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Stay Classy Nick Siriani

nyjuggernaut2 : 11/21/2023 9:19 pm
God please don’t let this man win a Super Bowl…

Siriani yells at Chiefs Fans following last nights game - ( New Window )
Not sure anyone noticed...  
BillKo : 11/21/2023 9:25 pm : link
...but after the incompletion on 4th and 25, then did a quick cut the sideline and you could see Siriani immediately look to the stands and do an Eagle wing/flying impersonation.

If find it odd a head coach's first inclination is do to that, rather than seek out one of his players for a congratulatory hug.

Different age indeed.

Also - heard a rumor that Siriani got into a scuffle at a local watering hole down here in Haddonfield, where he lives. Kinda believable.

Cheech d : 11/21/2023 9:27 pm : link
Not surprised about the scuffle… after all, he has the most punchable face in th NFL
Cheech d : 11/21/2023 9:28 pm : link
Not surprised about the scuffle… after all, he has the most punchable face in th NFL
Iwasinthepool : 11/21/2023 9:29 pm : link
I hated Nick Siriani the moment he celebrated into a camera on the sidelines.

I hated him more when he got into an argument with a giants fan on a tennis court.

Then a few weeks ago, I saw him at a youth football game after his son has played. We had the next game. He stayed behind for a good 30 mins talking with kids from the other team and taking pictures. I thought, maybe he’s not such a bad guy.

Now I hate him again. He’s a coach. He’s not on the field. He’s celebrating other men’s accomplishments. What a clown.
Fuck him  
regulator : 11/21/2023 9:33 pm : link
but he's got that team pointed directly at Las Vegas in February... and we are still years away from competing with them.
ryanmkeane : 11/21/2023 9:33 pm : link
Typical guy that probably got made fun of when he was a kid and loves to be a prick in adult life now that he’s successful
He's like a cartoon character  
ghost718 : 11/21/2023 9:38 pm : link
Type of guy that would steal a foul ball from a kid at a baseball game.
He is a dick  
Chef : 11/21/2023 9:44 pm : link
but you would love him if things were reversed.....
He really is totally...  
bw in dc : 11/21/2023 9:44 pm : link

A complete jackass.
He actually coached in KC with Daboll for a year  
Sean : 11/21/2023 9:46 pm : link
I must be in the minority  
jinkies : 11/21/2023 9:48 pm : link
I don't give two craps what Nick Siriani does. It doesn't trigger me in the least. In fact, I hope he gets worse and humiliates Giants management to run our team with the same sense of urgency that the Eagles seem to have under Roseman.

The Eagles are a great team. Deal with it. Can we be as good as them? What's taking so long.
RE: He is a dick  
Chris in Philly : 11/21/2023 10:43 pm : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....

Absolutely false.
RE: He is a dick  
Spider56 : 11/21/2023 10:44 pm : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....

Totally wrong … I’d rather support a losing team that has class than be associated with a team that has a dipshit prick for a coach. He embodies everything I hate about Philadelphia. A classless place that should be traded to China for a bowl of good Lo Mein.
Is karma is real  
RELICDOA : 11/21/2023 10:51 pm : link
The Eagles will get bounced in the first round
He looks so stupid!  
Rico : 11/21/2023 11:25 pm : link
How could he possibly be a good coach???
He is the perfect coach for the asshole Eagles  
PatersonPlank : 11/21/2023 11:43 pm : link
RE: …  
Milton : 11/22/2023 1:01 am : link
In comment 16298625 ryanmkeane said:
Typical guy that probably got made fun of when he was a kid and loves to be a prick in adult life now that he’s successful
Or maybe he's always been a prick. Why make him out to be a victim?
RE: …  
allstarjim : 11/22/2023 2:14 am : link
In comment 16298625 ryanmkeane said:
Typical guy that probably got made fun of when he was a kid and loves to be a prick in adult life now that he’s successful

Nailed it.
I know I'll get shit for this  
Route 9 : 11/22/2023 2:29 am : link
But I don't care. All they do is win, while we have to be grateful to be just north of .500 for one season. If the Giants were 9-1 and our coach showed up to every game completely naked, I wouldn't give one fuck.

You know what? I'd have to say if anyone looked like a complete douchebag, it was Dave Gettleman. They get shit done over there. There are plenty of douchebags in the NFL and it seems as if this place just has an obsession with this dude.
RE: He is a dick  
BlackLight : 11/22/2023 2:33 am : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....

