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Daboll gave Wink the game ball

Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 5:01 pm
Video - ( New Window )
BrettNYG10 : 11/26/2023 5:01 pm : link
"... After rubbing poison ivy on it."-Pat Leonard
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 5:02 pm : link
Charlotte Carroll
On the Wink Martindale-Brian Daboll tension, #giants Kayvon Thibodeaux says he “doesn’t acknowledge” things that don’t come from inside the building.

“Wink is a great coach”
Wink deserved it but Dabolls answer in the PC  
robbieballs2003 : 11/26/2023 5:03 pm : link
was weird to say the least. He is trying to put out the fire but I don't think Glazer just made this up.
Eric from BBI : Admin : 11/26/2023 5:04 pm : link
Dan Duggan
LB Jihad Ward, who has been a favorite of Wink Martindale’s for years, said he hasn’t seen any hatred between the coaches. “Whatever is out there in the media, that’s saying that Wink and Dabes got beef, that’s bullshit.”
One of the marks of a grownup, and a good manager,  
81_Great_Dane : 11/26/2023 5:06 pm : link
is the ability to put aside personal feelings and give a shout-out to people who do a good job. He may or may not dislike Wink personally, but the D won the game today.

As for the reports that Wink could go in-season: He sure isn't going to be fired this week, at least not for the D's performance. If he really wanted to give the finger to Daboll et al, he could resign after a game like this — but I don't see it.
Glazer doesn’t make shit up,  
shockeyisthebest8056 : 11/26/2023 5:08 pm : link
but I do like Dabs poking writers like Pat Leonard in the eye.
RE: ....  
djm : 11/26/2023 5:09 pm : link
In comment 16302917 BrettNYG10 said:
"... After rubbing poison ivy on it."-Pat Leonard

As bad as a relationship could be between a HC and a coordinator,  
robbieballs2003 : 11/26/2023 5:11 pm : link
These guys are not quitters and you have to remember that they love their players and it is about them.
NYGiantFL007 : 11/26/2023 5:13 pm : link
strong personalities and big egos go at it, that is how it works in highly competitive workplaces. Does not mean at the end of the day, folks don't get a beer.
This is why you don’t tank, Winning cures  
Rory : 11/26/2023 5:18 pm : link

Did Daboll...  
JohnG in Albany : 11/26/2023 5:20 pm : link
also kiss Wink on both cheeks? *grin*
RE: Glazer doesn’t make shit up,  
DefenseWins : 11/26/2023 5:21 pm : link
In comment 16302936 shockeyisthebest8056 said:
but I do like Dabs poking writers like Pat Leonard in the eye.

how do we know Glazer doesn't make shit up?
RE: Did Daboll...  
mfsd : 11/26/2023 5:24 pm : link
In comment 16302981 JohnG in Albany said:
also kiss Wink on both cheeks? *grin*

LOL. I know it was you Fredo...
The air in that blimp the media was about to start....  
Fishmanjim57 : 11/26/2023 5:25 pm : link
just got a large hole in it! GOOD! I love Wink and Dabe's, and I love making the sports media look like a bunch slack jawed morons!
Jalin Hyatt  
5BowlsSoon : 11/26/2023 5:29 pm : link
Deserved to be the player to get the game ball.
RE: Jalin Hyatt  
Fishmanjim57 : 11/26/2023 5:34 pm : link
In comment 16303008 5BowlsSoon said:
Deserved to be the player to get the game ball.

Dabe's was making a point to end the BS that Glazer began!
RE: ....  
jhibb : 11/26/2023 5:35 pm : link
In comment 16302917 BrettNYG10 said:
"... After rubbing poison ivy on it."-Pat Leonard

Well done.
AROCK1000 : 11/26/2023 5:47 pm : link
can kiss my A$$#@#%^&&!!!!
Daboll simply gets it....
I trust Glazer's reporting here  
BlackLight : 11/26/2023 6:02 pm : link
but I also think Daboll and Wink understand that nobody can possibly benefit from their relationship publicly going south. Wink still wants to be a head coach - as unlikely as that might be, getting run out of town in his last two jobs makes the odds even worse.
Glazer is one of the most  
Dave on the UWS : 11/26/2023 6:12 pm : link
reliable reporters in the business.
There are surely issues with the two.
A lot of it is probably derived from the fact that this season
has NOT gone the way Either thought it would.
Frustration causes bad blood. Wins can ease the pain and put many fires out.
Daboll giving Wink the game ball today is a public acknowledgement of a job well done.
That’s how you manage. These are the things I want to see out of Daboll’s
We HAVE to stop the revolving coaching door or this organization will NEVER get there.
Nobody is saying…  
Chris in Philly : 11/26/2023 6:13 pm : link
Glazer made anything up. But there’s no guarantee what he’s hearing is accurate. Getting wrapped up in media narratives in search of drama is a waste of time.
I think the 2 ruling families  
RetroJint : 11/26/2023 6:53 pm : link
Have members who like to drink upon occasion . Jay has come a long way from his early seasons as a newsweekly reporter when he wrote that the Cowboy offensive linemen had smeared silicone all over their jerseys and the Seahawks had microphones interspersed throughout the stadium , connected to hidden, massive amplifiers for crowd- noise enhancement . Somebody from the Eagles told him that Johnson woke up this morning with his nuts aching . I’m sure the Bills were interested in that .

