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NFT: Motorized Aluminum Pergolas

Jolly Blue Giant : 11/15/2023 1:26 pm
Anybody have one of these in their back yard? We are looking to add a screened in room to the house but we cannot add continuous roof because of zoning. The louvered roof that opens and closes is a way around this. We can also add drop down screens. There are a few companies but most are ridiculously expensive. We found one that is much more reasonable. Link attached. Anyone have insight on this?
Bon Pergola - ( New Window )
Don't know much about pergolas...  
gridirony : 11/15/2023 1:38 pm : link
but when fully opened, it does remind me of the Giants offensive line.

Sorry in advance.
Looks awesome!  
Csonka : 11/15/2023 3:28 pm : link
Give us a review if you get this.
RE: Looks awesome!  
Jolly Blue Giant : 11/15/2023 5:51 pm : link
In comment 16290391 Csonka said:
Give us a review if you get this.

I definitely will
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