The issue is which QB you wait for hoping? Also do you get back into the 1st rd for the 5th year option? If you do cluster OL early will not be an option
Caleb Williams  
jinkies : 11/15/2023 11:01 am : link
Very high upside
When we talk about Caleb's mental makeup  
widmerseyebrow : 11/15/2023 11:03 am : link
I think what we're really talking about is how he'll deal with the media or fans on social media after a loss. His "lions and sheep" thing won't fly, i.e getting defensive. The media will eat that up in any city and it could become a distraction. Can he just get some media relations coaching and be good for his career? We'll see.

I don't know if there's much of a question about if his personality works in the locker room or as a leader of a football team. He's clearly had incredible production at two major programs.
RE: Suppose, instead ...  
Section331 : 11/15/2023 11:04 am : link
In comment 16289917 BronxBob said:
we had the No. 3 and Williams (only of the "top" 3 QBs) and Harrison, Jr. were still there. Then what do we do?

I can't read all the QB threads, so feel free to ignore this if it's already been hashed out ... or is just Millering this thread.

You take Williams and don’t look back. Harrison’s going to be a stud, but you can find WR’s who can give you 90% of what Harrison will later. You far less likely to get a franchise QB that late.
Drake Maye  
Rjanyg : 11/15/2023 11:04 am : link
He has the size and accuracy along with the atheticism and toughness.

RE: Suppose, instead ...  
nochance : 11/15/2023 11:15 am : link
In comment 16289917 BronxBob said:
we had the No. 3 and Williams (only of the "top" 3 QBs) and Harrison, Jr. were still there. Then what do we do?

I can't read all the QB threads, so feel free to ignore this if it's already been hashed out ... or is just Millering this thread.

If we don't want Williams we first see who in back of us wants him. If the team picking 4th wants him bad start listening to teams in back of them and try to pry some picks out of them and then draft Harrison
B then C  
newjerseygiants : 11/15/2023 11:18 am : link
Don’t want A at all, will take D with a trade down.
I think people are making too much of these media intangibles  
jinkies : 11/15/2023 11:25 am : link
First of all, it may not be NY, but playing QB for USC in the LA media market, ain't nothing.

But I also think the media stuff is a distraction. Hone in on talent to play the position. It's hard enough to find and obtain an elite talent. Everybody can see Caleb makes otherworldly plays, similar to Mahomes. He has ability in the pocket, great arm and intelligence.

I don't think you pass on this dude if you have a shot at him. He's the best chance at elite in this draft.
RE: I can live with...  
djm : 11/15/2023 11:28 am : link
In comment 16289951 bw in dc said:
any of the big three - Daniels, CW, Maye.

But Daniels has everything except a fully developed body. And he should be able to add bulk over time.

He's the most dynamic dual threat prospect since LJax. Plus, he's got a more developed stroke.

What's not to like?
-- very good arm
-- great release
-- great acceleration
-- great speed
-- great poise
-- 30+ starts
-- SEC
-- great performances against big brands

You might be able to talk me into Daniels. I may be wrong but size doesn't scare me off like it does others. If the guy can play he can play.
I would trade down  
Reale01 : 11/15/2023 11:28 am : link
Accumulate picks. Possibly use one to get a QB anyway if there is one we like. We could build the team and have enough ammo to move up in 2025 if a QB is needed.

My ideal would be to trade back to 3 or 4 and get Harrison plus a haul.
Trade down  
Punklicker : 11/15/2023 11:29 am : link
and with the pics, take this in order:
Er, meant RT  
Punklicker : 11/15/2023 11:29 am : link
RE: I would trade down  
jinkies : 11/15/2023 11:34 am : link
In comment 16290043 Reale01 said:
Accumulate picks. Possibly use one to get a QB anyway if there is one we like. We could build the team and have enough ammo to move up in 2025 if a QB is needed.

My ideal would be to trade back to 3 or 4 and get Harrison plus a haul.

