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Per ESPN Analytics, NYG have a 13% chance of getting the #1

Anakim : 11/20/2023 10:16 am
overall pick. Bears have a combined 60% chance of getting the #1 overall pick. Cardinals have a 19% chance of getting it. NYG are third.

Our projected draft slot right now is 3.5.
Spider43 : 11/20/2023 10:17 am : link
logman : 11/20/2023 10:17 am : link
Now we just need Murray and Fields to get their front offices to love them like this FO loves Jones
I'd really like to end up in the top 4  
Metnut : 11/20/2023 10:25 am : link
and get a shot at at least Daniels or Harrison.

If Giants end up with 5-6 wins and we're in the 6-10 range, just going to have to live with it. There's over a third of the season left and it's just too early to go ballistic each time these guys win a game. All of their jobs are on the line.
Want to finish top 3  
The_Boss : 11/20/2023 10:35 am : link
To me, this is a 3 player draft. That being said, I then fully expect the NYG to finish 4th or 5th.
Fields and Murray are the key  
larryflower37 : 11/20/2023 10:37 am : link
It will be interesting to see if both continue to play well the rest of the way.
Arizona has a really tough schedule the rest of the way.
You hope the Bears can go on a run and Fields looks great but they might try and sell the first overall to a QB hungry team.
Going to be a fun 6 months
They'll trade up if they have their guy identified  
OBJ_AllDay : 11/20/2023 10:50 am : link
lets not freak out. Everyone went nuts missing out on Chase Young and his career has been a disappointment.
RE: Want to finish top 3  
M.S. : 11/20/2023 10:55 am : link
In comment 16296609 The_Boss said:
To me, this is a 3 player draft. That being said, I then fully expect the NYG to finish 4th or 5th.

A 3-player draft?
Tanking is a fan concept  
Blueworm : 11/20/2023 10:56 am : link
NFL careers are too short for players to think otherwise.

26 Giants are looking to get their next contract.
I would it be a surprise if Belichick doesn't win  
arniefez : 11/20/2023 11:13 am : link
another game this season?
RE: Fields and Murray are the key  
FranknWeezer : 11/20/2023 11:21 am : link
In comment 16296611 larryflower37 said:
It will be interesting to see if both continue to play well the rest of the way.
Arizona has a really tough schedule the rest of the way.
You hope the Bears can go on a run and Fields looks great but they might try and sell the first overall to a QB hungry team.
Going to be a fun 6 months

Keep in mind that Murray and Fields could play well enough to stick as starters, but those teams may wind up trading down so other teams could move up to take a QB, which would screw us just the same.
5-8 is probably good...  
Tim in JTown : 11/20/2023 11:49 am : link
Just get Mims, a road grader guard to replace Pugh in the draft, and hire an OL coach/wizard and Tim is happy.
I want the Giants to take a QB in the draft, but I'd rather them win  
Dinger : 11/20/2023 1:23 pm : link
a few down the stretch, show some improvment to see that we actually have SOME talent and the coaches can actually get something out of the players. If they draft 1st pick the best QB and the coaching staff cant get the team set up to win, it won't matter. They called plays that worked to the players on the field ability. I'm still scared that the Cammanders put up 170 yards of rushing....we supposedly had that fixed when we signed Nacho and Ashawn....
If the NYG finish with the 2nd overall pick, then I'll take it.  
Optimus-NY : 11/20/2023 1:31 pm : link
Maye is the man to take and that's who I think they're targeting based on the signs.
RE: I want the Giants to take a QB in the draft, but I'd rather them win  
Optimus-NY : 11/20/2023 1:32 pm : link
In comment 16296929 Dinger said:
a few down the stretch, show some improvment to see that we actually have SOME talent and the coaches can actually get something out of the players. If they draft 1st pick the best QB and the coaching staff cant get the team set up to win, it won't matter. They called plays that worked to the players on the field ability. I'm still scared that the Cammanders put up 170 yards of rushing....we supposedly had that fixed when we signed Nacho and Ashawn....

I think the NYG will one at least one of their last 6 games this season.
RE: Cool  
santacruzom : 11/20/2023 1:35 pm : link
In comment 16296548 logman said:
Now we just need Murray and Fields to get their front offices to love them like this FO loves Jones

Ha, interesting way to put it :)
The Jints may surprise us all and in 3 more  
Sec 103 : 11/20/2023 1:42 pm : link
that would take all the pressure of insofar as the top QBs, which means the scouting dept better make damn sure they do better than they have over the past 6 years or so.... Too many misses
What's good for draft position is bad for Daboll  
Sean : 11/20/2023 1:45 pm : link
If Daboll is going to be a strong voice in who the next QB is, I'm not sure it's beneficial if his job status is on shaky ground.

So if the regime can win a few games and quite the noise around another reset after 2 years, they'll have much better ground in making the decision. If that means Schoen has to trade up, so be it.

For everyone saying Daboll would never be fired, what were you saying when Joe Judge was 4-7 having just beat Philly during this time in 2021?
Blueworm : 11/20/2023 1:48 pm : link
had a meltdown where it seemed that BBI got to him.

I hope that Daboll doesn't have a clue what's said here.
it's november  
djm : 11/20/2023 2:43 pm : link
and we should not be too quick to think that a better draft pick (on paper) is more vital to long term success than a team showing fight and ability down the stretch of a bad season. There's a fair argument to be made that teams don't sustain winning or success AFTER a brutally bad 3-4 win season where the team got destroyed weekly.

The wins do mean nothing in the standings. We aren't going to the playoffs. But showing fight here does matter UNLESS you want to see Daboll replaced. If you want to believe in Daboll, you want to see wins here down the stretch.

Forget 1983. That was Tuna's first season here and that team played some tight games despite seeing half the roster on IR. And again, it's 400 years ago. Go look at how Fassel and Coughlin teams did here when things went south. 2004 they showed fight and that season wasn't toast until december. And they won their last game and battled in the Steeler game a few weeks prior. 2006 the team never quit. Even 2013 the team battled after stating 0-5. Fassel's teams battled in 1998 and 1999.

If we want to believe in this staff they need to play hard and well here down the stretch. How can anyone believe in Daboll if they go 3-14 and get humiliated every week? I want to see them win games when the season was all but over. That shows me tough players aren't quitting, and tough coaches.
djm : 11/20/2023 2:48 pm : link
go look at the fired HCs here over the last 50 years, here or anywhere else.

You don't see many 2nd year HCs hitting rock bottom, 3-4 wins only to come back in year 3 and rebound in a big way.

3-4 win seasons with a point differential that makes one's skin crawl after year 1 is indicative of a culture / coaching problem in my view.

Beat the Pats and go from there. We have 4 games left that are winnable. Win them all. Fucking sick and tired of expecting the worst here. Go salvage things.
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