I don’t think he made up the quote . I just question whether his source was reliable . As for Wink he might be buying another year by rolling up turnovers against shit offenses . Look every team does that . Witness Dallas .
RE: RE: Glazer doesn’t make shit up,  
Wiggy : 11/26/2023 6:58 pm : link
In comment 16302983 DefenseWins said:
In comment 16302936 shockeyisthebest8056 said:


but I do like Dabs poking writers like Pat Leonard in the eye.

how do we know Glazer doesn't make shit up?
RE: RE: RE: Glazer doesn’t make shit up,  
Chris in Philly : 11/26/2023 7:29 pm : link
In comment 16303262 Wiggy said:
In comment 16302983 DefenseWins said:


In comment 16302936 shockeyisthebest8056 said:


but I do like Dabs poking writers like Pat Leonard in the eye.

how do we know Glazer doesn't make shit up?


Because he is friends with Strahan and has created a sense of being on the inside. Everyone lies and everyone has an agenda. People should learn to stop accepting everything they hear reported.
I don’t think it’s beyond Glazer to sensationalize something  
steve in ky : 11/26/2023 8:12 pm : link
The team had had some bad losses, I’m sure there have been moments of frustration amongst the staff, they are under tremendous pressure. But it could be nothing more than that and zero issue between the two and Glazer sensationalized it for ratings.
You guys just don't get it  
Larry in Pencilvania : 11/26/2023 8:14 pm : link
Never ever get between two fat guys and the last slice 🍕
RE: I don’t think it’s beyond Glazer to sensationalize something  
BlackLight : 11/26/2023 8:21 pm : link
In comment 16303469 steve in ky said:
The team had had some bad losses, I’m sure there have been moments of frustration amongst the staff, they are under tremendous pressure. But it could be nothing more than that and zero issue between the two and Glazer sensationalized it for ratings.

I don't see many folks scrambling to watch two terrible football teams play a meaningless football game on the basis of one team's HC and DC got beef.
RE: RE: I don’t think it’s beyond Glazer to sensationalize something  
steve in ky : 11/26/2023 8:22 pm : link
In comment 16303494 BlackLight said:
In comment 16303469 steve in ky said:


The team had had some bad losses, I’m sure there have been moments of frustration amongst the staff, they are under tremendous pressure. But it could be nothing more than that and zero issue between the two and Glazer sensationalized it for ratings.

I don't see many folks scrambling to watch two terrible football teams play a meaningless football game on the basis of one team's HC and DC got beef.

Not sure I get you point?
For those questioning Glazer,  
robbieballs2003 : 11/26/2023 9:00 pm : link
He has a great reputation and doesn't report something to just report it. He confirms anything he says publicly. And for those that think he is, tell me another time Daboll gave a game ball to a coach? This is all to diffuse the publicity of this. This is also not the first time it has been reported about tension between the two of them. Also, go look at what Daboll said about Wink after the game. They are doing damage control.
RE: For those questioning Glazer,  
section125 : 11/26/2023 9:22 pm : link
In comment 16303573 robbieballs2003 said:
He has a great reputation and doesn't report something to just report it. He confirms anything he says publicly. And for those that think he is, tell me another time Daboll gave a game ball to a coach? This is all to diffuse the publicity of this. This is also not the first time it has been reported about tension between the two of them. Also, go look at what Daboll said about Wink after the game. They are doing damage control.

#1 - So what, the defense has stunk
#2 - Wink had to step it up. He had the benefit of most of the teams upgrades this season and they were pretty bad
#3 - Perhaps Daboll gave it to Wink to stop rumors
#4 - The players say it isn't so

Jay is normally very well tuned in, that is true.
RE: RE: RE: I don’t think it’s beyond Glazer to sensationalize something  
BlackLight : 11/26/2023 9:53 pm : link
In comment 16303497 steve in ky said:
In comment 16303494 BlackLight said:


In comment 16303469 steve in ky said:


The team had had some bad losses, I’m sure there have been moments of frustration amongst the staff, they are under tremendous pressure. But it could be nothing more than that and zero issue between the two and Glazer sensationalized it for ratings.