Not every year has elite QB options. You're team is not near the top of the draft every year to pick one. This is the golden opportunity. It would be insanity to pass it up.
Blue21 : 11/15/2023 11:35 am : link
C or E, I’m torn  
Dang Man : 11/15/2023 11:37 am : link
I think McCarthy will be a very good pro, hence my inclusion of E.
RE: RE: I can live with...  
bw in dc : 11/15/2023 11:43 am : link
In comment 16290040 djm said:
In comment 16289951 bw in dc said:


any of the big three - Daniels, CW, Maye.

But Daniels has everything except a fully developed body. And he should be able to add bulk over time.

He's the most dynamic dual threat prospect since LJax. Plus, he's got a more developed stroke.

What's not to like?
-- very good arm
-- great release
-- great acceleration
-- great speed
-- great poise
-- 30+ starts
-- SEC
-- great performances against big brands

You might be able to talk me into Daniels. I may be wrong but size doesn't scare me off like it does others. If the guy can play he can play.

Agreed. JD's body type is very similar to LJax's when he entered the league. And like LJax, JD has a "Gumby" quality in that he can takes hits and just bounce back up.

He's a very smart scrambler with his ability to get down quickly and find the sideline. He is NOT a Josh Allen-type looking for contact.

I have no real concerns about his body. I continue to be overwhelmed by his ability to get to top gear quickly. He just explodes when he runs.
JoeyBigBlue : 11/15/2023 11:48 am : link
The recent character stuff is concerning, but his talent is not. The kid has everything to be an elite QB.
ajr2456 : 11/15/2023 11:49 am : link
uther99 : 11/15/2023 11:51 am : link
no crybabies !
A) QB Caleb Williams - USC  
larryflower37 : 11/15/2023 11:52 am : link
He has been the most consistent for all 3 years of college
I like Mayes and would be #2
Daniels being a 5th year senior and it finally clicking plus how many big hits he has taken in college scares me in the pros makes him 3 for me.
RE: Maye first  
charlito : 11/15/2023 11:53 am : link
In comment 16289934 gary_from_chester said:
Daniels second.

After that, trade down for more assets if possible while targeting McCarthy, then Penix.

Man that's tough  
Jay on the Island : 11/15/2023 11:56 am : link
I would give a very slight edge to Maye but I would be thrilled with Williams or Daniels also.
Caleb Williams  
Jim in Tampa : 11/15/2023 12:14 pm : link
By all accounts he's the most talented QB in the draft and one of the best QB prospects since Luck.

Maye will be the consolation prize.
Caleb Williams  
kdog77 : 11/15/2023 12:27 pm : link
36 starts, 66% completion rating, 9700 yards, 92TDs, 13INTs, 170 rating....what is not to like about the kid? He gets upset when his team loses? I would pick him and not think about it twice.
Pray for Maye!  
Optimus-NY : 11/15/2023 12:30 pm : link
B baby!
RE: I can live with...  
Thegratefulhead : 11/15/2023 12:39 pm : link
In comment 16289951 bw in dc said:
any of the big three - Daniels, CW, Maye.

But Daniels has everything except a fully developed body. And he should be able to add bulk over time.

He's the most dynamic dual threat prospect since LJax. Plus, he's got a more developed stroke.

What's not to like?
-- very good arm
-- great release
-- great acceleration
-- great speed
-- great poise
-- 30+ starts
-- SEC
-- great performances against big brands
Same. The OL wont be fixed, he can get away from Parsons.
darren in pdx : 11/15/2023 12:49 pm : link
or Daniels for me. I wouldn’t be mad about Williams but he gives me a bad gut feeling at the moment.
Jayden Daniels  
kelly : 11/15/2023 12:53 pm : link
If you could trade down a spot or two and still get him that would be best.

I also like Harrison since he is such a sure thing. With quarterbacks you never know what you end up with.

What about Harrison and Cam Ward?

