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WTF fires DC Del Rio & DB coach.

SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/24/2023 10:48 am
I can't imagine Rivera will be brought back in '24.
robbieballs2003 : 11/24/2023 10:50 am : link
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/24/2023 10:51 am : link
Should read 'WFT'...Haha. 'WTF' is usually what I'm texting when talking about the Giants.
Toth029 : 11/24/2023 10:54 am : link
In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.
RE: They're  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 10:55 am : link
In comment 16299980 Toth029 said:
In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.

Those lamenting the loss of Gates... SMH.
Think these firings  
gary_from_chester : 11/24/2023 10:55 am : link
actually bode well for Rivera. Why fire two coaches now if the entire staff is gone next year? Only other explanation would be these coaches behavior behind the scenes. I think Rivetboat Ron might get another shot. Whatever you think of him as a coach, he is an impressive guy; new owner might want to see more.
It does  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 10:57 am : link
smell of scapegoating. They traded away the two edge rushers.

Washington's defense before this year is the one thing that kept them competitive.
RE: Think these firings  
JB_in_DC : 11/24/2023 10:57 am : link
In comment 16299982 gary_from_chester said:
actually bode well for Rivera. Why fire two coaches now if the entire staff is gone next year? Only other explanation would be these coaches behavior behind the scenes. I think Rivetboat Ron might get another shot. Whatever you think of him as a coach, he is an impressive guy; new owner might want to see more.

Rivera is a lame duck. The fan base has completely soured on him, and new owners will be happy to make their mark and bring in their guy.
I love the name Riverboat Ron.  
robbieballs2003 : 11/24/2023 10:58 am : link
Any time I have watched them this year he has been anything but.
RE: ...  
Anakim : 11/24/2023 10:58 am : link
In comment 16299977 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Should read 'WFT'...Haha. 'WTF' is usually what I'm texting when talking about the Giants.

Or Commies
RE: RE: They're  
Anakim : 11/24/2023 10:58 am : link
In comment 16299981 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16299980 Toth029 said:


In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.

Those lamenting the loss of Gates... SMH.

There were people on here actually missing Gates. It was...astonishing.
gary and JB  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 10:59 am : link
Gary, normally, you might have a point, but agree with JB here... I think ownership is simply signaling to the fan base that massive changes are coming.

If they are going to go QB in the first round, we want them to start winning some games.
I like Gates.  
robbieballs2003 : 11/24/2023 11:00 am : link
He played well at C before the injury. But, no way could we sign him to the contract he signed with Washington.
RE: They're  
Ivan15 : 11/24/2023 11:06 am : link
In comment 16299980 Toth029 said:
In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.
Problem is that the OC probably has the inside track on the HC job. He has only been there for a short time and has a top passing offense. Nothing will change on offense.
RE: RE: They're  
Giantimistic : 11/24/2023 11:09 am : link
In comment 16299992 Ivan15 said:
In comment 16299980 Toth029 said:


In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.

Problem is that the OC probably has the inside track on the HC job. He has only been there for a short time and has a top passing offense. Nothing will change on offense.

I think if that was true they would have fired Rivera too and taken him for a test drive before the season ends.
Rivera Next  
Rick in Dallas : 11/24/2023 11:10 am : link
RE: RE: They're  
sb from NYT Forum : 11/24/2023 11:13 am : link
In comment 16299981 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16299980 Toth029 said:


In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.

Those lamenting the loss of Gates... SMH.

Would have been better depth than freakin Lemieux though.
Gates was a different player after injury  
Rick in Dallas : 11/24/2023 11:17 am : link
Never understood the Lemieux love on BBI
sb from NYT Forum  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 11:19 am : link
for $16.5 million?
RE: Gates was a different player after injury  
robbieballs2003 : 11/24/2023 11:25 am : link
In comment 16300003 Rick in Dallas said:
Never understood the Lemieux love on BBI

Lemieux love on BBI? I am sure it wasn't 100% but I cannot remember anyone recently showing love for Lemieux. In fact, the only people that showed love for Lemieux recently was this coaching staff.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 11:29 am : link
I think the Lemieux love comments are directed at me, as I continually have said, "don't count out Lemieux."

