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Can We Re-Convince Ourselves That DJ Will Be Good

gersh : 11/26/2023 4:12 pm
And healthy?
Insert egg nog post here  
Sec 103 : 11/26/2023 4:14 pm : link
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/26/2023 4:14 pm : link
Nope. Nope.
BillKo : 11/26/2023 4:15 pm : link
...time to let it go and let JS/BD pick their guy to sink or swim with - which I think will be their inclination.
I have been  
section125 : 11/26/2023 4:15 pm : link
"fooled" twice. Not again.
He’s getting  
darren in pdx : 11/26/2023 4:15 pm : link
outplayed by an undrafted rookie. They need to find a better solution.
Mdgiantsfan : 11/26/2023 4:16 pm : link
I’m starting to talk myself into believing this.
RE: Insert egg nog post here  
jomanc : 11/26/2023 4:17 pm : link
Jones has had plenty of time to proof he is a great QB. He has found himself wanting. We will never win a superbowl with daniel Jones. A great team always starts with a great QB, so unless we draft a diamond in the ruff of the remaining QB's after the first two, then we will be stuck for the years to come with being mediocre.]
2021-DJ will never be good  
Thunderstruck27 : 11/26/2023 4:19 pm : link
2022-DJ is good
2023-DJ was never good

Can't wait till 2024
It’s not that anymore  
Sammo85 : 11/26/2023 4:20 pm : link
He’s insanely expensive. Can’t pay mediocre QBs and “hope” to win.
RE: It’s not that anymore  
81_Great_Dane : 11/26/2023 4:27 pm : link
In comment 16302754 Sammo85 said:
He’s insanely expensive. Can’t pay mediocre QBs and “hope” to win.
He's not "insanely expensive" for a mediocre quarterback. He's insanely expensive for a bad quarterback. He's not paid like a top QB; he's more or less middle of the pack for a starting QB.

If he was about as good as last year, his compensation would be no problem. He was bad most of the time this year and, worse, unavailable, and now his future health is in doubt.

The Giants structured his deal so they could bail easily after the 2024 season. I expect they will. And no, I can't reconvince myself that DJ will be good. Next year will come, we'll find out then. I don't think Shoen will assume he's going to be good, so I think they'll acquire a rookie QB.
logman : 11/26/2023 4:30 pm : link
My favorite football team and its fan base are in an  
jinkies : 11/26/2023 4:31 pm : link
obsessive codependency with a bad quarterback.
gary_from_chester : 11/26/2023 4:38 pm : link
Would we? Why should we?

The Giants will draft a QB next year. I’d be beyond shocked if they didn’t.
RE: My favorite football team and its fan base are in an  
Thunderstruck27 : 11/26/2023 4:38 pm : link
In comment 16302821 jinkies said:
obsessive codependency with a bad quarterback.

Do you root for our OLine? Because I hate to break it to you...
"If DeVito can play like this imagine what DJ will do when healthy!"  
Ten Ton Hammer : 11/26/2023 4:40 pm : link
HBart : 11/26/2023 4:48 pm : link
It's easy. If you trust Daboll and Schoen, they felt that way (with reason after last season) and probably still do, but with less certainty.

I'm good with whatever they do come April. Either way, unless his 4 game regression is permanent, Jones will be here next season and starting somewhere in 25.
RE: RE: My favorite football team and its fan base are in an  
jinkies : 11/26/2023 4:51 pm : link
In comment 16302856 Thunderstruck27 said:
In comment 16302821 jinkies said:


obsessive codependency with a bad quarterback.

Do you root for our OLine? Because I hate to break it to you...

Which OL? There have been so many. So many players who found success elsewhere. But only one QB we obsess over.
He’s going into year 6  
lax counsel : 11/26/2023 5:04 pm : link
And more often than not he’s looked inept as a passer. The best thing you can say about him going into year 6 is you don’t know what you have. If you are still saying that in year 6, you don’t have a qb. There aren’t many examples of a qb breaking out in year 6.
Jones to me is decent  
Giants86 : 11/26/2023 5:04 pm : link
With a good line and guys around him

Problem is he is injury prone again.

He can’t elevate the team around him often enough.

We need to draft a Qb in April
Hilary : 11/26/2023 5:27 pm : link
I watch every Michigan game.
JJ has a strong arm but cannot
consistently make the long passes
outside the has marks that DeVito is
making to Hyatt- and he will be a late 1st or
second round pick
His injury profile “should “  
Dave on the UWS : 11/26/2023 6:35 pm : link
mean they CAN’T continue with him as QB1. He should retire for health reasons, two neck injuries means he can’t be counted on.
The more interesting  
mittenedman : 11/26/2023 8:34 pm : link
question is - why did he regress this year?

David Carr’d?

Bad coaching?
Matt M. : 11/26/2023 10:18 pm : link
But, the real issue is we may be stuck with him as the starter in another prove it year because we slid out of draft position for one of the top 3 QBs.
RE: The more interesting  
Sean : 11/26/2023 10:21 pm : link
In comment 16303519 mittenedman said:
question is - why did he regress this year?