Problem no one is talking about is if we don't take a QB and jones gets hurt next year then his 2025 salary is fully guaranteed at like 50 million. It's almost like we can't afford to play DJ next year.
Drake Maye  
armstead98 : 11/15/2023 12:56 pm : link
He’s the QB I’m most excited about since Andrew Luck. I think he’s a lock to be a top 6 NFL QB.

Daniels and Williams might have slightly higher ceilings (or not) but much higher bust potential.

Maye is a baller, his game against Duke was incredible. Dropping NFL dimes all over the plays, super clutch, etc. and he’s had many games like that.
Is anyone else concerned about Caleb’s  
cosmicj : 11/15/2023 1:05 pm : link
Pocket skills?

I don’t care at all about the off the field stuff. But that Oregon outing wasn’t impressive.
Sammo85 : 11/15/2023 1:15 pm : link
for me. But I really like Maye and Daniels too. I see 3 QBs going in top 6 and maybe top 5.
RE: Trade down  
RCPhoenix : 11/15/2023 1:25 pm : link
In comment 16290045 Punklicker said:
and with the pics, take this in order:

I'm sorry but this is a terrible idea - you have to get the QB and not take chances with the most important position on the team.
RE: Is anyone else concerned about Caleb’s  
RCPhoenix : 11/15/2023 1:26 pm : link
In comment 16290213 cosmicj said:
Pocket skills?

I don’t care at all about the off the field stuff. But that Oregon outing wasn’t impressive.

Williams didn't get much help from his OL.
RE: Is anyone else concerned about Caleb’s  
bw in dc : 11/15/2023 1:36 pm : link
In comment 16290213 cosmicj said:
Pocket skills?

I don’t care at all about the off the field stuff. But that Oregon outing wasn’t impressive.

Be more specific...

I have noticed two things that pop up. CW will be very loose with ball security when he's getting heat. He'll resort to holding the ball with just one hand. And sometimes he'll look down at the rush when the pocket is collapsing.

Not deal Breakers for me, but areas to shore up.
I was all in  
Old Dirty : 11/15/2023 2:35 pm : link
on Drake Maye, but after watching LSU vs Florida I am thinking he would be great on the Giants.

With our OL, we need a QB with a quick release and he needs to be very good under pressure. I know it's only one game, but Daniels seemed to be lightning quick with his reads and throws. He has a very good arm and very accurate. He's over 70% completion pct this season. He will take off and run at times and boy is he fast! I do worry about him being so skinny, but Daniels seems like a superstar. He is electrifying.
Jayden Daniels for me please.  
GiAnT4LYFE : 11/15/2023 2:56 pm : link
Even moreso if we are able to gain a pick or two and get him.
RE: RE: Is anyone else concerned about Caleb’s  
cosmicj : 11/15/2023 3:04 pm : link
In comment 16290258 bw in dc said:
In comment 16290213 cosmicj said:


Pocket skills?

I don’t care at all about the off the field stuff. But that Oregon outing wasn’t impressive.

Be more specific...

I have noticed two things that pop up. CW will be very loose with ball security when he's getting heat. He'll resort to holding the ball with just one hand. And sometimes he'll look down at the rush when the pocket is collapsing.

Not deal Breakers for me, but areas to shore up.

This is just a fan impression but I saw varying times before the ball came out, a tendency to float around the pocket, and an inability to escape pressure. If i’m wrong, tell me, but it looks like he needs a lot of work in this area.
Drake Maye  
Milton : 11/15/2023 3:08 pm : link
But I'd be okay with Harrison or trading down if the Giants feel they can get a worthy QB later in the first or with an early second round pick.
Drake Maye By A Nose  
BlueVinnie : 11/15/2023 3:16 pm : link
but I'd still be thrilled with Caleb.
Jayden Daniels - LSU  
GmanND : 11/15/2023 3:16 pm : link
But I'd be fine with Williams or Maye.
the best QB available  
xtian : 11/15/2023 3:17 pm : link
but no undersized guys because they never seem to last. I never would have chosen Kyler Murphy or Bryce Young. I don't care how great they were in college. Pros are different animal.