He simply never could stay healthy, in total opposite of the 52 straight games he started in college (hate to say it, but Evan Neal never got hurt in college either).

It wasn't just this coaching staff who tried to start Lemieux. Judge's staff did too.
Suggestion for DC Ownership:  
clatterbuck : 11/24/2023 11:32 am : link
Josh McDaniel would be a perfect HC. Just down't say anything bad about the Pats in the interview.
Eric it wasn’t just you with respect to Lemieux  
Rick in Dallas : 11/24/2023 11:36 am : link
There were multiple BBI posters touting Lemieux which I never understood
they trade away their 2 best edge rushers, they play  
markky : 11/24/2023 11:40 am : link
pretty well after that, getting 9 sacks last week and then fire the DC?
RE: Think these firings  
BigBlueShock : 11/24/2023 11:43 am : link
In comment 16299982 gary_from_chester said:
actually bode well for Rivera. Why fire two coaches now if the entire staff is gone next year? Only other explanation would be these coaches behavior behind the scenes. I think Rivetboat Ron might get another shot. Whatever you think of him as a coach, he is an impressive guy; new owner might want to see more.

Rivera is done. Those fans are completely done with him and while listening to the pulse of your fanbase may not always be the best way to conduct business, that new ownership group has focused on winning back fans and giving them hope for the future. Keeping Rivera would be a strange way to win over the fanbase and give them that hope moving forward
RE: ...  
Ron Johnson : 11/24/2023 11:43 am : link
In comment 16299977 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Should read 'WFT'...Haha. 'WTF' is usually what I'm texting when talking about the Giants.

You had it right.
RE: Think these firings  
Section331 : 11/24/2023 11:51 am : link
In comment 16299982 gary_from_chester said:
actually bode well for Rivera. Why fire two coaches now if the entire staff is gone next year? Only other explanation would be these coaches behavior behind the scenes. I think Rivetboat Ron might get another shot. Whatever you think of him as a coach, he is an impressive guy; new owner might want to see more.

Id put the chances of Rivera being back next year at about zero. He’s desperate, and trying to make it look like it’s his defensive coaches’ fault. Maybe Ron forgot who hired them.

New owner is going to want to bring in his own guys. The riverboat is sinking.
I am surprised they didn't fire  
jvm52106 : 11/24/2023 11:51 am : link
Rivera but perhaps this is their way of protecting Eric B, ie not interim HC and the team falls apart- makes him look bad. If they truly have an interest in him being the HC next year, they need Rivera to be the fall guy the rest of the way and hope the offense keeps playing well enough..
RE: RE: Think these firings  
gary_from_chester : 11/24/2023 11:59 am : link
In comment 16300046 Section331 said:
In comment 16299982 gary_from_chester said:


actually bode well for Rivera. Why fire two coaches now if the entire staff is gone next year? Only other explanation would be these coaches behavior behind the scenes. I think Rivetboat Ron might get another shot. Whatever you think of him as a coach, he is an impressive guy; new owner might want to see more.

Id put the chances of Rivera being back next year at about zero. He’s desperate, and trying to make it look like it’s his defensive coaches’ fault. Maybe Ron forgot who hired them.

New owner is going to want to bring in his own guys. The riverboat is sinking.

Wouldn’t be the first time I read the tea leaves wrong. So long Ron, we’ll miss (beating) you.

RE: robbieballs2003  
robbieballs2003 : 11/24/2023 12:02 pm : link
In comment 16300013 Eric from BBI said:
I think the Lemieux love comments are directed at me, as I continually have said, "don't count out Lemieux."

He simply never could stay healthy, in total opposite of the 52 straight games he started in college (hate to say it, but Evan Neal never got hurt in college either).

It wasn't just this coaching staff who tried to start Lemieux. Judge's staff did too.

