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Glazer: Daboll and Wink are in a bad place

Ben in Tampa : 11/26/2023 12:11 pm
Just now on FOX. Jay Glazer said the tension between the two is real and they are in a bad place. Believes a mutual parting of the ways is coming, he even hinted it might happen in season.
If so  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:13 pm : link
I wonder if Jerome Henderson gets the nod.
wonder what the root problem  
GiantTuff1 : 11/26/2023 12:14 pm : link
is between the two.
In season would be interesting  
Jay on the Island : 11/26/2023 12:14 pm : link
I assume Wilkins would get the interim job. I’m more surprised that Daboll and Kafka aren’t “in a bad place” as the offense has been much worse than the defense.
AROCK1000 : 11/26/2023 12:15 pm : link
please guys find a way to keep the peace
this has been a disasterous season
losing Wink would only make it worse
so what's the tension stem from?  
BillKo : 11/26/2023 12:15 pm : link
Is it Wink pissed at the offense not pulling their weight - or Daboll at how Wink is utilizing the personnel/alignments?
RE: If so  
Giantimistic : 11/26/2023 12:17 pm : link
In comment 16301575 Eric from BBI said:
I wonder if Jerome Henderson gets the nod.

I have been curious about him. Our cornerbacks have been solid and anyone who has stepped in has been prepared and held up well.
Winks D tried too hard last week  
GiantTuff1 : 11/26/2023 12:18 pm : link
forcing 6 turnovers was the last straw when we are supposed to tank.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:19 pm : link
Ari Meirov
There has been tension building between #Giants HC Brian Daboll and DC Wink Martindale and they are in a "bad place," per @JayGlazer. It's to the point where there could be a mutual parting after the season and even potentially during these next weeks of the regular season.
It could very well be how long  
section125 : 11/26/2023 12:19 pm : link
it took for the defense to wake up. Yes new players take time to get with the program, but six weeks is way too long. It could also be with the players Wink kept - Jihad Ward is at least a year past due, to name one.

2007 it took Spags 3 weeks to get the defense going.

I would like to dismiss the report, but things leak out...
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:19 pm : link
Ryan Dunleavy
Some writing on the wall about Brian Daboll and Wink Martindale taking conflicting approaches and then plenty of sideline conversations to speculate about, though both have denied friction.
It’s amazing how guys are great coaches one season  
BlueHurricane : 11/26/2023 12:23 pm : link
And then getting canned the next. And this is not about Wink in particular. It’s about all coaches. Last week we had posters asking if Spags is the best D Cord in the league. We couldn’t get rid of Spags fast enough. Coaches and to some extent QB’s don’t get the chance to figure things out. I guess it’s the nature of instant gratification society.
RE: It’s amazing how guys are great coaches one season  
BlueHurricane : 11/26/2023 12:25 pm : link
In comment 16301591 BlueHurricane said:
And then getting canned the next. And this is not about Wink in particular. It’s about all coaches. Last week we had posters asking if Spags is the best D Cord in the league. We couldn’t get rid of Spags fast enough. Coaches and to some extent QB’s don’t get the chance to figure things out. I guess it’s the nature of instant gratification society.

To continue on that point if/when Wink is canned and the Jets fire Salah would we have any interest in moving him to East Ruhterford as a D-Cord?
Greg Olsen  
Hilary : 11/26/2023 12:26 pm : link
Olsen was highly critical of Wink for playing man to man against the cowboys when the giant deep backs could not in any way match up with cowboy receivers and were burned to the tune of 40+ points twice
Wonder if Raiders clean house if Patrick Graham  
GiantTuff1 : 11/26/2023 12:31 pm : link
would be an option.
If true, the saddest news of the season.  
Jerz44 : 11/26/2023 12:32 pm : link
I love Wink and his D
Hilarious to see the Giants beats  
bceagle05 : 11/26/2023 12:33 pm : link
sharing the Glazer video on social media and being completely stunned by it. Kinda thing they should know.
ryanmkeane : 11/26/2023 12:34 pm : link
Likely had a lot to do with the fact that Wink pretty much put McKinney on blast in public.
Assuming Daboll is back and Wink is gone  
Ben in Tampa : 11/26/2023 12:35 pm : link
Keep an eye on Leslie Frazier.

Frazier was the defensive coordinator when Daboll was OC in Buffalo, and of course he was also a head coach candidate here in 2022.
Wink seemed like a  
Bill in UT : 11/26/2023 12:36 pm : link
great choice, but I feel like he's been more premise than promise
This is interesting - I like Wink but 2 things stand out to me  
PatersonPlank : 11/26/2023 12:36 pm : link
- first Wink likes to play how he plays. Man to man in the back, exotic blitzes and pressure up front, sort of a boom or bust approach sometimes. I could Daboll trying to change things and Wink pushing back

- second I wonder if that whole McKinney thing 2 weeks ago played into this The whole thing still strikes me as weird.
RE: Hilarious to see the Giants beats  
HBart : 11/26/2023 12:36 pm : link
In comment 16301600 bceagle05 said:
sharing the Glazer video on social media and being completely stunned by it. Kinda thing they should know.

Unless it's BS.

We'll find out.
Yes because...  
morrison40 : 11/26/2023 12:37 pm : link
IMO, Winks defense results are too inconsistent and the players appear hesitant and confused.
Here is Glazer  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:37 pm : link
... - ( New Window )
This sucks.  
mittenedman : 11/26/2023 12:38 pm : link
Daboll's O has been a disgrace and now it's going to cost Wink - who is easily the best coach in his role on this team.