If things were reversed, I'd tolerate him, but that's it.
RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
allstarjim : 11/22/2023 3:33 am : link
In comment 16298694 Route 9 said:
But I don't care. All they do is win, while we have to be grateful to be just north of .500 for one season. If the Giants were 9-1 and our coach showed up to every game completely naked, I wouldn't give one fuck.

You know what? I'd have to say if anyone looked like a complete douchebag, it was Dave Gettleman. They get shit done over there. There are plenty of douchebags in the NFL and it seems as if this place just has an obsession with this dude.

Your take isn't wrong. My take is two things can be true at the same time. Dave Gettleman is a douchebag, I agree, the incompetent douche. Siriani is worse though. He's competent, successful, and it's so much easier to be classy when you're a winner. But nah, he doesn't do that, he leans into mega-douche. Just a total complete douche. I'd rather a competent douche like him than an incompetent douche like Gettleman, but in other ways, Siriani is just so much more punch-able. Fuck him.

The fall will be quick and glorious, I just hope they don't win another Lombardi before it happens.
He’s an asshole.  
Giant John : 11/22/2023 4:59 am : link
But I’d take an asshole coach if our record was 9-1.
He’s an asshole.  
Giant John : 11/22/2023 4:59 am : link
But I’d take an asshole coach if our record was 9-1.
Siriani stay classy?...............Impossible!  
TheMick7 : 11/22/2023 5:55 am : link
RE: He is a dick  
Optimus-NY : 11/22/2023 6:42 am : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....

Speak for yourself, not for me or anyone else.
Sort of Like Leo Durocher  
varco : 11/22/2023 6:53 am : link
Recall disliking Durocher as well. Smart ass, rub your nose in it, play every angle, etc. He was a winner though, and the Eagles seem to have one as well. As long as the stream of talent keeps up, he'll be OK but should they stumble, opponents will gleefully "run it up" on him.
Yea yea yea  
Bubba : 11/22/2023 7:35 am : link
he's this that and the other thing. He's still the HC of the best friggin team in football. bastid.
What is he 12?  
cjac : 11/22/2023 7:50 am : link
I’m sure the Eagles ownership doesn’t care that he acts that way in public, but I think a lot of owners would. The Eagles have been the best team in the NFC for 2 years now. In my opinion it’s not behavior that is becoming of an NFL coach, but it certainly plays right into the Eagle fan base. If my team was that good for that long as a fan I’d probably have a “nothing to see here” attitude.

Maybe this will come back and bite him someday, but not if he wins a Super Bowl or 2.
easy to be cocky  
bc4life : 11/22/2023 8:08 am : link
when you inherit a playoff team. don't give me the "they went 4-12 when he first got there". that was aa down year a few years removed from SB. Most important pieces were there when he got there.

RE: He is a dick  
UConn4523 : 11/22/2023 8:10 am : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....

Wrong. Can only speak for myself but I don’t mind when players act like clowns on occasion, they are the product and they are the ones risking injury. Coaches should have a tiny bit of class. Siriani is the biggest tool in the sport, and I’d call him that if he was our HC.
I think there were a few Giant fans  
cjac : 11/22/2023 8:23 am : link
that were upset when Odell did his dog pee celebration, so because you're engaging fans i think this is worse
RE: He is a dick  
BigBlueShock : 11/22/2023 8:31 am : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....

You obviously do not have the pulse of Giants fans. This is a fanbase that loses its minds when the head coach has an animated conversation with a player on the sideline. And don’t get me started about the reaction to some of the sack dances we’ve seen players do over the years. There is no chance this fanbase would tolerate the HC running his mouth like that after a win. It would be a bigger story on BBI than the actual win
RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
rsjem1979 : 11/22/2023 8:46 am : link
In comment 16298694 Route 9 said:
But I don't care. All they do is win, while we have to be grateful to be just north of .500 for one season. If the Giants were 9-1 and our coach showed up to every game completely naked, I wouldn't give one fuck.

You know what? I'd have to say if anyone looked like a complete douchebag, it was Dave Gettleman. They get shit done over there. There are plenty of douchebags in the NFL and it seems as if this place just has an obsession with this dude.

Agreed, literally the only thing we can say about the Eagles is that their coach is kind of a prick.

Giants fans should keep the Eagles organization out of their mouths entirely until we're not colossally embarrassing by comparison. We're not even playing in the same league as the Eagles at the moment - the Giants had more losses by Halloween than the Eagles have had since the start of the 2022 season, including the Super Bowl.
christian : 11/22/2023 8:53 am : link
From my game day experiences, there's a small slice of the Giants fan base that can identify with Siriani.