Yep, both staffs loved him but I have never seen him look like anything more than a PS player. He simply cannot pass block. It is like the opposite of Will Hernandez who could pass block but sucked at run blocking. The fact that guys like Hernandez are still playing tells me we at least whiffed so much on our OL over the years. I just don't get how we can continually have arguable the worst OL in the NFL year after year after year and not see improvement.
OL coaches  
robbieballs2003 : 11/24/2023 12:03 pm : link
I keep hoping to read  
5BowlsSoon : 11/24/2023 12:12 pm : link
NY fires OL and ST and whoever coach but I guess NY doesn’t do that kind of stuff.
RE: ...  
solarmike : 11/24/2023 1:07 pm : link
In comment 16299977 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Should read 'WFT'...Haha. 'WTF' is usually what I'm texting when talking about the Giants.

RE: I keep hoping to read  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 1:09 pm : link
In comment 16300065 5BowlsSoon said:
NY fires OL and ST and whoever coach but I guess NY doesn’t do that kind of stuff.

And who replaces them?
RE: sb from NYT Forum  
sb from NYT Forum : 11/24/2023 1:44 pm : link
In comment 16300004 Eric from BBI said:
for $16.5 million?

True, but who knows if the Giants could have got him at a cheaper deal before letting him hit FA? Just speculation on my part, but the Giants have a track record of letting serviceable depth OL leave to keep total dogshit player like Lemieux and Peart clog this roster.
RE: RE: sb from NYT Forum  
BigBlueShock : 11/24/2023 1:58 pm : link
In comment 16300121 sb from NYT Forum said:
In comment 16300004 Eric from BBI said:


for $16.5 million?

True, but who knows if the Giants could have got him at a cheaper deal before letting him hit FA? Just speculation on my part, but the Giants have a track record of letting serviceable depth OL leave to keep total dogshit player like Lemieux and Peart clog this roster.

Like who?
RE: RE: I keep hoping to read  
5BowlsSoon : 11/24/2023 2:01 pm : link
In comment 16300090 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16300065 5BowlsSoon said:


NY fires OL and ST and whoever coach but I guess NY doesn’t do that kind of stuff.

And who replaces them?

There are always replacements somewhere. Didnt Buffalo, Wash, and Pitt replace the guys they recently fired?
Sammo85 : 11/24/2023 2:09 pm : link
is also a lame duck. Anyone hiring him as a OC based on Howells progression?
DavidinBMNY : 11/24/2023 2:10 pm : link
Day after Thanksgiving is eye opening.
RE: RE: They're  
Sammo85 : 11/24/2023 2:11 pm : link
In comment 16299992 Ivan15 said:
In comment 16299980 Toth029 said:


In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.

Problem is that the OC probably has the inside track on the HC job. He has only been there for a short time and has a top passing offense. Nothing will change on offense.

Their offense outside of 3-4 games where they tacked on yardage has been poor.

Bienemy has very little chance at the job.
RE: ...  
Ron from Ninerland : 11/24/2023 2:30 pm : link
In comment 16299977 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
Should read 'WFT'...Haha. 'WTF' is usually what I'm texting when talking about the Giants.
You were right the first time.
Makes lots of sense  
HBart : 11/24/2023 2:40 pm : link
Their D shouldn't be so bad, and Rivera's only chance to stay -- slim as it is -- is shaking things up. Bienemy has a highly functional offense, and if Rivera is gone, he is going to at least get interviewed.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 2:42 pm : link
I think you need to go to the coaching section of this site and look at the resumes of the assistant ST and OL coaches.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 2:43 pm : link
and you didn't answer the question.
Bobby Johnson  
HBart : 11/24/2023 2:55 pm : link
Was credited with fixing the Bills OL in a season. Good players and good situations make good coaches and visca versa.

As Eric said the Skins defense has been excellent under Del Rio in recent years. Sometimes good coaches get bad results.
RE: Bobby Johnson  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/24/2023 2:59 pm : link
In comment 16300171 HBart said:
Was credited with fixing the Bills OL in a season. Good players and good situations make good coaches and visca versa.

As Eric said the Skins defense has been excellent under Del Rio in recent years. Sometimes good coaches get bad results.

This. But I'm merely pointing out if they fire Bobby Johnson right now, there is no one to replace him except an assistant who was coaching at Holy Cross last season. (And Johnson likely had a say in his hiring).