Remember - Daboll had a bad relationship with McDermott which was the reason Judge could've gotten him as OC instead of Garrett. There are signs he's difficult to work with.

Hoping this doesn't turn into another Belichick tree disaster.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:39 pm : link
Art Stapleton
Look no further than how differently Daboll and Wink handled the situation regarding Xavier McKinney's comments a few weeks back. Two different approaches.
We'll see how this plays out.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:39 pm : link
Pat Leonard
Jay is only scratching the surface of dysfunction under Joe Schoen & Brian Daboll with this report.

Meanwhile here on the Giants sideline in wake of that report: Tim McDonnell spoke with Wink Martindale. Then McDonnell filled in John Mara. Then Mara addressed both Schoen and Daboll at the 45 yard line.

Stay tuned.
This is the worst news from this dumpster fire of a season.  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 11/26/2023 12:40 pm : link
Pressure and idiots with egos always fuck things up.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:41 pm : link
Jordan Raanan
You could see some of this festering. Wink Martindale wasn't happy with the whole Xavier McKinney incident. Brian Daboll had McKinney break down the team after last week's win.

To scapegoat the coordinator of the team's best unit for a team that has the 32nd ranked offense would be ridiculous.
I feel  
darren in pdx : 11/26/2023 12:41 pm : link
very indifferent about this, but Wink’s defense hasn’t been great that I wouldn’t opposed to trying something different. There are too many times this and last year that the defense just can not get past an o-line.
RE: ...  
Go Terps : 11/26/2023 12:42 pm : link
In comment 16301612 Eric from BBI said:
Pat Leonard
Jay is only scratching the surface of dysfunction under Joe Schoen & Brian Daboll with this report.

Meanwhile here on the Giants sideline in wake of that report: Tim McDonnell spoke with Wink Martindale. Then McDonnell filled in John Mara. Then Mara addressed both Schoen and Daboll at the 45 yard line.

Stay tuned.

This is the kind of thing that gets head coaches fired around here.
mittenedman : 11/26/2023 12:42 pm : link

Wouldn't it be nice if, for once, the Giants made the right hires and had some sort of organizational consistency?

It's a fucking mess, and it's always worse than it even appears.
RE: ...  
ajr2456 : 11/26/2023 12:42 pm : link
In comment 16301612 Eric from BBI said:
Pat Leonard
Jay is only scratching the surface of dysfunction under Joe Schoen & Brian Daboll with this report.

Meanwhile here on the Giants sideline in wake of that report: Tim McDonnell spoke with Wink Martindale. Then McDonnell filled in John Mara. Then Mara addressed both Schoen and Daboll at the 45 yard line.

Stay tuned.

Taking that with a grain of salt because it’s Leonard but yikes if true.
RE: This is the worst news from this dumpster fire of a season.  
ryanmkeane : 11/26/2023 12:43 pm : link
In comment 16301614 shockeyisthebest8056 said:
Pressure and idiots with egos always fuck things up.

Wink works for Daboll. Putting your boss in a difficult situation by not being on the same page with how you communicate things in public regarding players is a big deal.
Well as Wink says" pressure breaks pipes"..  
Blue21 : 11/26/2023 12:43 pm : link
Just What They Need  
MojoEd : 11/26/2023 12:44 pm : link
Sounds legit. Wink butted heads with Harbaugh; not nearly the same history with Daboll. Report of McD talking to Wink and Mara before the game is more disturbing. Put me in the Daboll camp.
Wink has to go, the Giants defense is bad, they seem to be too soft.  
Jack Stroud : 11/26/2023 12:44 pm : link
Look at what the defense has given up game by game, especially in the 4th qtr. The defense lost the Jets, Buffalo games.
I mean - the evidence is  
mittenedman : 11/26/2023 12:45 pm : link
mounting that this Schoen/Daboll thing isn't going anywhere.

DJ has regressed this year badly. That's on the offensive coaching. And Wink - an old school DC - is probably been giving them sh#t for sucking so bad.

God, I hope they turn this thing around or it's time to start over again. Keeping these guys in the building simply for continuity's sake isn't the answer.
Pat Leonard  
logman : 11/26/2023 12:45 pm : link
shouldn't be trusted to tell you if it's raining and you're both under the same umbrella.
Be nice to stop the run  
GiantsRage2007 : 11/26/2023 12:46 pm : link
Once in a while
RE: Wink has to go, the Giants defense is bad, they seem to be too soft.  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:46 pm : link
In comment 16301625 Jack Stroud said:
Look at what the defense has given up game by game, especially in the 4th qtr. The defense lost the Jets, Buffalo games.

Not sure I would point to two games where the defense allowed 14 and 13 points.
RE: I mean - the evidence is  
ryanmkeane : 11/26/2023 12:46 pm : link
In comment 16301626 mittenedman said:
mounting that this Schoen/Daboll thing isn't going anywhere.

DJ has regressed this year badly. That's on the offensive coaching. And Wink - an old school DC - is probably been giving them sh#t for sucking so bad.

God, I hope they turn this thing around or it's time to start over again. Keeping these guys in the building simply for continuity's sake isn't the answer.

