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Giants : 11/27/2023 11:24 am
Sacked 9 times last week. This week sacked 6 times. Give Devito a OL
More than a few of those sucks  
Section331 : 11/27/2023 11:25 am : link
are on him, he holds the ball way too long. I thought the pass pro was pretty good yesterday, arguably the best we’ve seen all year (admittedly not saying much).
It's not all on the OL  
RHPeel : 11/27/2023 11:25 am : link
A lot of the issue is that DeVito runs into sacks or holds the ball too long.
I find it peculiar that the same people  
LW_Giants : 11/27/2023 11:33 am : link
that come on this forum day after day saying QB is no sure thing and that's why the Giants shouldn't take one with their pick, simultaneously assume that using that first on an o-lineman will automatically "fix" the line. We've been drafting o-lineman in the first round for the last decade, and it still is not fixed. So, how is that any more of a safe pick than taking a QB?
I hope after the break they play Mckethon  
WillieYoung : 11/27/2023 11:35 am : link
instead of Pugh
RE: I hope after the break they play Mckethon  
Ira : 11/27/2023 11:37 am : link
In comment 16304427 WillieYoung said:
instead of Pugh

I don't think either one is doing very well. We need two good guards.
RE: I find it peculiar that the same people  
upnyg : 11/27/2023 11:38 am : link
In comment 16304424 LW_Giants said:
that come on this forum day after day saying QB is no sure thing and that's why the Giants shouldn't take one with their pick, simultaneously assume that using that first on an o-lineman will automatically "fix" the line. We've been drafting o-lineman in the first round for the last decade, and it still is not fixed. So, how is that any more of a safe pick than taking a QB?
True, theoretically...if we traded out of the 1st round for multiple picks in 2024 and 2025 then we would have a better chance of drafting and securing starters. Draft more players in rounds 2,3,4 etc. Have them all compete and build starters and backups. Then once that's done go for the star QB, Edge, etc player in 2025/2026.

I doubt they would do that.
thrunthrublue : 11/27/2023 11:47 am : link
No INT’s.
DeVito's Penchant for Holding  
clatterbuck : 11/27/2023 11:48 am : link
the Ball too long is a major improvement area for him if he wants a long-term NFL career. He seems to be a great kid, a Jersey Guy, nice story and all, but he needs to throw it away or find the check down. He doesn't seem to have the movement skills or running ability to extend plays.
Devito is a great story, but  
redwhiteandbigblue : 11/27/2023 12:05 pm : link
He does not possess good footwork or pocket presence. Holds the ball way too long and should have learned by now to throw the ball away instead of taking sacks which destroy their offensive series. You can also see that when you compare him to DJ, he just does not have the elusiveness to pull it down, run, and gain any substantial yardage. Love his story but this is not a QB who will be the Giants future.

DeVito probably has the…  
Vinny from Danbury : 11/27/2023 12:18 pm : link
Worst feet and ability to scramble of any quarterback I’ve seen in the NFL in quite a while. He seems to be a sack waiting to happen every time he drops back.
Come on guys  
k2tampa : 11/27/2023 12:31 pm : link
He is an undrafted rookie free agent. What exactly do you expect? Mahomes light? (And remember, Mahomes sat an entire year before starting) There is a reason (actually lots of them) why he wasn't drafted. NFL teams didn't think he was one of the top 220 prospects in the draft. The fact that he isn't throwing two or three INTs a game is impressive enough.

I don't know what more any logical person can ask from a guy who is still supposed to be running the scout team. The expectations of some around here are just incredible. I'm more upset he cost the Giants a top 2 pick than I am that he doesn't throw the ball away, a problem many young QBs deal with for an entire rookie season. He's played 2.5 games behind an O line that, despite playing much better than when Jones and Taylor were getting pummeled, is still weak.
If we do then what?  
SirLoinOfBeef : 11/27/2023 12:34 pm : link
Do you really believe Devito is the answer at QB?
ElitoCanton : 11/27/2023 12:36 pm : link
creates his own sacks. It is amazing how fans still blame OLs for most sacks. So much evidence that sacks are often a QB stat.
He has a good arm, a good touch, and he leads receivers well.  
CT Charlie : 11/27/2023 12:44 pm : link
Running a spread offense with 3+ seconds to throw, he'd be superb.

Here and now? I'm just glad he keeps bouncing back up.
No one is expecting the world  
redwhiteandbigblue : 11/27/2023 12:45 pm : link
from DeVito. In fact, he has done admirable job so far. Its the ridiculous posts like "What if DeVito Plays well the rest of the season ?" that are so frustrating. People need to open their eyes. He is not starting QB material.
Jones, Taylor and DeVito  
Hilary : 11/27/2023 12:53 pm : link
All hammered behind this line but it is mainly on the QB.

The coaching DeVito needs is never take points off the board.
Once in field goal range survey the field and get rid of the ball if no one open in 2 - 3 seconds. Don't get sacked from the 35-the 45
Archer : 11/27/2023 12:59 pm : link
You can criticize Devito but there is also a lot to like.
He throws a great ball. There is plenty of zip and he is very accurate.
When he drops back and has time he does not miss his target.
He throws receivers open.

He is mobile and can pick up yardage running the ball.

He has problems reading coverages. If his primary read is covered he does not know where to go with the ball.
He doesn't find his check downs causing him to take sacks. He also seems to be looking deep which causes him to hold the ball and to take sacks.

However, the fact that he will hold the ball allows him to make splash plays. it is not surprising to see Hyatt break out. Most of his patterns take time to develop.

And Devito has shown some success behind a suspect line and without a consistent running game.
I think that Devito can be Brock Purdy or better and on a team like San Fran.
Devito can be better than Brock Purdy  
redwhiteandbigblue : 11/27/2023 1:10 pm : link
Please, please send me a pair of those rose colored glasses. Lol.
Were some of those sacks on Devito? Yes. But we've set the bar so low  
Blue21 : 11/27/2023 2:23 pm : link
on what we call good offensive line play it's ridiculous. DeVito continued to not be able to step up in the pocket because the pocket was constantly pushed back in his face. I watch other games and see QBs with a legitimate pocket but not with our Giants. More times than not our QBs are throwing under pressure.
This I know  
5BowlsSoon : 11/27/2023 2:48 pm : link
He is the only one who has both found and is utilizing one Jalin Hyatt.
Like the 2 guys who preceded him,  
BigBlueNH : 11/27/2023 2:57 pm : link
he'd look a lot better behind a competent OL. How much better, we don't know. But he's shown me enough that I'm happy keeping him around a few more years to see how he can develop. Seems at least he'd achieve the level of a competent backup.
He's played 2 shit teams  
nochance : 11/27/2023 8:30 pm : link
Who were playing at their worst and appeared to have given up.
With this how many times was he sacked? A QB will have to be drafted somewhere early next draft or the Giants will roll with Jones
If he holds the ball but makes big plays downfield  
GiantTuff1 : 11/28/2023 11:20 am : link
I would rather that than what we've seen out of Daniel Jones.
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