The Giants also lost their veteran assistant ST coach this offseason. The guys who are assistants don't have a lot of ST experience.
Got to think Washington will go full court press  
JohnF : 11/24/2023 3:47 pm : link
on getting Jim Harbaugh to come in, after all that's happened at Michigan.

I wouldn't be shocked if they gave him full control on getting his own GM as well. It would be the best way to get their fan base back...but is JH interested?
Harbaugh as Head Coach  
JohnF : 11/24/2023 3:48 pm : link
Trade away their 2 best players on defense  
sharp315 : 11/24/2023 3:50 pm : link
Then fire D coordinator when defense gets smoked.

Makes sense.

New owner same stupid moves. At least we beat these jokers.
Rivera wanted to make this move, he requested  
BigBlueNH : 11/24/2023 6:01 pm : link
permission from ownership. Harris gave the ok, but I don't think ownership cared one way or the other. They were just accommodating Ron.

That whole staff will be replaced. Fans want a new start, and Harris will give it to them.
RE: robbieballs2003  
Milton : 11/24/2023 6:35 pm : link
In comment 16300013 Eric from BBI said:
I think the Lemieux love comments are directed at me, as I continually have said, "don't count out Lemieux."

He simply never could stay healthy, in total opposite of the 52 straight games he started in college (hate to say it, but Evan Neal never got hurt in college either).

It wasn't just this coaching staff who tried to start Lemieux. Judge's staff did too.
If he had had a healthy career, he'd be the starting center right now. It was always the position he was best suited for and was getting practice reps there during his rookie camp. It mitigates his athletic limitations while his leadership, toughness, and intelligence shine.
RE: I like Gates.  
gersh : 11/24/2023 8:17 pm : link
In comment 16299989 robbieballs2003 said:
He played well at C before the injury. But, no way could we sign him to the contract he signed with Washington.

Just as our history with the Eagles has been horrible I terms of wins and losses and players we have gotten from them
Washington has been where we can count on a W and over-pay our players.

I guess the 2 are connected - if they always beat us - let’s get their players….
RE: Bienemy  
Ten Ton Hammer : 11/24/2023 10:42 pm : link
In comment 16300145 Sammo85 said:
is also a lame duck. Anyone hiring him as a OC based on Howells progression?

Before this last two weeks I think someone would have.
RE: RE: RE: They're  
Brown_Hornet : 11/25/2023 12:22 am : link
In comment 16299996 Giantimistic said:
In comment 16299992 Ivan15 said:


In comment 16299980 Toth029 said:


In a rebuild themselves. Biggest hurdle is getting the HC right. They can try Howell again in a better offense and with some upgrades on the line.

Gates was a bad signing by them. He got benched a few weeks ago.

Problem is that the OC probably has the inside track on the HC job. He has only been there for a short time and has a top passing offense. Nothing will change on offense.

I think if that was true they would have fired Rivera too and taken him for a test drive before the season ends.
IMV, if you are going to give a guy a shot at HC, you need to give him an offseason, pre-season and a complete season to see what kind of coach he might be.

A mid-season changing of the guard isn't going to tell you whether or not he can handle the job.
Not the theme of this thread but nobody should be worrying  
ThomasG : 11/25/2023 8:06 am : link
about Lemieux, Peart and Gates (post-injury). These are not only non-developing reserve-types, but also reserves you hope not to ever play.
RE: they trade away their 2 best edge rushers, they play  
HomerJones45 : 11/25/2023 8:37 am : link
In comment 16300031 markky said:
pretty well after that, getting 9 sacks last week and then fire the DC?
Del Rio has underachieved wherever he has gone. He is one of the mediocrities among the coaching fraternity that Brady talked about the other day. The mystery is never why he got fired; the mystery is always how did he last as long as he did.
RE: Bienemy  
HomerJones45 : 11/25/2023 8:40 am : link
In comment 16300145 Sammo85 said:
is also a lame duck. Anyone hiring him as a OC based on Howells progression?
in a heartbeat. Howell was a 5th round pick who is probably going to end up throwing for 400 yards and 25-30 td's this season.
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