What does this have to do with Joe Schoen?
RE: Wink has to go, the Giants defense is bad, they seem to be too soft.  
mittenedman : 11/26/2023 12:46 pm : link
In comment 16301625 Jack Stroud said:
Look at what the defense has given up game by game, especially in the 4th qtr. The defense lost the Jets, Buffalo games.

The D lost the Jets and Buffalo games? GTFO with that sh#t. The clock should've run out on the Jets. And the Bills? They allowed 1 TD to Josh Allen.

The ineffective offense is putting too much stress on the D. That's been the case most of the year.
RE: RE: I mean - the evidence is  
mittenedman : 11/26/2023 12:47 pm : link
In comment 16301630 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16301626 mittenedman said:


mounting that this Schoen/Daboll thing isn't going anywhere.

DJ has regressed this year badly. That's on the offensive coaching. And Wink - an old school DC - is probably been giving them sh#t for sucking so bad.

God, I hope they turn this thing around or it's time to start over again. Keeping these guys in the building simply for continuity's sake isn't the answer.

What does this have to do with Joe Schoen?

Because he and Daboll are essentially the same guy. They've made that clear. Package deal.
RE: ...  
BillKo : 11/26/2023 12:48 pm : link
In comment 16301615 Eric from BBI said:
Jordan Raanan
You could see some of this festering. Wink Martindale wasn't happy with the whole Xavier McKinney incident. Brian Daboll had McKinney break down the team after last week's win.

To scapegoat the coordinator of the team's best unit for a team that has the 32nd ranked offense would be ridiculous.

Is McKinney the defensive captain? The D did have six turnovers last week to help win the game.

Personally, I would have had DeVito do it - first win, 3 TDs, never know when he gets a chance like that again.
RE: RE: Wink has to go, the Giants defense is bad, they seem to be too soft.  
Go Terps : 11/26/2023 12:49 pm : link
In comment 16301629 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16301625 Jack Stroud said:


Look at what the defense has given up game by game, especially in the 4th qtr. The defense lost the Jets, Buffalo games.

Not sure I would point to two games where the defense allowed 14 and 13 points.


In general if we're pointing to a side of the ball at fault for this season, it's the offense and it isn't close. That side of the ball has been a disgrace.

In a season of bad looks for Daboll, this is another one. What a mess.
RE: RE: This is the worst news from this dumpster fire of a season.  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 11/26/2023 12:51 pm : link
In comment 16301622 ryanmkeane said:
In comment 16301614 shockeyisthebest8056 said:


Pressure and idiots with egos always fuck things up.

Wink works for Daboll. Putting your boss in a difficult situation by not being on the same page with how you communicate things in public regarding players is a big deal.

Daboll hasn’t handled anything well this season so I’m including him in the “idiots with egos” category. I think any reasonably knowledgeable person would say Wink has done a good job with this defense during his tenure considering their overall talent deficiency.

I’d rather lack of performance or a disagreement on style of play be the issue rather than this dumb shit.
christian : 11/26/2023 12:52 pm : link
LOL. We all know how things go when Cousin Tim gets his hands on things.

Can’t believe we’re back in this spot.  
bceagle05 : 11/26/2023 12:53 pm : link
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:54 pm : link
The Giant Insider Podcast and Newspaper
I've heard about some philosophical differences, especially personnel at certain times of the game. But, not where they're not talking or anything like that.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 12:55 pm : link
Dan Duggan
I knew there was friction. Didn't realize it had escalated to the point Glazer reported this morning. This coaching staff could look very different after the season
joeinpa : 11/26/2023 12:57 pm : link
Not a big fan of Wink.
While acknowledging I know nothing of the details here  
Chris684 : 11/26/2023 12:58 pm : link
Why is my initial reaction to side with Wink here based on what I’ve seen in 2023.
The Giants are ranked #28 on defense...  
BillKo : 11/26/2023 12:58 pm : link it's not like the have dramatically outperformed the offense - and the offense has had more injuries.
Glazer doesn't make shit up  
JonC : 11/26/2023 12:59 pm : link
RE: Wonder if Raiders clean house if Patrick Graham  
Bruner4329 : 11/26/2023 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16301597 GiantTuff1 said:
would be an option.

Are you freakin serious, The guy with the bend don't break defense. Do you not remember how many times his freakin defense gave up winning drives at the end of games with his passive play calling. Man some people have no memory.
RE: Wink has to go, the Giants defense is bad, they seem to be too soft.  
OBJRoyal : 11/26/2023 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16301625 Jack Stroud said:
Look at what the defense has given up game by game, especially in the 4th qtr. The defense lost the Jets, Buffalo games.

It’d be nice if the offense could help out!! You know, get a QB who can score points
RE: ...  
ThomasG : 11/26/2023 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16301612 Eric from BBI said:
Pat Leonard
Jay is only scratching the surface of dysfunction under Joe Schoen & Brian Daboll with this report.

Meanwhile here on the Giants sideline in wake of that report: Tim McDonnell spoke with Wink Martindale. Then McDonnell filled in John Mara. Then Mara addressed both Schoen and Daboll at the 45 yard line.

Stay tuned.

Timmy passing notes in home room.
RE: Wink has to go, the Giants defense is bad, they seem to be too soft.  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 11/26/2023 1:00 pm : link
In comment 16301625 Jack Stroud said:
Look at what the defense has given up game by game, especially in the 4th qtr. The defense lost the Jets, Buffalo games.