David Carr’d?

Bad coaching?

Maybe he just isn't that good and teams adjusted. Locks into his first read, quick to run. I think it's pretty simple.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 10:25 pm : link
just stop.

It's been five years.

The loyalty to Phil Simms and Eli Manning made sense.

This is like fans forming some sort of Dave Brown cult at this point.
SFGFNCGiantsFan : 11/26/2023 10:30 pm : link
The loyalty this guy gets from some…

Will never understand it.
RE: …  
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 10:31 pm : link
In comment 16303703 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:
The loyalty this guy gets from some…

Will never understand it.

I wish him no ill will. He seems like a nice guy.

But it didn't work out.

It's like holding onto a bad stock.
hes here next year  
bigbluewillrise : 11/26/2023 10:40 pm : link
no matter what.

but i dc if its a 2nd or 3rd round QB. there needs to be a day 1 or 2 pick invested.

take a swing!
RE: RE: …  
jinkies : 11/26/2023 10:42 pm : link
In comment 16303705 Eric from BBI said:
In comment 16303703 SFGFNCGiantsFan said:


The loyalty this guy gets from some…

Will never understand it.

I wish him no ill will. He seems like a nice guy.

But it didn't work out.

It's like holding onto a bad stock.

It seems some people only care about winning if it includes Jones. They care about Jones more than the team.

It seems to me they won't be happy until they rename the team...

christian : 11/26/2023 10:48 pm : link
I like Schoen, but he fucked up.

When he didn't pick up Jones's option, he explicitly said he had the franchise tag at his disposal to achieve the same result.

He should have handed Jones 32M and said you've earned this, now go prove me wrong and earn 200M more.
RE: ...  
Sean : 11/26/2023 10:54 pm : link
In comment 16303719 christian said:
I like Schoen, but he fucked up.

When he didn't pick up Jones's option, he explicitly said he had the franchise tag at his disposal to achieve the same result.

He should have handed Jones 32M and said you've earned this, now go prove me wrong and earn 200M more.

He should have. But, at the same time a lot of fans felt the contract was structured in a way where Schoen won the negotiation. Unfortunately, it has been the worst case scenario and Schoen/Daboll miscalculated his level of play and his market. It's Schoen's job to foresee this.

But, in terms of positional value - he did what you'd expect. Franchise the RB and pay the QB. It was a hard negotiation for both. They were both always coming back.

Schoen and Daboll don't have years to just throw away. I suspect they will try hard to get their QB. Otherwise, they'll both be fired.
The Giants don't need to use a first rounder to improve on Jones  
Go Terps : 11/26/2023 11:28 pm : link
We're seeing now they can probably do it with a UDFA.

They'll have a shot at somebody, or a couple somebodys if they want to be really smart and draft a couple QBs.

Forgetting the empathy for an injured player, the best thing for the franchise would be if Jones's injuries took a long time to heal.
I like Jones as he's easy to root for  
Larry in Pencilvania : 11/26/2023 11:49 pm : link
But enough with excuses. I have had it with the injuries and the lack of weapons or the online. Time to cut bait, time to build the team around a better and more cost effective qb. Eagles found someone in round two, Ravens in the middle of round one. Cowboys round four. Why can't the giants
SomeFan : 11/27/2023 5:40 am : link
He has less of a feel for the QB position than our UDFA. That is not changing.
When a player has been on your team  
mattnyg05 : 11/27/2023 6:41 am : link
for 5 seasons and you don’t know if he’s good… he’s not good
With a real O-line and a real #1 receiver  
Eightshamrocks : 11/27/2023 12:43 pm : link
The Giants with Jones can go 11-6 next year. I am tired of the Jones haters to be honest. If you swapee Jones and Hurts, the Eagles woulf still be 10-1. Jones isn't the problem-the Giants trash roster and trash offensive line is. But go ahead, draft JD Danirls and go 3-14 in 2025. You build a team inside out! If you have a shit offensive line, you are going to suck, period.
RE: I like Jones as he's easy to root for  
jinkies : 11/27/2023 12:49 pm : link
In comment 16303774 Larry in Pencilvania said:
But enough with excuses. I have had it with the injuries and the lack of weapons or the online. Time to cut bait, time to build the team around a better and more cost effective qb. Eagles found someone in round two, Ravens in the middle of round one. Cowboys round four. Why can't the giants

I don't like Jones as a quarterback, and I do not think he's easy to root for, because I prefer to root for hood football.
Sy mentioned it in one of his reviews  
Greg from LI : 11/27/2023 12:52 pm : link
After several years, if you still have to convince yourself that a guy is good, he isn't actually good.
Whatever Happens  
Lambuth_Special : 11/27/2023 12:54 pm : link
I'm dreading the "first in the building at 5:30 am" articles we're going to have to read during the offseason.

