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Stay Classy Nick Siriani

nyjuggernaut2 : 11/21/2023 9:19 pm
God please don’t let this man win a Super Bowl…

Siriani yells at Chiefs Fans following last nights game - ( New Window )
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RE: He is a dick  
Matt M. : 11/22/2023 10:31 am : link
In comment 16298631 Chef said:
but you would love him if things were reversed.....
That's the thing. I don't think I would. He is a first class asshole.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/22/2023 10:33 am : link
I would be embarrassed as a fan if this dude was the Giants coach and acting like this. Even if he was racking up wins.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
BigBlueShock : 11/22/2023 10:34 am : link
In comment 16298809 rsjem1979 said:
In comment 16298784 BigBlueShock said:


Here’s what you’re missing….commenting on the Eagles or something Eagles related has absolutely NOTHING to do with the Giants. Why would a fan commenting about Siriani being a complete douche make anyone feel better about the Giants? It has nothing to do with the Giants. You apparently think that fans should go into hiding and never have discussions about other teams if the team you root for stinks. That’s just asinine, but hey if it makes you feel better, enjoy. And you’re not even whining about Giants fans criticizing the play on the field of the Eagles. You’re upset they commented on the HC running his mouth.

I'm not upset about anything other than the Giants being terrible for more than a decade. I think it's sad that people like yourself would waste the emotional energy being annoyed by the antics of the coach of a wildly successful team, an organization that makes the Giants look amateurish and embarrassing.

It's not as if you're "discussing another team". Because if you were, you'd be looking at all of the things the Eagles do better than the Giants from the top of the organization down to the fucking water boy.

Philly's coach is a douche. That's really though-provoking discussion.

You should pay more attention. We’ve discussed things the Eagles do better than the Giants a billion times on those site. In this case, someone posted a thread with Siriani being a clown walking off the field. People think he’s a douche. You can fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit that is basically insinuating that you’re a real fan because you don’t care. Yet, you clicked on the thread. You thinking fans shouldn’t comment when they think someone is a douche is simply because the Giants suck is laughable. It doesn’t make you a better fan. It makes you pathetic. It’s ok to call out a clown when appropriate. Yes, even if your favorite team is not going to the Super Bowl. But you do you and drown yourself in misery. I look forward to never seeing you on another thread that doesn’t revolve around talking about how bad the Giants suck. There are plenty of those threads daily and I suggest you stick to them
A few thoughts  
Matt M. : 11/22/2023 10:37 am : link
1) He didn't really engage the fans on this one. He didn't say shit until he was in the tunnel, or at least under the temporary tunnel.

2) He is a dick week in and week out

3) It sure is easy to coach when your GM is about the best in the league. That said, they lost their OC and DC and haven't missed a beat. Back to easy to coach...

4) Someone actually thinks Giants fans would like him? The same fans that had a group get their panties in a bunch because the coach threw a tablet down in disgust after talking with his clueless QB? Th.e same fans who don't like Daboll getting mad at stupid MENTAL mistakes? I can only speak for myself, but I would 100% not like this guy on the Giants sidelines. I'd be embarrassed by his antics every week. For context, I have ZERO problem with Daboll on the sideline. And, at least Daboll is civil and normal in his pressers. Siriani is just as bad there.
Starting shit..  
Chris in Philly : 11/22/2023 11:47 am : link
after you're safely in the tunnel is a real tough guy move. Hold me back!
RE: Starting shit..  
Sammo85 : 11/22/2023 12:14 pm : link
In comment 16299005 Chris in Philly said:
after you're safely in the tunnel is a real tough guy move. Hold me back!

This! LOL.

I watched the replay. No - of course they can't hear you now Nick because you waited until your were softly and safely within confines of many security personnel, in front of cameras to stage your tough guy persona and then yell with several feet of concrete/steel between you and at said fans, whom couldn't say or do anything in response.

This guy is perfect for Philly. Fake tough guy HC for a city who glorifies a fake movie icon in Rocky.

I am starting  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/22/2023 12:25 pm : link
to think some of his antics are a bit of a act and he sees it as motivating the team and its fanbase. Just a hunch as I am not familiar with his past and if this was a trend with him.

I think most people will tolerate certain acts that they don't agree with as long as you are winning and then you better advance far in the playoffs. When you have a couple down years that act is then old and they will turn faster on you imv.
Gee remember when George Young  
Bubba : 11/22/2023 1:02 pm : link
passed on Belichick citing one of the reasons his personality would not mesh well with the local media etc? How did that work out? This is the NFL not the Miss America pageant.
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: I know I'll get shit for this  
rsjem1979 : 11/22/2023 1:04 pm : link
In comment 16298895 BigBlueShock said:

You should pay more attention. We’ve discussed things the Eagles do better than the Giants a billion times on those site. In this case, someone posted a thread with Siriani being a clown walking off the field. People think he’s a douche. You can fuck off with your holier than thou bullshit that is basically insinuating that you’re a real fan because you don’t care. Yet, you clicked on the thread. You thinking fans shouldn’t comment when they think someone is a douche is simply because the Giants suck is laughable. It doesn’t make you a better fan. It makes you pathetic. It’s ok to call out a clown when appropriate. Yes, even if your favorite team is not going to the Super Bowl. But you do you and drown yourself in misery. I look forward to never seeing you on another thread that doesn’t revolve around talking about how bad the Giants suck. There are plenty of those threads daily and I suggest you stick to them

Suggestion noted.
ryanmkeane : 11/22/2023 2:11 pm : link
Guy sucks. When the Eagles had Andy Reid at least you respected the hell out of him. Siranni is just a prick. Not sure what else to say.
The Eagles like to manage the coach  
Sean : 11/22/2023 2:32 pm : link
For all we talk about meddling here, the Eagles are a franchise that meddles a lot. It works though. Lurie and Roseman want a coach they can control and will take orders.

I'll disagree with Matt above, I don't think Pederson took the fall for the tank game. I think Pederson was tired of the bullshit to have to discuss game planning with Lurie and Roseman.

The Eagles gave Chip Kelly all of the power in 2015 and it was a disaster, so they went to a philosophy where the front office controlled the coach. And to their credit, it works.

All to say that I think Sirianni is along for the ride. I think Julian Love was right.
He is a cunt  
BlueHurricane : 11/22/2023 2:52 pm : link
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