My guess is only that sliver would be pleased if he were the Giants coach.

If recent experience is an indicator, most of the fan base was put off with a giant bozo leading the organization.
RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
BigBlueShock : 11/22/2023 8:54 am : link
In comment 16298763 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16298694 Route 9 said:


But I don't care. All they do is win, while we have to be grateful to be just north of .500 for one season. If the Giants were 9-1 and our coach showed up to every game completely naked, I wouldn't give one fuck.

You know what? I'd have to say if anyone looked like a complete douchebag, it was Dave Gettleman. They get shit done over there. There are plenty of douchebags in the NFL and it seems as if this place just has an obsession with this dude.

Agreed, literally the only thing we can say about the Eagles is that their coach is kind of a prick.

Giants fans should keep the Eagles organization out of their mouths entirely until we're not colossally embarrassing by comparison. We're not even playing in the same league as the Eagles at the moment - the Giants had more losses by Halloween than the Eagles have had since the start of the 2022 season, including the Super Bowl.

This is ridiculous. The fans aren’t responsible for this mess. We didn’t put the team together and we damn sure aren’t on the sideline coaching them. The HC acting like a complete lunatic can’t be discussed by the fans because the Eagles are better? GTFO with that bullshit. We can talk about anything we want. And it will have ZERO effect on the outcome of any game. If you want to say the coaches and players should keep the Eagles out of their mouths, fair enough. They are the ones getting curbstomped.
RE: RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
rsjem1979 : 11/22/2023 9:05 am : link
In comment 16298768 BigBlueShock said:

This is ridiculous. The fans aren’t responsible for this mess. We didn’t put the team together and we damn sure aren’t on the sideline coaching them. The HC acting like a complete lunatic can’t be discussed by the fans because the Eagles are better? GTFO with that bullshit. We can talk about anything we want. And it will have ZERO effect on the outcome of any game. If you want to say the coaches and players should keep the Eagles out of their mouths, fair enough. They are the ones getting curbstomped.

If it makes you feel better about the Giants being pitiful, go nuts. You know who doesn't think about the Giants at all at the moment? Eagles fans.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
BigBlueShock : 11/22/2023 9:15 am : link
In comment 16298775 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16298768 BigBlueShock said:


This is ridiculous. The fans aren’t responsible for this mess. We didn’t put the team together and we damn sure aren’t on the sideline coaching them. The HC acting like a complete lunatic can’t be discussed by the fans because the Eagles are better? GTFO with that bullshit. We can talk about anything we want. And it will have ZERO effect on the outcome of any game. If you want to say the coaches and players should keep the Eagles out of their mouths, fair enough. They are the ones getting curbstomped.

If it makes you feel better about the Giants being pitiful, go nuts. You know who doesn't think about the Giants at all at the moment? Eagles fans.

Here’s what you’re missing….commenting on the Eagles or something Eagles related has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Giants. Why would a fan commenting about Siriani being a complete douche make anyone feel better about the Giants? It has nothing to do with the Giants. You apparently think that fans should go into hiding and never have discussions about other teams if the team you root for stinks. That’s just asinine, but hey if it makes you feel better, enjoy. And you’re not even whining about Giants fans criticizing the play on the field of the Eagles. You’re upset they commented on the HC running his mouth.

Climb back into your hole of depression and I will talk about anything I want. And it won’t make me feel better or worse. And it won’t change a damn thing about the product on the field. But I’m damn sure not going to stop commenting on current events going on around the league simply because the Giants are having a rough stretch
RE: I think there were a few Giant fans  
LTIsTheGreatest : 11/22/2023 9:20 am : link
In comment 16298752 cjac said:
that were upset when Odell did his dog pee celebration, so because you're engaging fans i think this is worse

How about in 2006 when Plaxico caught the game winning TD pass in Philly and was yelling "GET THAT SH*T OUTTA HERE!!!" I loved it but can see where plenty pf people hated it. Same when Flipper Anderson caught the game winner in 89 playoffs against us and went running into the tunnel. I remember wishing he would trip and fall.
I said it last year  
Matt in SGS : 11/22/2023 9:21 am : link
he's Millennial Barry Switzer. Inherited a ready made team that still had the core of their championship group at the OL/DL.