With your undying support of Daniel Jones and your comment about the defense....... Are you Bobby Johnson's burner!?
RE: Glazer doesn't make shit up  
Tim in Eternal Blue : 11/26/2023 1:01 pm : link
In comment 16301653 JonC said:

2023 Season has become a nightmare  
nyjuggernaut2 : 11/26/2023 1:01 pm : link
The funny thing is that when Daboll was obviously  
Essex : 11/26/2023 1:03 pm : link
dressing down wink on sideline in cowboys game, people on this site were literally saying there was nothing to see. Just a coach talking to his coordinators
There’s no question the offense has put the D  
GiantTuff1 : 11/26/2023 1:04 pm : link
in worst position this year as the O has been an abomination.

But also gotta look at Harbaugh's parting of ways with Wink. There’s a trend forming here.

I don’t think this looks like a scapegoat situation. I think there are fundamental disagreements with Wink or personality clashes.
I was  
g56blue10 : 11/26/2023 1:05 pm : link
Really excited to get wink. Love an an aggressive that dictates play. One problem I see though is his inability to adjust. It’s one style of defense regardless of personnel or match up.

Let’s also remember this would be the 2nd time he is mutually moving on. I think it’s always good to look at patterns when trying to figure out who’s at fault. It seems like wink might have a problem working with head coaches
Little bit better pass  
SomeFan : 11/26/2023 1:05 pm : link
and that could have been 6 for Hyatt
When the Giants were hyping up there season  
ghost718 : 11/26/2023 1:07 pm : link
you heard a lot things about Martindale in regards to the players they had or recently acquired.Wink this,Wink that,Wink loves this guy

A little more than half way through the season,and you could be hearing "Wink Stinks" at the water cooler.

Things change pretty fast

Post above on Wrong thread  
SomeFan : 11/26/2023 1:07 pm : link
In any case, this “report” is so vague it is a nothing at this point.
RE: Post above on Wrong thread  
Essex : 11/26/2023 1:13 pm : link
In comment 16301681 SomeFan said:
In any case, this “report” is so vague it is a nothing at this point.

Jay Glazer doesn’t make things up. Plus, you saw it on the sideline
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/26/2023 1:18 pm : link
is usually on top of things.

Interesting timing with the bye coming up.

Daboll has been really poor so perhaps some scapegoating also at play.
25 and 29 both took outside angle  
M.S. : 11/26/2023 1:20 pm : link

On that quick pass to the left
RE: If true, the saddest news of the season.  
sb from NYT Forum : 11/26/2023 1:20 pm : link
In comment 16301598 Jerz44 said:
I love Wink and his D

Why? It sucked last year, this year they gave him all the tools he wanted and then some, and it has sucked worse.
Wink was around Harbaugh  
BigBlueCane : 11/26/2023 1:20 pm : link
And others long enough. He knows nonsense when he sees it.

His unit hasn't been very good for much of the year until the tackling improved but...
Defense hasnt been great  
CV36 : 11/26/2023 1:22 pm : link
But when the offense has been 3 and out as many times as this offense has been, no defense will be great. As bad as this offense has been all year and he wants Winks head. Fix the offense and give wink a chance to do what he does
Winks D hasn't been good  
ZogZerg : 11/26/2023 1:24 pm : link
No big loss
RE: The Giants are ranked #28 on defense...  
Jint Fan in Buc Land : 11/26/2023 1:26 pm : link
In comment 16301651 BillKo said:
Quote: it's not like the have dramatically outperformed the offense - and the offense has had more injuries.

This is a good point but you have to wonder how much their rankings are due to the offense's inability to stay on the field.
I won’t pretend to know who’s fault this is if true  
Mike from Ohio : 11/26/2023 1:26 pm : link
But it is up to Daboll to keep everyone rowing in the same direction or move someone out if they are a malcontent. He’s the head coach, so getting this situation resolved and keeping the team together is Daboll’s responsibility.

I have continued to believe Daboll will be back next year, but if there is going to be drama with the staff the rest of the year Schoen needs to consider letting him go. This isn’t what you want from a guy coaching at this level.
Martindale has held up his end  
jeff57 : 11/26/2023 1:26 pm : link
Better than Daboll/Kafka have held up theirs. Why is he the fall guy?
Toth029 : 11/26/2023 1:27 pm : link
Do think Wink is too opinionated for someone like Daboll. I am a big fan of his but do understand the situation.

His defenses haven't been consistently great but they've been destroyed by injuries the last season and a half. Look who they played at corner last year and won a playoff game with it. Look who was playing middle linebacker. It was not good yet Wink and the position coaches did a great job.

Curious who is potentially going to join in at DC next. Jerome Henderson makes sense but does Daboll agree.
RE: I was  
FStubbs : 11/26/2023 1:34 pm : link
In comment 16301666 g56blue10 said:
Really excited to get wink. Love an an aggressive that dictates play. One problem I see though is his inability to adjust. It’s one style of defense regardless of personnel or match up.

Let’s also remember this would be the 2nd time he is mutually moving on. I think it’s always good to look at patterns when trying to figure out who’s at fault. It seems like wink might have a problem working with head coaches

We don't dictate play though. Nobody's scared of this defense.
My biggest issue with Wink  
Gmen703 : 11/26/2023 1:37 pm : link
Is the number of times KT drops back in coverage. I get that it's part of the scheme, but we need the best pass rusher to rush the QB.

