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Team's adversarial relationship with the fans

Ned In Atlanta : 11/21/2023 8:16 am
In the past few years I have noticed how incredibly sensitive the team, particularly on social media, is of any fan criticism

We've seen the head of PR get into arguments with fans. I remember in 2021 Hanlon got into it with someone about either Gettleman or Kevin Abrams if my memory serves me

The worse offender is Bob Papa, who clearly reads BBI, which he condescendingly refers to as a "chat room." They do not like it when people don't bend the knee to the "Giants way" and don't go in line with whatever narrative they are trying to push. They are either too stubborn to see how bad the product is or are delusional as to the current state of affairs. If you look at Papas twitter replies it's filled with condescending spats with fans who are critical of the product

Are other professional sports teams like this? For as much as they want to talk about how classy the franchise is, patronizing the paying customers seems like an odd strategy
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RE: Mara  
christian : 11/22/2023 3:26 pm : link
In comment 16299252 Lines of Scrimmage said:
screwed up not getting rid of Reese and addressing the front office after 2013. The drafts were the much bigger problem.

Your opinions is the Giants should have fired their GM after his first losing season -- two years removed from his second championship, and after having winning season in 5 of his first 6 years?

LOL of course it is.
RE: RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
dancing blue bear : 11/22/2023 3:37 pm : link
In comment 16299253 Gatorade Dunk said:
In comment 16299126 dancing blue bear said:


is that the thing Mara didn't want to happen, actually happened. Good shit! The plan that Reese and Macadoo "hatched" was implemented, in spite of it not being the owners preference. And not even Eli crying was enough to interject and demand that the plan be abandoned and Eli start. Cool story, brah. Maranoia indeed. opininion + supposition + theory = fact. good math.

Mara wanted it to happen. It was his fucking idea, dimwit. He even said that it was his idea in his explanation.

The problem that Mara had, however, was that he had just run out of people to fire by the time he got around to explaining the situation to an angry mob that was out for blood, and he couldn't fire the guy whose idea it was because that guy owns the team. So he repositioned his role as asking Reese to talk to McAdoo about seeing what they had in their other QBs (note that even Mara acknowledges that he wasn't even asking to see Webb in particular, just the other QBs), and then hoping that his own plan never came to fruition. And you bought that explanation as a reasonable one? If your kids tried to tell you that they wanted to see what was in the cookie jar but they were hoping it was empty, would you believe them?

Let me ask you something - does the bullshit taste a lot better when you convince yourself that they're feeding you the truth? Or are you just that naive that you actually believed it?

Dick rider to the rescue!

I'm skeptical about anything i see or read. The difference is I don't stuff the blank spaces full of my own half baked theories, rumors, conjecture, etc. I don't bend or create "facts" to support the conclusion I long for.

I accept there are things I don't know. So while some of the crackpot conspiricies I see are plausible, they don't fit the facts (this word is often misunderstood) that are currently availabe.

And if it were to be proven, I would accept that and go on with my life. That is the condition of the team. I can continue to be a fan/ customer or not. What I wouldn't do is cry like a bitch for years on end about things that are not in my control.
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 3:46 pm : link
respond then Christian if you know this already? It is a opinion and not opinions.

The fact that Jerry has not been hired again is pretty telling and this suggests that my opinion may have merit.

christian : 11/22/2023 3:54 pm : link
I appreciate your copy editing LOS.

But it's an opinion.
RE: RE: RE: So the proof that Mara meddled in the Eli Decision  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 3:59 pm : link
In comment 16299272 dancing blue bear said:
I'm skeptical about anything i see or read. The difference is I don't stuff the blank spaces full of my own half baked theories, rumors, conjecture, etc. I don't bend or create "facts" to support the conclusion I long for.

I accept there are things I don't know.

These aren't blank spaces. It's Mara's own words. You are the one taking them to mean anything other than exactly what he said.

And acceptance is a good thing. Clearly you have plenty of practice on that front.
RE: Why  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 4:04 pm : link
In comment 16299281 Lines of Scrimmage said:
The fact that Jerry has not been hired again is pretty telling and this suggests that my opinion may have merit.

No one ever hired Coughlin or Gilbride to coach again either. Does that validate their terminations for you?
Coughlin was  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 4:25 pm : link
69 years old and Reese was in his early 50's when both were let go. You're not making a good argument.

The bigger issue was forcing your offensive HC to change his system when the attention should have been to fixing the drafts.

All was good in the front office though with Ross being promoted a second time.
RE: Coughlin was  
Gatorade Dunk : 11/22/2023 4:34 pm : link
In comment 16299308 Lines of Scrimmage said:
69 years old and Reese was in his early 50's when both were let go. You're not making a good argument.

The bigger issue was forcing your offensive HC to change his system when the attention should have been to fixing the drafts.

All was good in the front office though with Ross being promoted a second time.