So, at least 6'3" and 220 with a plus/elite arm who has proven to be able to read defenses quickly and escape the pass rush and be running threat to some degree. I mean this is the #1 pick in the draft, so he should have it all.

At the moment: Drake Maye
Caleb Williams  
Danny Kanell : 11/15/2023 3:24 pm : link
Marvin Harrison Jr.  
AROCK1000 : 11/15/2023 3:38 pm : link
Checks so many boxes for us in terms of what we need,it's not even close.
RE: the best QB available  
jinkies : 11/15/2023 3:41 pm : link
In comment 16290378 xtian said:
but no undersized guys because they never seem to last. I never would have chosen Kyler Murphy or Bryce Young. I don't care how great they were in college. Pros are different animal.

So, at least 6'3" and 220 with a plus/elite arm who has proven to be able to read defenses quickly and escape the pass rush and be running threat to some degree. I mean this is the #1 pick in the draft, so he should have it all.

At the moment: Drake Maye

So no to Patrick Mahomes then.
RE: I can live with...  
santacruzom : 11/15/2023 4:45 pm : link
In comment 16289951 bw in dc said:
any of the big three - Daniels, CW, Maye.

But Daniels has everything except a fully developed body. And he should be able to add bulk over time.

He's the most dynamic dual threat prospect since LJax. Plus, he's got a more developed stroke.

What's not to like?
-- very good arm
-- great release
-- great acceleration
-- great speed
-- great poise
-- 30+ starts
-- SEC
-- great performances against big brands

I'd also add personality and charisma. Seems to me like he's got both.
ryanmkeane : 11/15/2023 4:55 pm : link
Three scenarios for me, in this order:

1. Draft Drake Maye
2. Trade the #1 pick for a king's ransom while not moving too far back in the first round. Let's say, go from 1 to 12 or 1 to 13, something like that. This would give us an extra 2025, 2026, and maybe even a 2027 1st round draft choice, and we'd still be able to get a great player with our pick. If team is clearly not ready to contend for the SB, this sets the team up for a loaded roster down the road.
3. Draft Caleb Williams
RE: RE: the best QB available  
xtian : 11/15/2023 6:49 pm : link
In comment 16290411 jinkies said:
In comment 16290378 xtian said:

but no undersized guys because they never seem to last. I never would have chosen Kyler Murphy or Bryce Young. I don't care how great they were in college. Pros are different animal.

So, at least 6'3" and 220 with a plus/elite arm who has proven to be able to read defenses quickly and escape the pass rush and be running threat to some degree. I mean this is the #1 pick in the draft, so he should have it all.

At the moment: Drake Maye

So no to Patrick Mahomes then.

Mahomes was 6'2" 225 lbs predraft. I don't see how that is undersized. Plus he had everything else. Chiefs were really smart to go up and get him.
I'm the opposite of an expert  
jamison884 : 11/15/2023 7:08 pm : link
As I don't watch CFB. I watched highlight films from both of the top 2 QB prospects.

I have a question for any experts out there. When watching Caleb Williams, he appears to consistently scramble to make crazy off-balance/sliding throws utilizing his arm strength, or he ends up scrambling to save a potential negative play. However, this is against comparatively horrible defenses when compared to the NFL.

Do you have a concern that this propensity to break from the pocket and create a play will not necessarily translate well to the NFL, and lead to turnover/injury issues?

Maybe it's just the nature of his highlight film, but it appeared as if he was behind the NYG Oline and was forced to scramble constantly to make something out of nothing, and when you upgrade the defense, I fear that simply won't work too well. Please don't take my ignorance as an insult if you're a super fan.

I just get the feeling Maye translates to the NFL better.
RE: RE: RE: the best QB available  
section125 : 11/15/2023 7:12 pm : link
In comment 16290598 xtian said:
In comment 16290411 jinkies said:


In comment 16290378 xtian said:

but no undersized guys because they never seem to last. I never would have chosen Kyler Murphy or Bryce Young. I don't care how great they were in college. Pros are different animal.

