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Pulling Barkley on 3rd down

I Love Clams Casino : 11/26/2023 4:15 pm
Stupid nonsensical theory

Daboll is unhappy with Barkley’s effort on earlier downs, feeling as if he is taking advantage and showing full effort on 3rd down to pad his value. As a result, Daboll pulls him on 3rd downs.
THey have done it all  
section125 : 11/26/2023 4:17 pm : link
year. Bring in Breida for blocking....and Breida is actually better at catching.
darren in pdx : 11/26/2023 4:17 pm : link
This is peak BBI right here.
I think one of the Giants' problems  
81_Great_Dane : 11/26/2023 4:20 pm : link
is that other teams key on Barkley and the Giants haven't found a way to make them pay for it.

As noted above, Barkley isn't the best in pass protection. I might be inclined to try him lined up wide on 3rd down — but what do I know?
AZ Blue : 11/26/2023 4:23 pm : link
mentioned on the broadcast that it was Barkley’s decision to come out on those plays for what it’s worth
RE: I think one of the Giants' problems  
liteamorn : 11/26/2023 4:25 pm : link
In comment 16302757 81_Great_Dane said:
is that other teams key on Barkley and the Giants haven't found a way to make them pay for it.

As noted above, Barkley isn't the best in pass protection. I might be inclined to try him lined up wide on 3rd down — but what do I know?
This, and it puts a question mark for the D to figure out
LOL - hahaha  
PatersonPlank : 11/26/2023 4:26 pm : link
You know this how?

Didn't you hear that Barkley makes the call when to come out and go in?
RE: …  
Wiggy : 11/26/2023 4:32 pm : link
In comment 16302737 darren in pdx said:
This is peak BBI right here.
yep. Unbelievable
regischarlotte : 11/26/2023 5:01 pm : link
told you everything about the immense respect he has do Saquon in abiuy five words in his postgame presser.
RE: Daboll  
regischarlotte : 11/26/2023 5:02 pm : link
In comment 16302915 regischarlotte said:
told you everything about the immense respect he has do Saquon in abiuy five words in his postgame presser.

In English:

told you everything about the immense respect he has for Saquon in about five words in his postgame presser.

Barkley is a home run hitter  
George : 11/26/2023 5:11 pm : link
But a shitty pass blocker. Unless he’s getting the ball, he has no business being on the field if it’s third and long.
RE: Barkley is a home run hitter  
averagejoe : 11/26/2023 5:21 pm : link
In comment 16302947 George said:
But a shitty pass blocker. Unless he’s getting the ball, he has no business being on the field if it’s third and long.

Can we please stop with the Barkley is a HR hitter nonsense ?? He has not taken a long run to the house in 3 yrs. And yes , he is a shitty blocker. He runs soft and he blocks soft .
Cheech d : 11/26/2023 6:37 pm : link
He’s a really bad pass blocker.
He whiffs on some and gets blown up way too often. Peppers destroyed him today. Unless he’s a 1st or 2nd read on a pass play, he belongs on the bench on 3rd down
I think the Peppers play  
arniefez : 11/26/2023 6:53 pm : link
is the reason Barkley got subbed out on 3rd downs more than usual today. At least DeVito didn't let Peppers take the ball out of his hands and run for a touchdown.
He was touched by the hands of Jamal Adams - ( New Window )
RE: RE: Barkley is a home run hitter  
section125 : 11/26/2023 6:59 pm : link
In comment 16302982 averagejoe said:
In comment 16302947 George said:


But a shitty pass blocker. Unless he’s getting the ball, he has no business being on the field if it’s third and long.

Can we please stop with the Barkley is a HR hitter nonsense ?? He has not taken a long run to the house in 3 yrs. And yes , he is a shitty blocker. He runs soft and he blocks soft .

You are right, he hits doubles and triples.....when has anybody ever said Barkley is a power runner - ever.?He is a finesse type runner that can on occassion lower his shoulder and has. But no, he is not Brandon Jacobs and anyone that thinks he ever was is clueless.
Stop with the Barkley is a bad pass blocker stuff  
PatersonPlank : 11/26/2023 7:35 pm : link
Its a remnant from years ago that people keep repeating who are still pissed he was picked 2nd. Attached is the PFF article ranking him #1
Top RB Pass Blockers - ( New Window )
Use your eyes  
George : 11/26/2023 9:25 pm : link
Barkley is not a good blocker.

Then again, pretty much no one on the Giants is.
4xchamps : 11/27/2023 9:06 am : link
During the game they said that Dabs give Barkley the option to come out, they never pull him out.
Just the kind of player you want to Franchise Tag.  
ThomasG : 11/27/2023 9:20 am : link
A RB who leaves the field on third down on a broken offense.

Need to remember to post this the next thread someone starts on what to do with Barkley.
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