That and we can't defend the screen.
The defense is at the bottom of all statistical categories  
Larry in Pencilvania : 11/26/2023 1:47 pm : link
Except 3rd down defense. Run, pass & scoring they are near the bottom. While there have been some positives in select games, the overall body has been below average. There's plenty of blame to go around, but stop with the defense has been good.... it hasn't
RE: While acknowledging I know nothing of the details here  
islander1 : 11/26/2023 1:55 pm : link
In comment 16301650 Chris684 said:
Why is my initial reaction to side with Wink here based on what I’ve seen in 2023.

because the offense has been putrid all season.
Joe Beckwith : 11/26/2023 1:56 pm : link
is not paying another HC for 3 years to stay home.
Winks contract is up at season’s end, I believe.
Guess who may be gone?
Glazer's Source  
Costy16 : 11/26/2023 2:01 pm : link
Wonder who is feeding him this info from inside the Giants organization.
RE: Glazer's Source  
Essex : 11/26/2023 2:04 pm : link
In comment 16301887 Costy16 said:
Wonder who is feeding him this info from inside the Giants organization.

Maybe wink?
RE: Assuming Daboll is back and Wink is gone  
Optimus-NY : 11/26/2023 2:10 pm : link
In comment 16301603 Ben in Tampa said:
Keep an eye on Leslie Frazier.

Frazier was the defensive coordinator when Daboll was OC in Buffalo, and of course he was also a head coach candidate here in 2022.

Good point
RE: Martindale has held up his end  
Spider56 : 11/26/2023 2:10 pm : link
In comment 16301750 jeff57 said:
Better than Daboll/Kafka have held up theirs. Why is he the fall guy?

My view as well.
Just here to say fuck Pat Leonard.  
BlueHurricane : 11/26/2023 2:13 pm : link
Huge shit stirring hack
Take everything  
PaulN : 11/26/2023 2:23 pm : link
With a grain of salt. Plus understand the head coach is boss, like it or not. If it's a choice, thete is none, Daboll is head coach.
I like Winks aggressive style  
Boatie Warrant : 11/26/2023 2:27 pm : link
I hope they figure it out. If this offense was even average it would help this D big time.
RE: RE: Glazer doesn't make shit up  
Milton : 11/26/2023 2:28 pm : link
In comment 16301659 Tim in Eternal Blue said:
In comment 16301653 JonC said:



This is a commercial I wrote for Fox Sports several years ago...
Pinot for the lady.... - ( New Window )
RE: nooooooooooooooooo  
NYDCBlue : 11/26/2023 2:30 pm : link
In comment 16301579 AROCK1000 said:
please guys find a way to keep the peace
this has been a disasterous season
losing Wink would only make it worse

I hear you. And yet we hear nothing about McGaughey being in danger of an in season firing. Or for that matter, OG Bobby Johnson....
RE: Glazer's Source  
Peter from NH (formerly CT) : 11/26/2023 2:37 pm : link
In comment 16301887 Costy16 said:
Wonder who is feeding him this info from inside the Giants organization.
this is the only reason why the owner would ever be involved, if that is true
RE: RE: ...  
jvm52106 : 11/26/2023 2:40 pm : link
In comment 16301618 Go Terps said:
In comment 16301612 Eric from BBI said:


Pat Leonard
Jay is only scratching the surface of dysfunction under Joe Schoen & Brian Daboll with this report.

Meanwhile here on the Giants sideline in wake of that report: Tim McDonnell spoke with Wink Martindale. Then McDonnell filled in John Mara. Then Mara addressed both Schoen and Daboll at the 45 yard line.

Stay tuned.

This is the kind of thing that gets head coaches fired around here.

Yawn.. you chiming in is perfect.. Please, remind us of your brilliance..
Facts rather than taking leaps :  
djm : 11/26/2023 2:47 pm : link
Wink was let go by Baltimore two years ago. Baltimore defense has not skipped a beat since he was let go.

The giant defense last year was not that good. The giant defense this year has been even worse despite not really suffering many injuries at all. The talent on paper is better than people think yet it’s been very inconsistent.

The Giants offense has been dreadful this season. But Daboll has a good track record coaching offenses, including last year when he took an under talented unit to the playoffs, finishing with above average numbers.

We won’t miss wink. It’s kind of weird to see people taking Daboll to the woodshed when we don’t know what happened.

Ask yourself why Baltimore let him go. We know Buffalo didn’t want to let Daboll go but it seemed like Baltimore couldn’t care less and they look no worse for wear without wink.

Ps I’d want McKinney back before wink. I know McKinney is above average and can cover. Wink is average at best, by every single metric.
JonC : 11/26/2023 2:51 pm : link
You hounding Terps accomplishes zero, except make you look small.
RE: In season would be interesting  
81_Great_Dane : 11/26/2023 3:11 pm : link
In comment 16301578 Jay on the Island said:
I assume Wilkins would get the interim job. I’m more surprised that Daboll and Kafka aren’t “in a bad place” as the offense has been much worse than the defense.
Maybe Wink blames Daboll for the offense.
RE: RE: Wink has to go, the Giants defense is bad, they seem to be too soft.  
Milton : 11/26/2023 3:17 pm : link
In comment 16301629 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16301625 Jack Stroud said:


Look at what the defense has given up game by game, especially in the 4th qtr. The defense lost the Jets, Buffalo games.