So, at least 6'3" and 220 with a plus/elite arm who has proven to be able to read defenses quickly and escape the pass rush and be running threat to some degree. I mean this is the #1 pick in the draft, so he should have it all.

At the moment: Drake Maye

So no to Patrick Mahomes then.

Mahomes was 6'2" 225 lbs predraft. I don't see how that is undersized. Plus he had everything else. Chiefs were really smart to go up and get him.

225 lbs? probably about 210 right now.
The two plays at 5:00 bother me  
cosmicj : 11/15/2023 8:34 pm : link
Williams shows clumsy pocket movement.
USC v Oregon - ( New Window )
Drake Maye  
Torn Tendon : 11/15/2023 8:45 pm : link
for me
Caleb has a clean pocket in plays at  
cosmicj : 11/15/2023 8:49 pm : link
1:00 and 5:00 v Utah and he makes marvelous long throws. At 3:40, no one is open and his pocket movement is clumsy.

He looks unusually susceptible to pressure. But when he has time to set up, wow.
USC v Utah - ( New Window )
RE: Caleb has a clean pocket in plays at  
section125 : 11/15/2023 8:54 pm : link
In comment 16290688 cosmicj said:
1:00 and 5:00 v Utah and he makes marvelous long throws. At 3:40, no one is open and his pocket movement is clumsy.

He looks unusually susceptible to pressure. But when he has time to set up, wow. USC v Utah - ( New Window )

Hmm, don't we already have one of those clean pocket, no pressure all pros?
RE: I'm the opposite of an expert  
patiohimself : 11/15/2023 9:09 pm : link
In comment 16290619 jamison884 said:
As I don't watch CFB. I watched highlight films from both of the top 2 QB prospects.

I have a question for any experts out there. When watching Caleb Williams, he appears to consistently scramble to make crazy off-balance/sliding throws utilizing his arm strength, or he ends up scrambling to save a potential negative play. However, this is against comparatively horrible defenses when compared to the NFL.

Do you have a concern that this propensity to break from the pocket and create a play will not necessarily translate well to the NFL, and lead to turnover/injury issues?

Maybe it's just the nature of his highlight film, but it appeared as if he was behind the NYG Oline and was forced to scramble constantly to make something out of nothing, and when you upgrade the defense, I fear that simply won't work too well. Please don't take my ignorance as an insult if you're a super fan.

I just get the feeling Maye translates to the NFL better.

Agreed 100%. He reminds me of a Johnny Manziel, always running around making wild throws, obviously Johnny ran with the ball more. Totally agree, he can get away with that play vs a bunch of college kids, a small majority who will be starting defenders in the NFL.

I'll take the pocket passer who can escape any day of the week
RE: I was all in  
patiohimself : 11/15/2023 9:13 pm : link
In comment 16290328 Old Dirty said:
on Drake Maye, but after watching LSU vs Florida I am thinking he would be great on the Giants.

With our OL, we need a QB with a quick release and he needs to be very good under pressure. I know it's only one game, but Daniels seemed to be lightning quick with his reads and throws. He has a very good arm and very accurate. He's over 70% completion pct this season. He will take off and run at times and boy is he fast! I do worry about him being so skinny, but Daniels seems like a superstar. He is electrifying.

As an LSU fan, I really like JD. He does however have two of the best WRs in college football, but so did Joe Burrow when he was there. What I really like is that he has consistently topped his rushing total every year pretty much, so he seems to only be getting better at that.
RE: RE: Trade down  
Wiggy : 11/15/2023 9:29 pm : link
In comment 16290242 RCPhoenix said:
In comment 16290045 Punklicker said:


and with the pics, take this in order:

I'm sorry but this is a terrible idea - you have to get the QB and not take chances with the most important position on the team.
and why would we take a left tackle? The one we have is great and signed for the foreseeable future.
RE: RE: RE: RE: the best QB available  
xtian : 11/16/2023 10:00 am : link
In comment 16290621 section125 said:
In comment 16290598 xtian said:


In comment 16290411 jinkies said:


In comment 16290378 xtian said:
but no undersized guys because they never seem to last. I never would have chosen Kyler Murphy or Bryce Young. I don't care how great they were in college. Pros are different animal.

