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JFK & BBIers old enough to remember.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/21/2023 9:09 pm
Tomorrow marks 60 years since JFK's assassination which forever changed America. I don't think that's hyperbole. I think the '60s go differently if JFK lives, i.e. we don't get bogged down in Vietnam.

Anyways, BBIers alive at the time...would love to hear your story that day.

My old man was living in Brooklyn at the time. Sisters told him Kennedy was shot & let them go, seeing it was a Friday. He learned JFK was dead when he got home. His mom-my grandmother-was weeping.
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the Kennedys have always been a corrupt family  
KDavies : 11/22/2023 10:20 am : link
add in Ruby's mafia connections and I tend to lean towards that theory: Oswald the fall guy and Ruby killed him to cover it up
RE: I don't know why this view persists  
jinkies : 11/22/2023 10:24 am : link
In comment 16298868 Mike from Ohio said:
that if JFK lived, the US involvement in Vietnam is different. JFK was elected by essentially being tougher on communist aggression than Nixon was. During his time as president he escalated US involvement in Vietnam. Maybe he reverses course from what LBJ did, but I don't see any reason to believe he would have - if he even was re-elected in 1964 which is not a given.

His assassination was a national tragedy, but this idea that the US would have become a utopia of peace and harmony had he survived simply isn't realistic at all.

LBJ committed the most consequential escalation. I think it's reasonable to question whether Kennedy would have done the same. LBJ took the most destructive course.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/22/2023 10:24 am : link
I remember watching ‘The Fog of War’ and McNamara stated he thought JFK would pull out of Vietnam but not until his second term. But we’ll never know.

It is a fascinating ‘What if?’
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/22/2023 10:27 am : link
& I believe LBJ reversed JFK’s order the weekend after the assassination to bring home American personnel by the end of ‘63.
GaryR : 11/22/2023 10:31 am : link
7 years old. The nuns had us praying when the news came in that he was shot. My parents were shocked. They loved JFK.

For those interested, watch the new documentary, "JFK:What the Doctors Saw" on Paramount+. All the trauma room MD's attest that Kennedy's head wound was a result of a shot from the front.Same with the neck wound, from the front. Watch it and determine for yourself what to think regarding a conspiracy.

This documentary was recorded in 2013 and not shown until 11-14-23.
2nd Grade PS 199  
Sec 103 : 11/22/2023 10:47 am : link
Mrs. Fitzgerald came in in tears and told us. We were sent home, my mother was besides herself by the time I got home. That's when it hit me. The events thereafter are ingrained in my head forever.
RE: RE: RE: RE: …  
speedywheels : 11/22/2023 10:48 am : link
In comment 16298786 nygiantfan said:
In comment 16298771 jsuds said:


In comment 16298758 aimrocky said:


In comment 16298733 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Oswald alone....

Maybe Oswald was skilled enough to use that shitty rifle to kill Kennedy. It just seems too convenient that he is killed before the investigation can occur. And why on earth did the government go to such lengths to cover up virtually all the details of the assassination? To protect themselves from their own incompetence? That theory has way more weight to me than a lucky shot from Oswald.

They covered up all the details?

In November 1964, two months after the publication of its 888-page report, the Warren Commission published twenty-six volumes of supporting documents, including the testimony or depositions of 552 witnesses and more than 3,100 exhibits making a total of more than 16,000 pages.

Sure. If you're willing to be believe in that piece of fiction...
At least you are consistent with bad takes on both  
nygiantfan : 11/22/2023 11:00 am : link
football and non-football topics Speedy.
I was too young to remember JFK assassination...  
Milton : 11/22/2023 11:06 am : link
But RFK's is burned into my memory, because even as an 8-year old, he was my guy. I can still hear his last words in my head, "Now it's on to Chicago and let's win there."
was in elementary school  
bc4life : 11/22/2023 11:37 am : link
got sent home early because President was "sick".
I was in 5th grade in a farm-country school in the heart of rural  
CT Charlie : 11/22/2023 12:06 pm : link
Pennsylvania. Hard to believe, but while the United States of America was in the process of trying to send men to the moon, my school still had wooden desks that were attached to the ones in front and behind in long rows (bolted to long wooden slats, not to the floor) and there were inkwells in each desktop, darkened by decades of spattered ink...

My teacher, gray-haired Miss Karper, also served as principal of our K-6 school, so she had a phone on her desk at the front corner of the room. It was extremely rare for the phone to ring during class, so I still remember the look of shock and horror on her bespectacled face when she heard the news (presumably from the school secretary) and announced to the class, "The President has been assassinated." It was, of course, surreal because the only such thing we kids were aware of, was the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, seemingly in ancient times. I remember a girl in the front row raising her hand and offering to walk classroom to classroom to deliver the news, as there was no intercom or internal phone system in the school.