I don't see many folks scrambling to watch two terrible football teams play a meaningless football game on the basis of one team's HC and DC got beef.

Not sure I get you point?

Then you didn't really understand your own. There was no ratings spike to be had by sensationalizing a bit of innuendo on an NFL pregame show.
Glazer doesn’t need to make something up  
UConn4523 : 11/26/2023 10:04 pm : link
to be wrong. He could have bad info, is that not on the table? Never knew he batted 1.000.
RE: RE: RE: RE: I don’t think it’s beyond Glazer to sensationalize something  
steve in ky : 11/27/2023 3:46 am : link
In comment 16303663 BlackLight said:
In comment 16303497 steve in ky said:


In comment 16303494 BlackLight said:


In comment 16303469 steve in ky said:


The team had had some bad losses, I’m sure there have been moments of frustration amongst the staff, they are under tremendous pressure. But it could be nothing more than that and zero issue between the two and Glazer sensationalized it for ratings.

I don't see many folks scrambling to watch two terrible football teams play a meaningless football game on the basis of one team's HC and DC got beef.

Not sure I get you point?

Then you didn't really understand your own. There was no ratings spike to be had by sensationalizing a bit of innuendo on an NFL pregame show.

Maybe I could have worded it better, but I’m talking about him drawing attention to himself by sensationalizing something
Here is an article from the NY Post  
section125 : 11/27/2023 7:17 am : link
that refutes a rift between Daboll and Wink.

The players say it is untrue and Dabs and Martindale still yuck it up.

Jay is normally plugged in, but...

Where there is smoke, there usually is fire. However when the players say otherwise, I would be skeptical. The tenor of the article seems to support the players' position. One of them would have made a comment on the side if there was bad blood.

Wink and Daboll - ( New Window )
RE: Sometimes  
gersh : 11/27/2023 7:52 am : link
In comment 16302953 NYGiantFL007 said:
strong personalities and big egos go at it, that is how it works in highly competitive workplaces. Does not mean at the end of the day, folks don't get a beer.


I hope Wink is back next year.
I have found Glazer  
Lines of Scrimmage : 11/27/2023 7:55 am : link
to be right about a lot of things over the years.

We will see if this fades or if Glazer doubles down not liking that his credibility is being questioned.
Time will tell  
HBart : 11/27/2023 8:12 am : link
But the post-game player reactions and comments suggest it's BS.
Losing creates tension and clouds thought  
cosmicj : 11/27/2023 8:39 am : link
That’s why Daboll should make no in season decisions on the coaches. Let things settle in and start making a more even tempered analysis at the beginning of January.

All of these guys are putting in 18 hour days and in return are being humiliated publicly. It can’t be easy.
Doubt Glazer's reporting is bullshit  
bc4life : 11/27/2023 8:43 am : link
He's responsible and generally accurate.

Always disagreements between HCs and coordinators - losing + personality types can exacerbate that. If true, this is when GM earns their pay - mediating the peace.
RE: Doubt Glazer's reporting is bullshit  
section125 : 11/27/2023 8:44 am : link
In comment 16303910 bc4life said:
He's responsible and generally accurate.

Always disagreements between HCs and coordinators - losing + personality types can exacerbate that. If true, this is when GM earns their pay - mediating the peace.

Seems to me it is already smoothed over....
Pat Hanlon  
JoeyBigBlue : 11/27/2023 8:55 am : link
With a masterclass in PR spinning.
RE: Wink deserved it but Dabolls answer in the PC  
logman : 11/27/2023 8:55 am : link
In comment 16302923 robbieballs2003 said:
was weird to say the least. He is trying to put out the fire but I don't think Glazer just made this up.

It's possible that two things are true simultaneously. One, that Glazer was told about this, and two, that source could be wrong
Daboll should calm down and recall Winston Wolf's advice  
Victor in CT : 11/27/2023 9:05 am : link
and not start sucking each others dicks just yet.

The Ds best games were against the Jets and Pats, the only 2 offenses challenging the Giants for ineptitude. They were GASHED last week against WAS (404 yards) and were fortunate that Howell is a turnover machine. And had the Pats not stupidly kept trying to throw when were able to run at will our beloved Jints would have been run out of the building.
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