So, at least 6'3" and 220 with a plus/elite arm who has proven to be able to read defenses quickly and escape the pass rush and be running threat to some degree. I mean this is the #1 pick in the draft, so he should have it all.

At the moment: Drake Maye

So no to Patrick Mahomes then.

Mahomes was 6'2" 225 lbs predraft. I don't see how that is undersized. Plus he had everything else. Chiefs were really smart to go up and get him.

225 lbs? probably about 210 right now.

you are wrong. several articles say he is 227 lbs and also 6'3"--he grew an inch!
Watched some Maye and Williams highlights last night  
jinkies : 11/16/2023 10:11 am : link
I just don't see the comparison at the moment. Quite seriously.

Maye doesn't look like he's in Williams' class as a prospect.

He doesn't move as well, can't do off-schedule nearly as well, not a big time playmaker. It's not even clear to me he has superior arm talent.

I'm sure he is a promising prospect, but the number of people on this site touting Maye over Williams is strange. Have you guys actually watched both?

Maye looks like Jones with a better arm. For now, until I see more, count me out.
cosmicj : 11/16/2023 10:13 am : link
In last weeks match v Duke, I counted three important off schedule plays made by Maye. I think he can improvise.
RE: Jinkies  
jinkies : 11/16/2023 10:19 am : link
In comment 16291009 cosmicj said:
In last weeks match v Duke, I counted three important off schedule plays made by Maye. I think he can improvise.

Fair enough. I'm not saying I made any definitive review. I'm open minded. And I have no doubt Maye is promising and has a high chance to succeed. Williams seems like a far more fluid athlete and he is great and accurate throwing on the run. I completely see the Mahomes comparisons. Not saying he will be Mahomes, but...
ryanmkeane : 11/16/2023 10:37 am : link
Most of Williams' crazy highlight reel plays are when he is literally doing 360s in the pocket and spinning around everywhere with some room to breathe. He will not be able to do that in the NFL.
Williams for me  
JT039 : 11/16/2023 10:40 am : link
and the distance is growing by the day.
RE: ...  
JT039 : 11/16/2023 10:41 am : link
In comment 16291053 ryanmkeane said:
Most of Williams' crazy highlight reel plays are when he is literally doing 360s in the pocket and spinning around everywhere with some room to breathe. He will not be able to do that in the NFL.

But he also might be getting better blocking. USC's offensive line OL is horrendous this year.
The S2 Cognition test  
NINEster : 11/16/2023 10:51 am : link
scores seem to have good correlation with QB success.

I'd be curious how the top guys scored there.
RE: ...  
jinkies : 11/16/2023 10:53 am : link
In comment 16291053 ryanmkeane said:
Most of Williams' crazy highlight reel plays are when he is literally doing 360s in the pocket and spinning around everywhere with some room to breathe. He will not be able to do that in the NFL.

I hearya. It's always a concern whether any high level college prospect can repeat their greatness at the next level. But Williams' highlights aren't only 360s in the pocket. What he does demonstrate pretty clearly is elite athleticism. Maye does not stand out like that. Now, to Maye's credit I have read he is more advanced than Williams reading downfield. Not that Williams can't, but Riley's schemes allegedly don't "ask" him to do it. I think this merits more analysis. But folks saying, no way Williams, have they watched him? Because I think that take won't age well
RE: The S2 Cognition test  
jinkies : 11/16/2023 10:56 am : link
In comment 16291074 NINEster said:
scores seem to have good correlation with QB success.

I'd be curious how the top guys scored there.

I've been wondering the same. Purdy as a high scorer has gotten a lot of attention. And coming into this season, it seemed Bryce Young (a high scorer) was destined for a faster start to his career than CJ Stroud (a low scorer). That hasn't worked out so well for S2 adherents. Still it's a data point worth noting.
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