Others have described the ghostly, cinematic nature of the weekend, spanning the first reports and speculation, and more: the killing of J.D. Tippett, the discovery of the sniper's nest, the capture of Oswald, the parading of him into the police station (with the presumed murder weapon held overhead by a detective), and on Sunday morning the live-on-TV murder of Oswald in plain sight by some old guy who bounded into the picture wearing a hat. For many of us, I suspect, the still photos of Jackie Kennedy wearing the blood-stained suit bore as much emotional weight as anything else. (For you youngsters, understand that color photos of all this wouldn't be available until the weekly newsmagazines were published a few days later. The black-and-white images were more than sad enough. Haunting.) Frames of the the Zapruder film, and others, wouldn't be published for a week or two, either, and at first they were only black-and-white images. The public wouldn't see a moving version for many years, I think. (Wikipedia backs me up on this.)

Marshall McLuhan and other academics have said that TV sets became the family fireplace, the "electronic hearth," replacing radios as the thing that brought folks together in the 2nd half of the 20th century. There's no question that the shared experience of the weekend, culminating with the funeral procession on Monday (following the assassination on Friday), brought the entire country together in horror and mourning. Even the millions of people who neither liked nor admired JFK shared the feelings of grief and disbelief at his untimely death. In that moment, the country was briefly united, and we all felt it.

I've veered away from personal recollection, except to say that my own experience was similar to that of everyone else during that first Everybody-is-seeing-the-same-thing-at-the-same-time event in the history of the United States. On Friday night, though, along with tens of millions of Americans, my parents (who didn't vote for Kennedy) took to me to our local church for a special service to honor the fallen President. At that time of year the days were short, and the feeling of darkness spread through the dimly lit church, and I daresay across the country, as we struggled to comprehend the tragedy of losing our young and vigorous leader. Even for a 10-year-old it was emotional to sing the Navy hymn, which I suspect most churches chose to honor JFK's service and his heroism on PT-109 – popularized in a big-screen movie that had been released in the summer, only a few months before.

Perhaps I'm romanticizing my recollections, but I don't think so. Regardless of one's opinion of JFK, there's little question that the entire country was shaken by the events. Confidence in the system and faith in the future were undermined if not shattered, and only the moon landing in 1969 helped to restore a measure of those lost feelings of hope. And then Watergate, the mess of Vietnam, and the energy crisis made the '70s an ever more discouraging time for the U.S.

For those of you remember those days, I hope I'm not exaggerating when I say that the assassination weekend seemed like a clear dividing line between Before and After. Regardless of our individual experiences, we all shared a collective, common one – and it didn't feel good.
ChrisRick : 11/22/2023 12:18 pm : link
Kennedy was killed by Oswald and Oswald alone with a magic bullet

CS s01e10
Facts - ( New Window )
Go Terps : 11/22/2023 12:21 pm : link
Over the past year I've read the Warren Commission report (just the report, not the thousands of pages of attached documents of course) and the Posner book. I also listened to the "Solving JFK" podcast, and am listening to the Rob Reiner pod on iHeartRadio that's going on right now.

My personal belief is it didn't go down the way the Warren report said it did.
It is my oldest memory  
Dave : 11/22/2023 12:36 pm : link
I was 5 yrs old, at the bus stop with my mother

and the war machine lives on 60 years later :(
Zapruder film  
Snacks : 11/22/2023 12:58 pm : link
JFK assassination  
bronxboy : 11/22/2023 1:15 pm : link
See Operation Northwoods
It was a mob hit, then  
Sky King : 11/22/2023 1:30 pm : link
Oswald was silenced by mob affiliated Ruby.

Occam's Razor.
RE: …  
MookGiants : 11/22/2023 2:10 pm : link
In comment 16298733 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
For a long time, I wanted to think it was a conspiracy. The idea of a loser like Oswald killing someone of historical significance like JFK doesn’t feel right or add up. But the more I read and watched, I think it was solely Oswald.

I am not a conspiracy theorist at all. The JFK situation is the only one I actually believe. Have you been to Dealey Plaza? Each time I'm in Dallas I go there. Each time I'm there I'm more convinced that there's no way Oswald was the lone shooter.
JFK wasn't shot his head just did that.  
BrettNYG10 : 11/22/2023 2:15 pm : link
I was in the 3rd grade Longfellow elementary school Bridgeport Ct.  
BCD : 11/22/2023 2:21 pm : link
my teacher Mrs.Eddieback came in the room crying out of control....enough said
Just Sayin' Re: Single Assassin  
varco : 11/22/2023 2:51 pm : link
Three well placed shots within a small number of seconds, at that distance, with a WW2 surplus Carcano bolt action rifle, fitted with a poor scope. I don't know. Maybe? Someone would have to be a champion marksman.