Not sure I would point to two games where the defense allowed 14 and 13 points.
When your offense sucks, it's difficult to get a fair assessment of your defense because opposing offenses play vanilla. It's only if they're trailing in the closing minutes that they open up the playbook, which is something we've seen repeatedly in the past decade or so (the Giants defense playing well most of the game and then they can't get off the field when it counts).
RE: jvm  
jvm52106 : 11/26/2023 3:23 pm : link
In comment 16302186 JonC said:
You hounding Terps accomplishes zero, except make you look small.

Really, defending the guy who clearly has a BIAS to his QB "eye" and who disappeared when the team was playing much better.. I guess I am surprised at your defense of him...
Wink seemed to wear out his welcome in Baltimore.  
81_Great_Dane : 11/26/2023 3:29 pm : link
That doesn't mean this is his fault, but — to quote Twin Peaks — It is happening again.
RE: RE: jvm  
Go Terps : 11/26/2023 3:34 pm : link
In comment 16302370 jvm52106 said:
In comment 16302186 JonC said:


You hounding Terps accomplishes zero, except make you look small.

Really, defending the guy who clearly has a BIAS to his QB "eye" and who disappeared when the team was playing much better.. I guess I am surprised at your defense of him...

What bias?
Giants win 10-7  
jeff57 : 11/26/2023 3:57 pm : link
Good time to fire Martindale. LOL
People need to  
Dave on the UWS : 11/26/2023 4:08 pm : link
stop attacking Terps!
Agree with him, disagree, fine. He’s NEVER attacked anyone in all the years he’s posted.
And that’s been a lot longer then many of you.
Hilary : 11/26/2023 4:22 pm : link
Our biggest argument is who gets the last piece
of pizza
RE: People need to  
Thunderstruck27 : 11/26/2023 4:23 pm : link
In comment 16302676 Dave on the UWS said:
stop attacking Terps!
Agree with him, disagree, fine. He’s NEVER attacked anyone in all the years he’s posted.
And that’s been a lot longer then many of you.

Leave Britney alone vibes.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 4:23 pm : link
Charlotte Carroll
Brian Daboll said the biggest argument he’s had with #giants defensive coordinator Wink Martindale is over the last slice of pizza. Daboll credited his scheming today.

“I’ve got a lot of respect for Wink. Glad he’s on the staff.”
RE: Daboll  
Thunderstruck27 : 11/26/2023 4:25 pm : link
In comment 16302765 Hilary said:
Our biggest argument is who gets the last piece
of pizza

Probably true.
Toth029 : 11/26/2023 4:25 pm : link
Defense has 9 takeaways the past two weeks.
RE: RE: Daboll  
section125 : 11/26/2023 4:28 pm : link
In comment 16302789 Thunderstruck27 said:
In comment 16302765 Hilary said:


Our biggest argument is who gets the last piece
of pizza

Probably true.

Fuck that - just grab that last piece without asking!
RE: This is interesting - I like Wink but 2 things stand out to me  
Mayo2JZ : 11/26/2023 4:29 pm : link
In comment 16301605 PatersonPlank said:
- first Wink likes to play how he plays. Man to man in the back, exotic blitzes and pressure up front, sort of a boom or bust approach sometimes. I could Daboll trying to change things and Wink pushing back

- second I wonder if that whole McKinney thing 2 weeks ago played into this The whole thing still strikes me as weird.

No disrespect but what exactly is an “exotic blitz package?” That term is so overused. Do players come in on parachutes?
RE: darren  
Mayo2JZ : 11/26/2023 4:33 pm : link
In comment 16301619 mittenedman said:

Wouldn't it be nice if, for once, the Giants made the right hires and had some sort of organizational consistency?

It's a fucking mess, and it's always worse than it even appears.

Right on brother!
If the defense playing like this is a result of Daboll and Wink  
Ten Ton Hammer : 11/26/2023 4:36 pm : link
not being best friends, I'm 100% okay with it.
RE: RE: jvm  
JonC : 11/26/2023 5:09 pm : link
In comment 16302370 jvm52106 said:
In comment 16302186 JonC said:


You hounding Terps accomplishes zero, except make you look small.

Really, defending the guy who clearly has a BIAS to his QB "eye" and who disappeared when the team was playing much better.. I guess I am surprised at your defense of him...

It's not solely this thread, you're trying to make your presence known to him often.

Name a few posters who've gotten more right than Terps over the past 6-7 seasons. We need smart, out of the nyg box thinking people who also typically keep their emotions out of it. Ymmv but I don't see much sense it.
RE: RE: RE: jvm  
Milton : 11/26/2023 5:15 pm : link
In comment 16302943 JonC said:

Name a few posters who've gotten more right than Terps over the past 6-7 seasons.
Gimme a fucking break with that bullshit.
I'm correct  
JonC : 11/26/2023 5:17 pm : link
and the board knows it, thus the anger shown him.
I don’t doubt there’s been  
Dave on the UWS : 11/26/2023 5:20 pm : link
“Issues”. NOBODY is happy with the way the season has gone. Not the coaches, the GM or the owners.
I don’t doubt there’s been issues.
Nothing a winning streak won’t fix I suspect.
RE: I'm correct  
Milton : 11/26/2023 5:32 pm : link
In comment 16302971 JonC said:
and the board knows it, thus the anger shown him.
Yeah the board knows we should've traded up for Trey Lance. Or spent one of our two 2022 lottery tickets on Malik Willis (who lasted deep into the end of the 3rd round, btw). If you think Terps has been so right, you must think Schoen and Daboll are complete morons who stumbled into their roles as GM and HC for giving a $40M/year salary to someone who isn't a starting quality QB (or your buying into the ridiculous narrative that they were kowtowing to Mara).