That's a fair point. Although I think there's also a possibility that Reese hasn't been throwing his hat in the ring for every open position, either. I do agree that it's odd that a former GM with two rings hasn't been a hot commodity. I also agree that he probably has more blemish than shine on his reputation at this point.

Your Ross observations may also be valid, but I think it's curious that you never seem to land on another significant front office promotion that happened in 2011, especially since it very closely aligns with the timing of the roster decline that you often point to.
christian : 11/22/2023 4:47 pm : link
In comment 16299308 Lines of Scrimmage said:

The bigger issue was forcing your offensive HC to change his system when the attention should have been to fixing the drafts.

Forcing a change in the system improved the Giants from 28th league in 2013, to 13th and 6th in 14 and 15 respectively.

That was unequivocally the right move.
Reese has had interviews  
Sean : 11/22/2023 5:29 pm : link
Something I admire about Reese, he never became a media blowhard like most of these ex executives do. These GM's get fired and they all love to talk. Keim is constantly making the rounds, he hasn't even been out of the role for a year.

Reese stays out of the limelight and doesn't play the PR game which would no doubt help him get another job.

I think Reese is wildly disrespected and under appreciated on this board. Everyone loves to rip Marc Ross and lump him in with Reese, well why doesn't Reese get the credit for delivering excellent drafts when he had the role of Marc Ross with Accorsi? Seems to be some double standards there.
RE: We are  
JOrthman : 11/22/2023 6:31 pm : link
In comment 16298184 PaulN said:
A chat room. What the fuck else are we? Experts? At bullshut, sure. You or we deserve any bullets we get. If we are going to openly criticize players, announcers, whatever, then we should also get criticism. If you can't understand and accept that, then go home and suck your thumb. For Pete's sake thry are human. I criticize, sure, and get criticized, you can't take any of it personal. You just can't. These players, who are just people like us, are young people, some almost kids. Playing a game! Maybe we take it all too serious. I yelled at the TV, at a player, for dropping a pass, my granddaughter says to me, but you know he tried his best, right grandpa. I said, yes, I know. But I was lying, here an 8 year old is showing me what a child I am. Without saying it because she still believes the best in people. So now we want to say whatever we wish, but the player should just shut up? Why, because he is getting paid? You jealous? I am, so I understand, but tgmhey are people, young people. Maybe we should be nice if we wish it back. But that ship sailed a long time ago.

Good post
christian : 11/22/2023 7:24 pm : link
In comment 16299344 Sean said:
I think Reese is wildly disrespected and under appreciated on this board. Everyone loves to rip Marc Ross and lump him in with Reese, well why doesn't Reese get the credit for delivering excellent drafts when he had the role of Marc Ross with Accorsi? Seems to be some double standards there.

Sean, over the years you know I've been consistent about this opinion: general managing a team each year is a collosal task. Each year presents myriad decisions, and each year a GM has it within his power to swing the pendulum.

Reese as you mentioned was also the guy who scouted and was a party to acquiring most of the players he inherited.

I don't remember Gilbride complaining about the top tier pass weapons Reese gave him that enabled his vaunted option route offense. Or any of the defensive coordinators complaining about the movable feast of top tier defenders Reese acquired.

What's always conveniently left out of the story is the comical amount of injuries and the number of very good careers cut short. Thomas, Phillips, Beatty, Cruz, Nicks, Ballard. Even everyone's most hated pick David Wilson was an All Pro returner.

Reese's philosophy was build a track team that could beat teams over the top. And he succeeded. He has the ring to prove it. That the core of those players all had their careers cut short is the tragedy. If Nick's, Cruz, and Ballard are all healthy in 2012 the Giants compete for another ring.

And I guarantee you Manning would rather go to battle with the 2011 skills players over the 2008 offensive line.

Reese, like Coughlin, did a bad job in the aftermath of the championship years. They both deserved to be fired in 2015. Three losing seasons is cause to lose both of those jobs.

But it doesn't change what Reese accomplished.
RE: RE: RE: …  
IchabodGiant : 11/22/2023 11:11 pm : link
In comment 16299178 ThomasG said:
In comment 16299122 IchabodGiant said:


In comment 16298590 christian said:


And I am sure I come off as a boob plenty myself. One thing I've recently come to terms with is not everyone was around here 20 years ago. We all really ripped each other to shreds, and came back the next day with no hard feelings. I probably haven't evolved much from that time.

This 100%. It was A LOT rougher back then. I did not participate; but the newbs around here would be shocked at some of the back and forth that took place back then. (And I miss that!)

Yeah, bet you saw some real good arguments over 23 years of lurking and not participating.

Yes I did.
Let's face it  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/23/2023 3:11 pm : link
Reese was probably in over his head. TC and Eli covered a lot of the warts for the GM and in the end he threw both under the bus. I think most leaders if they assessed the situation would see the drafts were the big issue. Especially on the fronts.

Perhaps a few posters get a little too emotional over JR and don't accept it for what it was. Solid GM for 4-5 years and terrible after.

Mara unfortunately made a mistake. Hopefully he learned from it.

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