Perhaps someday the full report will be issued. RFK Jr. has petitioned for release of the remaining documents.
RE: was in elementary school  
Ron from Ninerland : 11/22/2023 3:07 pm : link
In comment 16298995 bc4life said:
got sent home early because President was "sick".
Really ? Where was that ? I was in the 2nd grade public school in Manhattan. The principal interrupted classes to announce over the public address system that President Kennedy had been shot and seriously wounded. The teachers and all the adults were visibly agitated. A little later the principle had announced that President Kennedy had died. Back then we always studied "Current Events" and were aided by a four page handout called the "Weekly Reader" Typically it was a colorful paper with large easy to read print to accomodate grade schoolers. As I remember, the next day we read a special edition of the Weekly Reader. It was in somber black and white with much smaller print and more detail then usual. For us second graders, this was the most serious event in our lifetimes, even more than the Cuban Missile crisis. When I look back I am grateful that the adults were as frank and open about it as could reasonably be expected. Where I was, they did not attempt to sugarcoat it.

Thats why I am surprised to hear that you were told that the President was "sick". That sounds more like the 2023 way of doing things rather than 1963.
RE: It was a mob hit, then  
Mike from Ohio : 11/22/2023 4:43 pm : link
In comment 16299114 Sky King said:
Oswald was silenced by mob affiliated Ruby.

Occam's Razor.

This is the exact opposite of Occam’s Razor. You are suggesting a conspiracy involve numerous people where thousands of things could have gone wrong and didn’t.

Occam’s Razoe would suggest Oswald acted alone. That is the simplest explanation.
Still Remember the Day--A Very Sad One  
jintsfan08540 : 11/22/2023 6:34 pm : link
I was 10 at the time and playing touch football at my neighbor's house on Viola Drive in Glen Cove on Long Island--Giants were having a great season (with a 17 year playoff absence on the horizon) with Tittle, Shofner and Gifford running up scores. My friend's mom came out and said that President Kennedy had been shot. I went home and was very upset--his election in 1960 had been the first one that I understood, and I remembered waking up the day after election day and asking "who won?" and being very happy that he beat Nixon. Kennedy did a great job managing the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 (we used to "hide" under our desks at school during the nuclear attack alerts). Not sure if things would've been different in Vietnam but Kennedy also deserves credit for starting the ball rolling on the ong overdue Civil Rights and Voting Rights movements which Johnson ultimately delivered.
RE: RE: RE: …  
jinkies : 11/22/2023 6:53 pm : link
In comment 16298771 jsuds said:
In comment 16298758 aimrocky said:


In comment 16298733 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Oswald alone....

Maybe Oswald was skilled enough to use that shitty rifle to kill Kennedy. It just seems too convenient that he is killed before the investigation can occur. And why on earth did the government go to such lengths to cover up virtually all the details of the assassination? To protect themselves from their own incompetence? That theory has way more weight to me than a lucky shot from Oswald.

Oswald was rated as a midtier sharpshooter. He had skill. Was it enough to land a head shot at that range with that gun? I'm not expert enough to say. Maybe others here have insight.
I was stationed at Bainbridge MD, we were totally stunned when  
Jack Stroud : 11/22/2023 8:15 pm : link
it came on the news.
For anyone who for doesn’t think the shots came from Oswald’s rifle  
nygiantfan : 11/22/2023 8:23 pm : link
from the schoolbook depository building you should watch the Peter Jennings report on “Beyond Conspiracy” on YouTube. It recreates the setting and shows how and where the bullets originated and landed.

There is no conspiracy.
RE: For anyone who for doesn’t think the shots came from Oswald’s rifle  
jinkies : 11/22/2023 10:08 pm : link
In comment 16299452 nygiantfan said:
from the schoolbook depository building you should watch the Peter Jennings report on “Beyond Conspiracy” on YouTube. It recreates the setting and shows how and where the bullets originated and landed.

There is no conspiracy.

I remember watching a show a while back that made the lone gunman theory seem more than plausible. Maybe that's the one. I'll check it out. Thanks.
What a beautiful thread  
armstead98 : 11/22/2023 11:12 pm : link
Amazing stories that held my attention like few things these day. Exemplifies why this is a special site.
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