JonC, you do yourself a disservice running interference for him. Amazes me how the haters just want to pretend Jones didn't put the team on his back in 2022 and lead them to a playoff win.
For those who’ve  
Dave on the UWS : 11/26/2023 5:35 pm : link
Selectively forgotten, Terps was on the dysfunction with DG and Judge pretty early on.
Playing a 2-man front and giving up 150 yards is not a good look.  
Ivan15 : 11/26/2023 5:36 pm : link
That is no way to compete.
Milton - it think you're wrong  
arniefez : 11/26/2023 5:37 pm : link
The Giants being unable to stop the run the past two years has nothing to do with the offense.

The steaming pile s**t the defense laid in Las Vegas had nothing to do with the offense and the game in Dallas was the worst and softest defense I've seen from the Giants since the mid 1960's.

The Giants are tied for 2nd to last in points against. I see no evidence of anything that Wink does giving the Giants an advantage. If Daboll wants a new DC so be it.
Terps has gotten plenty wrong  
JonC : 11/26/2023 5:41 pm : link
and plenty right, both things are true. He doesn't need a defender. I'm just tired of the particular dynamic here (and everywhere).

2022 success is long gone. By next July, another 20+ players will turn over. The NFL caught up with Jones a year ago, soon it will be turn the page.
RE: Terps has gotten plenty wrong  
mittenedman : 11/26/2023 5:45 pm : link
In comment 16303049 JonC said:
and plenty right, both things are true. He doesn't need a defender. I'm just tired of the particular dynamic here (and everywhere).

2022 success is long gone. By next July, another 20+ players will turn over. The NFL caught up with Jones a year ago, soon it will be turn the page.

The dude brings it on himself. He’s the girl stumbling down a back alley in a tube top at 3 am.
RE: RE: Terps has gotten plenty wrong  
christian : 11/27/2023 8:18 am : link
In comment 16303069 mittenedman said:
In comment 16303049 JonC said:


and plenty right, both things are true. He doesn't need a defender. I'm just tired of the particular dynamic here (and everywhere).

2022 success is long gone. By next July, another 20+ players will turn over. The NFL caught up with Jones a year ago, soon it will be turn the page.

The dude brings it on himself. He’s the girl stumbling down a back alley in a tube top at 3 am.

Wow. Came back to re-read any details on this thread I'd missed.

What an unconscionably disgusting thing to say.
Glazer has a record of accuracy  
bc4life : 11/27/2023 8:37 am : link
There are always times when coordinators disagree with HC. When a coordinator is ready or thinks they're ready to be an HC, that will add to it. After Wink was not hired, he made a comment about why he did not get the job, referring to something that management wanted that he would not agree to. He's going to stick to his guns.
Bottom line always tension between management and that can be affected by strong personalities.

Outside of a few games (Dallas) defense has played fairly well. They don't have all the pieces in place, very young in the secondary, - Leo Williams, and need a bookend opposite KT.
Not hired  
bc4life : 11/27/2023 8:38 am : link
for HC jb
RE: RE: RE: Terps has gotten plenty wrong  
Mike from Ohio : 11/27/2023 9:35 am : link
In comment 16303883 christian said:
In comment 16303069 mittenedman said:


In comment 16303049 JonC said:


and plenty right, both things are true. He doesn't need a defender. I'm just tired of the particular dynamic here (and everywhere).

2022 success is long gone. By next July, another 20+ players will turn over. The NFL caught up with Jones a year ago, soon it will be turn the page.

The dude brings it on himself. He’s the girl stumbling down a back alley in a tube top at 3 am.

Wow. Came back to re-read any details on this thread I'd missed.

What an unconscionably disgusting thing to say.

Mittenedman is a troll. Hopefully one that will get himself banned soon.

He probably has no idea why what he posted isn't knee slapping funny.
The Jake : 11/27/2023 9:57 am : link
still carrying water for Daniel Jones throwing 15 TDs in a season and beating a shit show franchise in a playoff game, like that means anything.

sad how low the bar is for team success for people who call themselves "fans" of a franchise.
RE: RE: I'm correct  
ThomasG : 11/27/2023 10:24 am : link
In comment 16303014 Milton said:
In comment 16302971 JonC said:


and the board knows it, thus the anger shown him.

Yeah the board knows we should've traded up for Trey Lance. Or spent one of our two 2022 lottery tickets on Malik Willis (who lasted deep into the end of the 3rd round, btw). If you think Terps has been so right, you must think Schoen and Daboll are complete morons who stumbled into their roles as GM and HC for giving a $40M/year salary to someone who isn't a starting quality QB (or your buying into the ridiculous narrative that they were kowtowing to Mara).

JonC, you do yourself a disservice running interference for him. Amazes me how the haters just want to pretend Jones didn't put the team on his back in 2022 and lead them to a playoff win.

All of you should be way over that playoff moment at this point.

But yet it still shows up in a lot of threads.
RE: RE: I'm correct  
Ten Ton Hammer : 11/27/2023 12:08 pm : link
In comment 16303014 Milton said:

JonC, you do yourself a disservice running interference for him. Amazes me how the haters just want to pretend Jones didn't put the team on his back in 2022 and lead them to a playoff win.

Whats the book definition of "put the team on his back and led them to a playoff win"?

Is it "beat up an awful Colts team and the worst defense to ever make the NFL playoffs"?