I fully expect him to end his time in Philly similar to how Switzer did in Dallas after the retirements start, particularly on the OL. Considered a clown and run out of town. Howie will scapegoat him just like he did Pederson. Don't be surprised if it starts to happen as soon as next year. Philly better get homefield, because I think they will lose at Dallas or SF in the playoffs.
RE: Siriani  
DonnieD89 : 11/22/2023 9:26 am : link
In comment 16298619 Cheech d said:
Not surprised about the scuffle… after all, he has the most punchable face in th NFL

He’s got that collie nose that you just wanna wipe off his face.
The best Sirianni was  
Essex : 11/22/2023 9:28 am : link
when the Chiefs receiver dropped the walk in touchdown, he was making the incomplete sign as if what happened on that play was a positive play for the Eagles as opposed to the guy just messing up. As a coach, I figure Parcells would be screaming on the mike to Belichick "How the F did that guy get that wide open when they need a touch down"
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
rsjem1979 : 11/22/2023 9:31 am : link
In comment 16298784 BigBlueShock said:

Here’s what you’re missing….commenting on the Eagles or something Eagles related has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Giants. Why would a fan commenting about Siriani being a complete douche make anyone feel better about the Giants? It has nothing to do with the Giants. You apparently think that fans should go into hiding and never have discussions about other teams if the team you root for stinks. That’s just asinine, but hey if it makes you feel better, enjoy. And you’re not even whining about Giants fans criticizing the play on the field of the Eagles. You’re upset they commented on the HC running his mouth.

I'm not upset about anything other than the Giants being terrible for more than a decade. I think it's sad that people like yourself would waste the emotional energy being annoyed by the antics of the coach of a wildly successful team, an organization that makes the Giants look amateurish and embarrassing.

It's not as if you're "discussing another team". Because if you were, you'd be looking at all of the things the Eagles do better than the Giants from the top of the organization down to the fucking water boy.

Philly's coach is a douche. That's really though-provoking discussion.
God I can't stand him.  
Mike in Long Beach : 11/22/2023 9:44 am : link
But also, it's fun he's here to hate.

Yes, I realize this isn't healthy.
I am not sure if it's an exact comparison...  
Drewcon40 : 11/22/2023 9:50 am : link
...but I was a huge fan of Jeremy Shockey. He was a player that rubbed other teams' fans the wrong way.

I am trying to honestly envision Siriani as a Giants coach. I would love the record but would honestly be uncomfortable with our coach engaging with fans.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/22/2023 10:12 am : link
There’s a HUGE difference between a player doing this and a head coach doing this.
Good coach  
Mike from Ohio : 11/22/2023 10:14 am : link
pathetic person.
If he's not piloting a championship roster  
widmerseyebrow : 11/22/2023 10:18 am : link
That's the type of personality where things would implode quickly, but alas...
Ron Johnson : 11/22/2023 10:19 am : link
Looks like some asshole who should be shoveling a driveway “
-Bill Burr
RE: He is a dick  
Sec 103 : 11/22/2023 10:27 am : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....

No, a dick regardless of colors that he wears is still a dick
RE: …  
Drewcon40 : 11/22/2023 10:28 am : link
In comment 16298856 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
There’s a HUGE difference between a player doing this and a head coach doing this.

SFGFNCGiantsFan - I was hesitating posting this because I agree with you. A coach, I believe, needs to have more professionalism.
RE: He is a dick  
Matt M. : 11/22/2023 10:31 am : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....
That's the thing. I don't think I would. He is a first class asshole.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/22/2023 10:33 am : link
I would be embarrassed as a fan if this dude was the Giants coach and acting like this. Even if he was racking up wins.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
BigBlueShock : 11/22/2023 10:34 am : link
In comment 16298809 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16298784 BigBlueShock said:


Here’s what you’re missing….commenting on the Eagles or something Eagles related has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Giants. Why would a fan commenting about Siriani being a complete douche make anyone feel better about the Giants? It has nothing to do with the Giants. You apparently think that fans should go into hiding and never have discussions about other teams if the team you root for stinks. That’s just asinine, but hey if it makes you feel better, enjoy. And you’re not even whining about Giants fans criticizing the play on the field of the Eagles. You’re upset they commented on the HC running his mouth.

I'm not upset about anything other than the Giants being terrible for more than a decade. I think it's sad that people like yourself would waste the emotional energy being annoyed by the antics of the coach of a wildly successful team, an organization that makes the Giants look amateurish and embarrassing.

It's not as if you're "discussing another team". Because if you were, you'd be looking at all of the things the Eagles do better than the Giants from the top of the organization down to the fucking water boy.

Philly's coach is a douche. That's really though-provoking discussion.