Honestly, I'd prefer it if he didn't take the workaholic approach and instead disappeared to the desert for a few weeks on psychedelic mushrooms to figure out why he was so bad this season.
JonC : 11/27/2023 12:57 pm : link
I was ready to move on two years ago, and nothing has changed over the longer play. It's time to prepare to move on.
Watching both a backup and a UDFA perform better than Jones did  
gidiefor : Mod : 11/27/2023 1:40 pm : link
with the same team around him -- it's all over but the crying
mittenedman : 11/27/2023 1:52 pm : link
Do you actually think the pass blocking is the same as it was early in the year?

It was a jailbreak from everywhere almost every snap. I’ve never seen anything like it. DeVito is not facing that kind of pressure.
He is what he is  
Johnny5 : 11/27/2023 1:56 pm : link
A guy you can win with if you have decent protection, and he stays healthy. That view hasn't changed for me. There was a WHOLE bunch that went wrong this season, QB play was just a part of it. If we build up the team and he comes back 100% healthy there's no reason to believe we could not be a competitive playoff team again. That said, I don't think at this point anyone can convince themselves the Giants will ever win a Super Bowl with him behind center. Even if he did have some type of a Renaissance season, this team for the most part sucks (I still am baffled how people don't see this - sure we have some good pieces to build around but we have way WAY too many holes still, especially on the OL and DL). We will not be good enough to compete with Dallas or Philly until he is already on another team.
Regardless of whether he can be good, or good enough, or sucks  
Now Mike in MD : 11/27/2023 1:59 pm : link
or whatever liable any fan wants to put on him, it is irrelevant because unfortunately he cannot stay healthy. We can all disagree on Jones' abilities, but at this point I just don't think it can be disputed that not only does he have an injury problem, but the two neck injuries are particularly concerning.

RE: Regardless of whether he can be good, or good enough, or sucks  
mittenedman : 11/27/2023 3:09 pm : link
In comment 16304834 Now Mike in MD said:
or whatever liable any fan wants to put on him, it is irrelevant because unfortunately he cannot stay healthy. We can all disagree on Jones' abilities, but at this point I just don't think it can be disputed that not only does he have an injury problem, but the two neck injuries are particularly concerning.

You've got it pegged.

I think (finally) most Giants fans (and seemingly the organization, too) are all in the same place with DJ. Whether you believe he always sucked, regressed this year, or is perfectly fine, we can all agree he's an injury risk that has to be hedged, and those injuries may limit the strengths of his game moving forward.

It's time to start talking about solutions, and there are obviously some interesting options.
RE: stop  
Matt M. : 11/27/2023 3:13 pm : link
In comment 16303696 Eric from BBI said:
just stop.

It's been five years.

The loyalty to Phil Simms and Eli Manning made sense.

This is like fans forming some sort of Dave Brown cult at this point.
Hey - Brown gets a bad rap...
Hyatt needs to get a ton of different targets the rest of the way  
Matt M. : 11/27/2023 3:14 pm : link
Personally, I believe he could be their #1. But, they only use him on about 3 routes.
when you're basically stuck with a player  
djm : 11/27/2023 3:45 pm : link
and/or that player displayed good play prior to this bad run of play we've seen, well run teams and staffs try and fix that player.

History tells us this.
I know  
djm : 11/27/2023 3:47 pm : link
sounds stupid, most will give me shit, but I don't think it's bad to draft a QB and try and rehab DJ's game at the same time. NYG really have no choice anyway.

Get the most out of what you got.
RE: RE: stop  
djm : 11/27/2023 3:48 pm : link
In comment 16305004 Matt M. said:
In comment 16303696 Eric from BBI said:


just stop.

It's been five years.

The loyalty to Phil Simms and Eli Manning made sense.

This is like fans forming some sort of Dave Brown cult at this point.

Hey - Brown gets a bad rap...

Simms got more shit here than DJ did after his first 5 years.

Means nothing other than it just illustrates how tough it is to diagnose good QBs.
RE: RE: RE: stop  
HBart : 11/27/2023 4:12 pm : link
In comment 16305060 djm said:
In comment 16305004 Matt M. said:


In comment 16303696 Eric from BBI said:


just stop.

It's been five years.

The loyalty to Phil Simms and Eli Manning made sense.

This is like fans forming some sort of Dave Brown cult at this point.

Hey - Brown gets a bad rap...

Simms got more shit here than DJ did after his first 5 years.

Means nothing other than it just illustrates how tough it is to diagnose good QBs.

Simms is an interesting comparison. He looked promising as a rookie. Then he was meh on a meh team, hurt a whole season and did nothing the next.

If free agency and the salary cap were around he might not have gotten a 6th season. But he did, he crushed it, and the rest is history.
RE: I know  
Johnny5 : 11/27/2023 5:29 pm : link
In comment 16305056 djm said:
sounds stupid, most will give me shit, but I don't think it's bad to draft a QB and try and rehab DJ's game at the same time. NYG really have no choice anyway.

Get the most out of what you got.

Agreed 100%. If they have conviction on a guy, pull the trigger, let them fight it out next year. I'm totally good with that scenario. If they don't pick a QB though, we are going to see some cliff jumpers here... lol
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