They also went 3-6 to finish the year to get into the playoffs.

Eli put the team on his back in 2011. 2022 was not that and never should be.
RE: RE: Terps has gotten plenty wrong  
jinkies : 11/27/2023 12:21 pm : link
In comment 16303069 mittenedman said:
In comment 16303049 JonC said:


and plenty right, both things are true. He doesn't need a defender. I'm just tired of the particular dynamic here (and everywhere).

2022 success is long gone. By next July, another 20+ players will turn over. The NFL caught up with Jones a year ago, soon it will be turn the page.

The dude brings it on himself. He’s the girl stumbling down a back alley in a tube top at 3 am.

Interesting. And how many girl's in this situation have you approached in your life?
RE: LOLMilton  
jinkies : 11/27/2023 12:24 pm : link
In comment 16304068 The Jake said:
still carrying water for Daniel Jones throwing 15 TDs in a season and beating a shit show franchise in a playoff game, like that means anything.

sad how low the bar is for team success for people who call themselves "fans" of a franchise.

I didn't notice Jones putting the team on his back vs the Eagles in the divisional playoff. He saw him poop the bed and flush the team down the toilet.
Be careful Milton  
Mike from Ohio : 11/27/2023 12:42 pm : link
You can rip on Terps for his view on Willis all you want, but there was nobody on this board in 2018 who was so enamored with Josh Rosen as you were.
Considering the record and the  
Bubba : 11/27/2023 1:35 pm : link
way the team has performed I would be surprised if there were no tension between management and the staff. This is to be expected.
RE: jvm  
Thegratefulhead : 12/5/2023 2:13 pm : link
In comment 16302186 JonC said:
You hounding Terps accomplishes zero, except make you look small.
Terps is a bad actor. He consistently uses language that trolls the fans of the team on this fan site. I said my peace on Terps but he could change people’s opinion. The two of you have recently had “similar views” on ownership and Jones, you also post a lot, can be very critical of players, yet still respected by most here.


There is a reason for the difference.

RE: Be careful Milton  
Thegratefulhead : 12/5/2023 2:16 pm : link
In comment 16304639 Mike from Ohio said:
You can rip on Terps for his view on Willis all you want, but there was nobody on this board in 2018 who was so enamored with Josh Rosen as you were.
BW and I also liked Rosen.

So did Greg Cosell.
RE: RE: jvm  
Go Terps : 12/5/2023 2:20 pm : link
In comment 16314167 Thegratefulhead said:
In comment 16302186 JonC said:


You hounding Terps accomplishes zero, except make you look small.

Terps is a bad actor. He consistently uses language that trolls the fans of the team on this fan site. I said my peace on Terps but he could change people’s opinion. The two of you have recently had “similar views” on ownership and Jones, you also post a lot, can be very critical of players, yet still respected by most here.


There is a reason for the difference.

What did I say that hurt your feelings?
RE: RE: RE: jvm  
Thegratefulhead : 12/5/2023 3:02 pm : link
In comment 16314174 Go Terps said:
In comment 16314167 Thegratefulhead said:


In comment 16302186 JonC said:


You hounding Terps accomplishes zero, except make you look small.

Terps is a bad actor. He consistently uses language that trolls the fans of the team on this fan site. I said my peace on Terps but he could change people’s opinion. The two of you have recently had “similar views” on ownership and Jones, you also post a lot, can be very critical of players, yet still respected by most here.


There is a reason for the difference.

What did I say that hurt your feelings?
Nothing. I think you troll the fans on this site unnecessarily and the evidence is littered all over the board. Just that. Your good opinions are lost settling scores.
RE: RE: RE: RE: jvm  
Go Terps : 12/5/2023 4:03 pm : link
In comment 16314217 Thegratefulhead said:
Nothing. I think you troll the fans on this site unnecessarily and the evidence is littered all over the board. Just that. Your good opinions are lost settling scores.

I'm not interested in softening anything to make you out anyone else here feel better about what a shitshow this team has been. You and others have been indulging in a game of pretend when it comes to what last year was, and what this team has been for years. Sorry that makes you sad, but it's not my fault.
*or anyone else  
Go Terps : 12/5/2023 4:04 pm : link
Terps is talking about the team  
jinkies : 12/5/2023 4:08 pm : link
and you're talking about Terps. If you don't like his opinion, which is fair, just ignore it.

Nobody elected you troll police. To someone who doesn't share your opinion, your thoughts are like fingernails on chalk board, trust me. Doesn't mean I think you're trying to troll me. But I could go there, and say evidence of such is littered all over the board
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: jvm  
Thegratefulhead : 12/8/2023 12:11 pm : link
In comment 16314275 Go Terps said:
In comment 16314217 Thegratefulhead said:


Nothing. I think you troll the fans on this site unnecessarily and the evidence is littered all over the board. Just that. Your good opinions are lost settling scores.

I'm not interested in softening anything to make you out anyone else here feel better about what a shitshow this team has been. You and others have been indulging in a game of pretend when it comes to what last year was, and what this team has been for years. Sorry that makes you sad, but it's not my fault.
It doesn’t make me sad, it just means you’re a troll. You say things specifically to anger people every day. You could choose different language. You choose to be a dick. You reap what you sow.

You are a very small person. When you consider the volume of negativity you spew here, you must be a treasure at home. I know exactly what you are and I pity you.

I am sorry if that makes you sad.
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