You should pay more attention. We’ve discussed things the Eagles do better than the Giants a billion times on those site. In this case, someone posted a thread with Siriani being a clown walking off the field. People think he’s a douche. You can fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit that is basically insinuating that you’re a real fan because you don’t care. Yet, you clicked on the thread. You thinking fans shouldn’t comment when they think someone is a douche is simply because the Giants suck is laughable. It doesn’t make you a better fan. It makes you pathetic. It’s ok to call out a clown when appropriate. Yes, even if your favorite team is not going to the Super Bowl. But you do you and drown yourself in misery. I look forward to never seeing you on another thread that doesn’t revolve around talking about how bad the Giants suck. There are plenty of those threads daily and I suggest you stick to them
A few thoughts  
Matt M. : 11/22/2023 10:37 am : link
1) He didn't really engage the fans on this one. He didn't say shit until he was in the tunnel, or at least under the temporary tunnel.

2) He is a dick week in and week out

3) It sure is easy to coach when your GM is about the best in the league. That said, they lost their OC and DC and haven't missed a beat. Back to easy to coach...

4) Someone actually thinks Giants fans would like him? The same fans that had a group get their panties in a bunch because the coach threw a tablet down in disgust after talking with his clueless QB? Th.e same fans who don't like Daboll getting mad at stupid MENTAL mistakes? I can only speak for myself, but I would 100% not like this guy on the Giants sidelines. I'd be embarrassed by his antics every week. For context, I have ZERO problem with Daboll on the sideline. And, at least Daboll is civil and normal in his pressers. Siriani is just as bad there.
Starting shit..  
Chris in Philly : 11/22/2023 11:47 am : link
after you're safely in the tunnel is a real tough guy move. Hold me back!
RE: Starting shit..  
Sammo85 : 11/22/2023 12:14 pm : link
In comment 16299005 Chris in Philly said:
after you're safely in the tunnel is a real tough guy move. Hold me back!

This! LOL.

I watched the replay. No - of course they can't hear you now Nick because you waited until your were softly and safely within confines of many security personnel, in front of cameras to stage your tough guy persona and then yell with several feet of concrete/steel between you and at said fans, whom couldn't say or do anything in response.

This guy is perfect for Philly. Fake tough guy HC for a city who glorifies a fake movie icon in Rocky.

I am starting  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 12:25 pm : link
to think some of his antics are a bit of a act and he sees it as motivating the team and its fanbase. Just a hunch as I am not familiar with his past and if this was a trend with him.

I think most people will tolerate certain acts that they don't agree with as long as you are winning and then you better advance far in the playoffs. When you have a couple down years that act is then old and they will turn faster on you imv.
Gee remember when George Young  
Bubba : 11/22/2023 1:02 pm : link
passed on Belichick citing one of the reasons his personality would not mesh well with the local media etc? How did that work out? This is the NFL not the Miss America pageant.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
rsjem1979 : 11/22/2023 1:04 pm : link
In comment 16298895 BigBlueShock said:

You should pay more attention. We’ve discussed things the Eagles do better than the Giants a billion times on those site. In this case, someone posted a thread with Siriani being a clown walking off the field. People think he’s a douche. You can fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit that is basically insinuating that you’re a real fan because you don’t care. Yet, you clicked on the thread. You thinking fans shouldn’t comment when they think someone is a douche is simply because the Giants suck is laughable. It doesn’t make you a better fan. It makes you pathetic. It’s ok to call out a clown when appropriate. Yes, even if your favorite team is not going to the Super Bowl. But you do you and drown yourself in misery. I look forward to never seeing you on another thread that doesn’t revolve around talking about how bad the Giants suck. There are plenty of those threads daily and I suggest you stick to them

Suggestion noted.
ryanmkeane : 11/22/2023 2:11 pm : link
Guy sucks. When the Eagles had Andy Reid at least you respected the hell out of him. Siranni is just a prick. Not sure what else to say.
The Eagles like to manage the coach  
Sean : 11/22/2023 2:32 pm : link
For all we talk about meddling here, the Eagles are a franchise that meddles a lot. It works though. Lurie and Roseman want a coach they can control and will take orders.

I'll disagree with Matt above, I don't think Pederson took the fall for the tank game. I think Pederson was tired of the bullshit to have to discuss game planning with Lurie and Roseman.

The Eagles gave Chip Kelly all of the power in 2015 and it was a disaster, so they went to a philosophy where the front office controlled the coach. And to their credit, it works.

All to say that I think Sirianni is along for the ride. I think Julian Love was right.
He is a cunt  
BlueHurricane : 11/22/2023 2:52 pm : link
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